990 resultados para sharing-participation
The Janssen-Cilag proposal for a risk-sharing agreement regarding bortezomib received a welcome signal from NICE. The Office of Fair Trading report included risk-sharing agreements as an available tool for the National Health Service. Nonetheless, recent discussions have somewhat neglected the economic fundamentals underlying risk-sharing agreements. We argue here that risk-sharing agreements, although attractive due to the principle of paying by results, also entail risks. Too many patients may be put under treatment even with a low success probability. Prices are likely to be adjusted upward, in anticipation of future risk-sharing agreements between the pharmaceutical company and the third-party payer. An available instrument is a verification cost per patient treated, which allows obtaining the first-best allocation of patients to the new treatment, under the risk sharing agreement. Overall, the welfare effects of risk-sharing agreements are ambiguous, and care must be taken with their use.
Consider the problem of scheduling a task set τ of implicit-deadline sporadic tasks to meet all deadlines on a t-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform where tasks may access multiple shared resources. The multiprocessor platform has m k processors of type-k, where k∈{1,2,…,t}. The execution time of a task depends on the type of processor on which it executes. The set of shared resources is denoted by R. For each task τ i , there is a resource set R i ⊆R such that for each job of τ i , during one phase of its execution, the job requests to hold the resource set R i exclusively with the interpretation that (i) the job makes a single request to hold all the resources in the resource set R i and (ii) at all times, when a job of τ i holds R i , no other job holds any resource in R i . Each job of task τ i may request the resource set R i at most once during its execution. A job is allowed to migrate when it requests a resource set and when it releases the resource set but a job is not allowed to migrate at other times. Our goal is to design a scheduling algorithm for this problem and prove its performance. We propose an algorithm, LP-EE-vpr, which offers the guarantee that if an implicit-deadline sporadic task set is schedulable on a t-type heterogeneous multiprocessor platform by an optimal scheduling algorithm that allows a job to migrate only when it requests or releases a resource set, then our algorithm also meets the deadlines with the same restriction on job migration, if given processors 4×(1+MAXP×⌈|P|×MAXPmin{m1,m2,…,mt}⌉) times as fast. (Here MAXP and |P| are computed based on the resource sets that tasks request.) For the special case that each task requests at most one resource, the bound of LP-EE-vpr collapses to 4×(1+⌈|R|min{m1,m2,…,mt}⌉). To the best of our knowledge, LP-EE-vpr is the first algorithm with proven performance guarantee for real-time scheduling of sporadic tasks with resource sharing on t-type heterogeneous multiprocessors.
Demand response has gain increasing importance in the context of competitive electricity markets environment. The use of demand resources is also advantageous in the context of smart grid operation. In addition to the need of new business models for integrating demand response, adequate methods are necessary for an accurate determination of the consumers’ performance evaluation after the participation in a demand response event. The present paper makes a comparison between some of the existing baseline methods related to the consumers’ performance evaluation, comparing the results obtained with these methods and also with a method proposed by the authors of the paper. A case study demonstrates the application of the referred methods to real consumption data belonging to a consumer connected to a distribution network.
O presente documento reflete o percurso do desenho e do desenvolvimento de um projeto de Educação e Intervenção Social num Lar de idosos. Com base numa metodologia de Investigação-Ação Participativa, que privilegia os discursos, perceções e vivências dos atores sociais que integram esta realidade, procurou-se identificar os problemas e as necessidades. O conhecimento coconstruído com os idosos e profissionais da instituição permitiram a conceção e desenvolvimento do projeto “Envelhecer: ser e estar” que assentou, essencialmente, nas necessidades de (re) ativar e fortalecer as relações interpessoais, fomentar momentos de partilha, convívio, diálogo, discussão, negociação e participação, bem como, na urgência de envolver as pessoas na organização e ocupação do seu tempo livre promovendo a participação, o convívio e o lazer entre os idosos. Sendo um projeto das pessoas e com as pessoas, foram pensadas e planeadas ações e atividades que dessem resposta aos objetivos a que o projeto se propunha na tentativa de transformar e mudar os problemas e necessidades identificados pelos participantes. O projeto possibilitou, desta forma, iniciar um processo que permitiu fortalecer as relações entre os idosos, bem como envolvê-los na organização e participação das atividades do seu tempo livre, resultando num processo de transformação pessoal, grupal e institucional de permanente e contínua construção
O presente relatório reflete a (co)construção e desenvolvimento do projeto de educação e intervenção social “Participação, um Caminho para a Mudança”, que teve como palco a Caledial, uma clínica de hemodiálise em Canelas – Vila Nova de Gaia. Posicionado na metodologia da Investigação-Ação Participativa, este projeto permitiu a criação de espaços coletivos de partilha de experiências e vivências de pessoas com doença crónica, reconhecendo dificuldades e limitações, mas também as potencialidades e recursos existentes. Assim, pelo caminho da participação e da ação, procurou-se dar resposta a algumas das necessidades sentidas, promovendo um cada vez maior envolvimento das pessoas na procura do conhecimento sobre esta doença, no sentido da sua capacitação e empowerment. Teve como ponto de partida o primeiro convívio de Natal das pessoas em hemodiálise, familiares e profissionais da Caledial, e vários grupos de discussão sobre as vivências, perceções e sentimentos face à doença renal crónica. No âmbito deste projeto, resultado do trabalho coletivo de vários participantes, pretendeu-se compreender a realidade enquanto se agia sobre a mesma, num processo contínuo de reflexão-ação-reflexão, que foi capaz de mobilizar esforços individuais e coletivos no sentido da mudança. Surgiu como um desafio e afirmou-se como um dispositivo transformador das relações entre os profissionais de saúde, as pessoas em hemodiálise e as famílias, transformando a clínica num espaço mais aberto e inclusivo, promotor da participação e fértil para o desenvolver de atividades repletas de significado para as pessoas envolvidas.
Relatório EPE - Relatório de estágio em Educação Pré-Escolar: O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, inserida no Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação do Porto, durante o ano letivo 2013/2014, atribuindo qualificação profissional no contexto de pré-escolar. Este documento pretende descrever e analisar o percurso formativo desenvolvido pela mestranda ao longo da sua prática pedagógica supervisionada, numa perspetiva reflexiva sobre a construção dos saberes profissionais para a Educação. Este percurso formativo comprometeu uma atitude investigativa, bem como a mobilização de saberes científicos e legais por forma a articular as vertentes de teoria e prática, perspetivando uma construção integrada dos saberes. A prática pedagógica foi sustentada numa perspetiva construtivista, atribuindo um papel ativo à criança na construção das suas aprendizagens. Esta baseou-se num trabalho de equipa cooperativo, o qual se concretiza através do debate e da partilha de ideias, entre os vários intervenientes da ação, como meio para a transformação da realidade educativa. Ao longo da prática foi, ainda, atribuído um papel fundamental à observação do contexto, sendo esta essencial para a compreensão e conhecimento pleno da criança. Em suma, todo o percurso formativo no qual está englobado a prática pedagógica, levou a uma problematização das questões emergentes da prática, desenvolvendo uma atitude indagadora e reflexiva. Apesar da significante contribuição para a aquisição de competências pessoais e profissionais, o percurso formativo deve ser assumido como uma construção contínua, fundamentado num princípio da aprendizagem ao longo da vida.
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação, variante Comunicação e Estratégia
This research aims to provide a better understanding on how firms stimulate knowledge sharing through the utilization of collaboration tools, in particular Emergent Social Software Platforms (ESSPs). It focuses on the distinctive applications of ESSPs and on the initiatives contributing to maximize its advantages. In the first part of the research, I have itemized all types of existing collaboration tools and classify them in different categories according to their capabilities, objectives and according to their faculty for promoting knowledge sharing. In the second part, and based on an exploratory case study at Cisco Systems, I have identified the main applications of an existing enterprise social software platform named Webex Social. By combining a qualitative and quantitative approach, as well as combining data collected from survey’s results and from the analysis of the company’s documents, I am expecting to maximize the outcome of this investigation and reduce the risk of bias. Although effects cannot be universalized based on one single case study, some utilization patterns have been underlined from the data collected and potential trends in managing knowledge have been observed. The results of the research have also enabled identifying most of the constraints experienced by the users of the firm’s social software platform. Utterly, this research should provide a primary framework for firms planning to create or implement a social software platform and for firms willing to increase adoption levels and to promote the overall participation of users. It highlights the common traps that should be avoided by developers when designing a social software platform and the capabilities that it should inherently carry to support an effective knowledge management strategy.
Despite the growing relevance of co-creating customer communities only little scientific evidence is available on their impact on transactional behavior of participants. Previous research has mostly used self-reported data or distinguished only between during and pre-community phases obtaining mixed results. However, the author proposes that co-creating community activity takes place in five distinguishable phases and changes in transactional behavior are limited to certain phases. Using 33 months of transactional data of a Dutch online auction provider a study was conducted covering all five phases of the community co-creation process from community planning over community set-up, co-development and co-testing to post-launch. The overall results indicate mixed effects of community participation on the different transactional variables during the co-creation process. Community participation had positive effects on auctions listing behavior at the community set-up, co-development and post-launch phases, whereby the number of auctions listed peaked during the community set-up phase. These results suggest that the impact on transactional behavior differs between co-creation phases and different psychological mechanism limited to certain phases might trigger the respective changes.
According to a recent Eurobarometer survey (2014), 68% of Europeans tend not to trust national governments. As the increasing alienation of citizens from politics endangers democracy and welfare, governments, practitioners and researchers look for innovative means to engage citizens in policy matters. One of the measures intended to overcome the so-called democratic deficit is the promotion of civic participation. Digital media proliferation offers a set of novel characteristics related to interactivity, ubiquitous connectivity, social networking and inclusiveness that enable new forms of societal-wide collaboration with a potential impact on leveraging participative democracy. Following this trend, e-Participation is an emerging research area that consists in the use of Information and Communication Technologies to mediate and transform the relations among citizens and governments towards increasing citizens’ participation in public decision-making. However, despite the widespread efforts to implement e-Participation through research programs, new technologies and projects, exhaustive studies on the achieved outcomes reveal that it has not yet been successfully incorporated in institutional politics. Given the problems underlying e-Participation implementation, the present research suggested that, rather than project-oriented efforts, the cornerstone for successfully implementing e-Participation in public institutions as a sustainable added-value activity is a systematic organisational planning, embodying the principles of open-governance and open-engagement. It further suggested that BPM, as a management discipline, can act as a catalyst to enable the desired transformations towards value creation throughout the policy-making cycle, including political, organisational and, ultimately, citizen value. Following these findings, the primary objective of this research was to provide an instrumental model to foster e-Participation sustainability across Government and Public Administration towards a participatory, inclusive, collaborative and deliberative democracy. The developed artefact, consisting in an e-Participation Organisational Semantic Model (ePOSM) underpinned by a BPM-steered approach, introduces this vision. This approach to e-Participation was modelled through a semi-formal lightweight ontology stack structured in four sub-ontologies, namely e-Participation Strategy, Organisational Units, Functions and Roles. The ePOSM facilitates e-Participation sustainability by: (1) Promoting a common and cross-functional understanding of the concepts underlying e-Participation implementation and of their articulation that bridges the gap between technical and non-technical users; (2) Providing an organisational model which allows a centralised and consistent roll-out of strategy-driven e-Participation initiatives, supported by operational units dedicated to the execution of transformation projects and participatory processes; (3) Providing a standardised organisational structure, goals, functions and roles related to e-Participation processes that enhances process-level interoperability among government agencies; (4) Providing a representation usable in software development for business processes’ automation, which allows advanced querying using a reasoner or inference engine to retrieve concrete and specific information about the e-Participation processes in place. An evaluation of the achieved outcomes, as well a comparative analysis with existent models, suggested that this innovative approach tackling the organisational planning dimension can constitute a stepping stone to harness e-Participation value.
Even though collaborative consumption (CC) is gaining economic importance, research in CC is still in its infancy. Consumers’ reasons for participating have already been investigated but little research on consequences of participation has been conducted. This article examines whether interactions between customers in peer-to-peer CC services influence the willingness to coproduce service outcomes. Drawing on social exchange theory, it is proposed that this effect is mediated by consumers’ identification with the brand community. Furthermore, continuance intention in CC is introduced as a second stage moderator. In a cross-sectional study, customers of peer-to-peer accommodation sharing are surveyed. While customer-to-customer interactions were found to have a positive effect on brand community identification, brand community identification did not positively affect co-production intention. Surprisingly, the effect of brand community identification on co-production intention was negative. Moreover, continuance intention of customers did not moderate this relationship. Bearing in mind current challenges for researchers and companies, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
This paper aims at investigating the socio-cultural factors that affect leisure-time sport participation in Switzerland. Data drawn from 8 waves of the Swiss Household Panel is used to evaluate a probit model with random effects, that takes into account the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of the respondents. In line with existing literature, findings from the multivariate analysis show inequalities in sport involvement in Switzerland. These are significantly related to age, income, education, citizenship and cultural aspects. Appropriate and targeted policies promoting participation in sports among the community can be found on the basis of the critical modifiers in the model and their impact.