929 resultados para sacrospinous fixation


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The occurrence of a weak auditory warning stimulus increases the speed of the response to a subsequent visual target stimulus that must be identified. This facilitatory effect has been attributed to the temporal expectancy automatically induced by the warning stimulus. It has not been determined whether this results from a modulation of the stimulus identification process, the response selection process or both. The present study examined these possibilities. A group of 12 young adults performed a reaction time location identification task and another group of 12 young adults performed a reaction time shape identification task. A visual target stimulus was presented 1850 to 2350 ms plus a fixed interval (50, 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1600 ms, depending on the block) after the appearance of a fixation point, on its left or right side, above or below a virtual horizontal line passing through it. In half of the trials, a weak auditory warning stimulus (S1) appeared 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, or 1600 ms (according to the block) before the target stimulus (S2). Twelve trials were run for each condition. The S1 produced a facilitatory effect for the 200, 400, 800, and 1600 ms stimulus onset asynchronies (SOA) in the case of the side stimulus-response (S-R) corresponding condition, and for the 100 and 400 ms SOA in the case of the side S-R non-corresponding condition. Since these two conditions differ mainly by their response selection requirements, it is reasonable to conclude that automatic temporal expectancy influences the response selection process.


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Azospirillum brasilense is a diazotroph that associates with important agricultural crops and thus has potential to be a nitrogen biofertilizer. The A. brasilense transcription regulator NifA, which seems to be constitutively expressed, activates the transcription of nitrogen fixation genes. It has been suggested that the nitrogen status-signaling protein GlnB regulates NifA activity by direct interaction with the NifA N-terminal GAF domain, preventing the inhibitory effect of this domain under conditions of nitrogen fixation. In the present study, we show that an N-terminal truncated form of NifA no longer required GlnB for activity and lost regulation by ammonium. On the other hand, in trans co-expression of the N-terminal GAF domain inhibited the N-truncated protein in response to fixed nitrogen levels. We also used pull-down assays to show in vitro interaction between the purified N-terminal GAF domain of NifA and the GlnB protein. The results showed that A. brasilense GlnB interacts directly with the NifA N-terminal domain and this interaction is dependent on the presence of ATP and 2-oxoglutarate.


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The type I herpes simplex virus VP22 tegument protein is abundant and well known for its ability to translocate proteins from one cell to the other. In spite of some reports questioning its ability to translocate proteins by attributing the results observed to fixation artifacts or simple attachment to the cell membrane, VP22 has been used to deliver several proteins into different cell types, triggering the expected cell response. However, the question of the ability of VP22 to enter stem cells has not been addressed. We investigated whether VP22 could be used as a tool to be applied in stem cell research and differentiation due to its capacity to internalize other proteins without altering the cell genome. We generated a VP22.eGFP construct to evaluate whether VP22 could be internalized and carry another protein with it into two different types of stem cells, namely adult human dental pulp stem cells and mouse embryonic stem cells. We generated a VP22.eGFP fusion protein and demonstrated that, in fact, it enters stem cells. Therefore, this system may be used as a tool to deliver various proteins into stem cells, allowing stem cell research, differentiation and the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells in the absence of genome alterations.


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NifA is the transcriptional activator of the nif genes in Proteobacteria. It is usually regulated by nitrogen and oxygen, allowing biological nitrogen fixation to occur under appropriate conditions. NifA proteins have a typical three-domain structure, including a regulatory N-terminal GAF domain, which is involved in control by fixed nitrogen and not strictly required for activity, a catalytic AAA+ central domain, which catalyzes open complex formation, and a C-terminal domain involved in DNA-binding. In Herbaspirillum seropedicae, a β-proteobacterium capable of colonizing Graminae of agricultural importance, NifA regulation by ammonium involves its N-terminal GAF domain and the signal transduction protein GlnK. When the GAF domain is removed, the protein can still activate nif genes transcription; however, ammonium regulation is lost. In this work, we generated eight constructs resulting in point mutations in H. seropedicae NifA and analyzed their effect on nifH transcription in Escherichia coli and H. seropedicae. Mutations K22V, T160E, M161V, L172R, and A215D resulted in inactive proteins. Mutations Q216I and S220I produced partially active proteins with activity control similar to wild-type NifA. However, mutation G25E, located in the GAF domain, resulted in an active protein that did not require GlnK for activity and was partially sensitive to ammonium. This suggested that G25E may affect the negative interaction between the N-terminal GAF domain and the catalytic central domain under high ammonium concentrations, thus rendering the protein constitutively active, or that G25E could lead to a conformational change comparable with that when GlnK interacts with the GAF domain.


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The aim of this study was to explore the clinical efficacy of a novel retrograde puncture approach to establish a preperitoneal space for laparoscopic direct inguinal hernia repair with inguinal ring suturing. Forty-two patients who underwent laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair with retrograde puncture for preperitoneal space establishment as well as inguinal ring suturing between August 2013 and March 2014 at our hospital were enrolled. Preperitoneal space was successfully established in all patients, with a mean establishment time of 6 min. Laparoscopic repairs were successful in all patients, with a mean surgical time of 26±15.1 min. Mean postoperative hospitalization duration was 3.0±0.7 days. Two patients suffered from postoperative local hematomas, which were relieved after puncturing and drainage. Four patients had short-term local pain. There were no cases of chronic pain. Patients were followed up for 6 months to 1 year, and no recurrence was observed. Our results demonstrate that preperitoneal space established by the retrograde puncture technique can be successfully used in adult laparoscopic hernioplasty to avoid intraoperative mesh fixation, and thus reduce medical costs.


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Studying testis is complex, because the tissue has a very heterogeneous cell composition and its structure changes dynamically during development. In reproductive field, the cell composition is traditionally studied by morphometric methods such as immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. These techniques provide accurate quantitative information about cell composition, cell-cell association and localization of the cells of interest. However, the sample preparation, processing, staining and data analysis are laborious and may take several working days. Flow cytometry protocols coupled with DNA stains have played an important role in providing quantitative information of testicular cells populations ex vivo and in vitro studies. Nevertheless, the addition of specific cells markers such as intracellular antibodies would allow the more specific identification of cells of crucial interest during spermatogenesis. For this study, adult rat Sprague-Dawley rats were used for optimization of the flow cytometry protocol. Specific steps within the protocol were optimized to obtain a singlecell suspension representative of the cell composition of the starting material. Fixation and permeabilization procedure were optimized to be compatible with DNA stains and fluorescent intracellular antibodies. Optimization was achieved by quantitative analysis of specific parameters such as recovery of meiotic cells, amount of debris and comparison of the proportions of the various cell populations with already published data. As a result, a new and fast flow cytometry method coupled with DNA stain and intracellular antigen detection was developed. This new technique is suitable for analysis of population behavior and specific cells during postnatal testis development and spermatogenesis in rodents. This rapid protocol recapitulated the known vimentin and γH2AX protein expression patterns during rodent testis ontogenesis. Moreover, the assay was applicable for phenotype characterization of SCRbKO and E2F1KO mouse models.


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The focus of the work reported in this thesis was to study and to clarify the effect of polyelectrolyte multilayer surface treatment on inkjet ink spreading, absorption and print quality. Surface sizing with a size press, film press with a pilot scale coater, and spray coating, have been used to surface treat uncoated wood-free, experimental wood-free and pigmentcoated substrates. The role of the deposited cationic (polydiallydimethylammonium chloride, PDADMAC) and anionic (sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, NaCMC) polyelectrolyte layers with and without nanosilica, on liquid absorption and spreading was studied in terms of their interaction with water-based pigmented and dye-based inkjet inks. Contact angle measurements were made in attempt to explain the ink spreading and wetting behavior on the substrate. First, it was noticed that multilayer surface treatment decreased the contact angle of water, giving a hydrophilic character to the surface. The results showed that the number of cationic-anionic polyelectrolyte layers or the order of deposition of the polyelectrolytes had a significant effect on the print quality. This was seen for example as a higher print density on layers with a cationic polyelectrolyte in the outermost layer. The number of layers had an influence on the print quality; the print density increased with increasing number of layers, although the increase was strongly dependent on ink formulation and chemistry. The use of nanosilica clearly affected the rate of absorption of polar liquids, which also was seen as a higher density of the black dye-based print. Slightly unexpected, the use of nanosilica increased the tendency for lateral spreading of both the pigmented and dye-based inks. It was shown that the wetting behavior and wicking of the inks on the polyelectrolyte coatings was strongly affected by the hydrophobicity of the substrate, as well as by the composition or structure of the polyelectrolyte layers. Coating only with a cationic polyelectrolyte was not sufficient to improve dye fixation, but it was demonstrated that a cationic-anionic-complex structure led to good water fastness. A threelayered structure gave the same water fastness values as a five-layered structure. Interestingly, the water fastness values were strongly dependent not only on the formed cation-anion polyelectrolyte complexes but also on the tendency of the coating to dissolve during immersion in water. Results showed that by optimizing the chemistry of the layers, the ink-substrate interaction can be optimized.


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Contient : I太上感應篇Tai shang gan ying pian.Le Tai shang gan ying pian ; II文昌帝君陰騭文Wen chang di jun yin zhi wen.Traité de la fixation mystérieuse, par le dieu de la Littérature ; III關夫子覺世眞經Guan fu zi jue shi zhen jing.Le livre sacré de l'éveil du monde, de Guan fu zi ; IV關聖帝君降筆眞經Guan sheng di jun jiang bi zhen jing.Livre sacré écrit par le dieu de la Guerre ; V關聖帝君顯應戒士文Guan sheng di jun xian ying jie shi wen.Conseils aux lettrés, traité par le dieu de la Guerre ; VI東嶽聖帝垂訓Dong yue sheng di chui xun.Instructions du dieu du Dong yue ; VII呂純陽祖師勸世戒食牛犬Lü chun yang zu shi quan shi jie shi niu quan.Défense de manger le bœuf et le chien, traité par Lü Chun yang ; VIII文昌孝經Wen chang xiao jing.Livre sacré de la piété filiale, par Wen chang ; IX蕉窓十則Jiao chuang shi ze.Les dix commandements de Jiao tchhoang ; X功過格纂要Gong ge ge zuan yao.Éléments des règles du mérite et du péché ; XI桂香殿功過格Gui xiang dian gong ge ge.Règles du mérite et du péché, de la salle Gui xiang ; XII靈驗記Ling yan ji.Exemples miraculeux ; XIII文昌帝君降乩惜字功罪例Wen chang di jun jiang ji xi zi gong zui li.Règlement du mérite et du péché, relativement au respect des caractères d'écriture ; donné par le dieu de la Littérature ; XIV, livre préliminaire募刊疏引Mu kan su yin.Rapport et introduction sur la gravure de l'ouvrage ; XV, livre préliminaire婁東善書目錄.Lou dong shan shu mu lu.Liste d'ouvrages recommandés, dressée à Lou dong ; XVI, livre préliminaire文昌帝君丹桂籍靈驗記 。續記.Wen chang di jun dan gui ji ling yan ji. Xu ji.Notice des miracles dus au Dan gui ji du dieu delà Littérature, partie principale et suite ; XVII, livre préliminaire顏廷表先生傳.Yan ting biao xian sheng zhuan.Vie de Yan Ting biao ; XVIII, livre préliminaire顏雲麓先生傳.Yan yun lu xian sheng zhuan.Vie de Yan Yun lu ; XIX, livre préliminaire丹桂籍奉行心法.Dan gui ji feng xing xin fa.Préceptes pour pratiquer les règles du Dan gui ji ; XX, livre préliminaire文昌帝君降筆記.Wen chang di jun jiang bi ji.Notice dictée parle dieu de la Littérature ; XXI, livre préliminaire玉皇寶號.Yu huang bao hao.Les noms précieux de Yu huang ; XXII, livres 1-4九天開化主宰元皇司錄宏仁文昌帝君陰隲文註案Jiu tian kai hua zhu zai yuan huang si lu hong ren wen chang di jun yin zhi wen zhu an.Traité de la fixation mystérieuse, par le dieu de la Littérature ; avec commentaires et exemples ; XXIII, livre final文昌帝君救刧寶章Wen chang di jun jiu jie bao zhang.Précieux articles du dieu de la Littérature pour le salut du monde ; XXIV, livre final梓潼帝君降筆戒士子文Zi tong di jun jiang bi jie shi zi wen.Conseils aux lettrés, deux traités par le dieu de la Littérature ; XXV, livre final文昌帝君勸孝文Wen chang di jun quan xiao wen.Traité pour conseiller la piété filiale, par le dieu de la Littérature ; XXVI, livre final玉中書勸孝歌Yu zhong shu quan xiao ge.Chanson pour conseiller la piété filiale ; XXVII, livre final圓明鬥母天尊勸世文.Yuan ming dou mu tian zun quan shi wen.Conseils au monde, traité de la déesse Yuan ming dou mu ; XXVIII, livre final俞淨意先生遇竈神記.Yu jing yi xian sheng yu zao shen ji.Entrevue de Yu Jing yi avec l'esprit du Foyer ; XXIX, livre final袁了凡先生四訓 。立命之學.Yuan liao fan xian sheng si xun. Li ming zhi xue.Quatre exhortations de Yuan Liao fan. Première section : Science de la direction de la vie ; XXX, livre final積善之方Ji shan zhi fang.Deuxième section : Recette pour accumuler les bonnes actions ; XXXI, livre final改過之法Gai ge zhi fa.Troisième section : Moyen de corriger les fautes ; XXXII, livre final謙德之效Qian le zhi xiao.Quatrième section : Manifestation d'humilité ; XXXIII, livre final佛母準提神咒Fo mu zhun ti shen zhou.Invocation de la mère du Bouddha ; XXXIV, livre final袁了凡先生勸喪文Yuan liao fan xian sheng quan sang wen.Traité de Yuan Liao fan sur les funérailles ; XXXV, livre final遏淫說E yin shuo.Traité contre l'impureté ; XXXVI, livre final行不費錢功德例Xing bu fei qian gong de li.Manière d'obtenir des mérites sans dépenser d'argent


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Contient : I太上感應篇Tai shang gan ying pian.Le Tai shang gan ying pian ; II文昌帝君陰騭文Wen chang di jun yin zhi wen.Traité de la fixation mystérieuse, par le dieu de la Littérature ; III關夫子覺世眞經Guan fu zi jue shi zhen jing.Le livre sacré de l'éveil du monde, de Guan fu zi ; IV關聖帝君降筆眞經Guan sheng di jun jiang bi zhen jing.Livre sacré écrit par le dieu de la Guerre ; V關聖帝君顯應戒士文Guan sheng di jun xian ying jie shi wen.Conseils aux lettrés, traité par le dieu de la Guerre ; VI東嶽聖帝垂訓Dong yue sheng di chui xun.Instructions du dieu du Dong yue ; VII呂純陽祖師勸世戒食牛犬Lü chun yang zu shi quan shi jie shi niu quan.Défense de manger le bœuf et le chien, traité par Lü Chun yang ; VIII文昌孝經Wen chang xiao jing.Livre sacré de la piété filiale, par Wen chang ; IX蕉窓十則Jiao chuang shi ze.Les dix commandements de Jiao tchhoang ; X功過格纂要Gong ge ge zuan yao.Éléments des règles du mérite et du péché ; XI桂香殿功過格Gui xiang dian gong ge ge.Règles du mérite et du péché, de la salle Gui xiang ; XII靈驗記Ling yan ji.Exemples miraculeux ; XIII文昌帝君降乩惜字功罪例Wen chang di jun jiang ji xi zi gong zui li.Règlement du mérite et du péché, relativement au respect des caractères d'écriture ; donné par le dieu de la Littérature ; XIV, livre préliminaire募刊疏引Mu kan su yin.Rapport et introduction sur la gravure de l'ouvrage ; XV, livre préliminaire婁東善書目錄.Lou dong shan shu mu lu.Liste d'ouvrages recommandés, dressée à Lou dong ; XVI, livre préliminaire文昌帝君丹桂籍靈驗記 。續記.Wen chang di jun dan gui ji ling yan ji. Xu ji.Notice des miracles dus au Dan gui ji du dieu delà Littérature, partie principale et suite ; XVII, livre préliminaire顏廷表先生傳.Yan ting biao xian sheng zhuan.Vie de Yan Ting biao ; XVIII, livre préliminaire顏雲麓先生傳.Yan yun lu xian sheng zhuan.Vie de Yan Yun lu ; XIX, livre préliminaire丹桂籍奉行心法.Dan gui ji feng xing xin fa.Préceptes pour pratiquer les règles du Dan gui ji ; XX, livre préliminaire文昌帝君降筆記.Wen chang di jun jiang bi ji.Notice dictée parle dieu de la Littérature ; XXI, livre préliminaire玉皇寶號.Yu huang bao hao.Les noms précieux de Yu huang ; XXII, livres 1-4九天開化主宰元皇司錄宏仁文昌帝君陰隲文註案Jiu tian kai hua zhu zai yuan huang si lu hong ren wen chang di jun yin zhi wen zhu an.Traité de la fixation mystérieuse, par le dieu de la Littérature ; avec commentaires et exemples ; XXIII, livre final文昌帝君救刧寶章Wen chang di jun jiu jie bao zhang.Précieux articles du dieu de la Littérature pour le salut du monde ; XXIV, livre final梓潼帝君降筆戒士子文Zi tong di jun jiang bi jie shi zi wen.Conseils aux lettrés, deux traités par le dieu de la Littérature ; XXV, livre final文昌帝君勸孝文Wen chang di jun quan xiao wen.Traité pour conseiller la piété filiale, par le dieu de la Littérature ; XXVI, livre final玉中書勸孝歌Yu zhong shu quan xiao ge.Chanson pour conseiller la piété filiale ; XXVII, livre final圓明鬥母天尊勸世文.Yuan ming dou mu tian zun quan shi wen.Conseils au monde, traité de la déesse Yuan ming dou mu ; XXVIII, livre final俞淨意先生遇竈神記.Yu jing yi xian sheng yu zao shen ji.Entrevue de Yu Jing yi avec l'esprit du Foyer ; XXIX, livre final袁了凡先生四訓 。立命之學.Yuan liao fan xian sheng si xun. Li ming zhi xue.Quatre exhortations de Yuan Liao fan. Première section : Science de la direction de la vie ; XXX, livre final積善之方Ji shan zhi fang.Deuxième section : Recette pour accumuler les bonnes actions ; XXXI, livre final改過之法Gai ge zhi fa.Troisième section : Moyen de corriger les fautes ; XXXII, livre final謙德之效Qian le zhi xiao.Quatrième section : Manifestation d'humilité ; XXXIII, livre final佛母準提神咒Fo mu zhun ti shen zhou.Invocation de la mère du Bouddha ; XXXIV, livre final袁了凡先生勸喪文Yuan liao fan xian sheng quan sang wen.Traité de Yuan Liao fan sur les funérailles ; XXXV, livre final遏淫說E yin shuo.Traité contre l'impureté ; XXXVI, livre final行不費錢功德例Xing bu fei qian gong de li.Manière d'obtenir des mérites sans dépenser d'argent


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Growth rates of etiolated Avena sativa coleoptiles in pH 7.0 buffered medium are stimulated in a synergistic manner by IAA and 320 ~l/l carbon dioxide. The suggestion that carbon dioxide stimulated growth involves dark fixation is supported by the ability of 1 mM malate to replace carbon dioxide, with neither factor able to stimulate growth in the presence of the other (Bown, Dymock and Aung, 1974). The regulation of Avena coleoptile growth by ethylene has been investigated in the light of this data and the well documented antagonism between carbon dioxide and ethylene in the regulation of developmental processes. The influence of various permutations of ethylene, IAA, carbon dioxide and malate on the rates of growth, l4c-bicarbonate incorporation, l4C-bicarbonate fixation, and malate decarboxylation have been investigated. In the presence of 320 ~l/l carbon dioxide, 10.8 ~l/l ethylene inhibited growth both in the absence and presence of 20 ~M IAA with inhibition times, of 8-10 and 12-13 minutes respectively. In contrast ethylene inhibition of growth was not significant in the absence of growth stimulation by CO2 or 1 mM malate, and the normal growth increases in response to CO2 and malate were blocked by the simultaneous application of ethylene. The rates of incorporation and dark fixation of l4C-bicerbonate were not measurably. influenced by ethylene, IAA or malate, either prior to or during the changes in growth ,ates induced by these agents. The data does not support the hypothesis that ethylene inhibition of growth results from an inhibition of dark fixation, but suggests that ethylene may inhibit a process which is subsequent to fixation.


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Growth stimulation of Avena coleoptile tissue by indoleacetic acid (IAA) and fusicoccin (FC) was compared by measuring both their influence on RNA and protein synthesis during IAA or FC stimulated growth. FC stimulated growth more than IAA during the initial four hour exposure, after which the growth rate gradually declined to the control rate. FC, but not IAA, increased the uptake of 3H-Ieucine into tissue and the specific radioactivity of extracted protein. Cycloheximide inhibited the incorporation of 3H-Ieucine into protein by approximately 60% to 70% in all cases. In the presence of cycloheximide 3H-radioactivity accumulated in FC-treated tissue, whereas IAA did not seem to influence 3H-accumulation. These results suggest that FC stimulated leucine uptake into the tissue and that increased specific activity of coleoptile protein is due to increased leucine uptake, not an increased rate of protein synthesis. There was no measurable influence of IAA and/or FC on RNA and protein synthesis during the initial hours of a growth stimulation. Inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis, actinomycin D and cycloheximide, respectively, severely inhibited IAA enhanced growth but only partially inhibited FC stimulated growth. The data are consistent with suggestions that a rapidly turning over protein participates in IAA stimulated growth, and that a continual synthesis of RNA and proteins is an absolute requirement for a long term growth response to IAA. On the contrary, FC-stimulated growth exhibited less dependency on the transcription and translation processes. The data are consistent with proposals suggesting different sites of action for FC and IAA stimulated growth. l?hen compared to CO2-free air, CO2 at 300 ppm had no significant influence on coleoptile growth and protein synthesis in the presence or absence of lAA or FC. Also, I mM malate, pH 6.0 did not influence growth of coleoptiles in the presence or absence of lAA. This result was obtained despite reports indicating that 300 ppm CO2 or I mM malate stimulates growth and protein synthesis. This lack of difference between CO2-treated and untreated tissue could indicate either that the interstitial space CO2 concentration is not actually different in the two treatments due to significant endogenous respiratory CO2 or else the data would suggest a very loose coupling between dark CO2 fixation and growth. IAA stimulated the in vivo fixation of 14c-bicarbonate (NaHI4c03) by about 25% and the addition of cycloheximide caused an inhibition of bicarbonate fixation within 30 min. Cycloheximide has also been reported to inhibit IAA-stimulated H+ excretion. These data are consistent with the acid growth theory and suggest that lAA stimulated growth involves dark CO2 fixation. The roles of dark CO2 fixation in lAA-stimulated growth are discussed.


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Adenoviruses are non-enveloped icosahedral-shaped particles which possess a double-stranded DNA genome. Currently, nearly 100 serotypes of adenoviruses have been identified, 48 of which are of human origin. Bovine adenoviruses (BAVs), causing both mild respiratory and/or enteral diseases in cattle, have been reported in many countries all over the world. Currently, nine serotypes of SAVs have been isolated which have been placed into two subgroups based on a number of characteristics which include complement fixation tests as well as the ability to replicate in various cell lines. Bovine adenovirus type 2 (BAV2), belonging to subgroup I, is able to cause pneumonia as well as pneumonic-like symptoms in calves. In this study, the genome of BAV2 (strain No. 19) was subcloned into the plasmid vector pUC19. In total, 16 plasmids were constructed; three carry internal San fragments (spanning 3.1 to 65.2% ), and 10 carry internal Pstl fragments (spanning 4.9 to 97.4%), of the viral genome. Each of these plasmids was analyzed using twelve restriction endonucleases; BamHI, CiaI, EcoRl, HiOOlll, Kpnl, Noll, NS(N, Ps~, Pvul, Saj, Xbal, and Xhol. Terminal end fragments were also cloned and analyzed, sUbsequent to the removal of the 5' terminal protein, in the form of 2 BamHI B fragments, cloned in opposite orientations (spanning 0 to 18.1°k), and one Pstll fragment (spanning 97.4 to 1000/0). These cloned fragments, along with two other plasmids previously constructed carrying internal EcoRI fragments (spanning 20.6 to 90.5%), were then used to construct a detailed physical restriction map using the twelve restriction endonucleases, as well as to estimate the size of the genome for BAV2(32.5 Kbp). The DNA sequences of the early region 1 (E1) and hexon-associated gene (protein IX) have also been determined. The amino acid sequences of four open reading frames (ORFs) have been compared to those of the E1 proteins and protein IX from other Ads.


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Although exceptions may be readily identified, two generalizations concerning genetic differences among species may be drawn from the available allozyme and chromosome data. First, structural gene differences among species vary widely. In many cases, species pairs do not differ more than intraspecific populations. This suggests that either very few or no gene substitutions are required to produce barriers to reproduction (Avise 1976). Second, chromosome form and/or number differs among even closely related species (White 1963; 1978; Fredga 1977; Wright 1970). Many of the observed chromosomal differences involve translocational rearrangements; these produce severe fitness depression in heterozygotes and were, thus, long considered unlikely candidates for the fixation required of genetic changes leading to speciation (Wright 1977). Nonetheless, the fact that species differences are frequently translocational argues convincingly for their fixation despite prejudices to the contrary. Haldane's rule states that in the F of interspecific crosses, the heterogametic sex is absent or sterile in the preponderance of cases (Haldane 1932). This rule definitely applies in the genus Dr°sophila (Ehrman 1962). Sex chromosome translocations do not impose a fitness depression as severe as that imposed by autosomal translocations, and X-Y translocations may account for Haldane's rule (Haldane 1932). Consequently a study of the fit ness parameters of an X·yL and a yS chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster populations was initiated by Tracey (1972). Preliminary results suggested that x.yL//YSmales enjoyed a mating advantage with X·yL//X·yL females, that this advantage was frequency dependent, that the translocation produced sexual isolation and that interactions between the yL, yS and a yellow marker contributed to the observed isolation (Tracey and Espinet 1976; Espinet and Tracey 1976). Encouraged by the results of these prelimimary studies, further experiments were performed to clarify the genetic nature of the observed sexual isolation, S the reality of the y frequency dependent fitness .and the behavioural changes, if any, produced by the translocation. The results of this work are reported herein. Although the marker genes used in earlier studies, sparkling poliert an d yellow have both been found to affect activity,but only yellow effects asymmetric sexual isolation. In addition yellow effects isolation through an interaction with the T(X-y) chromosomes, yS also effects isolation, and translocational strains are isolated from those of normal karyotype in the absence of marker gene differences. When yS chromosomes are in competition with y chromosomes on an X.yL background, yS males are at a distinct advantage only when their frequency is less than 97%. The sex chromosome translocation alters the normal courtship pattern by the incorporation of circling between vibration and licking in the male repertoire. Finally a model of speciation base on the fixation of this sex chromosome translocation in a geographically isolated gene pool is proposed.


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The influence of carbon dioxide on growth and protein synthesis of etiolated Avena coleoptiles was investigated. Evidence is presented that 0.03% carbon dioxide stimulated both these processes; and that carbon dioxide stimulated growth depends on carbon dioxide stimulated protein synthesis, In addition the evidence indicates that carbon dioxide stimulated growth is mediated by metabolism, and that carbon dioxide stimulates growth through a dark fixation process. Growth studies also demonstrated that IAA and carbon dioxide stimulated growth in a synergistic manner.


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Psychopathy is associated with well-known characteristics such as a lack of empathy and impulsive behaviour, but it has also been associated with impaired recognition of emotional facial expressions. The use of event-related potentials (ERPs) to examine this phenomenon could shed light on the specific time course and neural activation associated with emotion recognition processes as they relate to psychopathic traits. In the current study we examined the PI , N170, and vertex positive potential (VPP) ERP components and behavioural performance with respect to scores on the Self-Report Psychopathy (SRP-III) questionnaire. Thirty undergraduates completed two tasks, the first of which required the recognition and categorization of affective face stimuli under varying presentation conditions. Happy, angry or fearful faces were presented under with attention directed to the mouth, nose or eye region and varied stimulus exposure duration (30, 75, or 150 ms). We found that behavioural performance to be unrelated to psychopathic personality traits in all conditions, but there was a trend for the Nl70 to peak later in response to fearful and happy facial expressions for individuals high in psychopathic traits. However, the amplitude of the VPP was significantly negatively associated with psychopathic traits, but only in response to stimuli presented under a nose-level fixation. Finally, psychopathic traits were found to be associated with longer N170 latencies in response to stimuli presented under the 30 ms exposure duration. In the second task, participants were required to inhibit processing of irrelevant affective and scrambled face distractors while categorizing unrelated word stimuli as living or nonliving. Psychopathic traits were hypothesized to be positively associated with behavioural performance, as it was proposed that individuals high in psychopathic traits would be less likely to automatically attend to task-irrelevant affective distractors, facilitating word categorization. Thus, decreased interference would be reflected in smaller N170 components, indicating less neural activity associated with processing of distractor faces. We found that overall performance decreased in the presence of angry and fearful distractor faces as psychopathic traits increased. In addition, the amplitude of the N170 decreased and the latency increased in response to affective distractor faces for individuals with higher levels of psychopathic traits. Although we failed to find the predicted behavioural deficit in emotion recognition in Task 1 and facilitation effect in Task 2, the findings of increased N170 and VPP latencies in response to emotional faces are consistent wi th the proposition that abnormal emotion recognition processes may in fact be inherent to psychopathy as a continuous personality trait.