929 resultados para project model
EQAVET, the quality assurance tool in vocational and educational training, was developed in response to the need for a supply of a trained workforce for labour market needs. Implementation of EQAVET at national level, however, remains a challenge. The research reported here focused on the implementation of QA processes by VET providers in 4 countries: Malta, Italy, Turkey, and Sweden. Data was collected through a questionnaire with 62 VET providers. Responses showed that there is an overall commitment to quality. There is, however, little knowledge of EQAVET across the countries, with the exception of Malta. None the less, all VET providers have implemented some aspects of EQAVET, even if not always intentionally. The situation is, however, far from EQAVET being fully implemented. Reflections are made on whether the EQAVET model specifically or qualification assurance principles assurances should be promoted across Europe. (DIPF/Orig.)
The erosion processes resulting from flow of fluids (gas-solid or liquid-solid) are encountered in nature and many industrial processes. The common feature of these erosion processes is the interaction of the fluid (particle) with its boundary thus resulting in the loss of material from the surface. This type of erosion in detrimental to the equipment used in pneumatic conveying systems. The puncture of pneumatic conveyor bends in industry causes several problems. Some of which are: (1) Escape of the conveyed product causing health and dust hazard; (2) Repairing and cleaning up after punctures necessitates shutting down conveyors, which will affect the operation of the plant, thus reducing profitability. The most common occurrence of process failure in pneumatic conveying systems is when pipe sections at the bends wear away and puncture. The reason for this is particles of varying speed, shape, size and material properties strike the bend wall with greater intensity than in straight sections of the pipe. Currently available models for predicting the lifetime of bends are inaccurate (over predict by 80%. The provision of an accurate predictive method would lead to improvements in the structure of the planned maintenance programmes of processes, thus reducing unplanned shutdowns and ultimately the downtime costs associated with these unplanned shutdowns. This is the main motivation behind the current research. The paper reports on two aspects of the first phases of the study-undertaken for the current project. These are (1) Development and implementation; and (2) Testing of the modelling environment. The model framework encompasses Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) related engineering tools, based on Eulerian (gas) and Lagrangian (particle) approaches to represent the two distinct conveyed phases, to predict the lifetime of conveyor bends. The method attempts to account for the effect of erosion on the pipe wall via particle impacts, taking into account the angle of attack, impact velocity, shape/size and material properties of the wall and conveyed material, within a CFD framework. Only a handful of researchers use CFD as the basis of predicting the particle motion, see for example [1-4] . It is hoped that this would lead to more realistic predictions of the wear profile. Results, for two, three-dimensional test cases using the commercially available CFD PHOENICS are presented. These are reported in relation to the impact intensity and sensitivity to the inlet particle distributions.
As part of a long-term project aimed at designing classroom interventions to motivate language learners, we have searched for a motivation model that could serve as a theoretical basis for the methodological applications. We have found that none of the existing models we considered were entirely adequate for our purpose for three reasons: (1) they did not provide a sufficiently comprehensive and detailed summary of all the relevant motivational influences on classroom behaviour; (2) they tended to focus on how and why people choose certain courses of action, while ignoring or playing down the importance of motivational sources of executing goal-directed behaviour; and (3) they did not do justice to the fact that motivation is not static but dynamically evolving and changing in time, making it necessary for motivation constructs to contain a featured temporal axis. Consequently, partly inspired by Heckhausen and Kuhl's 'Action Control Theory', we have developed a new 'Process Model of L2 Motivation', which is intended both to account for the dynamics of motivational change in time and to synthesise many of the most important motivational conceptualisations to date. In this paper we describe the main components of this model, also listing a number of its limitations which need to be resolved in future research.
In this dissertation, I present the results of a project which aim was to find out and try an effective model of independent curatorial project executable in small and medium cities in Portugal. The concept of Moving Curatorial Project ARTMAP is a result of theoretical research and reflection about municipal exhibition spaces and possibility of presentation of the contemporary art in these spaces. To test if this curatorial project is realizable and if there are conditions to continue it, a first trial was implemented in Aveiro. A curated international exhibition, entitled “A Poética do Visual" occupied two municipal and two private gallery spaces and brought together 111 artists from 25 different countries. The art event was carried out in collaboration with the Municipality of Aveiro and the University of Aveiro, and involved several private cultural spaces in the city. This first experience showed that there are all conditions for the presentation of contemporary art in small and medium size locations in Portugal, and for this project to be replicated in other regions of the country.
The achievement and measurement of improvements and innovations is not often an overt practice in the design and delivery of government services other than in health services. There is a need for specific mechanisms proven to increase the rate and scale of improvements and innovations in organisations, communities, regions and industries. This paper describes a model for the design, measurement and management of projects and services as systems for achieving and sustaining outcomes, improvements and innovations.The development of the model involved the practice of continuous improvement and innovation within and across a number of agricultural development projects in Australia and nternationally. Key learnings from the development and use of the model are: (1) all elements and factors critical for success can be implemented, measured and managed; (2) the design of a meaningful systemic measurement framework is possible; (3) all project partners can achieve and sustain rapid improvements and innovations; (4) outcomes can be achieved from early in the life of projects; and (5) significant spill-over benefits can be achieved beyond the scope, scale and timeframe of projects
This paper reports on continuing research into the modelling of an order picking process within a Crossdocking distribution centre using Simulation Optimisation. The aim of this project is to optimise a discrete event simulation model and to understand factors that affect finding its optimal performance. Our initial investigation revealed that the precision of the selected simulation output performance measure and the number of replications required for the evaluation of the optimisation objective function through simulation influences the ability of the optimisation technique. We experimented with Common Random Numbers, in order to improve the precision of our simulation output performance measure, and intended to use the number of replications utilised for this purpose as the initial number of replications for the optimisation of our Crossdocking distribution centre simulation model. Our results demonstrate that we can improve the precision of our selected simulation output performance measure value using Common Random Numbers at various levels of replications. Furthermore, after optimising our Crossdocking distribution centre simulation model, we are able to achieve optimal performance using fewer simulations runs for the simulation model which uses Common Random Numbers as compared to the simulation model which does not use Common Random Numbers.
With ‘GS Strategy 2025’ BASF Business Services GmbH was formed to centrally steer all IT related topics of BASF group. Thus, a global charging system has to be designed, which complies to international transfer price regulations and the strategy of BASF SE. This work project develops a charging system with a following evaluation. The direct charging system benefits from its cost transparency upsides but comes with a higher administrative effort due to volume-based charging. In contrast, the indirect charging system convinces because of easy handling, which is the result of the application of suitable allocation keys. Regarding the complex group structure of BASF SE with more than 300 legal entities in 80 countries, the lower administrative effort of the indirect charging system outweighs the benefits of the direct charging model and should be used by BASF group.
Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative ventures
En la actualidad, las buenas prácticas del Project Management Institute, Inc. (PMI®) son utilizadas en muchas organizaciones para la estructuración, ejecución y cierre de diversos proyectos; las buenas prácticas recogidas por este Instituto han servido de base para que las empresas logren conseguir los objetivos estratégicos con una correcta gestión de los programas y proyectos que se vayan a emprender -- El sector de la construcción no es ajeno a la aplicación de estos estándares, más aún cuando el común denominador son los sobrecostos, la prolongación del cronograma y la variación del alcance, que finalmente terminan afectado la rentabilidad de los proyectos y redundan en la rentabilidad de la empresa -- Mabego S.A.S., es una empresa nueva dedicada a la estructuración, ejecución y venta de proyectos inmobiliarios, cuyo centro de operación es la ciudad de Pasto-Departamento de Nariño, el objetivo principal de la empresa es penetrar el mercado inmobiliario local, teniendo como fortalezas la experiencia y conocimiento aportado por los socios -- Con el presente trabajo se analizan los cuarenta y siete (47) procesos dentro de los grupos de inicio, planeación, ejecución, monitoreo y control, además de cierre establecidos en las diez (10) áreas del conocimiento que establece el PMI® en la guía de los fundamentos para la dirección de proyectos (Guía del PMBOK® - Project Management Body of Knowledge) quinta edición; se crea una metodología de acuerdo a las necesidades de la organización; para conseguirlo se analizaron cada uno de los procesos establecidos en el PMI® y como resultado se presenta la estandarización por medio de formatos y procedimientos que ayudan a la empresa a cumplir con los objetivos específicos de cada uno de sus proyectos -- La pertinencia del trabajo radica en la necesidad de la empresa Mabego S.A.S., de formalizar los procedimientos dentro de la misma, esto debido a que se pretende lograr una correcta estructuración, ejecución y liquidación de los proyectos, además, se aplicó una metodología definida con el objetivo de estandarizar los procesos internos y así lograr un posicionamiento en el sector de la construcción por medio del reconocimiento del cliente en la entrega a tiempo y con la calidad propuesta en los documentos de venta del proyecto
Ionic liquids (ILs) have attracted great attention, from both industry and academia, as alternative fluids for very different types of applications. The large number of cations and anions allow a wide range of physical and chemical characteristics to be designed. However, the exhaustive measurement of all these systems is impractical, thus requiring the use of a predictive model for their study. In this work, the predictive capability of the conductor-like screening model for real solvents (COSMO-RS), a model based on unimolecular quantum chemistry calculations, was evaluated for the prediction water activity coefficient at infinite dilution, gamma(infinity)(w), in several classes of ILs. A critical evaluation of the experimental and predicted data using COSMO-RS was carried out. The global average relative deviation was found to be 27.2%, indicating that the model presents a satisfactory prediction ability to estimate gamma(infinity)(w) in a broad range of ILs. The results also showed that the basicity of the ILs anions plays an important role in their interaction with water, and it considerably determines the enthalpic behavior of the binary mixtures composed by Its and water. Concerning the cation effect, it is possible to state that generally gamma(infinity)(w) increases with the cation size, but it is shown that the cation-anion interaction strength is also important and is strongly correlated to the anion ability to interact with water. The results here reported are relevant in the understanding of ILs-water interactions and the impact of the various structural features of its on the gamma(infinity)(w) as these allow the development of guidelines for the choice of the most suitable lLs with enhanced interaction with water.
The development of robots has shown itself as a very complex interdisciplinary research field. The predominant procedure for these developments in the last decades is based on the assumption that each robot is a fully personalized project, with the direct embedding of hardware and software technologies in robot parts with no level of abstraction. Although this methodology has brought countless benefits to the robotics research, on the other hand, it has imposed major drawbacks: (i) the difficulty to reuse hardware and software parts in new robots or new versions; (ii) the difficulty to compare performance of different robots parts; and (iii) the difficulty to adapt development needs-in hardware and software levels-to local groups expertise. Large advances might be reached, for example, if physical parts of a robot could be reused in a different robot constructed with other technologies by other researcher or group. This paper proposes a framework for robots, TORP (The Open Robot Project), that aims to put forward a standardization in all dimensions (electrical, mechanical and computational) of a robot shared development model. This architecture is based on the dissociation between the robot and its parts, and between the robot parts and their technologies. In this paper, the first specification for a TORP family and the first humanoid robot constructed following the TORP specification set are presented, as well as the advances proposed for their improvement.
The existing sources on the creation of new business are limited in providing assistance when it comes to specific challenges that the foundation team of an enterprise may face. Likewise, in the case of the social enterprise Plugged-in, there are key challenges with regard to the business model. In this work project, a benchmarking approach was chosen to address these challenges and to derive implications from the practices established by successful sample enterprises. Besides several best practices, potential approaches to solutions were identified and suggestions for further examination were given.
Part 13: Virtual Reality and Simulation
Mestrado em Engenharia Florestal e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL