857 resultados para product libraries
Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), the standard subject language used in library catalogues, are often criticized for their lack of currency, biased language, and atypical syndetic structure. Conversely, folksonomies (or tags), which rely on the natural language of their users, offer a flexibility often lacking in controlled vocabularies and may offer a means of augmenting more rigid controlled vocabularies such as LCSH. Content analysis studies have demonstrated the potential for folksonomies to be used as a means of enhancing subject access to materials, and libraries are beginning to integrate tagging systems into their catalogues. This study examines the utility of tags as a means of enhancing subject access to materials in library online public access catalogues (OPACs) through usability testing with the LibraryThing for Libraries catalogue enhancements. Findings indicate that while they cannot replace LCSH, tags do show promise for aiding information seeking in OPACs. In the context of information systems design, the study revealed that while folksonomies have the potential to enhance subject access to materials, that potential is severely limited by the current inability of catalogue interfaces to support tag-based searches alongside standard catalogue searches.
Creatinine levels in blood serum are typically used to assess renal function. Clinical determination of creatinine is often based on the Jaffe reaction, in which creatinine in the serum reacts with sodium picrate, resulting in a spectrophotometrically quantifiable product. Previous work from our lab has introduced an electrophoretically mediated initiation of this reaction, in which nanoliter plugs of individual reagent solutions can be added to the capillary and then mixed and reacted. Following electrophoretic separation of the product from excess reactant(s), the product can be directly determined on column. This work aims to gain a detailed understanding of the in-capillary reagent mixing dynamics, in-line reaction yield, and product degradation during electrophoresis, with an overall goal of improving assay sensitivity. One set of experiments focuses on maximizing product formation through manipulation of various conditions such as pH, voltage applied, and timing of the applied voltage, in addition to manipulations in the identity, concentration, and pH of the background electrolyte. Through this work, it was determined that dramatic changes in local voltage fields within the various reagent zones lead to ineffective reagent overlapping. Use of the software simulation program Simul 5 enabled visualization of the reaction dynamics within the capillary, specifically the wide variance between the electric field intensities within the creatinine and picrate zones. Because of this simulation work, the experimental method was modified to increase the ionic strength of the creatinine reagent zone to lower the local voltage field, thus producing more predictable and effective overlap conditions for the reagents and allowing the formation of more Jaffe product. As second set of experiments focuses on controlling the post-reaction product degradation. In that vein, we have systematically explored the importance of the identity, concentration, and pH of the background electrolyte on the post-reaction degradation rate of the product. Although prior work with borate background electrolytes indicated that product degradation was probably a function of the ionic strength of the background electrolyte, this work with a glycine background electrolyte demonstrates that degradation is in fact not a function of ionic strength of the background electrolyte. As the concentration and pH of the glycine background increased, the rate of degradation of product did not change dramatically, whereas in borate-buffered systems, the rate of Jaffe product degradation increased linearly with background electrolyte concentration above 100.0 mM borate. Similarly, increasing pH of the glycine background electrolyte did not result in a corresponding increase in product degradation, as it had with the borate background electrolyte. Other general trends that were observed include: increasing background electrolyte concentration increases peak efficiency and higher pH favors product formation; thus, it appears that use of a background electrolyte other than borate, such as glycine, the rate of degradation of the Jaffe product can be slowed, increasing the sensitivity of this in-line assay.
Tandem mass spectral libraries are gaining more and more importance for the identification of unknowns in different fields of research, including metabolomics, forensics, toxicology, and environmental analysis. Particularly, the recent invention of reliable, robust, and transferable libraries has increased the general acceptance of these tools. Herein, we report on results obtained from thorough evaluation of the match reliabilities of two tandem mass spectral libraries: the MSforID library established by the Oberacher group in Innsbruck and the Weinmann library established by the Weinmann group in Freiburg. Three different experiments were performed: (1) Spectra of the libraries were searched against their corresponding library after excluding either this single compound-specific spectrum or all compound-specific spectra prior to searching; (2) the libraries were searched against each other using either library as reference set or sample set; (3) spectra acquired on different mass spectrometric instruments were matched to both libraries. Almost 13,000 tandem mass spectra were included in this study. The MSforID search algorithm was used for spectral matching. Statistical evaluation of the library search results revealed that principally both libraries enable the sensitive and specific identification of compounds. Due to higher mass accuracy of the QqTOF compared with the QTrap instrument, matches to the MSforID library were more reliable when comparing spectra with both libraries. Furthermore, only the MSforID library was shown to be efficiently transferable to different kinds of tandem mass spectrometers, including "tandem-in-time" instruments; this is due to the coverage of a large range of different collision energy settings-including the very low range-which is an outstanding characteristics of the MSforID library.
Recent optimizations of NMR spectroscopy have focused their attention on innovations in new hardware, such as novel probes and higher field strengths. Only recently has the potential to enhance the sensitivity of NMR through data acquisition strategies been investigated. This thesis has focused on the practice of enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of NMR using non-uniform sampling (NUS). After first establishing the concept and exact theory of compounding sensitivity enhancements in multiple non-uniformly sampled indirect dimensions, a new result was derived that NUS enhances both SNR and resolution at any given signal evolution time. In contrast, uniform sampling alternately optimizes SNR (t < 1.26T2) or resolution (t~3T2), each at the expense of the other. Experiments were designed and conducted on a plant natural product to explore this behavior of NUS in which the SNR and resolution continue to improve as acquisition time increases. Possible absolute sensitivity improvements of 1.5 and 1.9 are possible in each indirect dimension for matched and 2x biased exponentially decaying sampling densities, respectively, at an acquisition time of ¿T2. Recommendations for breaking into the linear regime of maximum entropy (MaxEnt) are proposed. Furthermore, examination into a novel sinusoidal sampling density resulted in improved line shapes in MaxEnt reconstructions of NUS data and comparable enhancement to a matched exponential sampling density. The Absolute Sample Sensitivity derived and demonstrated here for NUS holds great promise in expanding the adoption of non-uniform sampling.
Transient Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) was used to perform vibrational state population studies of the CO2 product from the hyperthermal reaction between C2H4 and O(3P) at room temperature using O3 as the O-atom precursor. Photodissociation of O3 using a frequency quadrupled Q-switch Nd:YAG laser pulse at 266 nm produced O(3P) atoms at high velocities which subsequently reacted with C2H4, producing several primary and secondary products including CO2. The CO2 product was detected using high-resolution TDLAS under five unique sets of reaction conditions. The vibrational distribution of the CO2 product did not follow a Boltzmann distribution at all five sets of conditions. The experiments showed a distribution in which there was a surprisingly high population in the (1000) (symmetric stretching) state compared with the other states probed, all of which contained bend excitation. In general, the CO2 population in the (1000) state was about 15-20% more populated than the Boltzmann distribution predicts. A possible explanation for this result may lie in the mechanism of CO2 evolution from the C2H4 + O(3P) reaction.