877 resultados para problem solving research


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Wydział Studiów Edukacyjnych: Zakład Pedeutologii


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Research suggests that child-to-parent violence (CPV) is related to a previous history of violence within the family setting. The current study was aimed to explore the exposure to violence in different settings (school, community, home, and TV) and its relationship to some variables of the social-cognitive processing (hostile social perception, impulsivity, ability to anticipate the consequences of social behaviors and to select the appropriate means to achieve the goals of social behaviors) in a group of juveniles who assaulted their parents. It is also examined how they differ from other young offenders and non-offender adolescents. The sample included 90 adolescents from Jaén (Spain). Thirty of them were juveniles who had been reported by their parents for being violent towards them and 30 were juveniles who had committed other types of offences. The third group was made up of 30 adolescents without any criminal charge. Adolescents answered measures of exposure to violence, perception of criticism/rejection from parents, hostile social perception, and social problem- solving skills. Results revealed that juveniles who abused their parents reported higher levels of exposure to violence at home when comparing to the other groups. In addition, exposure to violence at home was significantly correlated to the hostile social perception of adolescents in CPV cases. Implications for prevention and treatment are discussed


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Este estudo tem como principal objetivo compreender e analisar o modo como crianças de creche e jardim-de-infância resolvem problemas matemáticos e o que pode constranger a resolução. Em particular, procurei analisar a atividade matemática que as crianças desenvolvem quando se confrontam com problemas matemáticos e os desafios com que se deparam. Do ponto de vista metodológico, o estudo enquadra-se numa abordagem qualitativa de investigação e num paradigma interpretativo. Além disso, trata-se de uma investigação-ação orientada pela questão “como otimizar a atividade de resolver problemas matemáticos em contextos de educação de infância?”. Neste âmbito, propus a quatro crianças de creche e a 21 de jardim-de-infância um conjunto de tarefas selecionadas para, potencialmente, terem, para si, algum grau de desafio. Os principais métodos de recolha de dados foram a observação participante, a análise documental e um inquérito por questionário realizado às educadoras cooperantes. O estudo ilustra que é possível envolver crianças de creche e de jardim-de-infância numa atividade de resolução de problemas matemáticos e que esta atividade é favorecida se o contexto dos problemas estiver próximo do que fazem no dia-a-dia da sala. Durante o processo de resolução das tarefas propostas, foram mobilizadas e trabalhadas diversas noções matemáticas. Na creche, todas as crianças evidenciaram possuir conhecimentos acerca da noção topológica “dentro de” e “fora de” e algumas foram bem-sucedidas no uso do processo de classificação, tendo em conta um critério. Neste âmbito, recorreram a representações ativas. No jardim-de-infância, todas as crianças conseguiram fazer a contagem sincronizada das letras do seu nome, de indicar a quantidade de letras, o que indicia o conhecimento da noção de cardinal, e de representar esta quantidade recorrendo tanto a numerais como a representações icónicas. Além disso, foram capazes de interpretar uma tabela de modo a construir um gráfico com barras e de elaborar um pictograma, o que revela possuírem conhecimentos ao nível da literacia estatística. Por último, algumas crianças foram bem-sucedidas na descoberta de estratégias de resolução de problemas que lhes permitiram inventariar exaustivamente todas as possibilidades de resolução e contar, organizadamente, estas possibilidades. No decurso desta atividade surgiram tentativas de generalização, embora nem sempre corretas, sobressaindo o recurso a representações ativas nomeadamente à dramatização de situações. Quanto aos desafios com que se depararam destacam-se, no caso da creche, o uso correto do processo de classificação. No caso do jardim-de-infância, as crianças demonstraram dificuldades em distinguir a legenda do pictograma dos dados, em resolver um problema em que estava em jogo o sentido combinatório da multiplicação e em encontrar estratégias de generalização. O estudo indicia, ainda, que é essencial que o educador proponha tarefas diversificadas e desafiantes que, partindo sempre da curiosidade e interesse das crianças, lhes permitam trabalhar com ideias matemáticas importantes e representar adequadamente o conhecimento com que lidam.


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Within the framework of research on students' active performance in their study habits, the aim of this study is to analyze a model predicting the effect of social identity and personal initiative on engagement in university students. We conducted a cross-sectional study on 266 students from different Spanish universities. The resulting data were analyzed using SPSS Macro MEDIATE. Evidence was found for the proposed model. Only group-identity predicted personal initiative and engagement. Analysis revealed the mediating role of proactive behavior on engagement in university students. It is concluded that the university management may intervene, from an organizational-culture approach, promoting guidelines to reinforce students' sense of belonging by enhancing initiative and autonomous problem solving in learning behaviors.


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O texto propõe uma metodologia de trabalho para Mediação de Conflito de Violência Intrafamiliar (MCVI) contra pessoas idosas, de forma não jurídica, a ser desenvolvida nas Unidades de Saúde por equipe multiprofissional. Método: pesquisa social qualitativa, com o método da pesquisa ação por meio de estudo piloto. Resultados: a proposta metodológica foi construída por meio do atendimento de dez casos de violência, visando o estabelecimento de passos para nortear os profissionais de saúde, a fim de estabelecer uma rede de parcerias com os cuidadores por meio de propostas concretas de ação de cada integrante da família no intuito de resolver tais conflitos. Conclusões: essa metodologia de MCVI pode ser utilizada na Assistência Básica de Saúde e no Programa Saúde da Família, visto tratar-se de uma metodologia de fácil aplicação, baixo custo, alta resolutividade, exigindo uma equipe profissional restrita envolvida. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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Dissertação de mest. em Psicologia da Educação - Especialização em Ensino Básico, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais e Escola Superior de Educação, Univ. do Algarve, 2003


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar, Escola Superior de Educação e Comunicação, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Este estudo tem como objetivo compreender de que forma os alunos desenvolvem a aprendizagem da multiplicação através da resolução de uma sequência de problemas. Mais concretamente, pretende Identificar e analisar as estratégias e procedimentos de cálculo utilizados pelos alunos quando resolvem problemas de multiplicação e o contributo da sequência de problemas na aprendizagem desta operação. O quadro teórico integra duas secções que discutem as seguintes temáticas: a resolução de problemas e o ensino e aprendizagem da multiplicação. A metodologia deste estudo segue uma abordagem qualitativa, na vertente de investigação-ação. Nele participaram 20 alunos de uma turma do 2.º ano de escolaridade. A recolha de dados foi realizada com recurso à observação participante, à recolha documental, a conversas informais e à entrevista. Os resultados deste estudo sobre as estratégias e procedimentos de cálculo usados pelos alunos quando resolvem problemas de multiplicação revelam que: (i) recorrem a alguma diversidade de estratégias e procedimentos de cálculo na resolução de problemas de multiplicação, (ii) há alunos que, numa fase inicial, recorrem a várias estratégias e procedimentos para resolver um mesmo problema, (iii) por vezes, os alunos regridem na estratégia utilizada comparando com a que usou no problema anterior da sequência e (iv) associada a cada uma das estratégias há procedimentos de cálculo mais frequentes do que outros. Estes resultados mostram, ainda, no que se refere ao contributo da sequência de problemas na aprendizagem da multiplicação que: (i) problemas com contextos associados ao modelo de disposição retangular contribuem para o uso de estratégias multiplicativas, desde que os números envolvidos sejam adequados, (ii) os números de referência e do conhecimento dos alunos facilitam os cálculos efetuados pelos mesmos e (iii) a articulação entre os problemas da sequência contribui para a progressão das estratégias utilizadas pelos alunos.


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1. Introduction Japanese Lesson Study first came to world-wide attention through Makoto Yoshida’s doctoral dissertation (Yoshida, 1999; Fernandez & Yoshida, 2004) and Stigler and Hiebert’s (1999) accounts of Lesson Study based on the Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). By 2004, Lesson Study was taking place in the USA in at least 32 states and 150 lesson study clusters.Lewis (2002) describes the Lesson Study Cycle as having four phases: goal-setting and planning – including the development of the Lesson Plan; teaching the “research lesson” – enabling the lesson observation; the post-lesson discussion; and the resulting consolidation of learning, which has many far-reaching consequences (see, for example, Lewis & Tsuchida, 1998). It could be said that research lessons make participants and observers think quite profoundly about specific and general aspects of teaching.In Japan, Lesson Study occurs across many curriculum areas, mainly at the elementary school level, and to a lesser extent junior secondary. In mathematics, the research lesson usually follows the typical lesson pattern for a Japanese “structured problem solving lesson”.Major characteristics of such lessons include: the hatsumon – the thought-provoking question or problem that students engage with and that is the key to students’ mathematical development and mathematical connections; kikan-shido – sometimes referred to as the “purposeful scanning” that takes place while students are working individually or in groups, which allows teachers not only to monitor students’ strategies but also to orchestrate their reports on their solutions in the neriage phase of the lesson; neriage – the “kneading” stage of alesson that allows students to compare, polish and refine solutions through the teacher’s orchestration and probing of student solutions; and matome — the summing up and careful review of students’ discussion in order to guide them to higher levels of mathematical sophistication (see, for example, Shimizu, 1999).


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Reminiscence-based psychotherapies have been demonstrated to have robust effects on a range of therapeutic outcomes. However, little research has been conducted on the immediate effects of guided activities they are composed of, or how these might differ dependent on the type of reminiscence. The current study utilised a controlled experimental design, whereby 321 young adults (mean age = 25.5 years, SD = 3.0) were randomised to one of four conditions of online reminiscence activity: problem-solving (successful coping experiences), identity (self-defining events contributing to a meaningful and continuous personal identity), bitterness revival (negative or adverse events), or a control condition (any memory from their past). Participants recalled autobiographical memories congruent with the condition, and answered questions to facilitate reflection on the memories. The results indicated that problem-solving and identity reminiscence activities caused significant improvements in self-esteem, meaning in life, self-efficacy and affect, whereas no effects were found in the bitterness revival and control conditions. Problem-solving reminiscence also caused a small effect in increasing perceptions of a life narrative/s. Differences between the conditions did not appear to be explained by the positive-valence of memories. These results provide evidence for the specific effects of adaptive types of problem-solving and identity reminiscence in young adults.


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Worldwide interest in Japanese Lesson Study as a vehicle to improve mathematics teaching practice through professional learning has left largely unanswered questions about the extent to which it can be replicated elsewhere. This paper reports on a small-scale research project, Implementing structured problem solving mathematics through lesson study, carried out in three Australian schools during 2012, and continued in a modified form during 2013 and 2014. Two major aims of the project were to investigate critical factors in the adaptation and effective implementation of (1) structured problem-solving mathematics lessons, and (2) Japanese Lesson Study as a model for teacher professional learning in the Australian context. This paper discusses the specific affordances that contributed to both the implementation of structured problem solving and to teachers' professional learning as a result of their participation in this project, as well as the constraints encountered, and the implications of these for the sustainability of lesson study in the Australian context. Critical factors identified by the teachers as contributing to the success of the project included the opportunities for in-depth lesson planning, the presence of large numbers of observers at the research lessons and the post-lesson discussions, and the insight provided by the " knowledgeable other". Major constraints included the difficulty in finding suitable problem solving tasks to match the Australian curriculum, and the teaching culture that emphasises small-group rather than whole-class teaching


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International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA) cross-national studies (FIMS, SIMS and TIMSS) show that gender differences in mathematical achievements and attitudes have decreased considerably over thirty years (Hanna, 2000), however, mathematics is still historically stereotyped as a male domain with crucial evidence supporting this belief (Forgasz, Leder, & Kloosterman, 2009). Previous research showed that gender differences in mathematics participation,performance and achievement existed widely in the majority of English speaking countries, specifically favouring boys (Forgasz, 1992; Hyde, Fennema, & Lamon, 1990; Tiedemann, 2000). Hyde, Lindberg, Linn, Ellis and Williams (2008) pointed out that the stereotype that females lack mathematical ability persists and is widely held by parents and teachers.Mathematics teaching materials play an important role in mathematics teaching and learning. The contents within mathematical teaching materials are rational, and deliver both explicit and implicit information. The explicit information refers to mathematics knowledge that students can learn from textbooks, while the latter one, also named as hidden curriculum, contains social and cultural messages. Hidden curriculum is a side effect of education. It has deep and long-term influences on students’ construction of math-gender stereotype that impact their future mathematicallearning (Zhang & Zhou, 2008). Therefore, this study will investigate Chinese andAustralian elementary mathematics teaching materials to explore the messages of gender equity and inequity delivered through hidden curriculum including names, images and problem-solving contexts. Based on the findings, practical implications concerning the promotion of equitable gender environments within elementary mathematics teaching materials from a cross-cultural perspective will be discussed.


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Purpose - The users of construction technologies such as builders and trades people have been acknowledged as sources of potentially important innovations. These innovations may be in the form of safer, less labour intensive, or cheaper methods and processes. The purpose of this paper is to assess whether the Australian construction industry is providing an environment where user-based innovation is being supported and implemented. Design/methodology/approach - An explorative study was undertaken to provide an insight into actual experiences of the implementation of user-based innovation. The data were collected through faceto- face semi-structured interviews providing case studies on multiple aspects of the implementation of innovative construction technologies. The cases involved a cross section of advances, including product, tool, and system technologies. Findings - The main motivation behind developing the technologies was problem solving. The associated industries of manufacturing and retail, as well as consultants within the construction industry present the greatest barriers to implementation. Originality/value - This research provides a better understanding of the factors that are preventing the successful implementation of user-based innovative construction technologies in small firms.


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Diabetes distress (DD) refers to the negative emotions arising from living with diabetes and the burden of self-management. Among adults, the prevalence and significance of DD are well established, but this is not the case among adolescents. This systematic review investigated among adolescents with type 1 diabetes: the prevalence of DD; demographic, clinical, behavioral and psychosocial correlates of DD and interventions that reduce DD. Consistent with adult studies, around one third of adolescents experience elevated DD and this is frequently associated with suboptimal glycemic control, low self-efficacy and reduced self-care. Three measures of DD have been developed specifically for adolescents, as those designed for adults may not be sufficiently sensitive to adolescent concerns. Interventions reducing DD in the short term include strategies such as cognitive restructuring, goal setting and problem solving. Further work is needed to investigate sustainability of effect. Rigorous research is needed to progress this field among adolescents.


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Planning, navigation, and search are fundamental human cognitive abilities central to spatial problem solving in search and rescue, law enforcement, and military operations. Despite a wealth of literature concerning naturalistic spatial problem solving in animals, literature on naturalistic spatial problem solving in humans is comparatively lacking and generally conducted by separate camps among which there is little crosstalk. Addressing this deficiency will allow us to predict spatial decision making in operational environments, and understand the factors leading to those decisions. The present dissertation is comprised of two related efforts, (1) a set of empirical research studies intended to identify characteristics of planning, execution, and memory in naturalistic spatial problem solving tasks, and (2) a computational modeling effort to develop a model of naturalistic spatial problem solving. The results of the behavioral studies indicate that problem space hierarchical representations are linear in shape, and that human solutions are produced according to multiple optimization criteria. The Mixed Criteria Model presented in this dissertation accounts for global and local human performance in a traditional and naturalistic Traveling Salesman Problem. The results of the empirical and modeling efforts hold implications for basic and applied science in domains such as problem solving, operations research, human-computer interaction, and artificial intelligence.