787 resultados para personal social network
This article examines the networks within the research groups where Spanish PhD students are pursuing their doctorate. Capó et al. (2007) used quantitative data to predict PhD students’ publishing performance from their background, attitudes, supervisors’ performance and research group networks. Variables related to the research group network had a negligible explanatory power on student performance once the remaining variables had been accounted for. In this article, a qualitative follow up of the same students is carried out using extreme case sampling and indepth interviews. The qualitative research shows networking as important for students. Out of the 115 aspects that students mention in the interviews as relevant to publishing in the qualitative research, 92 have to do with their supervisors, their research group or their network as a whole. Similarly, out of the 50 hindrances mentioned, 20 have to do with the networks or relations. The most commonly mentioned network-related topics are research group members pushing PhD students to publish, meeting researchers outside the research group, existence of other PhD students in the group, help with the PhD from group members, supervisor’s interest in the thesis, the possibility of discussing with experts on the PhD’s topic and frequent contact with the supervisor and research group members. Some of these characteristics were not, however, measured in the conventional quantitative social network survey
1.- L'enquadrament d'aquest treball de recerca s'ha fet en i des de la praxis. EI que interessa és descobrir i proposar instruments pedagògics d'ajuda, assequibles i contextualitzats, especialment en el terreny de la comunicació i la interacció Educador-Educand. La metodologia que s'ha fet servir és de caire qualitatiu, etnogràfic, en un enfocament basat en la investigació-acció. La visió de la persona és volgudament holística; els sentiments, els significats, I' orientació personal, I' autodirecció. esdevenen elements centrals. La hipòtesi de treball, en la qual es fonamenta la recerca, podria formular-se així: 'En la pràctica, els Educadors, d'una forma més o menys reflexiva, perceben i interpreten el procés d'aprendre dels Educands; hi intervenen, el mediatitzen; n'avaluen la direcció i l'encert". A partir d'aquest supòsit, l'investigador veu convenient donar resposta a tres qüestions centrals: A) Com comprenem i interpretem els Educadors el procés d'aprendre dels Educands?; B) Quin tipus d'intervenció resultarà adient per promoure i/o facilitar l'aprendre?; C) Amb quins instruments i estratègies comptem per ajudar pedagògicament? 2.- Per llegir l'aprendre, l'investigador fa ús d'un model mental, indispensable per ordenar les dades de l'experiència. Convé, per tant, explicitar-lo, fer-ne ciència, coneixement compartit. En aquesta direcció de treball se li plantegen dos tipus d'interrogants: A) Quins són els elements comuns a qualsevol experiència d'aprenentatge?; Quina mena d'activitat o experiència personal desenvolupen tots els Educands; i B) Com es manifesta aquesta experiència? Amb quins indicadors? Quina mena de "text" llegeix l'Educador per orientar la seva intervenció d'ajuda? 3.- L'aprenentatge. en aquest treball, és considerat per l'investigador com la resultant de tres processos personals: el posicionament, l'estratègia i l'avaluació. Quan l'Educador vol compartir amb l'Educand el seu procés idiosincràtic d'aprendre, procura reconstruir amb ell aquestes tres accions bàsiques: A) Com es posiciona: què tem o desitja, què creu, què espera, quines expectatives viu, com es motiva? B) Quines són les seves pautes d'actuació: com treballa, com memoritza, com recupera la informació que té a la memòria, què fa davant d'un problema... ? C) Què busca; què és important per a ella; què pretén... ? 4.- Davant la complexitat dels missatges emesos per l'Educand l'investigador opta per llegir tres tipus de "textos": els productes i els resultats; les conductes; i els missatges parlats. Entre tots tres, pensa, podrà trobar elements i indicadors adequats per fonamentar, sempre hipotèticament, la seva actuació pedagògica. 5.- Procura sobretot detectar i fer existir els èxits, aquells productes i/o resultats que l'Educand troba valuosos, per tal d'ajudar-lo a prendre consciència dels seu repertori personal d'estratègies i capacitats. En aquest àmbit es proposen tres actituds o enfocaments del treball d'ajuda: A) El primer fa referència a la presa de consciència de l'estratègia personal, que s'amaga darrera el producte valorat. B) El segon apunta cap al respecte per l'estratègia que cadascú executa i, per tant, li és familiar. L'Educand la necessita. Es la seva. Es troba en la seva experiència, encara que no necessàriament existeixi en la seva construcció conscient. C) El tercer ,el duu a valorar l'estratègia d'acord amb les finalitats de l'Educand. La seva adequació es legitima pel que es proposa. Partim del supòsit que tota conducta es troba dirigida per un propòsit a vegades difícil de copsar i no sempre recomanable per a l'Educand. 6.- La conducta percebuda de l'Educand és entesa com un missatge, un conjunt d'indicadors de la seva activitat contextualitzada, interna i externa; missatge que, en relació amb altres, com els productes i les verbalitzacions, manifesta fragments dels seus significats, projectes, estratègies, valors. Es fa un èmfasi especial en les conductes "internes", els gestos mentals, l'acció interior, tramesa per mitja de microcomportaments sovint no conscient, i certificada per mitjà de la verbalització del viscut. 7.- Parlar amb l'Educand suposa dues menes d'accions: escoltar i emetre. Escoltem per comprendre; emetem per perfilar la comprensió i també per ajudar. En l'emissió, el missatge pedagògic té dues funcions: a) rellançar i orientar el pensament i l'autoexploració de l'Educand; i b) influir per tal que desenvolupi amb èxit el seu projecte d'aprendre. Interessa d'una manera especial ajudar a integrar en la consciència de l'Educand aquests elements de la seva experiència que poden facilitar-li l'adquisició del coneixement. I entenem que, en aquesta empresa, la paraula i la interacció verbal poden tenir-hi un joc important. Per aquesta raó s'ha considerat necessari oferir un model d'anàlisi de la interacció i els missatges verbals. 8.- "Les persones aprenen sempre, amb recursos, processos i sistemes de valoració idiosincràtics, per fa qual cosa la seva orientació en el context esdevé un referent central en el disseny de l'ajuda pedagògica i en la seva avaluació". Aquesta és la hipòtesi de sortida per dissenyar la intervenció pedagògica. Tothom aprèn, inevitablement; la qüestió és quina cosa està aprenent i de quina manera els seus resultats d'ara són mediatitzats per l'experiència passada i, alhora, condicionen el seu aprendre futur. L'aprenent es posiciona, anticipa el procés d' aprendre, valora la seva. capacitat per desenvolupar-lo amb èxit, es motiva en una determinada direcció, d'acord amb la seva experiència, els seus aprenentatges anteriors. Executa estratègies, mostra un tipus d'intel·ligència, una forma personal de processar la informació. Pretén quelcom. És un sistema obert en relació amb el medi: hi ha uns valors que dirigeixen la seva presa de decisions. Utilitza uns criteris propis, una gamma personal d'opcions conscients. Avalua el que fa, el resultat que obté i la seva capacitat personal. 9.- L'ajuda pedagògica que I' autor proposa s'encamina sobretot a facilitar en l'Educand la descoberta dels seus propis recursos. Es tracta de portar-lo cap a la consideració atenta de la seva pròpia experiència, per amplificar-la i fer-la existir com a recurs conscient . Ha dibuixat i experimentat tres conjunts d'intervenció cadascun enfocat vers un àmbit de l'experiència d'aprendre, el qual col·loca com a prioritari, sense oblidar qualsevol dels altres que pugui ser rellevant, per comprendre o ajudar. A) Intervenció sobre el posicionament. En aquest àmbit enfoca l'estil de motivació que executa l'Educand, mira de corregir-lo, si cal, a partir de l'anàlisi i la comprensió de les seves formes de motivar-se quan ell viu l'èxit. Treballa proposant objectius paradoxals de fracàs gairebé impossible, buscant l'assoliment de petits èxits, potser aparentment insignificants, però estratègics; prescriu l'automatisme, per modificar-lo si l'Educand ho desitja; comprova el procés d'anticipació de I' experiència que l'aprenent es construeix per orientar-se; l'ajuda a contextualitzar anticipació i a fer ús dels seus Ilenguatges interns més eficaços i còmodes;... B) Intervenció sobre les estratègies i processos. En un segon enfocament, no necessàriament posterior al descrit, considera les estratègies de I'Educand, també a partir dels seus encerts i èxits. Mira de portar-lo cap a fa descripció i presa de consciència de les seves maneres de fer mes còmodes i segures, les que lliguen amb les seves preferències cerebrals. Quan viu dificultats, el convida a explorar les excepcions, els moments en els quals les seves realitzacions són satisfactòries. Pretén sobretot modificar les seves creences limitants, posant-lo en conflicte amb els fets de l'experiència. A vegades, caldrà facilitar l'adquisició d'estratègies i procediments nous que l'Educand considera plausibles. Es tracta específicament de fer existir opcions noves d'actuació per tal d'assolir allò que vol i/o necessita. C) Intervenció sobre el sistema de valors de l'Educand. L'Educand viu uns valors, els quals expliquen el seu món intern les conductes que realitza i els resultats que obté. Aquest àmbit és col·locat, en el model, al centre del procés d'aprendre. Hom actua amb propòsits determinats, no necessariament conscients. L'obertura de la persona a l'experiència d'aprendre es dirigeix segons criteris i valors irrenunciables. 10.- L 'Educador procura compartir els objectius de l'Educand i els seus projectes per assolir-los; vol tanmateix que se'n faci coneixedor i director responsable. Per a això li convé preguntar-se per quina mena d'experiència està desenvolupant i quin sentit ecològic te per a ell. L'Educador, el seu model del món, la seva persona, està compromès en el procés d'ajuda. No és només un tècnic que aplica recursos objectius. El seu model de comunicació, el seu pensament, les seves expectatives i anticipacions, tenen un pes considerable en el tipus d'intervenció pedagògica que durà a terme i, d'escreix, en el tipus d' aprenentatge que facilita. En la intervenció, l'Educador parteix d'una avaluació intencionadament positiva, centrada en els recursos i les solucions, en la metacognició i l'autoregulació dels processos, a partir de premisses que pressuposen l'èxit personal.
O presente estudo visa identificar opiniões e conceções de cinco professoras de educação especial em relação ao seu contexto profissional e ao seu desempenho no mesmo. O estudo lida, assim, com as perspetivas dessas professoras, pretendendo-se caraterizar o seu pensamento sobre as condições reais para a inclusão de crianças com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) e o seu papel nesse sentido, apesar dos constrangimentos existentes. Assume-se que o professor é, enquanto profissional, não só produto de valores pessoais, sociais e institucionais/políticos como também seu veículo. Os dados foram recolhidos através da realização de entrevistas semiestruturadas às referidas professoras, seleccionadas pelos seus largos anos de experiência em escolas da região da Grande Lisboa. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que as professoras são afetadas no seu desempenho profissional por fatores pessoais e sociais e ainda pelas interações com professores titulares de turma, técnicos especializados e poder institucional. Pode ainda concluir-se que as professoras preocupam-se em fazer uma intervenção ecológica junto do aluno, preocupando-se não só com o seu desenvolvimento pessoal, como também com a sua inclusão na escola, família e sociedade. Ressaltam ainda, do estudo, preocupações no que concerne ao futuro destes alunos e à evolução da Educação Especial, resultado das políticas educativas vigentes.
O nosso estudo propôs analisar os significados atribuidos pelos servidores que integraram o Programa de Educação Básica (PEB), da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). Através dos relatos de servidores e gestores, se propõe o impacto que a frequência do Programa de Educação Básica teve junto dos mesmos, no âmbito pessoal, social e profissional. Pretende igualmente verificar se as expectativas iniciais ficaram satisfeitas. Para tanto, a investigação fez um percurso de pesquisa teórica de levantamento de opiniões junto dos intervenientes. As teorias fundamentaram-se em referenciais que reconhecem os esforços realizados na EJA, como os investimentos e avanços que diminuiram o analfabetismo no Brasil. Para tanto, a investigação fez um percurso metodológico em bases teóricas e práticas. As teorias são elucidadas em literaturas que reconhecem os esforços realizados na EJA, como os investimentos e avanços que diminuíram o analfabetismo no Brasil. Na prática, o trajeto estrutura-se em um estudo qualitativo, exploratório indutivo, com análise interpretativa de 60 servidores e 12 gestores, através de questionários com perguntas abertas, e aplicados em entrevistas realizadas pela pesquisadora. Como resultados, a pesquisa aponta que a escolarização do PEB produziu significados substantivos, para os servidores, ambiente coletivo e profissão, contribuindo sobremaneira para o exercício da cidadania. Como reflexões conclusivas, mas não definitivas, a produção dissertativa fortalece a EJA, reconhece sujeitos e favorece a prática educativa, ao elucidar ações concretas de escolarização, com propostas de novos olhares para o campo da educação.
For several years, online educational tools such as Blackboard have been used by Universities to foster collaborative learning in an online setting. Such tools tend to be implemented in a top-down fashion, with the institution providing the tool to the students and instructing them to use it. Recently, however, a more informal, bottom up approach is increasingly being employed by the students themselves in the form of social networks such as Facebook. With over 9,000 registered Facebook users at the beginning of this study, rising to over 12,000 at the University of Reading alone, Facebook is becoming the de facto social network of choice for higher education students in the UK, and there was increasing anecdotal evidence that students were actively learning via Facebook rather than through BlackBoard. To test the validity of these anecdotes, a questionnaire was sent to students, asking them about their learning experiences via BlackBoard and Facebook. The results show that students are making use of the tools available to them even when there is no formal academic content, and that increased use of a social networking tool is correlated with a reported increase in learning as a result of that use.
While the academic literature has demonstrated the importance of social networks in relation to the process of migration, investigations have rarely examined in detail the personal-social adjustment issues that migrants and return migrants face. This study examines the context and types of friendship pattern that young return migrants from Britain cultivate in Barbados. The research centres on a wholly under-researched demographic groupyoung return migrants or second-generation Barbadians who have decided to return to the birthplace of their parents. The investigation is based on 51 in-depth interviews carried out with these young returnees to Barbados. Presenting a taxonomy of friendship types, it is argued that, for the 'Bajan-Brits' under study, the cultivation of new friendships is highly problematic. The research identifies what we refer to as the 'insular transnational', the 'we are different' and the 'all-inclusive transnational' friendship types among the young returnees. Our analysis also shows that problems of friendship are highly gendered, with females reporting the most problems due to what is perceived as sexual and workplace competition. It is stressed that these circumstances exemplify the essentially 'hybrid', 'liminal' and 'in-between' positionality of these second-generation migrants within contemporary Barbadian society.
The UK industry has been criticised for being slow to adopt construction process innovations. Research shows that the idiosyncrasies of participants, their roles in the system and the contextual differences between sections of the industry make this a highly complex problem. There is considerable evidence that informal social networks play a key role in diffusion of innovations. The aim is to identify informal communication networks of project participants and the role these play in the diffusion of construction innovations. The characteristics of this network will be analysed in order to understand how they can be used to accelerate innovation diffusion within and between projects. Social Network Analysis is used to determine informal communication routes. Control and experiment case study projects are used within two different organizations. This allows informal communication routes concerning innovations to be mapped, whilst testing if the informal routes can facilitate diffusion. Analysis will focus upon understanding the combination of informal strong and weak ties, and how these impede or facilitate the diffusion of the innovation. Initial work suggests the presence of an informal communication network. Actors within this informal network, and the organization's management are unaware of its' existence and their informal roles within it. Thus, the network remains an untapped medium regarding innovation diffusion. It is proposed that successful innovation diffusion is dependent upon understanding informal strong and weak ties, at project, organization and industry level.
The relative fast processing speed requirements in Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) consumer based products are often in conflict with their low power and cost requirements. In order to solve this conflict the efficiency and cost effectiveness of these products and the underlying functional modules become paramount. This paper presents a low-cost, simple, yet high performance solution for the receiver Channel Estimator and Equalizer for the Mutiband OFDM (MB-OFDM) system, particularly directed to the WiMedia Consortium Physical Later (ECMA-368) consumer implementation for Wireless-USB and Fast Bluetooth. In this paper, the receiver fixed point performance is measured and the results indicate excellent performance compared to the current literature(1).
A method to map all the variants of the IEEE 802.11 MAC frames into the Multiband OFDM based ECMA-368 Physical standard is proposed, without contravening the standard. The transportation of IEEE 802.11 MAC frames over ECMA-368 allows for the migration current of Wireless LAN applications towards a Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) solution. This system benefits the Consumer Electronics Market as the high data-rate WPAN is capable of transporting broadcast-quality video while the same system can also transport existing applications available today, maintaining existing effort, products and backward-compatibility(1).
The themes of awareness and influence within the innovation diffusion process are addressed. The innovation diffusion process is typically represented as stages, yet awareness and influence are somewhat under-represented in the literature. Awareness and influence are situated within the contextual setting of individual actors but also within the broader institutional forces. Understanding how actors become aware of an innovation and then how their opinion is influenced is important for creating a more innovation-active UK construction sector. Social network analysis is proposed as one technique for mapping how awareness and influence occur and what they look like as a network. Empirical data are gathered using two modes of enquiry. This is done through a pilot study consisting of chartered professionals and then through a case study organization as it attempted to diffuse an innovation. The analysis demonstrates significant variations across actors’ awareness and influence networks. It is argued that social network analysis can complement other research methods in order to present a richer picture of how actors become aware of innovations and where they draw their influences regarding adopting innovations. In summarizing the findings, a framework for understanding awareness and influence associated with innovation within the UK construction sector is presented. Finally, with the UK construction sector continually being encouraged to be innovative, understanding and managing an actor’s awareness and influence network will be beneficial. The overarching conclusion thus describes the need not only to build research capacity in this area but also to push the boundaries related to the research methods employed.
Prêt-à-Médiatiser by House of POLLYFIBRE is a performance/film that takes the fashion show catwalk as a site for exploration, with a focus on the dialogue between liveness and mediatisation. The performance showcases a clothing collection that has been designed to be documented and thus is challenged in the context of the live event. Motivated by the 2-dimensionality and biased perspective of mediated images such as magazine photography, social network profiles images and the surfaces of digital interfaces, the garments are one sided and obstruct the models in their attempt to play out familiar fashion poses, unless they align themselves 'correctly' for the lense. There is material metaphor and wordplay throughout, for example the clothing pieces are made from interfacing fabrics that are physically cut, pasted and layered to create the rigid flat silhouettes. The performance is accompanied by live sound created by tools of the fashion industry (including scissors and camera clicks) that have been adapted and amplified to be used as instruments. The audience and press are invited to document the live event and the subsequent film is made using footage collated from the crew, the audience and the official press
Student life has change a lot since 2005 when the idea to create a Social Network Service (SNS) for students in the School of Systems Engineering at the University of Reading was conceived and went live in 2006, called RedGloo.
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to address a recent call for additional research on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). In response to this call, this study draws on the social network paradigm and the uses and gratification theory (UGT) to propose and empirically test a conceptual framework of key drivers of two types of eWOM, namely in-group and out-of-group. Design/methodology/approach – The proposed model, which examines the impact of usage motivations on eWOM in-group and eWOM out-of-group, is tested in a sample of 302 internet users in Portugal. Findings – Results from the survey show that the different drivers (i.e. mood-enhancement, escapism, experiential learning and social interaction) vary in terms of their impact on the two different types of eWOM. Surprisingly, while results show a positive relationship between experiential learning and eWOM out-of-group, no relationship is found between experiential learning and eWOM in-group. Research limitations/implications – This is the first study investigating the drivers of both eWOM in-group and eWOM out-of-group. Additional research in this area will contribute to the development of a general theory of eWOM. Practical implications – By understanding the drivers of different eWOM types, this study provides guidance to marketing managers on how to allocate resources more efficiently in order to achieve the company's strategic objectives. Originality/value – No published study has investigated the determinants of these two types of eWOM. This is the first study offering empirical considerations of how the various drivers differentially impact eWOM in-group and eWOM out-of-group.
Purpose– The purpose of this study is to address a recent call for additional research on electronic word‐of‐mouth (eWOM). In response to this call, this study draws on the social network paradigm and the uses and gratification theory (UGT) to propose and empirically test a conceptual framework of key drivers of two types of eWOM, namely in‐group and out‐of‐group. Design/methodology/approach– The proposed model, which examines the impact of usage motivations on eWOM in‐group and eWOM out‐of‐group, is tested in a sample of 302 internet users in Portugal. Findings– Results from the survey show that the different drivers (i.e. mood‐enhancement, escapism, experiential learning and social interaction) vary in terms of their impact on the two different types of eWOM. Surprisingly, while results show a positive relationship between experiential learning and eWOM out‐of‐group, no relationship is found between experiential learning and eWOM in‐group. Research limitations/implications– This is the first study investigating the drivers of both eWOM in‐group and eWOM out‐of‐group. Additional research in this area will contribute to the development of a general theory of eWOM. Practical implications– By understanding the drivers of different eWOM types, this study provides guidance to marketing managers on how to allocate resources more efficiently in order to achieve the company's strategic objectives. Originality/value– No published study has investigated the determinants of these two types of eWOM. This is the first study offering empirical considerations of how the various drivers differentially impact eWOM in‐group and eWOM out‐of‐group.