987 resultados para oral tradition - literature
Dissertação de Mestrado em Ensino do Português como Língua Segunda e Estrangeira
Os autores relatam caso clínico de paciente com esquistossomose mansônica, tratado com oxamniquine oral em dose única de 15 mg/kg, que apresenta como efeito colateral um bloqueio átrio-ventricular incompleto tipo Mobitz I, com parada sinusal e escape ventricular. Concluem que, apesar de a oxamniquine ser eficaz e segura, pode ser determinante de cardiotoxicidade
The hamster check pouch is an invagination of oral mucosa, characterized histologically as skin-like. In this paper we describe anatomical, histological and embriological features of the pouch and coment on the pouch as an immunologically privileged site since it lacks lymphatic drainage and has few Langerhans cells. We present the review from literature and our observations after inoculation in the pouch of mycobacteriae (BCG, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae) and a fungus (Paracoccidioides brasiliensis). Lesions in the pouch were granulomatous but smaller and long lasting; even granulomatous, the reaction was inefficient to control the proliferation of agents compared with inoculation in other sites, except for BCG. Appearance of immunity was also delayed or absent and, when it was detected, a sharp decrease in number of agents in pouch lesions was observed. These observations make the pouch an interesting site for the study of the role of immune system in infeccious diseases and in granuloma formation.
Ethnographic film is often associated with many European countries’ past as colonial powers and the way these countries used film to depict African, American and Asian territories and populations they once ruled. However, ethnographic film also has a European tradition of its own, closely interlaced with the history of ethnography and anthropology as autonomous sciences and with the desire of scholars to represent local, regional and national cultural identities. This paper presents a Portuguese attempt of this sort dating from 1938, when the authoritarian regime organized a national contest to determine which would be Portugal’s most “authentic” village – something other European countries also did. As part of this metonymic contribution to the construction of Portugal’s national identity as an agrarian utopia, a short documentary was shot, sponsored by the same official propaganda office that had organized the contest. In this film, the viewer’s gaze is made to coincide with the one of the national jury visiting the final selection of 12 villages and to whose benefit local scholars had organized all sorts of colourful peasant traditions hoping to cause the strongest impression. The film makes a strong case for the importance of ethnographic film as a relevant instance not only of the iteration of existing European national cultures, but also of the construction of so many of Europe’s national identities and traditions. Suffice to say that even today the village of “Monsanto”, which won the 1938 contest, is still referred to as “Portugal’s most Portuguese village”.
Informação é o conceito genérico de tudo que possa representar, conhecimento ou comunicação. Trata-se de conhecimento registado de forma impressa ou digital, oral ou audiovisual, mas ainda pode ser registada em suporte físico. Desde o início da civilização que o Ser Humano tenta criar novas formas de transmitir informação, antes da invenção da forma escrita era utilizado o método do desenho para descrever a realidade, este método ao longo do tempo foi evoluindo, ganhando mais qualidade, pormenor e suportes mais evoluídos. Mas sempre com a mesma intenção, a de conseguir transmitir de forma mais direta e percetível informação a qualquer individuo. Dado isto, o Ser Humano sempre produziu arte e a foi preservando para mostrar aos vindouros. Neste processo, os museus em conjunto com espaços culturais e artísticos, foram assumindo um papel de relevo na sociedade. Mas inicialmente o objetivo principal dos museus era o de preservar e expor artefactos históricos e culturais. A grande evolução tecnológica dos últimos anos veio dotar o Ser Humano com formas de aceder à informação tão simples e diversificadas, que no passado eram completamente impensáveis e certamente que no futuro irão ser descobertas ainda mais formas de registar e propagar a informação. Assim o presente trabalho descreve a investigação realizada, através de uma recolha de bibliografia, levantamento do estado-da-arte, que pretende descobrir se a construção de visitas virtuais imersivas é uma boa forma para mostrar um espaço cultural ao público, que está cada vez mais exigente e disperso geograficamente. Além do levantamento são estudados alguns exemplos de visitas virtuais existentes, de modo a detetar boas praticas e formas mais usuais para a criação de uma visita. Finalmente foi descrito todo o processo desde a recolha de informação até à própria implementação, construção de um protótipo para apresentar ao utilizador o espaço de uma fundação, a do escultor José Rodrigues. Este protótipo tem por objetivo mostrar ao utilizador a fundação o mais aproximado do real possível.
A well documented case of hepatic fascioliasis (HF), successfully treated with triclabendazole, is reported. Predominant clinical manifestations were fever, marked eosinophilia and abdominal pain. Triclabendazole was given as two single oral doses of 10 mg/kg each. Neither side effects nor clinical or parasitological relapses were seen after three months of follow up Based on this experience and few other similar reports in the literature, triclabendazole might be a valid therapeutical alternative in the treatment of human fascioliasis.
The basidiomycosis, fungal infections provoked by basidiomycetes or agaric fungi have been recorded at growing frequencies in the medical literature, especially after the advent of AIDS in 1991. The basidiospores of these fungi, scattered in the atmosphere and transported by winds or air currents, reach the maxillary sinuses through the nasal route, most of the times causing signs and symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Basidiomycetes have also been isolated from sputum, especially Schizophyllum commune. Lesions of the buccal mucosa, brain abscesses, onychomycosis and endocarditis have been described, with a growing interest in this type of deep mycosis on the part of mycologists and infectologists. The present paper reports descriptions of mycetism as well as infectious processes caused by basidiomycetes, such as Schizophyllum commune, Ustilago maydis (= Ustilago zeae) and Coprinus cinereus
We report a case of subcutaneous pheohyphomycosis observed in a male patient presenting pulmonary sarcoidosis and submitted to corticosteroid treatment. He presented nodular erythematous-violaceous skin lesions in the dorsum of the right hand. Histopathological examination of the biopsied lesion revealed dematiaceous hyphae and yeast-like cells, with a granulomatous tissual reaction. The isolated fungus was identified as Phoma cava. A review of the literature on fungal infection caused by different Phoma species, is presented. The patient healed after therapy with amphotericin B, followed by itraconazole
Two cases of subcutaneous scedosporiosis, caused by Scedosporium apiospermum, are reported. Both patients had lesions localized in the forearm: a solitary ulceration in one and a sporotrichoid-like lesion in the other. The literature is reviewed
Two cases of ectopic cutaneous schistosomiasis are described. Both patients presented with abdominal papular skin lesions, which on biopsy were found to contain granulomas with Schistosoma mansoni eggs. Twenty-five other cases were retrieved from the literature. Most patients were female, mean age 24.9 year, with a predominance of the white race. The most common localization was anterior thorax and abdomen. Usually, the lesions were asymptomatic. In few cases, however, severe clinical syndromes due to the parasite coexisted, such as transverse myelitis or the acute-toxemic form of the disease. Intestinal infection was not frequently demonstrated in these patients. The importance of the recognition of these cutaneous lesions may rest on the opportunity to provide an etiological diagnosis in these difficult cases.
Thirty-eight patients with scabies (21 males and 17 females) received oral ivermectin in two doses of 200 mg/kg at 7 days interval. Excellent results were achieved in 29 cases (76.34%), improvement in 6 (15.78%) and poor responses in 3 (7.88%). Tolerance was satisfactory-excellent in 32 patients (84.2%). The effectiveness and safety of the drug described in previous studies are confirmed by the present results.
Anticorpos anti-Trypanosoma cruzi (isotipo IgG) foram detectados no transudato da mucosa oral (TMO) através de um ensaio imunoenzimático. Foram estudados 21 indivíduos com doença de Chagas crônica comprovada através de diagnóstico clínico, eletrocardiográfico, epidemiológico e sorológico: 10 com forma cardíaca, 2 com forma digestiva, 6 com forma mista e 3 com forma assintomática. Sete indivíduos de área endêmica, com sorologia negativa, constituiram o grupo controle. O soro destes grupos foi armazenado a -20 oC. A coleta de TMO de ambos os grupos foi realizada com o dispositivo OraSureâ seguindo orientação do fabricante (OraSureâ , Epitope Inc., Beaverton, OR, USA). As amostras de TMO foram diluídas (1:2) e testadas em duplicata através de um ensaio imunoenzimático da Abbott Laboratories para detectar anticorpos IgG contra doença de Chagas. Vinte dos vinte e um pacientes chagásicos apresentaram densidade óptica acima do limiar de reatividade e foram considerados positivos para doença de Chagas. Nenhuma das amostras provenientes de indivíduos soronegativos foi positiva. A sensibilidade e especificidade foram de 95% e 100%, respectivamente. Estes resultados indicam que TMO poderá ser utilizado como um fluido biológico alternativo para o diagnóstico da doença de Chagas. Nós estamos aumentando o número de indivíduos para validar estes resultados incluindo a análise comparativa entre amostras de TMO e soro.
Eleven cases of involvement of the genital tract in paracoccidioidomycosis were collected in a retrospective study of the clinical records of 683 patients seen in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. These cases are herein summarily reported. Eighteen similar cases were gathered in review of the Brazilian literature. Obtained data are discussed.