798 resultados para guest speakers
Novos contextos de aprendizagem virtual de línguas estrangeiras vêm surgindo com o desenvolvimento das novas tecnologias. Há a necessidade agora de se pensar em como a competência linguística poderá ser também avaliada em meio virtual. Este artigo traz uma retrospectiva da origem e desenvolvimento das provas de proficiência oral para falantes de línguas estrangeiras, buscando também levantar e discutir os aspectos a serem levados em consideração para a formulação deste tipo de teste em ambiente virtual.
OBJETIVO: caracterizar e comparar o perfil comunicativo de crianças com distúrbios do espectro autístico com dois diferentes interlocutores. MÉTODO: participaram da pesquisa nove sujeitos, sendo quatro crianças do gênero masculino, com faixa etária variando entre cinco anos e oito meses e onze anos, com distúrbios do espectro autístico e cinco terapeutas de linguagem. Foram realizadas análises do perfil comunicativo dessas crianças com os dois diferentes interlocutores (terapeuta de linguagem da própria criança e terapeuta desconhecida). Para análise dos dados foi empregado o Protocolo de Pragmática e tratamento estatístico dos resultados (p < 0,05; Teste dos Postos Sinalizados de Wilcoxon). RESULTADOS: foram levantados o número de atos comunicativos, o meio pelo qual esses atos foram expressos (vocal, verbal e gestual) e as funções comunicativas. em média, o número de atos comunicativos expressos pelos sujeitos tanto com os terapeutas das próprias crianças (5,10 atos/min) como com a terapeuta desconhecida (4,93 atos/min) não foi estatisticamente significante. Observou-se na situação de interação com o próprio terapeuta que a média do percentual da ocorrência do meio comunicativo verbal (31,50%) e a média de funções mais interativas (33,25%) são maiores do que com terapeuta desconhecida. CONCLUSÃO: os diferentes interlocutores, estudados nesta pesquisa, não tiveram uma influência no perfil comunicativo destas crianças. Deste modo, sugerem-se novos estudos, com inclusão de outros interlocutores, a fim de estabelecer quais variáveis interacionais interferem estatisticamente no perfil comunicativo de crianças do espectro autístico, com o intuito de contribuir para a elaboração de melhores propostas terapêuticas para esta população.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The photoinduced birefringence is analyzed in a guest-host azobenzene-containing polymer in the temperature range from 20 to 330 K. An anomalous behavior arises in the low-temperature range, suggesting strong influence from the free volume for the chromophores in the polymer. This influence is so strong that quenched samples have a photoinduced signal ca. 5 times greater than the annealed ones at room temperature. An extended free volume model is presented based on two assumptions about thermal fluctuations in the cavities and their size distribution. This model, which is an extension of the model by Mita et al., can explain the main features of the photoinduced birefringence as a function of time, temperature, and initial free volume state. To account for the influence of free volume on the photoorientation, the detailed reorientation model by Sekkat's was used. We show that Sekkat's model leads to an exponential behavior at small orientation regimes, which simplifies the mathematical treatment and allows the mean free volume to be obtained from the data fitting.
Significant progress is being made in the photovoltaic energy conversion using organic semiconducting materials. One of the focuses of attention is the morphology of the donor-acceptor heterojunction at the nanometer scale, to ensure efficient charge generation and loss-free charge transport at the same time. Here, we present a method for the controlled, sequential design of a bilayer polymer cell architecture that consists of a large interface area with connecting paths to the respective electrodes for both materials. We used the surface-directed demixing of a donor conjugated/guest polymer blend during spin coating to produce a nanostructured interface, which was, after removal of the guest with a selective solvent, covered with an acceptor layer. With use of a donor poly(p-phenylenevinylene) derivative and the acceptor C-60 fullerene, this resulted in much-improved device performance, with external power efficiencies more than 3 times higher than those reported for that particular material combination so far.
Characteristics of speech, especially figures of speech, are used by specific communities or domains, and, in this way, reflect their identities through their choice of vocabulary. This topic should be an object of study in the context of knowledge representation once it deals with different contexts of production of documents. This study aims to explore the dimensions of the concepts of euphemism, dysphemism, and orthophemism, focusing on the latter with the goal of extracting a concept which can be included in discussions about subject analysis and indexing. Euphemism is used as an alternative to a non-preferred expression or as an alternative to an offensive attribution-to avoid potential offense taken by the listener or by other persons, for instance, pass away. Dysphemism, on the other hand, is used by speakers to talk about people and things that frustrate and annoy them-their choice of language indicates disapproval and the topic is therefore denigrated, humiliated, or degraded, for instance, kick the bucket. While euphemism tries to make something sound better, dysphemism tries to make something sound worse. Orthophemism (Allan and Burridge 2006) is also used as an alternative to expressions, but it is a preferred, formal, and direct language of expression when representing an object or a situation, for instance, die. This paper suggests that the comprehension and use of such concepts could support the following issues: possible contributions from linguistics and terminology to subject analysis as demonstrated by Talamo et al. (1992); decrease of polysemy and ambiguity of terms used to represent certain topics of documents; and construction and evaluation of indexing languages. The concept of orthophemism can also serves to support associative relationships in the context of subject analysis, indexing, and even information retrieval related to more specific requests.
"Alternatives for the Treatment of Schistosomiasis: Physico-Chemical Characterization of an Inclusion Complex Between Praziquantel and Hydroxypropyl-beta-Cyclodextrin". Praziquantel (PZQ) is the drug of choice commonly used for the treatment of shistosomiasis. However, it has low aqueous solubility, which could limit its bioavailability in the body. To circumvent these features, an inclusion complex with hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HP-beta-CD) was prepared. Thus, the objective of this work was to prepare and characterize the PZQ/HP-beta-CD inclusion complex. Morphological, spectroscopic, and calorimetric analysis showed the first signs of the guest/host interaction. The complexation kinetic analysis was used to determine the kinetic constant and, besides that, it was possible to establish the time consumed to reach equilibrium. Using the solubility isotherm, it was observed that the interaction with HP-beta-CD increased 2.4 fold the aqueous solubility of plain PZQ. In vitro cytotoxicity tests, using fibroblast cells, evidenced no toxicity for these cells at the concentrations tested. These results demonstrated that there is a potential use of PZQ in formulations with HP-beta-CD.
This paper is a qualitative ethnographic study that aims to present reflections on negotiation events in teletandem interactions, a synchronous telecollaborative context of language learning, within the scope of the interaction strategies adopted by participants to achieve comprehensibility. The project Teletandem Brasil: foreign languages for all (Telles, 2006) matches up native or proficient speakers of a foreign language with Brazilian undergraduate students to learn each other's language, by communicating synchronically with application softwares like Skype, Oovoo or MSN. on this paper, based on the interpretive perspective of Hermeneutics, we analyze excerpts of teletandem interactions of partnerships established between students of a Brazilian university and American universities. The excerpts presented here have been taken from different moments of the research studies conducted at the teletandem laboratories of UNESP Assis and Sao Jose do Rio Preto and are part of the database of the works of Santos (2008) and Garcia (2010). In this article, in the data analysis, we highlight the focus on form and on lexicon as characteristics of the interactions and analyze how the negotiations happen in this learning context mediated by technology. Among results we may highlight the prevailing of external feedback as a trigger to negotiation moves, the occurrence of adjustment processes between participants to get adapted to each other's interaction behavior, as well as the evolution of this behavior as interactants get familiarized with the computer-mediated communication context, under the shape of changes in the participants choices regarding negotiation of meaning along their interaction experience.
Infrared and photoluminescence spectroscopies have been used to investigate the local environment of the Eu3+ ions in luminescent sol-gel derived materials-di-ureasils-based on a hybrid framework represented by U(600). This host is composed of a siliceous backbone grafted, through urea cross-links, to both ends of polymer segments incorporating 8.5 oxyethylene repeat units. The active centers have been introduced as europium perchlorate, Eu(ClO4)3. Samples with compositions n = 232, 62, 23, 12, and 6 (where n denotes the ratio of (OCH2CH2) moieties per lanthanide ion) have been examined. The combination of the information retrieved from the analysis of characteristic bands of the FTIR spectra-the perchlorate and the Amide I/Amide II features-with that obtained from the photoluminescence data demonstrates that at compositions n = 232 and 62 the anions are free, whereas the Eu3+ ions are complexed by the heteroatoms of the polyether chains. At higher salt concentration, the cations are bonded, not only to the ClO4 - ions, but also to the ether oxygen atoms of the organic segments and to the carbonyl oxygen atoms of the urea linkages. The dual behavior of U(600) with respect to cation coordination has been attributed to the presence in this nanohybrid of strong hydrogen-bonded urea-urea structures, which, at low salt content, cannot be disrupted, thus inhibiting the formation of Eu3+-O=C(urea) contacts and promoting the interaction between the lanthanide ions and the (OCH2CH2) moieties. The present work substantiates the claim that the activation of the coordinating sites of the di-ureasil framework can be tuned by varying either the guest salt concentration at constant chain length or the length of the.organic segments at constant salt concentration. This relevant property opens challenging new prospects in the fields of application of this class of hybrids. © 2001 American Chemical Society.
This work analyzes an active fuzzy logic control system in a Rijke type pulse combustor. During the system development, a study of the existing types of control for pulse combustion was carried out and a simulation model was implemented to be used with the package Matlab and Simulink. Blocks which were not available in the simulator library were developed. A fuzzy controller was developed and its membership functions and inference rules were established. The obtained simulation showed that fuzzy logic is viable in the control of combustion instabilities. The obtained results indicated that the control system responded to pulses in an efficient and desirable way. It was verified that the system needed approximately 0.2 s to increase the tube internal pressure from 30 to 90 mbar, with an assumed total delay of 2 ms. The effects of delay variation were studied. Convergence was always obtained and general performance was not affected by the delay. The controller sends a pressure signal in phase with the Rijke tube internal pressure signal, through the speakers, when an increase the oscillations pressure amplitude is desired. On the other hand, when a decrease of the tube internal pressure amplitude is desired, the controller sends a signal 180° out of phase.
Marilena Chauí and Marco Aurélio Nogueira, the speakers of the first seminar on behalf of Cedec's Thirty Years, discuss the origins of Cedec in the light of the academic, political and cultural debates, which took place in Brazil and abroad at that time, on the future of democracy and socialism.
Praziquantel (PZQ) is the drug of choice commonly used for the treatment of shistosomiasis. However, it has low aqueous solubility, which could limit its bioavailability in the body. To circumvent these features, an inclusion complex with hydroxypropyl-beta- cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) was prepared. Thus, the objective of this work was to prepare and characterize the PZQ/HP-β-CD inclusion complex. Morphological, spectroscopic, and calorimetric analysis showed the first signs of the guest/host interaction. The complexation kinetic analysis was used to determine the kinetic constant and, besides that, it was possible to establish the time consumed to reach equilibrium. Using the solubility isotherm, it was observed that the interaction with HP-β-CD increased 2.4 fold the aqueous solubility of plain PZQ. In vitro cytotoxicity tests, using fibroblast cells, evidenced no toxicity for these cells at the concentrations tested. These results demonstrated that there is a potential use of PZQ in formulations with HP-β-CD.
Includes bibliography
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE