958 resultados para gimnasio low cost
This paper describes a simple low-cost approach toadding an element of haptic interaction within a virtualenvironment. Using off-the-shelf hardware and software wedescribe a simple setup that can be used to explore physically virtual objects in space. This setup comprises of a prototype glove with a number of vibrating actuators to provide the haptic feedback, a Kinect camera for the tracking of the user's hand and a virtual reality development environment. As proof of concept and to test the efficiency of the system as well as its potential applications, we developed a simple application where we created 4 different shapes within a virtual environment in order to try toexplore them and guess their shape through touch alone.
Many Spanish destinations are now considering low cost airlines (LCA) important for attracting tourists. However, there is little evidence on the characteristics travelers using low cost airlines and their flight preferences. Typical segmentation of air travelers are business versus leisure travelers and business versus tourist fares. The aim of this paper is to obtain a deeper understanding of the demand of LCA through a segmentation analysis, based on 808 foreign travelers who used Girona airport, that focuses on low cost travelers’ valuations of different flight attributes and trip related characteristics
Hitsauksen mekanisoinnilla ja erityisesti kevytmekanisoinnilla saavutetaan melko pienin kustannuksin suuria etuja tuottavuudessa, laadussa ja työergonomiassa. Mekanisoinnin avulla voidaan saavuttaa soveltuvissa kohteissa hitsauksen kaariaikasuhteen kaksinkertaistuminen esim. 10 %:sta 20 %:iin. Tämä voi tarkoittaa kohteen kokonaishitsaustyöajan puolittumista. Mekanisoinnin tehokas hyödyntäminen edellyttää kuitenkin, että laitteet ovat helppokäyttöisiä ja haluttuja hitsauksen apuvälineitä. Genesis-projekti, jonka on määrä valmistua syksyllä 2009, tuo uuden haasteen Aker Yardsin Turun telakalle. Aluksen aikaisempia laivoja suurempi koko aiheuttaa haasteita tilankäytölle ja kapasiteetin riittävyydelle. Lisäksi käytettävät rakenteet aiheuttavat tuotantoon erityisiä ongelmia, joihin tämän diplomityön puitteissa on etsitty soveltuvia mekanisointiratkaisuja. Diplomityössä mekanisointilaitehankinnoilla lisättiin telakan laitekantaa ja korvattiin vanhentuneita laitteita. Laitteiden käyttöönotossa tarkasteltiin laitteiden puutteita ja pyrittiin löytämään käytettävyyttä parantavia ratkaisuja. Tässä työssä esitellyillä parannuksilla käytössä oleviin laitteisiin ja työmenetelmiin hitsauksen mekanisoinnin käyttöä voitaisiin lisätä vielä merkittävästi.
Työn tavoitteena on kehittää arvoinnovaatio yritysverkostolle. Arvoinnovaation teoreettisen viitekehyksen konkretisoimiseksi ja arvioimiseksi käytetään työssä kohteena ProPortfolio - ohjelmistotuotetta sekä sen kehittämistyössä saatuja kokemuksia. ProPortfolio on vuosina 2001-2004 kehitetty mobiiliin teknologiaan perustuva ohjelmistosovellus. ProPortfolio ohjelmisto on liikkeenjohdon konsulttiyritys Tuloskunto Oy:n johdolla ja TEKES:n rahoittamassa hankkeessa kehitetty pientaloprojektien toteuttajaverkoston toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä. Pitkäaikaisen kilpailuedun saavuttaminen erottumalla kilpailijoiden massasta on kasvava haaste yrityksille. Tutkijoiden Kimin ja Mauborgnen kehittämän arvoinnovaation ja strategisen suunnittelun prosessin lähtökohtana on kilpailun kiertäminen differoitumalla kilpailijoista ja uusien markkinoiden luominen. Perinteisen strategisen ajattelutavan mukaan yritykset voivat tuottaa korkeampaa arvoaasiakkaille korkeammin kustannuksin tai kohtuullista arvoa pienemmin kustannuksin. Eli strateginen asemointi perustuu valintaan differoitumisen ja kustannusjohtajuuden välillä (Porter,1985). Arvoinnovaatioon perustuvassa asemoinnissa tavoitellaan sekä differoitumista että kustannusjohtajuutta samanaikaisesti. Arvoinnovaation keskeisimmät kriteerit täyttyivät kehityshankkeen lopputuloksena syntyneessä ProPortfolio -ohjelmistotuotteessa. Tämän työn pohjalta voidaan todeta, että Kimin ja Mauborgnen kehittämä strategian suunnitteluprosessi on laaja ja vaativa. Arvoinnovaatio syntyy harvoin hetkellisenä oivalluksena, vaan kehittyy järjestelmällisen työskentelyn tuloksena. ProPortfolio -ohjelmistotuotteen arvoinnovaation muodostuminen perustui kehityshankkeen onnistuneeseen asiakastarpeiden tunnistamiseen ja ennakoimiseen. Selkeän kuvan hahmottuminen ratkaistavista ongelmista auttoi asemoimaan hankkeen jatkokehitystyön oikein ja loi edellytykset arvoinnovaation muodostumiselle. Tutkijat Kim jaMauborgne ovat haastaneet perinteiset strategiatyöskentelyn mallit. Tutkimustuloksiinsa pohjautuen he ovat kehittäneet uuden arvoinnovaatioon perustuvan strategisen suunnittelun teoreettisen viitekehikon ja prosessin. Nämä mallit tulevat varmasti jättämään pysyvän jäljen strategiatyöskentelyn nykykäytäntöihin.
Langattomien tiedonsiirtotekniikoiden kehittyessä mielenkiinto niiden soveltamiseen teollisuudessa on kasvanut. Langattoman tiedonsiirron avulla voidaan korvata perinteiset kaapeliratkaisut ja samalla mahdollistaa uusia, lisäarvoa toiminnalle tuovia sovelluksia. Tavoitteena on kustannussäästöjen lisäksi tuotannon tehostaminen paremman tiedonkeruun ja joustavamman käyttöympäristön avulla. Kaukolämpöjärjestelmän osien väliset etäisyydet ovat useimmiten niin pitkiä, ettei lyhyen kantaman langattomia tekniikoita voida hyödyntää. Tämän työn perusteella realistisina vaihtoehtoina ovat toistaiseksi yleisten matkapuhelinverkkojen hyödyntäminen sekä radiolinkit, mutta tulevaisuudessa uudet langattomat verkkotekniikat voivat mahdollistaa ulkopuolisista operaattoreista riippumattoman mobiilin tiedonsiirtojärjestelmän toteuttamisen koko kaukolämpöjärjestelmän alueelle. Työn aikana havaittiin myös, että uusien sovellusalueiden kanssa on vielä entistäkin tärkeämpää kiinnittää huomiota huolelliseen suunnitteluun, kustannuslaskelmiin sekä tietoturvaan, jotta voidaan toteuttaa luotettava, edullinen ja toimivalangaton tiedonsiirtojärjestelmä.
Usingof belt for high precision applications has become appropriate because of the rapid development in motor and drive technology as well as the implementation of timing belts in servo systems. Belt drive systems provide highspeed and acceleration, accurate and repeatable motion with high efficiency, long stroke lengths and low cost. Modeling of a linear belt-drive system and designing its position control are examined in this work. Friction phenomena and position dependent elasticity of the belt are analyzed. Computer simulated results show that the developed model is adequate. The PID control for accurate tracking control and accurate position control is designed and applied to the real test setup. Both the simulation and the experimental results demonstrate that the designed controller meets the specified performance specifications.
Introduction: Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are one of the most prescribed medications in the world with proven efficacy. However, several studies showed that their use often doesn't respect indications, leading to over-consumption, thus exposing patients to drug interactions and adverse events (for example pneumonias). Interruption of PPIs can induce a rebound phenomenon. This generates costs for health systems.Methods: This is a prospective interventional study performed in two hospitals: La Chaux-de-Fonds (CDF, cases) and Neucha^tel (NE, control) during two six-month periods, comparing use of PPIs before and after intervention. We elaborated recommendations (PPI doses and treatment duration) based on recent medical literature that we summarized on A6 cards and gave out to all prescribing doctors in the hospital of CDF and held a 30-minute information session for the departments of surgery, medicine and anesthesiology in March 2010. Doctors were asked to apply our recommendations as often as possible, leaving space for their own assessment. No information was given to the doctors of the control hospital. The number of PPI tablets that the pharmacy sent to each careunit in both hospitals was counted and adjusted to the number of patientdays from April to September 2009 (before intervention) and April to September 2010 (after intervention). The number of other antacids that were used in both hospitals was counted during the same periods. General practitioners (GP) in the region around CDF received an explanation letter to avoid re-introduction, after discharge from the hospital, of PPI treatment stopped during the stay. The number of gastro-duodenal ulcers and upper digestive hemorrhages was counted from April to December 2009 and the same period in 2010 in both hospitals.Results: In 2010, in the hospital of CDF, the use of PPIs per 100 patient-days decreased by 36% in the surgical and medical departments compared to 2009. In the control hospital the use of PPIs per 100 patient-days increased by 10% in the surgical department and decreased by 5% in the medical department during the same periods. The decrease from 2009 to 2010 of PPI utilization in CDF comparing to NE is statistically significant: p<0.0001. Use of other antacids didn't change, ulcers or digestive hemorrhages decreased slightly from 2009 to 2010 in both hospitals. Conclusions: The study showed that with a very low-cost intervention, it is possible to decrease considerably the use of PPIs in a hospital, without taking any risk for gastro-intestinal complications.
Purpose The purpose of our multidisciplinary study was to define a pragmatic and secure alternative to the creation of a national centralised medical record which could gather together the different parts of the medical record of a patient scattered in the different hospitals where he was hospitalised without any risk of breaching confidentiality. Methods We first analyse the reasons for the failure and the dangers of centralisation (i.e. difficulty to define a European patients' identifier, to reach a common standard for the contents of the medical record, for data protection) and then propose an alternative that uses the existing available data on the basis that setting up a safe though imperfect system could be better than continuing a quest for a mythical perfect information system that we have still not found after a search that has lasted two decades. Results We describe the functioning of Medical Record Search Engines (MRSEs), using pseudonymisation of patients' identity. The MRSE will be able to retrieve and to provide upon an MD's request all the available information concerning a patient who has been hospitalised in different hospitals without ever having access to the patient's identity. The drawback of this system is that the medical practitioner then has to read all of the information and to create his own synthesis and eventually to reject extra data. Conclusions Faced with the difficulties and the risks of setting up a centralised medical record system, a system that gathers all of the available information concerning a patient could be of great interest. This low-cost pragmatic alternative which could be developed quickly should be taken into consideration by health authorities.
Continuous positive airway pressure, aimed at preventing pulmonary atelectasis, has been used for decades to reduce lung injury in critically ill patients. In neonatal practice, it is increasingly used worldwide as a primary form of respiratory support due to its low cost and because it reduces the need for endotracheal intubation and conventional mechanical ventilation. We studied the anesthetized in vivo rat and determined the optimal circuit design for delivery of continuous positive airway pressure. We investigated the effects of continuous positive airway pressure following lipopolysaccharide administration in the anesthetized rat. Whereas neither continuous positive airway pressure nor lipopolysaccharide alone caused lung injury, continuous positive airway pressure applied following intravenous lipopolysaccharide resulted in increased microvascular permeability, elevated cytokine protein and mRNA production, and impaired static compliance. A dose-response relationship was demonstrated whereby higher levels of continuous positive airway pressure (up to 6 cmH(2)O) caused greater lung injury. Lung injury was attenuated by pretreatment with dexamethasone. These data demonstrate that despite optimal circuit design, continuous positive airway pressure causes significant lung injury (proportional to the airway pressure) in the setting of circulating lipopolysaccharide. Although we would currently avoid direct extrapolation of these findings to clinical practice, we believe that in the context of increasing clinical use, these data are grounds for concern and warrant further investigation.
The domestic hot water cylinder incorporates encapsulated pcm placed in 57 vertical pipes. The use of PCM increases the thermal energy storage capacity of the cylinder and allows the use of low cost electricity during low peak periods. After experimental validation the numerical model developed in the project will be used to optimize the distribution of the pcm inside the water tank.
The following paper introduces the work conducted to create a relative virtual mouse based on the interpretation of head movements and face gesture through a low cost camera and the optical flow of the images. This virtual device is designed specifically as an alternative non-contact pointer for people with mobility impairments in the upper extremities and reduced head control. The proposed virtual device was compared with a conventional mouse, a touchpad and a digital joystick. Validation results show performances close to a digital joystick but far away from a conventional mouse.
INTRODUCTION: Very little surgical care is performed in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). An estimated two billion people in the world have no access to essential surgical care, and non-surgeons perform much of the surgery in remote and rural areas. Surgical care is as yet not recognized as an integral aspect of primary health care despite its self-demonstrated cost-effectiveness. We aimed to define the parameters of a public health approach to provide surgical care to areas in most need. METHODS: Consensus meetings were held, field experience was collected via targeted interviews, and a literature review on the current state of essential surgical care provision in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) was conducted. Comparisons were made across international recommendations for essential surgical interventions and a consensus-driven list was drawn up according to their relative simplicity, resource requirement, and capacity to provide the highest impact in terms of averted mortality or disability. RESULTS: Essential Surgery consists of basic, low-cost surgical interventions, which save lives and prevent life-long disability or life-threatening complications and may be offered in any district hospital. Fifteen essential surgical interventions were deduced from various recommendations from international surgical bodies. Training in the realm of Essential Surgery is narrow and strict enough to be possible for non-physician clinicians (NPCs). This cadre is already active in many SSA countries in providing the bulk of surgical care. CONCLUSION: A basic package of essential surgical care interventions is imperative to provide structure for scaling up training and building essential health services in remote and rural areas of LMICs. NPCs, a health cadre predominant in SSA, require training, mentoring, and monitoring. The cost of such training is vastly more efficient than the expensive training of a few polyvalent or specialist surgeons, who will not be sufficient in numbers within the next few generations. Moreover, these practitioners are used to working in the districts and are much less prone to gravitate elsewhere. The use of these NPCs performing "Essential Surgery" is a feasible route to deal with the almost total lack of primary surgical care in LMICs.
Sap flow could be used as physiological parameter to assist irrigation of screen house citrus nursery trees by continuous water consumption estimation. Herein we report a first set of results indicating the potential use of the heat dissipation method for sap flow measurement in containerized citrus nursery trees. 'Valencia' sweet orange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck] budded on 'Rangpur' lime (Citrus limonia Osbeck) was evaluated for 30 days during summer. Heat dissipation probes and thermocouple sensors were constructed with low-cost and easily available materials in order to improve accessibility of the method. Sap flow showed high correlation to air temperature inside the screen house. However, errors due to natural thermal gradient and plant tissue injuries affected measurement precision. Transpiration estimated by sap flow measurement was four times higher than gravimetric measurement. Improved micro-probes, adequate method calibration, and non-toxic insulating materials should be further investigated.
Tämä diplomityö tutkii turvallisia etäyhteystapoja yritysverkkoihin. Samanaikasesti kuin Internettiin liitetyt langattomat verkot, kuten langattomat lähiverkot ja pakettikytkentäiset matkapuhelinverkot, tulevat yhä yleisemmiksi, mahdollisuus etäyhteksien luomiseen näiden verkkojen kautta tulee yhä suositummaksi. Vaikka tietoverkot kehittyvät, pysyvät niitä uhkaavat yleisluontoiset uhat samoina. IP pohjaiset VPN-verkot ovat sopiva tapa suojata Internetin ylitse tapahtuvia etäyhteksiä. Eri VPN-ratkaisuja on kuitenkin tarjolla laaja valikoima. Oikean tyyppisen VPN-ratkaisun valinta on kriittistä, jotta yrityksen etäyhteystarpeet saadaan täytettyä. Diplomityö esittelee eräänä vaihtoehtona miten Pocket PC 2002 PDA laitetta ja Windows XP Professional käyttöjärjestelmää voidaan käyttää edullisen VPN ratkaisun toteuttamiseen.
Electrical impedance tomography (EIT) allows the measurement of intra-thoracic impedance changes related to cardiovascular activity. As a safe and low-cost imaging modality, EIT is an appealing candidate for non-invasive and continuous haemodynamic monitoring. EIT has recently been shown to allow the assessment of aortic blood pressure via the estimation of the aortic pulse arrival time (PAT). However, finding the aortic signal within EIT image sequences is a challenging task: the signal has a small amplitude and is difficult to locate due to the small size of the aorta and the inherent low spatial resolution of EIT. In order to most reliably detect the aortic signal, our objective was to understand the effect of EIT measurement settings (electrode belt placement, reconstruction algorithm). This paper investigates the influence of three transversal belt placements and two commonly-used difference reconstruction algorithms (Gauss-Newton and GREIT) on the measurement of aortic signals in view of aortic blood pressure estimation via EIT. A magnetic resonance imaging based three-dimensional finite element model of the haemodynamic bio-impedance properties of the human thorax was created. Two simulation experiments were performed with the aim to (1) evaluate the timing error in aortic PAT estimation and (2) quantify the strength of the aortic signal in each pixel of the EIT image sequences. Both experiments reveal better performance for images reconstructed with Gauss-Newton (with a noise figure of 0.5 or above) and a belt placement at the height of the heart or higher. According to the noise-free scenarios simulated, the uncertainty in the analysis of the aortic EIT signal is expected to induce blood pressure errors of at least ± 1.4 mmHg.