1000 resultados para gender concentration
Reverse osmosis has been used for the concentration of fruit juices with promising considering the quality of the obtained products. The objective of this study was to concentrate single strength pineapple juice by reverse osmosis. The concentration was carried out with polyamide composite membranes in a 0.65 m² plate and frame module at 60 bar transmembrane pressure at 20 °C. The permeate flux was 17 L.hm-2. The total soluble solid content of the juice increased from 11 to 31 °Brix corresponding to a Volumetric Concentration Factor (VCF) of 2.9. The concentration of soluble solids, total solids, and total acidity increased proportionally to FCV. The concentrated juice and three commercial concentrated pineapple juices were evaluated regarding preference and purchase intention by 79 pineapple juice consumers. The concentrated juice by reverse osmosis was the preferred among consumers. It can be concluded that this process may be considered an alternative to the pre-concentration of fruit juices.
The efficiency of four Sanitizers - peracetic acid, chlorhexidine, quaternary ammonium, and organic acids - was tested in this work using different bacteria recognized as a problem to meat industry, Salmonella sp., S. aureus, E. coli and L. monocytogenes. The effects of sanitizer concentration (0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 1.0, 1.1 and 1.4%), at different temperatures (10 and 45 °C) and contact time (2, 10, 15, 18 and 25 minutes) were evaluated. Tests in an industrial plant were also carried out considering previously obtained results. In a general way, peracetic acid presented higher efficiencies using low concentration (0.2%) and contact time (2 minutes) at 10 °C. The tests performed in industrial scale showed that peracetic acid presented a good performance in concentration and contact time lower than that suggested by the suppliers. The use of chlorhexidine and quaternary ammonium led to reasonable results at the indicated conditions, and organic acids were ineffective under concentration and contact time higher than those indicated by the suppliers in relation to Staphylococcus aureus. The results, in general, show that the choice for the most adequate sanitizer depends on the microorganism contaminant, the time available for sanitizer application, and also on the process cost.
Yellowfin tuna has a high level of free histidine in their muscle, which can lead to histamine formation by microorganisms if temperature abuse occurs during handling and further processing. The objective of this study was to measure levels of histamine in damaged and undamaged thawed muscle to determine the effect of physical damage on the microbial count and histamine formation during the initial steps of canning processing and to isolate and identify the main histamine-forming microorganisms present in the flesh of yellowfin tuna. Total mesophilic and psicrophilic microorganisms were determined using the standard plate method. The presence of histamine-forming microorganisms was determined in a modified Niven's agar. Strains were further identified using the API 20E kit for enterobacteriaceae and Gram-negative bacilli. Physically damaged tuna did not show higher microbiological contamination than that of undamaged muscle tuna. The most active histamine-forming microorganism present in tuna flesh was Morganella morganii. Other decarboxylating microorganisms present were Enterobacter agglomerans and Enterobacter cloacae. Physical damage of tune during catching and handling did not increase the level of histamine or the amount of microorganisms present in tuna meat during frozen transportation, but they showed a higher risk of histamine-forming microorganism growth during processing.
Red pepper is rich in vitamin C and other phytochemicals and can be consumed as a dehydrated product. The evaluation of the best drying conditions can ensure a better quality product. This study aimed to investigate the effect of air temperature (55, 65, and 75 ºC) on drying kinetics of red peppers and on vitamin C, total phenolic content, and color of dried pepper as compared to the fresh product. Dehydration was carried out in a forced convection oven. Drying kinetics was determined by periodic weighting until constant weight. The moisture content of the fresh pepper was approximately 86%. The drying curves were fitted to three different models available in the literature. The Page model showed the best fit for this process. Analysis of variance revealed that the air drying temperature significantly influenced (p < 0.05) the quality parameters (vitamin C content, total phenolic content, and color) of the dried pepper as compared to the fresh pepper. After drying, the vitamin C retention increased with reduced air-drying temperature. In general, products dried at lower temperatures exhibited better quality due to reduced losses of bioactive compounds.
In this study, a neuro-fuzzy estimator was developed for the estimation of biomass concentration of the microalgae Synechococcus nidulans from initial batch concentrations, aiming to predict daily productivity. Nine replica experiments were performed. The growth was monitored daily through the culture medium optic density and kept constant up to the end of the exponential phase. The network training followed a full 3³ factorial design, in which the factors were the number of days in the entry vector (3,5 and 7 days), number of clusters (10, 30 and 50 clusters) and internal weight softening parameter (Sigma) (0.30, 0.45 and 0.60). These factors were confronted with the sum of the quadratic error in the validations. The validations had 24 (A) and 18 (B) days of culture growth. The validations demonstrated that in long-term experiments (Validation A) the use of a few clusters and high Sigma is necessary. However, in short-term experiments (Validation B), Sigma did not influence the result. The optimum point occurred within 3 days in the entry vector, 10 clusters and 0.60 Sigma and the mean determination coefficient was 0.95. The neuro-fuzzy estimator proved a credible alternative to predict the microalgae growth.
Vegetable oils are the richest dietary sources of vitamin E. Vitamin E determination levels in foods are of great importance to adjust the ingestion of nutrients by the population. The purpose of this paper is to determine the concentration of alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol in vegetable oils and compare the alpha-tocopherol value to the nutritional requirement of vitamin E. The analysis was performed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. The values expressed as mg/kg for alpha and gamma-tocopherol were, respectively, 120.3±4.2 and 122.0±7.9 in canola oil; 432.3±86.6 and 92.3±9.5 in sunflower oil; 173.0±82.3 and 259.7±43.8 in corn oil; 71.3±6.4 and 273.3±11.1 in soybean oil. A significant difference was encountered between the alpha-tocopherol concentrations in vegetable oils. Similar results were found for gamma-tocopherol, except for corn and soybean oils. It was concluded that the soybean oil was not considered a source of vitamin E. The canola and corn oils were considered sources, and the sunflower oil was considered an excellent source.
Red wines from different countries have been assessed in order to determine the influence of terroir and grape variety in their concentration of chloride. Chloride analysis was carried out by Laboratório de Bebidas de Origem Vegetal do Espírito Santo (Labeves), using the potentiometric method, in which the dosing is directly applied to the sample with an Ag/AgCl electrode. Data were collected to establish the level of chloride, as presented in the analysis reports issued by Labeves, and to serve as a wine categorization database, according to grape variety and country of origin. Australia and Argentina presented the highest levels of chloride and the wines made from the Syrah variety presented the highest concentration of such ion. We have, therefore, found that terroir and grape variety do have an influence over the concentration of chloride in red wines.
Abstract Bread is one of the most consumed foods in the world, and alternatives have been sought to extend its shell life, and freezing is one of the most popular methods. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of freezing rate and trehalose concentration on the fermentative and viscoelastic properties of dough and bread quality. Dough was prepared and trehalose was added at three concentrations (0, 400, 800 ppm); dough was pre fermented and frozen at two freezing rates then stored for 42 days. Frozen dough samples were thawed every two weeks. CO2 production and elastic and viscous modulus were determined. In addition, bread was elaborated and specific volume and firmness were evaluated. High trehalose concentrations (400 and 800 ppm) produced dough with the best viscoelastic and fermentative properties. Greater bread volume and less firmness were observed when a slow freezing rate (-.14 °C/min) was employed.
INTRODUCTION: Enhanced inflammatory-oxidative status is well established in chronic kidney disease. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate the oxidative- inflammatory status and iron indices in patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis (HD) with serum ferritin lower than 500ng/mL, and to correlate them with nutritional status. METHOD: In a cross-sectional survey 35 HD patients (23 with normal nutritional status, 12 with Protein-Energy-Wasting syndrome, PEW), and healthy volunteers (n = 35) were studied. Serum concentration of iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation, malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyl (PC), high-sensitive serum C -reactive protein (hs-CRP) and blood counts were determined. The nutritional status was determined by anthropometric and biochemical criteria. RESULTS: HD patients showed low values of hemoglobin and higher values of ferritin, MDA and PC when compared with healthy volunteers. HD subjects with PEW had higher values of PC and hs-PCR as compared to HD patients with normal nutritional status. A multiple logistic regression analysis showed that the independent variables PC (Wald Statistic 4.25, p = 0.039) and hs-CRP (Wald Statistic 4.83, p = 0.028) where related with the patients' nutritional condition. CONCLUSION: In HD patients with serum ferritin below 500 ng/mL was observed one association of the markers of oxidative stress and inflammation with poor nutritional status independently of serum ferritin, gender and age.
Kansainväliset sotilaalliset kriisinhallintaoperaatiot ovat muuttuneet yhä vaativammiksi, ja kriisinhallinnan tehtäväkenttä on laajentunut ja monipuolistunut. Operaatioalueella olevilta kriisinhallintahenkilöiltä odotetaan yhä enemmän kykyä yhteistyöhön kaikkien toimijoiden kanssa yhteiskunnan vakauden ja turvallisuuden palauttamiseksi ja säilyttämiseksi. Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien päätöslauselman 1325 ”Naiset, rauha ja turvallisuus” täytäntöönpanolla halutaankin hyödyttää koko yhteiskunnan vakautta ja kehitystä. Suomen kansallisen toimintaohjelman ja Pääesikunnan normin mukaan Suomi tukee naisten kouluttautumista kohti vaativimpia tehtäviä ja esittää naisia kansainvälisiin johtotehtäviin. Suomi varmistaa, että kaikilla kriisinhallintatehtäviin lähtevillä on ihmisoikeus- ja tasa-arvokysymysten asiantuntemus sekä kyky tehdä yhteistyötä sisällyttämällä YK:n päätöslauselma 1325, kansainvälinen oikeus, kansainvälinen humanitaarinen oikeus sekä ihmisoikeusvelvoitteet kaikkeen kriisinhallintakoulutukseen. Suomi sisällyttää gender-näkökulman osak-si kriisinhallintajoukkojen operatiivista toimintaa huomioimalla gender-näkökulman operaatioiden suunnittelussa, toimeenpanossa ja raportoinnissa YK:n päätöslauselman 1325 ja operaatiokohtaisten määräysten mukaisesti. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia puolustusvoimien virassa olevien naisupseerien motiiveja hakeutua kriisinhallintatehtäviin, naisten osallistumisen vaikutuksia kriisinhallintaoperaatioihin sekä gender-näkökulman huomioimista koulutuksessa ja kriisinhallintajoukon operatiivisessa toiminnassa. Tutkimusongelmana oli vähäinen aiempi tiedon määrä Suomen kansallisessa toimintaohjelmassa ja Pääesikunnassa määritetyn gender-toiminnan toteutumisesta. Päätutkimuskysymyksen avulla pyrittiinkin selvittämään, miten gender-toiminta on toteutu-nut sotilaallisen kriisinhallinnan rekrytoinnissa, koulutuksessa ja operatiivisessa toiminnassa. Tutkimusstrategiana sovellettiin monimenetelmäistä tiedonkeruutapaa määrällisen ja laadullisen aineiston saamiseksi. Tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin survey-tutkimusta ja sisällönanalyysiä, joiden avulla pyrittiin kuvaamaan naisupseerien, operaatioista kotiutuneiden rauhanturvaajien sekä Afganistanin kriisinhallintaoperaatiossa (ISAF) palvelleiden SKJA:n komentajien ja naisupseerien käsityksiä, mielipiteitä ja asenteita tutkittavasta aiheesta. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus perustuu naisupseereille suunnattuun kyselyyn sekä SKJA:n komentajien ja naisupseerien sähköpostihaastatteluun. Tutkielmassa hyödynnettiin lisäksi Porin prikaatin kotiutuneille rauhanturvaajille teettämän tasa-arvokyselyn tuloksia. Tutkielman tuloksena ilmeni, että naisrauhanturvaajien kriisinhallintatehtäviin osallistumisen vaikutuksista merkittävimpiä olivat yhteyden saaminen paikalliseen naisväestöön. Myös miesten ja naisten työskentely yhdessä samoissa tehtävissä nähtiin tärkeänä esimerkkinä sukupuolten tasa-arvosta. Sukupuolen liiallinen korostaminen nähtiin haitalliseksi, ja tehtävän vaatimukset tuleekin asettaa tehtävässä tarvittavien ominaisuuksien, tietojen ja taitojen mukaisesti. Positiivisten vaikutusten saavuttamiseksi naisten määrän kriisinhallintatehtävissä tulisi kasvaa nykyisestä, mutta sen ei tule olla itseisarvo. Merkittävimmät naisupseerien kriisinhallintatehtäviin hakeutumattomuuden syyt olivat perheen perustamiseen liittyvät sosiaaliset syyt. Kriisinhallintatehtäviin hakeutumisen motivaatiota kasvattavista tekijöistä tärkeimpiä olivat ammattitaidon ja itsensä kehittäminen. Gender-koulutuksen osalta ilmeni, että Suomessa annetaan gender-peruskoulutus mutta operaatioalueella ei täydennyskoulutusta annettu. Gender-näkökulman huomioon ottaminen kriisinhallintajoukon operatiivisessa suunnittelussa, toimeenpanossa ja raportoinnissa ei myöskään tulosten perusteella toteutunut. Tutkielman johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että naisupseerit ovat pääosin halukkaita palvelemaan kriisinhallintatehtävissä, vaikka osallistuminen onkin henkilömäärältään vähäistä. Naisten mahdollisuuteen hakeutua kriisinhallintatehtäviin voidaan vaikuttaa laatimalla urasuunnitelma varhaisemmassa vaiheessa ja lisäämällä naisupseereille kohdennettua tietoa kriisinhallintatehtävistä. Kriisinhallintatehtäviin halukkaita naisia on enemmän kuin näyttäisi olevan mahdollista irrottaa kotimaan tehtävistä. Gender-koulutuksen todettiin olevan liian yleisellä tasolla eikä sitä kyetty konkreettisesti huomioimaan ja soveltamaan joukon operatiivisessa toiminnassa. Koulutuksen pääpainon tulisikin olla operatiivisessa vaikuttavuudessa osana kaikkea koulutusta. Gender-näkökulma tulisi saada integroitua osaksi kaikkea kriisinhallintajoukon toimintaa operaation vaikuttavuuden ja tavoitteiden täyttymisen näkökulmaa. Operaation tavoitteita asetettaessa tulisi muistaa, että kriisinhallintaoperaatioilla pyritään kokonaisvaltaisesti turvallisuusympäristön parantamiseen ja normaaliyhteiskunnan toimintojen ja palvelujen palauttamiseen. Gender-toiminnan kehittämisessä tärkeää onkin ymmärtää sen vaikutus ja kytkeminen nimenomaan paikallisväestön eri ihmisryhmien huomioimiseen ja tasavertaisuuteen ihmisoikeuksien näkökulmasta. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan kehityskohteita gender-toiminnan parantamiseksi on olemassa, ja mikäli kriisinhallintaoperaatioiden vaikuttavuutta halutaan tehostaa, näyttäisi siihen myös olevan keinoja.
During the 1980's and for much of the 1990's, many countries in the Asia Pacific were renowned for their economic development and prosperity. The Asian tigers were a source of great interest for many economists and international investors. The 1997 Asian financial crisis, however, dramatically altered the growth and the performance of these economies. The crisis sent several ofAsia's best performing economies on a downward spiral from which many have yet to fully recover. The crisis exposed the financial and the political weaknesses ofmany countries in the region. Moreover, the crisis severely affected the wellbeing and the security ofmany ofthe region's citizens. This text will examine the economic crisis in greater detail and explore current debates in the study of international relations theory. More specifically, this paper will examine recent challenges posed to traditional international relations theory and address alternative approaches to this field of study. This paper will examine Critical theory and its role in shifting the referent object of security from the state to the individual. In this context, this paper will also assess Critical theory's role in enabling such issues as gender and human security to find a place on the agendas of international relations scholars and foreign policy makers. The central focus ofthis study will be the financial crisis and its impact on human security in the Southeast Asia. Furthermore, this paper will assess the recovery efforts ofthe domestic governments, international organizations and various Canadian sponsored initiatives in the context ofhuman security.