Dehydration of "dedo de moça" pepper: kinetics and phytochemical concentration

Autoria(s): Moraes,Izabel Cristina Freitas; Sobral,Paulo José do Amaral; Branco,Ivanise Guilherme; Ré,Tatiana Bazo; Gomide,Catarina Abdalla



Red pepper is rich in vitamin C and other phytochemicals and can be consumed as a dehydrated product. The evaluation of the best drying conditions can ensure a better quality product. This study aimed to investigate the effect of air temperature (55, 65, and 75 ºC) on drying kinetics of red peppers and on vitamin C, total phenolic content, and color of dried pepper as compared to the fresh product. Dehydration was carried out in a forced convection oven. Drying kinetics was determined by periodic weighting until constant weight. The moisture content of the fresh pepper was approximately 86%. The drying curves were fitted to three different models available in the literature. The Page model showed the best fit for this process. Analysis of variance revealed that the air drying temperature significantly influenced (p < 0.05) the quality parameters (vitamin C content, total phenolic content, and color) of the dried pepper as compared to the fresh pepper. After drying, the vitamin C retention increased with reduced air-drying temperature. In general, products dried at lower temperatures exhibited better quality due to reduced losses of bioactive compounds.







Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos


Food Science and Technology (Campinas) v.33 suppl.1 2013

Palavras-Chave #"dedo de moça" pepper #drying curves #mathematical models #quality parameters

journal article