791 resultados para focus group technique
In the vein of the "Education for All" campaign to promote access to education, a wave of curriculum revision along the competency-based approach has swept francophone countries in sub-Sahara Africa, thus Benin. The current study documents local actors' various interactions with the curricular reform in the course of its implementation. Secondary data supplemented with qualitative research techniques such as semi-structured interviews with teachers, and focus group discussions with parents enable to relate the patterns of change, the challenges and resistance to change. The actors spectrum generated illustrates advocacy on one hand and resistance on the other. Advocacy of local actors reflects the global optimistic discourse on education and resistance is favoured by disappointing policy outcomes as well as contextual constraints. (DIPF/Orig.)
La recherche a pour objet la réinsertion socioprofessionnelle des personnes présentant un trouble mental grave. Elle vise à apporter une compréhension de leur cheminement de réinsertion sur le marché de l’emploi régulier, et ce, à partir des perspectives des acteurs concernés et à travers une prise en compte des contextes sociaux dans lesquels ils évoluent. Notre étude est guidée par trois objectifs : (1) identifier certains éléments sur les plans individuel et environnemental pouvant faciliter la réinsertion professionnelle des personnes présentant un trouble mental; (2) identifier certains obstacles sur les plans individuel et environnemental susceptibles de nuire à leur réinsertion en emploi; (3) mieux comprendre l’impact de la réinsertion professionnelle sur les sphères individuelles et sociales de ces individus et leurs perceptions quant à la réinsertion professionnelle. Le cadre conceptuel adopté s’appuie sur la notion/paradigme du rétablissement en santé mentale, ce dernier étant compris comme un processus multidimensionnel et non-linéaire. Notre démarche est qualitative et fondée sur des collectes réalisées à ÉquiTravail, un organisme de la ville de Québec ayant pour mission de favoriser l’intégration, la réintégration et le maintien sur le marché du travail de personnes aux prises avec un trouble mental. Des entrevues semi-dirigées individuelles auprès de quatre usagers, ainsi qu’un groupe de discussion focalisé avec quatre intervenants, ont été réalisés. Le matériel a été soumis à une analyse thématique des contenus. Nos résultats illustrent le fait que tant les composantes individuelles que les éléments de l’environnement et ceux relevant de l’interaction entre l’environnement et l’individu sont cruciaux dans les processus de réinsertion socioprofessionnelle. La réussite du processus d’insertion socioprofessionnelle ne repose pas uniquement sur la responsabilité individuelle, mais aussi sur l’interaction entre les composantes individuelles et les aspects de l’environnement gravitant autour de l’individu. Les implications de ces conclusions pour la recherche et la pratique sont également discutées.
The debriefing phase in human patient simulation is considered to be crucial for learning. To ensure good learning conditions, the use of small groups is recommended, which poses a major challenge when the student count is high. The use of large groups may provide an alternative for typical lecture-style education and contribute to a more frequently and repeated training which is considered to be important for achieving simulation competency. The purpose of the present study was to describe nursing students’ experiences obtained during the debriefing conducted in small and large groups with the use of a qualitative descriptive approach. The informants had participated in a human patient simulation situation either in large or small groups. Data was collected through the use of five focus-group interviews and analysed by content analysis. The findings showed that independent of group-size the informants experienced the learning strategies to be unfamiliar and intrusive, and in the large groups to such an extent that learning was hampered. Debriefing was perceived as offering excellent opportunities for transferable learning, and activity, predictability and preparedness were deemed essential. Small groups provided the best learning conditions in that safety and security were ensured, but were perceived as providing limited challenges to accommodate professional requirements as a nurse. Simulation competency as a prerequisite for learning was shown not to be developed isolated in conjunction with simulation, but depends on a systematic effort to build a learning community in the programme in general. The faculty needs to support the students to be conscious and accustomed to learning as a heightened experience of learning out of their comfort zone.
The aim of this study was to describe health care- and social service professionals' experiences of a quality-improvement program implemented in the south of Sweden. The focus of the program was to develop inter-professional collaboration to improve care and service to people with psychiatric disabilities in ordinary housing. Focus group interviews and a thematic analysis were used. The result was captured as themes along steps in process. (I) Entering the quality-improvement program: Lack of information about the program, The challenge of getting started, and Approaching the resources reluctantly. (II) Doing the practice-based improvement work: Facing unprepared workplaces, and Doing twice the work. (III) Looking backevaluation over 1 year: Balancing theoretical knowledge with practical training, and Considering profound knowledge as an integral part of work. The improvement process in clinical practice was found to be both time and energy consuming, yet worth the effort. The findings also indicate that collaboration across organizational boundaries was broadened, and the care and service delivery were improved.
While coaching and customer involvement can enhance the improvement of health and social care, many organizations struggle to develop their improvement capability; it is unclear how best to accomplish this. We examined one attempt at training improvement coaches. The program, set in the Esther Network for integrated care in rural Jonkoping County, Sweden, included eight 1-day sessions spanning 7 months in 2011. A senior citizen joined the faculty in all training sessions. Aiming to discern which elements in the program were essential for assuming the role of improvement coach, we used a case-study design with a qualitative approach. Our focus group interviews included 17 informants: 11 coaches, 3 faculty members, and 3 senior citizens. We performed manifest content analysis of the interview data. Creating will, ideas, execution, and sustainability emerged as crucial elements. These elements were promoted by customer focusembodied by the senior citizen trainershared values and a solution-focused approach, by the supportive coach network and by participants' expanded systems understanding. These elements emerged as more important than specific improvement tools and are worth considering also elsewhere when seeking to develop improvement capability in health and social care organizations.
O cenário empresarial brasileiro passa por dificuldades de caráter financeiro e político, conduzindo a ideia de que as organizações demandem ainda mais empenho, perseverança no negócio e dedicação para que os resultados obtidos sejam cada vez melhores. Uma estratégia que tem ganhado força no mercado é a de treinamentos e cursos in company, que ocorrem quando uma empresa promove capacitação e desenvolvimento profissional a partir de seus próprios colaboradores especialistas ou da contratação de empresas especializadas para fornecer conhecimento sobre assuntos específicos pontuais. Comumente, estas iniciativas têm curta duração e podem ter diversos objetivos, desde projetos momentâneos até a capacitação a longo prazo de competências individuais dos colaboradores que compõem as organizações. No contexto da Educação, a medida de estudo - a metodologia in company – se relaciona com o caráter pedagógico das organizações, que entendem este tipo de curso e treinamento como uma possibilidade educacional para seus colaboradores. O que se percebe é que a necessidade do mercado é de diferenciação, inovação e criatividade. Várias são as características do indivíduo que se relacionam com a criatividade (Wood Jr, 2002) logo, as empresas que estão se destacando no cenário atual são as que ousam mais, investem não só em ações e projetos, mas também em iniciativas criadas por e para seus próprios colaboradores, que se tornam os grandes co-autores do sucesso das organizações. O presente estudo teve como objetivo perceber os impactos e benefícios da aplicação destes cursos e treinamentos modelo in company não só para a organização que o implementa, mas também para cada colaborador individualmente. Para alcançar este objetivo da forma mais completa possível, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa aplicada a uma empresa fornecedora de cursos in company e outra formato focus group aplicada aos colaboradores que vivenciaram esta experiência, com recurso a consulta de legislação, observações livres, entrevistas presenciais a oito colaboradores da organização Som Livre, com idades entre 25 e 35 anos e, desta forma, responder às questões que estimularam o início desta investigação.
O objeto central deste estudo são os significados que os alunos do curso de Administração atribuem aos valores do ensino do Empreendedorismo em sua formação acadêmica, delineado à luz dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da psicologia de Vygotsky e alicerçado com a pesquisa efetuada durante o ano de 2015, com um cariz qualitativo. A proposta metodológica da pesquisa contempla a triangulação de procedimentos, a saber: questionários, entrevistas e grupo focal. Participaram do trabalho de entrevista e grupo focal um total de 14 alunos somados aos 109 que integraram o procedimento metodológico em forma de questionário. Todos os alunos participantes cursavam, no momento da pesquisa, o sexto e sétimos períodos do curso de administração. Como ponto de partida dos núcleos de significação deste trabalho, procurou-se verificar as possíveis formas de apreensão do conhecimento acadêmico com vistas à ação empreendedora dos sujeitos pesquisados, buscando estudá-los nas seguintes dimensões: quem são os alunos universitários; como é a sua vida acadêmica; de que maneira os estudantes constroem e significam a importância do conhecimento empreendedor para a construção de seu caminho na busca de seus objetivos e sonhos. O estudo permite defender a seguinte tese central: os significados atribuídos pelos alunos do Curso de Administração à sua formação empreendedora. A apreensão do conhecimento é significada com responsabilidade, compromisso, persistência e confiança em si mesmos. São pessoas que possuem esperança de ter um futuro promissor, de realizar seus objetivos, coroados de fortes sentimentos advindos de suas vivências, compreendendo o Empreendedorismo como forma de desenvolvimento social. A partir dessa tese central, outra se destacou por ter sido considerada a base de todo o processo empreendedor delineado pelos sujeitos pesquisados: a família. Esta instituição central declarou-se ser a base geradora para a sua motivação na construção de seus caminhos, rumo à conquista dos sonhos e anseios desejados. É ponto de destaque e elo firme em suprir uma das características do empreendedor, que é ter um “modelo”, aquele que o inspira, que o influencia para seguir em frente em sua meta. Outra tese que emergiu neste estudo foi o distanciamento da instituição de ensino das empresas, fato uníssono nas falas dos sujeitos pesquisados. A carência da prática no curso de administração foi sentida e evocada como um óbice a ser resolvido.
Com o desenvolvimento das tecnologias da Comunicação, o ser humano tem alterado os seus hábitos de consumo televisivo. Neste contexto, destaca-se o uso de aplicações mobile designadas como Second Screen, as quais, entre outras possibilidades, permitem interagir com conteúdos adicionais aos que se encontram a ser transmitidos na televisão. Sendo este fenómeno relativamente recente, pretende-se compreender qual a abordagem a adotar no desenvolvimento de uma prototipagem ágil de aplicações Second Screen centradas no utilizador. De modo a compreender o respetivo processo, iniciou-se o estudo com um enquadramento teórico, que possibilitou a familiarização com as aplicações Second Screen e ferramentas de prototipagem ágil já existentes. Após o enquadramento teórico, procedeu-se à criação de dois mockups de aplicações Second Screen, que foram testados em Focus Groups. A partir dos dados obtidos, desenvolveram-se dois protótipos ágeis, os quais foram submetidos a uma última fase de testes (Experimentação por observação, Entrevista e Questionário de avaliação, respetivamente). Os participantes deste estudo foram os mesmos para ambas as fases de testes, constituindo um grupo de consumidores, um grupo de designers e um grupo de especialistas na área de prototipagem. Os resultados obtidos, a partir dos protótipos concebidos, comprovam a validade do processo realizado neste estudo, podendo este ser usado para desenvolver protótipos de aplicações mobile e Second Screen.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial - Especialidade em problemas de cognição e multideficiência
Pretendeu-se com esta investigação, compreender o contributo do Programa de Interação e Socialização pela Música (PISM), aplicado em 39 sessões, na promoção do desenvolvimento pessoal e social dos alunos com Trissomia 21 (T21), com os seus pares sem necessidades educativas especiais (NEE). Participaram neste estudo de caso 16 alunos, com idades compreendidas entre os 10 e os 16 anos de idade, de um Agrupamento de Escolas do concelho de Loulé, do distrito de Faro, durante o ano letivo de 2013/2014. Estes dados foram recolhidos através da técnica Focus Group aos alunos sem NEE. Foram também utilizadas grelhas de registo. Os dados foram tratados com base numa metodologia qualitativa. Concluiu-se que o programa de Educação Musical PISM permitiu aos alunos com T21, na opinião dos colegas sem NEE, melhorar o seu desenvolvimento pessoal e social, tal como, a sua capacidade de comunicação, participação, interação, convivência, com os seus pares e compreensão em relação ao que lhes era proposto. A Música é vista por todos como um meio privilegiado que quebra qualquer diferença que exista entre eles, sendo esta considerada como um canal de comunicação sem barreiras, onde todos podem aprender com todos, ou seja, a Música é uma linguagem universal promotora de amizade.
Bikeshares promote healthy lifestyles and sustainability among commuters, casual riders, and tourists. However, the central pillar of modern systems, the bike station, cannot be easily integrated into a compact college campus. Fixed stations lack the flexibility to meet the needs of college students who make quick, short-distance trips. Additionally, the necessary cost of implementing and maintaining each station prohibits increasing the number of stations for user convenience. Therefore, the team developed a stationless bikeshare based on a smartlock permanently attached to bicycles in the system. The smartlock system design incorporates several innovative approaches to provide usability, security, and reliability that overcome the limitations of a station centered design. A focus group discussion allowed the team to receive feedback on the early lock, system, and website designs, identify improvements and craft a pleasant user experience. The team designed a unique, two-step lock system that is intuitive to operate while mitigating user error. To ensure security, user access is limited through near field ii communications (NFC) technology connected to a mechatronic release system. The said system relied on a NFC module and a servo working through an Arduino microcontroller coded in the Arduino IDE. To track rentals and maintain the system, each bike is fitted with an XBee module to communicate with a scalable ZigBee mesh network. The network allows for bidirectional, real-time communication with a Meteor.js web application, which enables user and administrator functions through an intuitive user interface available on mobile and desktop. The development of an independent smartlock to replace bike stations is essential to meet the needs of the modern college student. With the goal of creating a bikeshare that better serves college students, Team BIKES has laid the framework for a system that is affordable, easily adaptable, and implementable on any university expressing an interest in bringing a bikeshare to its campus.
Introdução The hospitalization of a child is an experience that causes big changes in child and his family life. The parents often suffer from stress and anxiety. This can affect their relationship with the child. Because of the closeness to the parents, nurses have an important role in giving parents support so they can reduce their stress and have more energy to support and take care of their children and in the inclusion of the family in the process of care Objectivos The aim of this study was to define what family-centered care is, to define the needs of hospitalized children's parents and to identify the strategies and methods that the nurses use to give parental support adapted to the parent's needs. It was also a goal to identify and understand the main differences between parental support given by nurses in Belgium and Portugal. Metodologia The study exists out of two parts. First is an integrative review of literature. The search was performed using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL , PubMed and Science Direct. 18 Articles were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. They had to involve nurses, hospitalized children between 0 and 18 years and their parents. Second part was a focus group. The participants were pediatric nurses from Portugal and Belgium. The goal was to understand different perspectives related to the parental needs of hospitalized children and nursing interventions to answer that needs. Resultados family-centered care can be considered as a partnership between family and nurses. It has some general principles: information sharing, respect differences, negotiation and care in the context of the family. Parent's participation is important to reduce the parental stress and it is essential for meeting the needs of the children. Parents have different needs: knowledge and communication, support, comfort, proximity and assurance. Parents cope with stress in different ways and nurses can support them while they are in the hospital. It is a nurse task to identify the stressors and know methods of emotional support, so she can protect the family structure. Nurses should always see the family as a path to the child, with whom the nurses should worry about taking care and meeting their needs. This is crucial to ensure the family's well-being, adaption to hospitalization and the child's recovery. Conclusões Nurses should collect information about the family which includes family relationships, cultural and religious habits and familiar dynamic. Parents need interpersonal emotional support. It is important for parents to be close to their children but they also need to take care of themselves. When nurses have enough information they can use it to the identification of parental needs and the planning of nursing interventions. It is important that nurses create an environment where parents feel safe and that they have privacy. To create a therapeutic and professional relationship efficient communication is needed. Parents will experience less stress and anxiety.
Introdução The hospitalization of a child is an experience that causes big changes in child and his family life. The parents often suffer from stress and anxiety. This can affect their relationship with the child. Because of the closeness to the parents, nurses have an important role in giving parents support so they can reduce their stress and have more energy to support and take care of their children and in the inclusion of the family in the process of care Objectivos The aim of this study was to define what family-centered care is, to define the needs of hospitalized children's parents and to identify the strategies and methods that the nurses use to give parental support adapted to the parent's needs. It was also a goal to identify and understand the main differences between parental support given by nurses in Belgium and Portugal. Metodologia The study exists out of two parts. First is an integrative review of literature. The search was performed using the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL , PubMed and Science Direct. 18 Articles were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. They had to involve nurses, hospitalized children between 0 and 18 years and their parents. Second part was a focus group. The participants were pediatric nurses from Portugal and Belgium. The goal was to understand different perspectives related to the parental needs of hospitalized children and nursing interventions to answer that needs. Resultados family-centered care can be considered as a partnership between family and nurses. It has some general principles: information sharing, respect differences, negotiation and care in the context of the family. Parent's participation is important to reduce the parental stress and it is essential for meeting the needs of the children. Parents have different needs: knowledge and communication, support, comfort, proximity and assurance. Parents cope with stress in different ways and nurses can support them while they are in the hospital. It is a nurse task to identify the stressors and know methods of emotional support, so she can protect the family structure. Nurses should always see the family as a path to the child, with whom the nurses should worry about taking care and meeting their needs. This is crucial to ensure the family's well-being, adaption to hospitalization and the child's recovery. Conclusões Nurses should collect information about the family which includes family relationships, cultural and religious habits and familiar dynamic. Parents need interpersonal emotional support. It is important for parents to be close to their children but they also need to take care of themselves. When nurses have enough information they can use it to the identification of parental needs and the planning of nursing interventions. It is important that nurses create an environment where parents feel safe and that they have privacy. To create a therapeutic and professional relationship efficient communication is needed. Parents will experience less stress and anxiety.
No período de 2008 a 2010, o número de internações pediátricas, no Brasil, foi de 2.985.527. As causas desencadeadoras da hospitalização infantil podem ser biológicas, hereditárias, sociais, econômicas e ambientais. É comum o adoecimento ocorrer pela associação de causas, havendo crianças com predisposição para apresentarem múltiplos fatores de risco. Seja qual for a etiologia, a hospitalização frequentemente gera desconforto à criança e à sua família, por vivenciarem um ambiente impessoal e contraditório às condições do cotidiano. Cabe à equipe de enfermagem prestar um cuidado humanizado, singular e ampliado. Os objetivos do estudo são: compreender o significado do cuidado de enfermagem à criança hospitalizada e identificar estratégias de cuidado de enfermagem singular e multidimensional que atendam às necessidades da criança e da família no processo de hospitalização. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo exploratório-descritivo. Os dados foram coletados por meio da técnica de Grupo Focal com a equipe de enfermagem que atuava em unidades pediátricas de duas instituições hospitalares do Rio Grande do Sul. Para tanto, foram realizados cinco encontros, no mês de setembro de 2013. Os dados foram analisados com base na Análise Focal Estratégica, a qual contemplou tanto as potencialidades e oportunidades, quanto as fragilidades e desafios no cuidado à criança hospitalizada, ampliando, assim, novas discussões para a busca de estratégias de cuidado de enfermagem singular e multidimensional. Os resultados foram sustentados por meio de duas produções científicas, quais sejam: “O cuidado à criança/família no processo de hospitalização na perspectiva de equipes de enfermagem”; “Ampliando estratégias de cuidado de enfermagem singular e multidimensional à criança/família em processo de hospitalização”. A primeira apresentou cinco categorias: Significando o cuidado de enfermagem à criança hospitalizada; Reconhecendo que o cuidado vai além do hospital; Relevância das figuras materna e paterna; Lidando com várias coisas; e Importância do cuidado multidimensional. A segunda produção resultou em três categorias: Encontrando estratégias criativas de cuidado de enfermagem à criança hospitalizada; Reconhecendo estratégias de cuidado à família no processo de hospitalização da criança; e Distinguindo estratégias de cuidado relacionadas à equipe de enfermagem no processo de hospitalização infantil. Foram garantidos todos os critérios que fundamentam a Resolução 466/12, que trata das pesquisas envolvendo seres humanos. Conclui-se que a equipe de enfermagem busca alternativas para minimizar os traumas relacionados à hospitalização, por meio do diálogo com a criança e sua família, a brinquedoteca e ludicidade para melhorar a aceitação da hospitalização, dentre outras.
This exploratory case study examines the role of culture in Chinese-English conference interpreting. Given that there has been a lack of empirical research in understanding the role of culture in conference interpreting through the lens of intercultural communication frameworks, we know relatively little about conference interpreters’ experiences with intercultural communication challenges. This project helps address this research gap by investigating the types of intercultural communication challenges that Chinese-English conference interpreters experience and their strategies in managing those challenges. This study hears the voices of both professionals and postgraduate interpreting students. A total number of 27 participants were recruited for this research. Twenty professional conference interpreter were interviewed and seven interpreting students were organized for a focus group discussion. Grounded theory was used to analyze the participants’ observations and strategies in managing intercultural communication challenges when doing Chinese-English conference interpreting. The data analysis process led to the emergence of two procedural guidelines and one process – Interpreters’ Intercultural Mediation Process. The two procedural guidelines offer guidance for the interpreters to provide the most appropriate and effective service: meet with the clients beforehand and be prepared to offer intercultural insights when consulted. Interpreters are found to follow the Interpreters’ Intercultural Mediation Process to decide when and how to mediate intercultural communication challenges at work. This Process includes four criteria, seven intercultural challenges, and seven coping strategies. This study offers theoretical and applied contributions to our understanding of the role of culture in interpreting. By jointly applying frameworks from intercultural communication and interpreting studies to examine the conference interpreting process, this case study makes great efforts to connect the field of intercultural communication with the field of interpreting studies. This study identifies the types of intercultural differences that would lead to challenges in Chinese-English conference interpreting. It also contributes to the call for a cultural turn in interpreting studies. By learning the two procedural guidelines, conference interpreters can be better prepared for their work. By following the Interpreters’ Intercultural Mediation Process, conference interpreters can better anticipate and manage the intercultural challenges at work. This study also offers guidance on tailoring intercultural communication courses for postgraduate interpreting training programs.