992 resultados para fermented meat products
Icewine is an intensely s\veet dessert \vine fermented from the juice of naturally frozen grapes. Icewine fermentation poses many challenges such as failure to reach desired ethanol levels and production of high levels of volatile acidity in the fonn of acetic acid. This study investigated the impact of micronutrient addition (GO-FERM® and NATSTEP®) during the rehydration stage of the commercial \vine yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae KI-VIII6 during Ice\vine fermentation. Sterile-filtered and unfiltered Riesling Ice\vine juice was inoculated \vith yeast rehydrated under four different conditions: in water only; with GO-FERM®; with NATSTEP®; or the combination of both micronutrient products in the rehydration water. Using sterile-filtered Icewine juice, yeast rehydration had a positive impact of reducing the rate of acetic acid produced as a function of sugar consumed, reducing the ratio of acetic acid/ethanol and reducing the ratio of acetic acid/glycerol. In the sterile-filtered fermentation, yeast rehydrated with micronutrients generated 9-times less acetic acid per gram of sugar in the first 48 hours compared to yeast rehydrated only \vith water and resulted in a 17% reduction in acetic acid in the final \vine \vhen normalized to sugar consumed. However, the sterile-filtered fermentations likely became stuck due to the overc1arification of the juice as evidenced from the low sugar consumption (117 gIL) that could not be completely overcome by the micronutrient treatments (144 gIL sugar consumed) to reach a target ethanol of IO%v/v. Contrary to \vhat \vas observed in the sterile-filtered treatements, using unfiltered Ice\vine juice, yeast micronutrient addition had no significant impact of reducing the rate of acetic acid produced as a function of sugar consumed, reducing the ratio of acetic acid/ethanol and reducing the ratio of acetic acid/glycerol. However, in the unfiltered fermentation, micronutrient addition during yeast rehydration caused a reduction in the acetic acid produced as a function of sugar consumed up to 150 giL sugar consumed.. In contrast to the sterile-filtered fermentations, the unfiltered fermentations did not become stuck as evidenced from the higher sugar consumption (l47-174g1L). The largest effects of micronutrient addition are evident in the first two days of both sterile and unfiltered fermentations.
A simple method was developed for treating corn seeds with oxamyl. It involved soaking the seeds to ensure oxamyl uptake, centrifugation to draw off excess solution, and drying under a stream of air to prevent the formation of fungus. The seeds were found to have an even distribution of oxamyl. Seeds remained fungus-free even 12 months after treatment. The highest nonphytotoxic treatment level was obtained by using a 4.00 mg/mL oxamyl solution. Extraction methods for the determination of oxamyl (methyl-N'N'-dimethyl-N-[(methylcarbamoyl)oxy]-l-thiooxamimidate), its oxime (methyl-N',N'-dimethyl-N-hydroxy-1-thiooxamimidate), and DMCF (N,N-dimethyl-1-cyanoformanade) in seed" root, and soil were developed. Seeds were processed by homogenizing, then shaking in methanol. Significantly more oxamyl was extracted from hydrated seeds as opposed to dry seeds. Soils were extracted by tumbling in methanol; recoveries range~ from 86 - 87% for oxamyl. Root was extracted to 93% efficiency for oxamyl by homogenizing the tissue in methanol. NucharAttaclay column cleanup afforded suitable extracts for analysis by RP-HPLC on a C18 column and UV detection at 254 nm. In the degradation study, oxamyl was found to dissipate from the seed down into the soil. It was also detected in the root. Oxime was detected in both the seed and soil, but not in the root. DMCF was detected in small amounts only in the seed.
Decomposition and side reactions of, and the synthetic use of, pentafluorophenylmagnesium bromide and pentafluorophenyllithium have been investigated using G,C9/M.S, techniques• Their reactions with reagents such as CgF^X (X - H, F, CI, Br, 1), C6F4X2 (X - H, CI)f C6F3C13, C6H6. (CgX5)3P (X = H, F), (C6X5)3P=0 (X = H, F), (CgX5)Si (CH3)3 (X = H, F) and (CH0K SiCl , n = 1,2, in ether or ether/n-hexane were studied• In addition to the principal reaction of synthetic use, namely the replacement of a halogen by a pentafluorophenyl group, two types of side reactions were observed* These were (i) intermolecular loss of LiF via a nucleophilic substitution, and (ii) intramolecular loss of LiF, followed by the addition of either inorganic salts such as lithium or magnesium halides, or organometal compounds such as organolithium or organo-Grigaard* G.C«/M.S. techniques were routinely employed to study complicated reaction mixtures. Although mass spectrometry alone has disadvantages for the identification of isomers, deduction of the most probable pathway often helps overcome this problem.
Wine produced using an appassimento-type process represents a new and exciting innovation for the Ontario wine industry. This process involves drying grapes that have already been picked from the vine, which increases the sugar content due to dehydration and induces a variety of changes both within and on the surface of the grapes. Increasing sugar contents in musts subject wine yeast to conditions of high osmolarity during alcoholic fermentations. Under these conditions, yeast growth can be inhibited, target alcohol levels may not be attained and metabolic by-products of the hyperosmotic stress response, including glycerol and acetic acid, may impact wine composition. The further metabolism of acetic acid to acetylCoA by yeast facilitates the synthesis of ethyl acetate, a volatile compound that can also impact wine quality if present in sufficiently high concentrations. The first objective of this project was to understand the effect of yeast strain and sugar concentration on fermentation kinetics and metabolite formation, notably acetic acid and ethyl acetate, during fermentation in appassimento-type must. Our working hypotheses were that (1) the natural isolate Saccharomyces bayanus would produce less acetic acid and ethyl acetate compared to Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain EC-1118 fermenting the high and low sugar juices; (2) the wine produced using the appassimento process would contain higher levels of acetic acid and lower levels of ethyl acetate compared to table wine; (3) and the strains would be similar in the kinetic behavior of their fermentation performances in the high sugar must. This study determined that the S. bayanus strain produced significantly less acetic acid and ethyl acetate in the appassimento wine and table wine fermentations. Differences in acetic acid and ethyl acetate production were also observed within strains fermenting the two sugar conditions. Acetic acid production was higher in table wine fermented by S. bayanus as no acetic acid was produced in appassimento-style wine, and 1.4-times higher in appassimento wine fermented by EC-1118 over that found in table wine. Ethyl acetate production was 27.6-times higher in table wine fermented by S. bayanus, and 5.2-times higher by EC-1118, compared to that in appassimento wine. Sugar utilization and ethanol production were comparable between strains as no significant differences were determined. The second objective of this project was to bring a method in-house for measuring the concentration of pyridine nucleotides, NAD+, NADP+, NADH and NADPH, in yeast cytosolic extract. Development of this method is of applicative interest for our lab group as it will enable the redox balance of the NAD+/ NADH and NADP+/ NADPH systems to be assessed during high sugar fermentations to determine their respective roles as metabolic triggers for acetic acid production. Two methods were evaluated in this study including a UV-endpoint method using a set of enzymatic assay protocols outlined in Bergmeyer (1974) and a colorimetric enzyme cycling method developed by Sigma-Aldrich® using commercial kits. The former was determined to be limited by its low sensitivity following application to yeast extract and subsequent coenzyme analyses, while the latter was shown to exhibit greater sensitivity. The results obtained from the kits indicated high linearity, accuracy and precision of the analytical method for measuring NADH and NADPH, and that it was sensitive enough to measure the low coenzyme concentrations present in yeast extract samples. NADtotal and NADPtotal concentrations were determined to be above the lower limit of quantification and within the range of the respective calibration curves, making this method suitable for our research purposes.
A photograph of Dorothy Rungeling in front of her airplane sponsored by Thompson Products in the 1952 All Women's International Air Race from St. Augustine, Florida to Welland, Ontario.
The Meat Packers Council of Canada was originally founded in 1919 in an effort to encourage farmers to produce better quality livestock. Originally known as the Industrial and Development Council of Canadian Meat Packers, charter members included Harris Abattoir Co. Ltd.; William Davies Co. Ltd.; Swift Canadian Co. Ltd.; Gunns Ltd.; Canadian Packing Co. Ltd.; Puddy’s Ltd.; F.W. Fearman Co.; Ingersol Packing Co. Ltd.; Whyte Packing Co. Ltd.; Gallagher-Holman & Lafrance Co. Ltd.; Gordon – Fronside and Fares Packers Ltd.; Wilson Canadian Co. Ltd.; and Armour & Co. Most of these firms were based in Ontario, but the Council’s operations were soon expanded with the opening of a western and eastern field office. The Council was incorporated in 1961. In 1980, the name changed to the Canadian Meat Council.
The article was published in the journal Meat Science, Vol. 46, No.4. The focus is data collected for cattle temperament and the quality of meat produced.
The focus is on design, more specifically, "animal handling facilities which are labor saving and reduce bruise losses". The article studies: Unloading Chutes, Stockyard Design, Hog Plant Stockyard, General Purpose Small Stockyard, Beef Stockyard, Cattle Crowding Pens, Hog Crowding Pens, Slopes in Chutes and Crowding Pens, Single File Chutes General Recommendations, Single File Chutes for Cattle, Slaughter Restrainers,
Receipt from D. Bryant, St. Catharines for meat, March 30, 1887.
Receipt from D. Bryant, St. Catharines for meat, May 16, 1887.
Receipt from D. Bryant, St. Catharines for meat, July 16, 1887.
Receipt from D. Bryant, St. Catharines for meat, Oct. 18, 1887.
Receipt from D. Bryant, St. Catharines for meat, Jan. 26, 1888.
Receipt from D. Bryant, St. Catharines for meat, Feb. 15, 1888.
Receipt from D. Bryant, St. Catharines for meat, March 28, 1888.