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This doctoral thesis presents the computational work and synthesis with experiments for internal (tube and channel geometries) as well as external (flow of a pure vapor over a horizontal plate) condensing flows. The computational work obtains accurate numerical simulations of the full two dimensional governing equations for steady and unsteady condensing flows in gravity/0g environments. This doctoral work investigates flow features, flow regimes, attainability issues, stability issues, and responses to boundary fluctuations for condensing flows in different flow situations. This research finds new features of unsteady solutions of condensing flows; reveals interesting differences in gravity and shear driven situations; and discovers novel boundary condition sensitivities of shear driven internal condensing flows. Synthesis of computational and experimental results presented here for gravity driven in-tube flows lays framework for the future two-phase component analysis in any thermal system. It is shown for both gravity and shear driven internal condensing flows that steady governing equations have unique solutions for given inlet pressure, given inlet vapor mass flow rate, and fixed cooling method for condensing surface. But unsteady equations of shear driven internal condensing flows can yield different “quasi-steady” solutions based on different specifications of exit pressure (equivalently exit mass flow rate) concurrent to the inlet pressure specification. This thesis presents a novel categorization of internal condensing flows based on their sensitivity to concurrently applied boundary (inlet and exit) conditions. The computational investigations of an external shear driven flow of vapor condensing over a horizontal plate show limits of applicability of the analytical solution. Simulations for this external condensing flow discuss its stability issues and throw light on flow regime transitions because of ever-present bottom wall vibrations. It is identified that laminar to turbulent transition for these flows can get affected by ever present bottom wall vibrations. Detailed investigations of dynamic stability analysis of this shear driven external condensing flow result in the introduction of a new variable, which characterizes the ratio of strength of the underlying stabilizing attractor to that of destabilizing vibrations. Besides development of CFD tools and computational algorithms, direct application of research done for this thesis is in effective prediction and design of two-phase components in thermal systems used in different applications. Some of the important internal condensing flow results about sensitivities to boundary fluctuations are also expected to be applicable to flow boiling phenomenon. Novel flow sensitivities discovered through this research, if employed effectively after system level analysis, will result in the development of better control strategies in ground and space based two-phase thermal systems.


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Modern cross-sectional imaging techniques are being increasingly implemented in forensic pathology. These methods may serve as an adjuvant to classic forensic autopsies or even replace them altogether in the future. In order to assess the practicability of such a method, namely post-mortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) in fatal gunshot injuries, 22 corpses underwent such an examination prior to forensic autopsy. The cardinal questions of the location of entrance and exit wounds, the detection of bullets and bullet fragments in the body, the bullet course, inflicted injuries and cause of death were addressed at MSCT and autopsy. The results of the two techniques revealed that post-mortem MSCT can answer these questions reliably and is therefore a useful tool in the assessment of such injuries.


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This dissertation serves as a call to geoscientists to share responsibility with K-12 educators for increasing Earth science literacy. When partnerships are created among K-12 educators and geoscientists, the synergy created can promote Earth science literacy in students, teachers, and the broader community. The research described here resulted in development of tools that can support effective professional development for teachers. One tool is used during the planning stages to structure a professional development program, another set of tools supports measurement of the effectiveness of a development program, and the third tool supports sustainability of professional development programs. The Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MiTEP), a Math/Science Partnership project funded by the National Science Foundation, served as the test bed for developing and testing these tools. The first tool, the planning tool, is the Earth Science Literacy Principles (ESLP). The ESLP served as a planning tool for the two-week summer field courses as part of the MiTEP program. The ESLP, published in 2009, clearly describe what an Earth science literate person should know. The ESLP consists of nine big ideas and their supporting fundamental concepts. Using the ESLP for planning a professional development program assisted both instructors and teacher-participants focus on important concepts throughout the professional development activity. The measurement tools were developed to measure change in teachers’ Earth science content-area knowledge and perceptions related to teaching and learning that result from participating in a professional development program. The first measurement tool, the Earth System Concept Inventory (ESCI), directly measures content-area knowledge through a succession of multiple-choice questions that are aligned with the content of the professional development experience. The second measurement, an exit survey, collects qualitative data from teachers regarding their impression of the professional development. Both the ESCI and the exit survey were tested for validity and reliability. Lesson study is discussed here as a strategy for sustaining professional development in a school or a district after the end of a professional development activity. Lesson study, as described here, was offered as a formal course. Teachers engaged in lesson study worked collaboratively to design and test lessons that improve the teachers’ classroom practices. Data regarding the impact of the lesson study activity were acquired through surveys, written documents, and group interviews. The data are interpreted to indicate that the lesson study process improved teacher quality and classroom practices. In the case described here, the lesson study process was adopted by the teachers’ district and currently serves as part of the district’s work in Professional Learning Communities, resulting in ongoing professional development throughout the district.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to compare a standard peripheral end-hole angiocatheter with those modified with side holes or side slits using experimental optical techniques to qualitatively compare the contrast material exit jets and using numeric techniques to provide flow visualization and quantitative comparisons. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A Schlieren imaging system was used to visualize the angiocatheter exit jet fluid dynamics at two different flow rates. Catheters were modified by drilling through-and-through side holes or by cutting slits into the catheters. A commercial computational fluid dynamics package was used to calculate numeric results for various vessel diameters and catheter orientations. RESULTS: Experimental images showed that modifying standard peripheral IV angiocatheters with side holes or side slits qualitatively changed the overall flow field and caused the exiting jet to become less well defined. Numeric calculations showed that the addition of side holes or slits resulted in a 9-30% reduction of the velocity of contrast material exiting the end hole of the angiocatheter. With the catheter tip directed obliquely to the wall, the maximum wall shear stress was always highest for the unmodified catheter and was always lowest for the four-side-slit catheter. CONCLUSION: Modified angiocatheters may have the potential to reduce extravasation events in patients by reducing vessel wall shear stress.


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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Congenital sucrase-isomaltase (SI) deficiency is an autosomal-recessive intestinal disorder characterized by a drastic reduction or absence of sucrase and isomaltase activities. Previous studies have indicated that single mutations underlie individual phenotypes of the disease. We investigated whether compound heterozygous mutations, observed in some patients, have a role in disease pathogenesis. METHODS: We introduced mutations into the SI complementary DNA that resulted in the amino acid substitutions V577G and G1073D (heterozygous mutations found in one group of patients) or C1229Y and F1745C (heterozygous mutations found in another group). The mutant genes were expressed transiently, alone or in combination, in COS cells and the effects were assessed at the protein, structural, and subcellular levels. RESULTS: The mutants SI-V577G, SI-G1073D, and SI-F1745C were misfolded and could not exit the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas SI-C1229Y was transported only to the Golgi apparatus. Co-expression of mutants found on each SI allele in patients did not alter the protein's biosynthetic features or improve its enzymatic activity. Importantly, the mutations C1229Y and F1745C, which lie in the sucrase domains of SI, prevented its targeting to the cell's apical membrane but did not affect protein folding or isomaltase activity. CONCLUSIONS: Compound heterozygosity is a novel pathogenic mechanism of congenital SI deficiency. The effects of mutations in the sucrase domain of SIC1229Y and SIF1745C indicate the importance of a direct interaction between isomaltase and sucrose and the role of sucrose as an intermolecular chaperone in the intracellular transport of SI.


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Tonoplast, the membrane delimiting plant vacuoles, regulates ion, water and nutrient movement between the cytosol and the vacuolar lumen through the activity of its membrane proteins. Correct traffic of proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the tonoplast requires (i) approval by the ER quality control, (ii) motifs for exit from the ER and (iii) motifs that promote sorting to the tonoplast. Recent evidence suggests that this traffic follows different pathways that are protein-specific and could also reflect vacuole specialization for lytic or storage function. The routes can be distinguished based on their sensitivity to drugs such as brefeldin A and C834 as well as using mutant plants that are defective in adaptor proteins of vesicle coats, or dominant-negative mutants of Rab GTPases.


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Einleitung: Freiwillige Sportorganisationen wie Sportvereine sind als Interessenorganisationen zu charakterisieren, deren primärer Organisationszweck sich auf die Vertretung der Interessen ihrer Mitglieder bezieht (Nagel, 2006). Mit dieser Interessenvertretungsfunktion wird gewährleistet, dass die Vereinsziele an die Mitgliederinteressen rückgebunden bleiben und Ziel-Interessen-Kongruenz herrscht (Schimank, 2005). Die Beobachtungen der Ver-einsrealität weisen jedoch darauf hin, dass die Ziele der Vereine oftmals von den Interessen ihrer Mitglieder abweichen und im Widerspruch zueinander stehen (Baur & Burrmann, 2003; Heinemann, 2004). Vor diesem Problemhintergrund ist zu fragen: Inwiefern stimmen die Vereinsziele mit den Mitgliederinteressen überein? Und für den Fall von Ziel-Interessen-Divergenzen, welche Auswirkungen ergeben sich daraus für die Vereine? Theoretisch-methodischer Ansatz: Für die theoriegeleite Beantwortung der Fragestellungen wurde auf Grundlage einer akteurtheoretischen Kon-zeptualisierung von Vereinen als Interessenorganisationen (Nagel, 2006; Schimank, 2007) ein strukturell-individualistisches Mehr-Ebenen-Modell entwickelt, dass zum einen das Verhältnis von Vereinszielen (Vereins-ebene) und Mitgliederinteressen (Mitgliederebene) und damit die Genese von Ziel-Interessen-Divergenzen erklärt. Zum anderen liefert das Modell eine Erklärungsgrundlage, welche Auswirkungen Divergenzen (struktu-relle Vereinssituation) auf die Mitglieder haben, d.h. wie die Mitglieder auf bestehende Divergenzen reagieren (individuelle Mitgliederhandlung). Die erforderlichen Vereins- und Mitgliederdaten wurden im Rahmen zweier Teilstudien erfasst, bei denen in erster Linie quantitative Erhebungs- und Auswertungsverfahren zum Einsatz kamen. Die erste Teilstudie wurde im Fürstentum Liechtenstein zur Analyse der Ziel-Interessen-Übereinstimmung durchgeführt, wobei hierzu die Präsidenten von 17 Vereinen und 481 Mitglieder schriftlich befragt wurden. In der zweiten Teilstudie wurde im Schweizer Turnverein Länggasse Bern mit 199 Mitgliedern eine schriftliche Befragung durchgeführt, um die Auswirkungen von Divergenzen zu analysieren. Zur Erfassung des Ausmasses von Ziel-Interessen-Divergenzen wurde eine Vergleichsprüfung der Vereinsziele und Mitgliederinteressen durchgeführt. Die Liechtensteinischen Vereinspräsidenten und Vereinsmitglieder mussten diesbezüglich die Bedeutung von 23 verschiedenen Items eines entwickelten Ziel-/Interessen-Fragekataloges einschätzen und über den betragsmässigen Bedeutungsunterschied konnte das quantitative Divergenzmass bestimmt werden. Um die Frage nach den Auswirkungen zu klären, hatten die Mitglieder des Schweizer Turnvereins Länggase Bern Aussagen über ihre Reaktionen auf bestehende Divergenzen entlang einer konzipierten Handlungstypologie (exit, voice, loyalty, neglect) zu geben. Ergebnisse: Die Befunde der Vergleichsanalyse zeigen, dass in allen untersuchten Vereinen Ziel-Interessen-Divergenzen in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß existieren. Bei einem Drittel der Vereine bestehen mittlere Divergenzen und in zwei Drittel sind größere Divergenzen zu beobachten. Divergenzen bestehen dabei vor allem hinsichtlich des Brei-tensports (v.a. Erweiterung des Sportangebots), der Vereinsentwicklung (v.a. Öffnen für neue Entwicklungen) und der Geselligkeit (v.a. aussersportliches Angebot, Wahrung der Vereinstradition). Die Analyse der Auswirkungen zeigt, dass geringe und mittelstarke Divergenzen in erster Linie zu konstruktiven Reaktionen führen. Die Mitglieder machen dabei die Vereinsführung auf diese Situation aufmerksam (voice), indem sie das Problem ansprechen und Vorschläge zur Problemlösung unterbreiten. Oder sie haben aus Grün-den der Vereinsverbundenheit (loyalty) die Hoffnung und das Vertrauen, dass die Vereinsführung ohne ihr Eingreifen das Problem löst. Wenn aber großen Divergenzen existieren, die sich für die Vereine zu einem gra-vierenden Problem entwickeln, tendieren die Mitglieder hingegen verstärkt zu destruktiven Reaktionen, die sich durch Gleichgültigkeit und Desinteresse am Vereinsgeschehen (neglect) äussern, indem die Mitglieder zukünftig nicht mehr auf Vereinsanlässe gehen. Oder sie wählen die Option des Rückzugs und Austritts (exit), indem sie ihr Vereinsengagement aufgeben oder im Extremfall aus der Abteilung oder dem Verein austreten. Diskussion: In der Vereinsrealität stellen Ziel-Interessen-Divergenzen offenbar eher die Norm als die Ausnahme dar, so dass die Vereinsziele nur teilweise an die Mitgliederinteressen rückgebunden sind. Allerdings sind Divergenzen nicht grundsätzlich als Problem zu interpretieren, sondern sind vielmehr in Abhängigkeit ihrer Intensität zu beurtei-len. Diesbezüglich dürften Vereine geringfügig bis mittelmässig ausgeprägte Divergenzsituationen im laufenden Vereinsgeschehen bis zu einem gewissen Grad relativ gut aushalten und aufarbeiten können, weil die Mitglie-der in diesem Fall zu einem konstruktiven Umgang tendieren, die eine Wiederherstellung von Ziel-Interessen-Kongruenz begünstigt. Demgegenüber können sich aber grosse Divergenzen zu einem ernsthaften Problem für Vereine entfalten, weil die Mitglieder in diesem Fall zu destruktiven Reaktionen neigen, die sich negativ auf die Vereinsentwicklung auswirken dürfte. Literatur Baur, J. & Burrmann, U. (2003). Konflikte in Sportvereinen. In J. Baur & S. Braun (Hrsg.), Integrationsleistungen von Sport-vereinen als Freiwilligenorganisationen (S. 331-370). Aachen: Meyer & Meyer. Nagel, S. (2006). Sportvereine im Wandel. Akteurtheoretische Analysen zur Entwicklung von Sportvereinen. Schorndorf: Hofmann. Nagel, S. (2007). Akteurtheoretische Analyse der Sportvereinsentwicklung. Ein theoretisch-methodischer Bezugsrahmen. Sportwissenschaft, 37 (2), 186-201. Schimank, U. (2005). Der Vereinssport in der Organisationsgesellschaft: organisationssoziologische Perspektiven auf ein spannungsreiches Verhältnis. In T. Alkemeyer, B. Rigauer & G. Sobiech (Hrsg.), Organisationsentwicklungen und De-Institutionalisierungsprozesse im Sport (S. 21-44). Schorndorf: Hofmann. Schimank, U. (2007). Handeln und Strukturen. Einführung in die akteurtheoretische Soziologie. Weinheim: Juventa Verlag.


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This review is focused on the mammalian SLC11 and SLC40 families and their roles in iron homeostasis. The SLC11 family is composed of two members, SLC11A1 and SLC11A2. SLC11A1 is expressed in the lysosomal compartment of macrophages and in the tertiary granules of neutrophils, playing a key role in innate resistance against infection by intracellular microbes. SLC11A2 is a key player in iron metabolism and is ubiquitously expressed, most notably in the proximal duodenum, immature erythroid cells, brain, placenta and kidney. Intestinal iron absorption is mediated by SLC11A2 at the apical membrane of enterocytes, followed by basolateral exit via SLC40A1. To meet the daily requirement for iron, approximately 80% of the iron comes from the breakdown of hemoglobin following macrophage phagocytosis of senescent erythrocytes (iron recycling). Both SLC11A1 and SLC11A2 play an important role in macrophage iron recycling. SLC11A2 also transports iron into the cytosol across the membrane of endocytotic vesicles of the transferrin receptor-cycle. SLC40A1 is the sole member of the SLC40 family and is involved in the only cellular iron efflux mechanism described. SLC40A1 is highly expressed in several tissues and cells that play a critical role in body iron homeostasis. The signaling pathways that regulate SLC11A2 and SLC40A1 expression at transcriptional, post-transcriptional and post-translational levels are discussed. The roles of SLC11A2 and/or SLC40A1 in iron-associated disorders such as hemochromatosis, neurodegenerative diseases, and breast cancer are also summarized.


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The p53-family of proteins regulates expression of target genes during tissue development and differentiation. Within the p53-family, p53 and p73 have hepatic-specific functions in development and tumor suppression. Despite a growing list of p53/p73 target genes, very few of these have been studied in vivo, and the knowledge regarding functions of p53 and p73 in normal tissues remains limited. p53+/-p73+/- mice develop hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), whereas overexpression of p53 in human HCC leads to tumor regression. However, the mechanism of p53/p73 function in liver remains poorly characterized. Here, the model of mouse liver regeneration is used to identify new target genes for p53/p73 in normal quiescent vs. proliferating cells. In response to surgical removal of ~2/3 of liver mass (partial hepatectomy, PH), the remaining hepatocytes exit G0 of cell cycle and undergo proliferation to reestablish liver mass. The hypothesis tested in this work is that p53/p73 functions in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and senescence are repressed during liver regeneration, and reactivated at the end of the regenerative response. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP), with a p73-antibody, was used to probe arrayed genomic sequences (ChIP-chip) and uncover 158 potential targets of p73-regulation in normal liver. Global microarray analysis of mRNA levels, at T=0-48h following PH, revealed sets of genes that change expression during regeneration. Eighteen p73-bound genes changed expression after PH. Four of these genes, Foxo3, Jak1, Pea15, and Tuba1 have p53 response elements (p53REs), identified in silico within the upstream regulatory region. Forkhead transcription factor Foxo3 is the most responsive gene among transcription factors with altered expression during regenerative, cellular proliferation. p53 and p73 bind a Foxo3 p53RE and maintain active expression in quiescent liver. During liver regeneration, binding of p53 and p73, recruitment of acetyltransferase p300, and an active chromatin structure of Foxo3 are disrupted, alongside loss of Foxo3 expression. These parameters of Foxo3 regulation are reestablished at completion of liver growth and regeneration, supporting a temporary suspension of p53 and p73 regulatory functions in normal cells during tissue regeneration.


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Hsp70s mediate protein folding, translocation, and macromolecular complex remodeling reactions. Their activities are regulated by proteins that exchange ADP for ATP from the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD) of the Hsp70. These nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) include the Hsp110s, which are themselves members of the Hsp70 family. We report the structure of an Hsp110:Hsc70 nucleotide exchange complex. The complex is characterized by extensive protein:protein interactions and symmetric bridging interactions between the nucleotides bound in each partner protein's NBD. An electropositive pore allows nucleotides to enter and exit the complex. The role of nucleotides in complex formation and dissociation, and the effects of the protein:protein interactions on nucleotide exchange, can be understood in terms of the coupled effects of the nucleotides and protein:protein interactions on the open-closed isomerization of the NBDs. The symmetrical interactions in the complex may model other Hsp70 family heterodimers in which two Hsp70s reciprocally act as NEFs.


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Deadenylation is the major step triggering mammalian mRNA decay. One consequence of deadenylation is the formation of nontranslatable messenger RNA (mRNA) protein complexes (messenger ribonucleoproteins [mRNPs]). Nontranslatable mRNPs may accumulate in P-bodies, which contain factors involved in translation repression, decapping, and 5'-to-3' degradation. We demonstrate that deadenylation is required for mammalian P-body formation and mRNA decay. We identify Pan2, Pan3, and Caf1 deadenylases as new P-body components and show that Pan3 helps recruit Pan2, Ccr4, and Caf1 to P-bodies. Pan3 knockdown causes a reduction of P-bodies and has differential effects on mRNA decay. Knocking down Caf1 or overexpressing a Caf1 catalytically inactive mutant impairs deadenylation and mRNA decay. P-bodies are not detected when deadenylation is blocked and are restored when the blockage is released. When deadenylation is impaired, P-body formation is not restorable, even when mRNAs exit the translating pool. These results support a dynamic interplay among deadenylation, mRNP remodeling, and P-body formation in selective decay of mammalian mRNA.


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Deadenylation is the major step triggering mammalian mRNA decay. One consequence of deadenylation is the formation of nontranslatable messenger RNA (mRNA) protein complexes (messenger ribonucleoproteins [mRNPs]). Nontranslatable mRNPs may accumulate in P-bodies, which contain factors involved in translation repression, decapping, and 5'-to-3' degradation. We demonstrate that deadenylation is required for mammalian P-body formation and mRNA decay. We identify Pan2, Pan3, and Caf1 deadenylases as new P-body components and show that Pan3 helps recruit Pan2, Ccr4, and Caf1 to P-bodies. Pan3 knockdown causes a reduction of P-bodies and has differential effects on mRNA decay. Knocking down Caf1 or overexpressing a Caf1 catalytically inactive mutant impairs deadenylation and mRNA decay. P-bodies are not detected when deadenylation is blocked and are restored when the blockage is released. When deadenylation is impaired, P-body formation is not restorable, even when mRNAs exit the translating pool. These results support a dynamic interplay among deadenylation, mRNP remodeling, and P-body formation in selective decay of mammalian mRNA.


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Growing cells are continuously processing signals of all varieties and responding to these signals by changes in cellular gene expression. One signal that cells in close proximity relay to each other is cell-cell contact. Non-transformed cells respond to cell-cell contact by arrest of growth and entry into G$\sb0,$ a process known as contact inhibition. Transformed cells do not respond to contact inhibition and continue to grow to high cell density, forming foci when in cell culture and tumors in the living organism. The events surrounding the generation, transduction, and response to cellular contact are poorly understood. In the present study, a novel gene product, drp, is shown to be expressed at high levels in cultured cells at high cell density. This density regulated protein, drp, has an apparent molecular weight of 70 kDa. Northern analysis shows drp to be highly expressed in cardiac and skeletal muscle and least abundant in lung and kidney tissues. By homology to two independently derived sequence tagged sites (STSs) used in the human genome project, drp or a closely related sequence maps to human chromosome 12. Density-dependent increases in drp expression have been demonstrated in six different cell lines including NIH 3T3, Hela and a human teratocarcinoma cell line, PA-1. Cells exhibit increased drp expression both when they are plated at increasing concentrations per unit area, or plated at low density and allowed to grow naturally to higher cell density. Cells at high density can exhibit several phenotypes including growth arrest, accumulation of soluble factors in the media, and increased numbers of cell contacts. Growth arrest by serum starvation or TGF-$\beta$ treatment fails to produce an increase in drp expression. Similarly, treatment of low density cells with conditioned media from high density cells fails to elicit drp expression. These results argue that neither soluble factors accumulated or expressed at high density nor simple exit from the cell cycle is sufficient to produce an increase in drp expression. The expression of drp appears to be uniquely regulated by cell density alone. ^


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BACKGROUND P450 aromatase (CYP19A1) is essential for the biosynthesis of estrogens from androgen precursors. Mutations in the coding region of CYP19A1 lead to autosomal recessive aromatase deficiency. To date over 20 subjects have been reported with aromatase deficiency which may manifest during fetal life with maternal virilization and virilization of the external genitalia of a female fetus due to low aromatase activity in the steroid metabolizing fetal-placental unit and thus high androgen levels. During infancy, girls often have ovarian cysts and thereafter fail to enter puberty showing signs of variable degree of androgen excess. Moreover, impact on growth, skeletal maturation and other metabolic parameters is seen in both sexes. OBJECTIVE AND HYPOTHESIS We found a novel homozygous CYP19A1 mutation in a 46,XX girl who was born at term to consanguineous parents. Although the mother did not virilize during pregnancy, the baby was found to have a complex genital anomaly at birth (enlarged genital tubercle, fusion of labioscrotal folds) with elevated androgens at birth, normalizing thereafter. Presence of 46,XX karyotype and female internal genital organs (uterus, vagina) together with biochemical findings and follow-up showing regression of clitoral hypertrophy, as well as elevated FSH suggested aromatase deficiency. Interestingly, her older brother presented with mild hypospadias and bilateral cryptorchidism and was found to carry the same homozygous CYP19A1 mutation. To confirm the clinical diagnosis, genetic, functional and computational studies were performed. METHODS AND RESULTS Genetic analysis revealed a homozygous R192H mutation in the CYP19A1 gene. This novel mutation was characterized for its enzymatic activity (Km, Vmax) in a cell model and found to have markedly reduced catalytic activity when compared to wild-type aromatase; thus explaining the phenotype. Computational studies suggest that R192H disrupts the substrate access channel in CYP19A1 that may affect binding of substrates and exit of catalytic products. CONCLUSION R192H is a novel CYP19A1 mutation which causes a severe phenotype of aromatase deficiency in a 46,XX newborn and maybe hypospadias and cryptorchidism in a 46,XY, but no maternal androgen excess during pregnancy.


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In modern medico-legal literature, only a small number of publications deal with fatal injuries from black powder guns. Most of them focus on the morphological features such as intense soot soiling, blast tattooing and burn effects in close-range shots or describe the wound ballistics of spherical lead bullets. Another kind of "unusual" and potentially lethal weapons are handguns destined for firing only blank cartridges such as starter and alarm pistols. The dangerousness of these guns is restricted to very close and contact range shots and results from the gas jet produced by the deflagration of the propellant. The present paper reports on a suicide committed with a muzzle-loading percussion pistol cal. 45. An unusually large stellate entrance wound was located in the precordial region, accompanied by an imprint mark from the ramrod and a faint greenish discoloration (apparently due to the formation of sulfhemoglobin). Autopsy revealed an oversized powder cavity, multiple fractures of the anterior thoracic wall as well as ruptures of the heart, the aorta, the left hepatic lobe and the diaphragm. In total, the zone of mechanical destruction had a diameter of approx. 15 cm. As there was no exit wound and no bullet lodged in the body, the injury was caused exclusively by the inrushing combustion gases of the propellant (black powder) comparable with the gas jet of a blank cartridge gun. In contact shots to ballistic gelatine using the suicide's pistol loaded with black powder but no projectile, the formation of a nearly spherical cavity could be demonstrated by means of a high-speed camera. The extent of the temporary cavity after firing with 5 g of black powder roughly corresponded to the zone of destruction found in the suicide's body.