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This qualitative study offers insight into the experiences, expectations, perceptions and beliefs that may lead to laparoscopic adjustable gastric band patients’ failure to achieve expected weight loss and seek revisional bariatric surgery. The 23 participants from two sites were interviewed and data were analysed from a grounded theory methodology in order to build a causal model. Analysis of participants’ reports identified ‘unrealistic expectations of the LAGB’ as the core category. Additionally, the restriction of the band had a negative impact on participants’ social interactions, leading to feelings of deprivation and, thus, to a desire for reward from food choices and consequently an increase of consumption of high-calorie-dense foods. These foods were chosen because of their specific texture or ability to provide reward. The resulting increase in weight or failure to achieve excess weight loss, led to feelings of shame and loneliness and emotional eating resulting in increased the consumption of rewarding foods. Thus, identifying unrealistic expectations of laparoscopic adjustable gastric band (LAGB) and emotional eating behaviours are important in those who are present initially for primary bariatric and revisional bariatric surgery, as they may contribute specifically to these patients’ weight regain and consequent failure to achieve excess weight loss.


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DNA ja siinä sijaitsevat geenit ohjaavat kaikkea solujen toimintaa. DNA-molekyyleihin kuitenkin kertyy mutaatioita sekä ympäristön vaikutuksen, että solujen oman toiminnan tuloksena. Mikäli virheitä ei korjata, saattaa tuloksena olla solun muuttuminen syöpäsoluksi. Soluilla onkin käytössä useita DNA-virheiden korjausmekanismeja, joista yksi on ns. mismatch repair (MMR). MMR vastaa DNA:n kahdentumisessa syntyvien virheiden korjauksesta. Periytyvät mutaatiot geeneissä, jotka vastaavat MMR-proteiinien rakentamisesta, aiheuttavat ongelmia DNA:n korjauksessa ja altistavat kantajansa periytyvälle ei-polypoottiselle paksusuolisyöpäoireyhtymälle (hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC). Yleisimmin mutatoituneet MMR-geenit ovat MLH1 ja MSH2. HNPCC periytyy vallitsevasti, eli jo toiselta vanhemmalta peritty geenivirhe altistaa syövälle. MMR-geenivirheen kantaja sairastuu syöpään elämänsä aikana suurella todennäköisyydellä, ja sairastumisikä on vain noin 40 vuotta. Syövälle altistavan geenivirheen löytäminen mutaation kantajilta on hyvin tärkeää, sillä säännöllinen seuranta mahdollistaa kehittymässä olevan kasvaimen havaitsemisen ja poistamisen jo aikaisessa vaiheessa. Tämän on osoitettu alentavan syöpäkuolleisuutta merkittävästi. Varma tieto altistuksen alkuperästä on tärkeä myös niille syöpäsuvun jäsenille, jotka eivät kanna kyseistä mutaatiota. Syövälle altistavien mutaatioiden ohella MMR-geeneistä löydetään säännöllisesti muutoksia, jotka ovat normaalia henkilöiden välistä geneettistä vaihtelua, eikä niiden oleteta lisäävän syöpäaltistusta. Altistavien mutaatioiden erottaminen näistä neutraaleista variaatioista on vaikeaa, mutta välttämätöntä altistuneiden tehokkaan seurannan varmistamiseksi. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin 18:a MSH2 -geenin mutaatiota. Mutaatiot oli löydetty perheistä, joissa esiintyi paljon syöpiä, mutta niiden vaikutus DNA:n korjaustehoon ja syöpäaltistukseen oli epäselvä. Työssä tutkittiin kunkin mutaation vaikutusta MSH2-proteiinin normaaliin toimintaan, ja tuloksia verrattiin potilaiden ja sukujen kliinisiin tietoihin. Tutkituista mutaatiosta 12 aiheutti puutteita MMR-korjauksessa. Nämä mutaatiot tulkittiin syövälle altistaviksi. Analyyseissä normaalisti toimineet 4 mutaatiota eivät todennäköisesti ole syynä syövän syntyyn kyseisillä perheillä. Tulkinta jätettiin avoimeksi 2 mutaation kohdalla. Tutkimuksesta hyötyivät suoraan kuvattujen mutaatioiden kantajaperheet, joiden geenivirheen syöpäaltistuksesta saatiin tietoa, mahdollistaen perinnöllisyysneuvonnan ja seurannan kohdentamisen sitä tarvitseville. Työ selvensi myös mekanismeja, joilla mutatoitunut MSH2-proteiini voi menettää toimintakykynsä.


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Purpose: To explore the fatigue self-management behaviors and factors associated with effectiveness of these behaviors in patients with advanced cancer. Design: Prospective longitudinal interviewer-administered survey. Setting: A tertiary cancer center in Queensland Australia. Sample: One hundred fifty two outpatients with metastatic breast, lung, colorectal and prostate cancer experiencing fatigue (>3/10) were recruited. Main Research Variables: Fatigue self-management behaviors outcomes (perceived effectiveness, self-efficacy and frequency), medical/demographic characteristics (including sites of primary cancer and metastasis, comorbidity, performance status), social support, depressive, anxiety, and other symptoms were assessed. Findings: The participants reported moderate levels of fatigue at baseline (M=5.85, SD 1.44), and maintained moderate levels at 4 weeks and 8 weeks. On average, participants consistently used approximately nine behaviors at each time point. Factors significantly associated with higher levels of perceived effectiveness of fatigue self-management behaviors were higher self-efficacy (p<.001), higher education level (p=.02), and lower levels of depressive symptoms (p=.04). Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrate that patients with cancer, even with advanced disease, still want and are able to use a number of behaviors to control their fatigue. Self-management interventions that aim to enhance self-efficacy and address any concurrent depressive symptoms have the potential to reduce fatigue severity. Implications for Nursing: Nurses are well positioned to play a key role in supporting patients in their fatigue self-management. Knowledge Translation: This study particularly focused on the perspectives of patients about fatigue self-management, highlighting a number of issues requiring further attention in clinical practice and the potential for future research.


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Background Chronic kidney disease (CKD) leads to a range of symptoms, which are often under-recognised and little is known about the multidimensional symptom experience in advanced CKD. Objectives To examine (1) symptom burden at CKD stages 4 and 5, and dialysis modalities, and (2) demographic and renal history correlates of symptom burden. Methods Using a cross-sectional design, a convenience sample of 436 people with CKD was recruited from three hospitals. The CKD Symptom Burden Index (CKD-SBI) was used to measure the prevalence, severity, distress and frequency of 32 symptoms. Demographic and renal history data were also collected. Results Of the sample, 75.5 % were receiving dialysis (haemodialysis, n = 287; peritoneal dialysis, n = 42) and 24.5 % were not undergoing dialysis (stage 4, n = 69; stage 5, n = 38). Participants reported an average of 13.01 ± 7.67 symptoms. Fatigue and pain were common and burdensome across all symptom dimensions. While approximately one-third experienced sexual symptoms, when reported these symptoms were frequent, severe and distressing. Haemodialysis, older age and being female were independently associated with greater symptom burden. Conclusions In CKD, symptom burden is better understood when capturing the multidimensional aspects of a range of physical and psychological symptoms. Fatigue, pain and sexual dysfunction are key contributors to symptom burden, and these symptoms are often under-recognised and warrant routine assessment. The CKD-SBI offers a valuable tool for renal clinicians to assess symptom burden, leading to the commencement of timely and appropriate interventions.


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Neurotrophic factors play essential role in the development and functioning of the nervous system and other organs. Glial cell line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) family ligands (GFLs) are of particular interest because they promote the survival of dopaminergic neurons in vitro, in Parkinson s disease animal models and in patients. GDNF is also a potent survival factor for the central motoneurons and thus is considered as a potential lead for the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The survival promoting receptor complex for GFLs consists of a ligand-specific co-receptor, GFRα and a signal transducing module, receptor tyrosine kinase RET. At least GDNF and persephin, a GFL, have established functions outside central nervous system. GDNF is crucial for enteric nervous system and kidney development as well as for spermatogenesis. Persephin controls calcitonin secretion. Communication between cells often occurs in the extracellular matrix (ECM), a meshwork, which is secreted and deposited by the cells and is mainly composed of fibrillar proteins and polymerized sugars. We evaluated the relationship between GFLs and extracellular matrix components and demonstrated that three GFLs - GDNF, neurturin and artemin bind heparan sulfates with nanomolar affinities. The fourth member of the family - persephin binds these polysaccharides thousand times less tightly. GDNF, neurturin and artemin also bind with high affinity to heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) isolated from the nervous system, syndecan-3. GDNF signals through HSPGs, evoking Src family kinase activation. This signaling induces cell spreading, hippocampal neurite outgrowth in vitro and cellular migration. Specifically, GDNF signaling through syndecan-3 is important for embryonic cortical neuron migration. Syndecan-3-deficient mice, similarly to mice lacking GDNF, have less GABAergic neurons in their cortex, as compared to the wild-type mice. This fact provides indirect evidence that GDNF interaction with syndecan-3 is important for cortical brain development. Noteworthy, in non-neuronal tissues GFLs may signal via other syndecans. We also present the structural model for a GDNF co-receptor, GFRα1. The X-ray structure of the GFRα1 domain 3 was solved with 1.8 Å resolution, revealing a new protein fold. Later we also solved the structure of the truncated GFRα1 in the complex with GDNF and this model was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. In summary, our work contributed to the structural characterization of GFRα-based receptor complex and revealed a new receptor for GDNF, neurturin and artemin the HSPG syndecan-3. This information is critically important for the development of GFRα/RET agonists for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.


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The mechanism by which human leukocyte antigen B27 (HLA-B27) contributes to ankylosing spondylitis (AS) remains unclear. Genetic studies demonstrate that association with and interaction between polymorphisms of endoplasmic reticulum aminopeptidase 1 (ERAP1) and HLA-B27 influence the risk of AS. It has been hypothesised that ERAP1-mediated HLA-B27 misfolding increases endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, driving an interleukin (IL) 23-dependent, pro-inflammatory immune response. We tested the hypothesis that AS-risk ERAP1 variants increase ER-stress and concomitant pro-inflammatory cytokine production in HLA-B27 + but not HLA-B27-AS patients or controls. Forty-nine AS cases and 22 healthy controls were grouped according to HLA-B27 status and AS-associated ERAP1 rs30187 genotypes: HLA-B27 + ERAP1 risk, HLA-B27 + ERAP1 protective, HLA-B27-ERAP1 risk and HLA-B27-ERAP1 protective. Expression levels of ER-stress markers GRP78 (8 kDa glucose-regulated protein), CHOP (C/EBP-homologous protein) and inflammatory cytokines were determined in peripheral blood mononuclear cell and ileal biopsies. We found no differences in ER-stress gene expression between HLA-B27 + and HLA-B27-cases or healthy controls, or between cases or controls stratified by carriage of ERAP1 risk or protective alleles in the presence or absence of HLA-B27. No differences were observed between expression of IL17A or TNF (tumour necrosis factor) in HLA-B27 + ERAP1 risk, HLA-B27 + ERAP1 protective and HLA-B27-ERAP1 protective cases. These data demonstrate that aberrant ERAP1 activity and HLA-B27 carriage does not alter ER-stress levels in AS, suggesting that ERAP1 and HLA-B27 may influence disease susceptibility through other mechanisms. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited.


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Objective: To document electroencephalogram (EEG) changes and their correlation with clinical parameters in a newly diagnosed pediatric cohort of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) patients with and without diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and to define their medium term utility and significance. Research design and methods: Prospective longitudinal study of children presenting with T1DM. EEGs were performed within 24 h of diagnosis, day 5, and at 6 months post-diagnosis and reviewed by a neurologist blinded to clinical status. Severity of encephalopathy was graded from 1 to 5 using the Aoki and Lombroso encephalopathy scale. Cognitive abilities were assessed using standardized tests of attention, memory, and intelligence. Results: Eighty eight children were recruited; 34 presented with DKA. Abnormal background slowing was more often observed in the first 24 h in children with DKA (p = 0.01). Encephalopathy scores on day 1 correlated with initial pH, CO2, HCO3, base excess, respiratory rate, heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, and IV fluid intake (all parameters p < 0.05). EEG scores at day 1 did not correlate with contemporaneous mental state or cognition in the medium term. Conclusions: DKA was associated with significant clinical and neurophysiologic signs of brain dysfunction at presentation. While EEG is sensitive to the detection of encephalopathy in newly diagnosed T1DM, it has limited use in identifying children at risk of later cognitive deficits.


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BACKGROUND Approximately 50% of patients with stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease are 25-hydroxyvitamin D insufficient, and this prevalence increases with falling glomerular filtration rate. Vitamin D is now recognised as having pleiotropic roles beyond bone and mineral homeostasis, with the vitamin D receptor and metabolising machinery identified in multiple tissues. Worryingly, recent observational data has highlighted an association between hypovitaminosis D and increased cardiovascular mortality, possibly mediated via vitamin D effects on insulin resistance and inflammation. The main hypothesis of this study is that oral Vitamin D supplementation will ameliorate insulin resistance in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3 when compared to placebo. Secondary hypotheses will test whether this is associated with decreased inflammation and bone/adipocyte-endocrine dysregulation. METHODS/DESIGN This study is a single-centre, double-blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Inclusion criteria include; estimated glomerular filtration rate 30-59 ml/min/1.73 m(2); aged >or=18 on entry to study; and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels <75 nmol/L. Patients will be randomised 1:1 to receive either oral cholecalciferol 2000IU/day or placebo for 6 months. The primary outcome will be an improvement in insulin sensitivity, measured by hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp. Secondary outcome measures will include serum parathyroid hormone, cytokines (Interleukin-1beta, Interleukin-6, Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha), adiponectin (total and High Molecular Weight), osteocalcin (carboxylated and under-carboxylated), peripheral blood mononuclear cell Nuclear Factor Kappa-B p65 binding activity, brachial artery reactivity, aortic pulse wave velocity and waveform analysis, and indirect calorimetry. All outcome measures will be performed at baseline and end of study. DISCUSSION To date, no randomised controlled trial has been performed in pre-dialysis CKD patients to study the correlation between vitamin D status with supplementation, insulin resistance and markers of adverse cardiovascular risk. We remain hopeful that cholecalciferol may be a safe intervention, with health benefits beyond those related to bone-mineral homeostasis. TRIAL REGISTRATION Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12609000246280.


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Comorbidity of depression risks is common among cancer patients. The pharmacological treatment of depression is antidepressants. However, antidepressants may interact with anticancer drugs or cause adverse reactions. The prescription practice of antidepressants to cancer patients in Australia is not well documented. Our systematic review and meta-analysis identified that the overall prevalence rate of antidepressants was 15.6% varied widely by world-region and gender. A retrospective case-control study was undertaken to determine the recent prescription practice of antidepressants to cancer and non-cancer patients in Australia. Mirtazapine was the highly prescribed antidepressants to cases, whereas Desvenlafaxine was prescribed to controls. Considerable variation in the prescribing patterns of antidepressants was identified. Prospective studies are needed to ascertain whether patients are being treated optimally.


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For optimal treatment planning, a thorough assessment of the metastatic status of mucosal squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (HNSCC) is required. Current imaging methods do not allow the recognition of all patients with metastatic disease. Therefore, elective treatment of the cervical lymph nodes is usually given to patients in whom the risk of subclinical metastasis is estimated to exceed 15-20%. The objective of this study was to improve the pre-treatment evaluation of patients diagnosed with HNSCC. Particularly, we aimed at improving the identification of patients who will benefit from elective neck treatment. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest and abdomen was performed prospectively for 100 patients diagnosed with HNSCC. The findings were analysed to clarify the indications for this examination in this patient group. CT of the chest influenced the treatment approach in 3% of patients, while CT of the abdomen did not reveal any significant findings. Our results suggest that CT of the chest and abdomen is not indicated routinely for patients with newly diagnosed HNSCC but can be considered in selected cases. Retrospective analysis of 80 patients treated for early stage squamous cell carcinoma of the oral tongue was performed to investigate the potential benefits of elective neck treatment and to examine whether histopathological features of the primary tumour could be used in the prediction of occult metastases, local recurrence, or/and poor survival. Patients who had received elective neck treatment had significantly fewer cervical recurrences during the follow-up when compared to those who only had close observation of the cervical lymph nodes. Elective neck treatment did not result in survival benefit, however. Of the histopathological parameters examined, depth of infiltration and pT-category (representing tumour diameter) predicted occult cervical metastasis, but only the pT-category predicted local recurrence. Depth of infiltration can be used in the identification of at risk patients but no clear cut-off value separating high-risk and low-risk patients was found. None of the histopathological parameters examined predicted survival. Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy was studied as a means of diagnosing patients with subclinical cervical metastases. SLN biopsy was applied to 46 patients who underwent elective neck dissection for oral squamous cell carcinoma. In addition, SLN biopsy was applied to 13 patients with small oral cavity tumours who were not intended to undergo elective neck dissection because of low risk of occult metastasis. The sensitivity of SLN biopsy for finding subclinical cervical metastases was found to be 67%, when SLN status was compared to the metastatic status of the rest of the neck dissection specimen. Of the patients not planned to have elective neck dissection, SLN biopsy revealed cervical metastasis in 15% of the patients. Our results suggest that SLN biopsy can not yet entirely replace elective neck dissection in the treatment of oral cancer, but it seems beneficial for patients with low risk of metastasis who are not intended for elective neck treatment according to current treatment protocols.


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Background Foot ulceration is the main precursor to lower limb amputation in patients with type 2 diabetes worldwide. Biomechanical factors have been implicated in the development of foot ulceration; however the association of these factors to ulcer healing remains less clear. It may be hypothesised that abnormalities in temporal spatial parameters (stride to stride measurements), kinematics (joint movements), kinetics (forces on the lower limb) and plantar pressures (pressure placed on the foot during walking) contribute to foot ulcer healing. The primary aim of this study is to establish the biomechanical characteristics (temporal spatial parameters, kinematics, kinetics and plantar pressures) of patients with plantar neuropathic foot ulcers compared to controls without a history of foot ulcers. The secondary aim is to assess the same biomechanical characteristics in patients with foot ulcers and controls over-time to assess whether these characteristics remain the same or change throughout ulcer healing. Methods/Design The design is a case–control study nested in a six-month longitudinal study. Cases will be participants with active plantar neuropathic foot ulcers (DFU group). Controls will consist of patients with type 2 diabetes (DMC group) and healthy participants (HC group) with no history of foot ulceration. Standardised gait and plantar pressure protocols will be used to collect biomechanical data at baseline, three and six months. Descriptive variables and primary and secondary outcome variables will be compared between the three groups at baseline and follow-up. Discussion It is anticipated that the findings from this longitudinal study will provide important information regarding the biomechanical characteristic of type 2 diabetes patients with neuropathic foot ulcers. We hypothesise that people with foot ulcers will demonstrate a significantly compromised gait pattern (reduced temporal spatial parameters, kinematics and kinetics) at base line and then throughout the follow-up period compared to controls. The study may provide evidence for the design of gait-retraining, neuro-muscular conditioning and other approaches to off-load the limbs of those with foot ulcers in order to reduce the mechanical loading on the foot during gait and promote ulcer healing.


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Background Diabetic foot complications are the leading cause of lower extremity amputation and diabetes-related hospitalisation in Australia. Studies demonstrate significant reductions in amputations and hospitalisation when health professionals implement best practice management. Whilst other nations have surveyed health professionals on specific diabetic foot management, to the best of the authors’ knowledge this appears not to have occurred in Australia. The primary aim of this study was to examine Australian podiatrists’ diabetic foot management compared with best practice recommendations by the Australian National Health Medical Research Council. Methods A 36-item Australian Diabetic Foot Management survey, employing seven-point Likert scales (0 = Never; 7 = Always) to measure multiple aspects of best practice diabetic foot management was developed. The survey was briefly tested for face and content validity. The survey was electronically distributed to Australian podiatrists via professional associations. Demographics including sex, years treating patients with diabetes, employment-sector and patient numbers were also collected. Chi-squared and Mann Whitney U tests were used to test differences between sub-groups. Results Three hundred and eleven podiatrists responded; 222 (71%) were female, 158 (51%) from the public sector and 11–15 years median experience. Participants reported treating a median of 21–30 diabetes patients each week, including 1–5 with foot ulcers. Overall, participants registered median scores of at least “very often” (>6) in their use of most items covering best practice diabetic foot management. Notable exceptions were: “never” (1 (1 – 3)) using total contact casting, “sometimes” (4 (2 – 5)) performing an ankle brachial index, “sometimes” (4 (1 – 6)) using University of Texas Wound Classification System, and “sometimes” (4 (3 – 6) referring to specialist multi-disciplinary foot teams. Public sector podiatrists reported higher use or access on all those items compared to private sector podiatrists (p < 0.01). Conclusions This study provides the first baseline information on Australian podiatrists’ adherence to best practice diabetic foot guidelines. It appears podiatrists manage large caseloads of people with diabetes and are generally implementing best practice guidelines recommendations with some notable exceptions. Further studies are required to identify barriers to implementing these recommendations to ensure all Australians with diabetes have access to best practice care to prevent amputations.


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This study is one part of a collaborative depression research project, the Vantaa Depression Study (VDS), involving the Department of Mental and Alcohol Research of the National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, and the Department of Psychiatry of the Peijas Medical Care District (PMCD), Vantaa, Finland. The VDS includes two parts, a record-based study consisting of 803 patients, and a prospective, naturalistic cohort study of 269 patients. Both studies include secondary-level care psychiatric out- and inpatients with a new episode of major depressive disorder (MDD). Data for the record-based part of the study came from a computerised patient database incorporating all outpatient visits as well as treatment periods at the inpatient unit. We included all patients aged 20 to 59 years old who had been assigned a clinical diagnosis of depressive episode or recurrent depressive disorder according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10) criteria and who had at least one outpatient visit or day as an inpatient in the PMCD during the study period January 1, 1996, to December 31, 1996. All those with an earlier diagnosis of schizophrenia, other non-affective psychosis, or bipolar disorder were excluded. Patients treated in the somatic departments of Peijas Hospital and those who had consulted but not received treatment from the psychiatric consultation services were excluded. The study sample comprised 290 male and 513 female patients. All their psychiatric records were reviewed and each patient completed a structured form with 57 items. The treatment provided was reviewed up to the end of the depression episode or to the end of 1997. Most (84%) of the patients received antidepressants, including a minority (11%) on treatment with clearly subtherapeutic low doses. During the treatment period the depressed patients investigated averaged only a few visits to psychiatrists (median two visits), but more to other health professionals (median seven). One-fifth of both genders were inpatients, with a mean of nearly two inpatient treatment periods during the overall treatment period investigated. The median length of a hospital stay was 2 weeks. Use of antidepressants was quite conservative: The first antidepressant had been switched to another compound in only about one-fifth (22%) of patients, and only two patients had received up to five antidepressant trials. Only 7% of those prescribed any antidepressant received two antidepressants simultaneously. None of the patients was prescribed any other augmentation medication. Refusing antidepressant treatment was the most common explanation for receiving no antidepressants. During the treatment period, 19% of those not already receiving a disability pension were granted one due to psychiatric illness. These patients were nearly nine years older than those not pensioned. They were also more severely ill, made significantly more visits to professionals and received significantly more concomitant medications (hypnotics, anxiolytics, and neuroleptics) than did those receiving no pension. In the prospective part of the VDS, 806 adult patients were screened (aged 20-59 years) in the PMCD for a possible new episode of DSM-IV MDD. Of these, 542 patients were interviewed face-to-face with the WHO Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry (SCAN), Version 2.0. Exclusion criteria were the same as in the record-based part of the VDS. Of these, 542 269 patients fulfiled the criteria of DSM-IV MDE. This study investigated factors associated with patients' functional disability, social adjustment, and work disability (being on sick-leave or being granted a disability pension). In the beginning of the treatment the most important single factor associated with overall social and functional disability was found to be severity of depression, but older age and personality disorders also significantly contributed. Total duration and severity of depression, phobic disorders, alcoholism, and personality disorders all independently contributed to poor social adjustment. Of those who were employed, almost half (43%) were on sick-leave. Besides severity and number of episodes of depression, female gender and age over 50 years strongly and independently predicted being on sick-leave. Factors influencing social and occupational disability and social adjustment among patients with MDD were studied prospectively during an 18-month follow-up period. Patients' functional disability and social adjustment were alleviated during the follow-up concurrently with recovery from depression. The current level of functioning and social adjustment of a patient with depression was predicted by severity of depression, recurrence before baseline and during follow-up, lack of full remission, and time spent depressed. Comorbid psychiatric disorders, personality traits (neuroticism), and perceived social support also had a significant influence. During the 18-month follow-up period, of the 269, 13 (5%) patients switched to bipolar disorder, and 58 (20%) dropped out. Of the 198, 186 (94%) patients were at baseline not pensioned, and they were investigated. Of them, 21 were granted a disability pension during the follow-up. Those who received a pension were significantly older, more seldom had vocational education, and were more often on sick-leave than those not pensioned, but did not differ with regard to any other sociodemographic or clinical factors. Patients with MDD received mostly adequate antidepressant treatment, but problems existed in treatment intensity and monitoring. It is challenging to find those at greatest risk for disability and to provide them adequate and efficacious treatment. This includes great challenges to the whole society to provide sufficient resources.