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Surface electrodes are essentially required to be switched for boundary data collection in electrical impedance tomography (Ell). Parallel digital data bits are required to operate the multiplexers used, generally, for electrode switching in ELT. More the electrodes in an EIT system more the digital data bits are needed. For a sixteen electrode system. 16 parallel digital data bits are required to operate the multiplexers in opposite or neighbouring current injection method. In this paper a common ground current injection is proposed for EIT and the resistivity imaging is studied. Common ground method needs only two analog multiplexers each of which need only 4 digital data bits and hence only 8 digital bits are required to switch the 16 surface electrodes. Results show that the USB based data acquisition system sequentially generate digital data required for multiplexers operating in common ground current injection method. The profile of the boundary data collected from practical phantom show that the multiplexers are operating in the required sequence in common ground current injection protocol. The voltage peaks obtained for all the inhomogeneity configurations are found at the accurate positions in the boundary data matrix which proved the sequential operation of multiplexers. Resistivity images reconstructed from the boundary data collected from the practical phantom with different configurations also show that the entire digital data generation module is functioning properly. Reconstructed images and their image parameters proved that the boundary data are successfully acquired by the DAQ system which in turn indicates a sequential and proper operation of multiplexers.


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Luteal insufficiency affects fertility and hence study of mechanisms that regulate corpus luteum (CL) function is of prime importance to overcome infertility problems. Exploration of human genome sequence has helped to study the frequency of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Clinical benefits of screening SNPs in infertility are being recognized well in recent times. Examining SNPs in genes associated with maintenance and regression of CL may help to understand unexplained luteal insufficiency and related infertility. Publicly available microarray gene expression databases reveal the global gene expression patterns in primate CL during the different functional state. We intend to explore computationally the deleterious SNPs of human genes reported to be common targets of luteolysin and luteotropin in primate CL Different computational algorithms were used to dissect out the functional significance of SNPs in the luteinizing hormone sensitive genes. The results raise the possibility that screening for SNPs might be integrated to evaluate luteal insufficiency associated with human female infertility for future studies. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved,


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A new hybrid five-level inverter topology with common-mode voltage (CMV) elimination for induction motor drive is proposed in this paper. This topology has only one dc source, and different voltage levels are generated by using this voltage source along with floating capacitors charged to asymmetrical voltage levels. The pulsewidth modulation (PWM) scheme employed in this topology balances the capacitor voltages at the required levels at any power factor and modulation index while eliminating the CMV. This inverter has good fault-tolerant capability as it can be operated in three-or two-level mode with CMV elimination, in case of any failure in the H-bridges. More voltage levels with CMV elimination can be realized from this topology but only in a limited range of modulation index and power factor. Extensive simulation is done to validate the PWM technique for CMV elimination and balancing of the capacitor voltages. The experimental verification of the proposed inverter-fed induction motor is carried out in the linear modulation and overmodulation regions. The steady-state and transient operations of the drive are verified. The dynamics of the capacitor voltage balancing is also tested. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed topology can be considered for industrial drive applications.


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The rapid recent increase in microarray-based gene expression studies in the corpus luteum (CL) utilizing macaque models gathered increasing volume of data in publically accessible microarray expression databases. Examining gene pathways in different functional states of CL may help to understand the factors that control luteal function and hence human fertility. Co-regulation of genes in microarray experiments may imply common transcriptional regulation by sequence-specific DNA-binding transcriptional factors. We have computationally analyzed the transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) in a previously reported macaque luteal microarray gene set (n = 15) that are common targets of luteotropin (luteinizing hormone (LH) and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)) and luteolysin (prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha). This in silico approach can reveal transcriptional networks that control these important genes which are representative of the interplay between luteotropic and luteolytic factors in the control of luteal function. Our computational analyses revealed 6 matrix families whose binding sites are significantly over-represented in promoters of these genes. The roles of these factors are discussed, which might help to understand the transcriptional regulatory network in the control of luteal function. These factors might be promising experimental targets for investigation of human luteal insufficiency. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Plants produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a variety of contexts that include response to abiotic and biotic stresses, attraction of pollinators and parasitoids, and repulsion of herbivores. Some of these VOCs may also exhibit diel variation in emission. In Ficus racemosa, we examined variation in VOCs released by fig syconia throughout syconium development and between day and night. Syconia are globular enclosed inflorescences that serve as developing nurseries for pollinating and parasitic fig wasps. Syconia are attacked by gallers early in their development, serviced by pollinators in mid phase, and are attractive to parasitoids in response to the development of gallers at later stages. VOC bouquets of the different development phases of the syconium were distinctive, as were their day and night VOC profiles. VOCs such as alpha-muurolene were characteristic of the pollen-receptive diurnal phase, and may serve to attract the diurnally-active pollinating wasps. Diel patterns of release of volatiles could not be correlated with their predicted volatility as determined by Henry's law constants at ambient temperatures. Therefore, factors other than Henry's law constant such as stomatal conductance or VOC synthesis must explain diel variation in VOC emission. A novel use of weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA) on the volatilome resulted in seven distinct modules of co-emitted VOCs that could be interpreted on the basis of syconium ecology. Some modules were characterized by the response of fig syconia to early galling by parasitic wasps and consisted largely of green leaf volatiles (GLVs). Other modules, that could be characterized by a combination of syconia response to oviposition and tissue feeding by larvae of herbivorous galler pollinators as well as of parasitized wasps, consisted largely of putative herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs). We demonstrated the usefulness of WGCNA analysis of the volatilome in making sense of the scents produced by the syconia at different stages and diel phases of their development.


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A common-mode (CM) filter based on the LCL filter topology is proposed in this paper, which provides a parallel path for ground currents and which also restricts the magnitude of the EMI noise injected into the grid. The CM filter makes use of the components of a line to line LCL filter, which is modified to address the CM voltage with minimal additional components. This leads to a compact filtering solution. The CM voltage of an adjustable speed drive using a PWM rectifier is analyzed for this purpose. The filter design is based on the CM equivalent circuit of the drive system. The filter addresses the adverse effects of the PWM rectifier in an adjustable speed drive. Guidelines are provided on the selection of the filter components. Different variants of the filter topology are evaluated to establish the effectiveness of the proposed circuit. Experimental results based on EMI measurement on the grid side and the CM current measurement on the motor side are presented. These results validate the effectiveness of the filter.


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With the unique quasi-linear relationship between the surface potentials along the channel, recently we have proposed a quasi-static terminal charge model for common double-gate MOSFETs, which might have asymmetric gate oxide thickness. In this brief, we extend this concept to develop the nonquasi-static (NQS) charge model for the same by solving the governing continuity equations. The proposed NQS model shows good agreement against TCAD simulations and appears to be useful for efficient circuit simulation.


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This paper proposes a new 3 level common mode voltage eliminated inverter using an inverter structure formed by cascading a H-Bridge with a three-level flying capacitor inverter. The three phase space vector polygon formed by this configuration and the polygon formed by the common-mode eliminated states have been discussed. The entire system is simulated in Simulink and the results are experimentally verified. This system has an advantage that if one of devices in the H-Bridge fails, the system can still be operated as a normal 3 level inverter mode at full power. This inverter has many advantages like use of single DC-supply, making it possible for a back to back grid-tied converter application, improved reliability etc.


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Functions are important in designing. However, several issues hinder progress with the understanding and usage of functions: lack of a clear and overarching definition of function, lack of overall justifications for the inevitability of the multiple views of function, and scarcity of systematic attempts to relate these views with one another. To help resolve these, the objectives of this research are to propose a common definition of function that underlies the multiple views in literature and to identify and validate the views of function that are logically justified to be present in designing. Function is defined as a change intended by designers between two scenarios: before and after the introduction of the design. A framework is proposed that comprises the above definition of function and an empirically validated model of designing, extended generate, evaluate, modify, and select of state-change, and an action, part, phenomenon, input, organ, and effect model of causality (Known as GEMS of SAPPhIRE), comprising the views of activity, outcome, requirement-solution-information, and system-environment. The framework is used to identify the logically possible views of function in the context of designing and is validated by comparing these with the views of function in the literature. Describing the different views of function using the proposed framework should enable comparisons and determine relationships among the various views, leading to better understanding and usage of functions in designing.


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A three-level common-mode voltage eliminated inverter with single dc supply using flying capacitor inverter and cascaded H-bridge has been proposed in this paper. The three phase space vector polygon formed by this configuration and the polygon formed by the common-mode eliminated states have been discussed. The entire system is simulated in Simulink and the results are experimentally verified. This system has an advantage that if one of devices in the H-bridge fails, the system can still be operated as a normal three-level inverter at full power. This inverter has many other advantages like use of single dc supply, making it possible for a back-to-back grid-tied converter application, improved reliability, etc.


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Sialic acids form a large family of 9-carbon monosaccharides and are integral components of glycoconjugates. They are known to bind to a wide range of receptors belonging to diverse sequence families and fold classes and are key mediators in a plethora of cellular processes. Thus, it is of great interest to understand the features that give rise to such a recognition capability. Structural analyses using a non-redundant data set of known sialic acid binding proteins was carried out, which included exhaustive binding site comparisons and site alignments using in-house algorithms, followed by clustering and tree computation, which has led to derivation of sialic acid recognition principles. Although the proteins in the data set belong to several sequence and structure families, their binding sites could be grouped into only six types. Structural comparison of the binding sites indicates that all sites contain one or more different combinations of key structural features over a common scaffold. The six binding site types thus serve as structural motifs for recognizing sialic acid. Scanning the motifs against a non-redundant set of binding sites from PDB indicated the motifs to be specific for sialic acid recognition. Knowledge of determinants obtained from this study will be useful for detecting function in unknown proteins. As an example analysis, a genome-wide scan for the motifs in structures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteome identified 17 hits that contain combinations of the features, suggesting a possible function of sialic acid binding by these proteins.


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With an application of the upper bound finite element limit analysis, the vertical pullout capacity of a group of two horizontal strip plate anchors, with the common vertical axis and placed in a cohesive-frictional soil, has been computed. The variation of the uplift factors Fc, Fq and Fy, due to the contributions of soil cohesion, surcharge pressure and unit weight, respectively, has been evaluated for different combinations of S/B and H/B. As compared to single isolated anchor, the group of two anchors generates significantly greater magnitude of Fc for Φ ≤ 20° especially with greater values of H/B and under fully bonded anchor-soil interface condition. The factor Fc attains almost the maximum value when the upper anchor plate is placed midway between ground surface and the lower anchor plate. The factors Fq and Fy, on the other hand, for a group of two anchors are found to remain almost equal to that of a single isolated anchor as long as the levels of the lower plate in the group and the single isolated anchor are kept the same.


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Modern pulse-width-modulated (PWM) rectifiers use LC L filters that can be applied in both the common mode and differential mode to obtain high-performance filtering. Interaction between the passive L and C components in the filter leads to resonance oscillations. These oscillations need to be damped either by the passive damping or active damping. The passive damping increases power loss and can reduce the effectiveness of the filter. Methods of active damping, using control strategy, are lossless while maintaining the effectiveness of the filters. In this paper, an active damping strategy is proposed to damp the oscillations in both line-to-line and line-to-ground. An approach based on pole placement by the state feedback is used to actively damp both the differential-and common-mode filter oscillations. Analytical expressions for the state-feedback controller gains are derived for both continuous and discrete-time model of the filter. Tradeoff in selection of the active damping gain on the lower order power converter harmonics is analyzed using a weighted admittance function. Experimental results on a 10-kVA laboratory prototype PWM rectifier are presented. The results validate the effectiveness of the active damping method, and the tradeoff in the settings of the damping gain.


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G-Quadruplexes occupy important regulatory regions in the genome. DNA G-quadruplexes in the promoter regions and RNA quadruplexes in the UTRs (untranslated regions) have been individually studied and variously implicated at different regulatory levels of gene expression. However, the formation of G-quadruplexes in the sense and antisense strands and their corresponding roles in gene regulation have not been studied in much detail. In the present study, we have elucidated the effect of strand asymmetry in this context. Using biophysical methods, we have demonstrated the formation of stable G-quadruplex structure in vitro using CD and UV melting. Additionally, ITC was employed to demonstrate that a previously reported selective G-quadruplex ligand was able to bind and stabilize the G-quadruplex in the present sequence. Further, we have shown using reporter constructs that although the DNA G-quadruplex in either strand can reduce translation efficiency, transcriptional regulation differs when G-quadruplex is present in the sense or antisense strand. We demonstrate that the G-quadruplex motif in the antisense strand substantially inhibits transcription, while when in the sense strand, it does not affect transcription, although it does ultimately reduce translation. Further, it is also shown that the G-quadruplex stabilizing ligand can enhance this asymmetric transcription regulation as a result of the increased stabilization of the G-quadruplex.


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Existing compact models for common double-gate (CDG) MOSFETs are based on the fundamental assumption of having symmetric gate oxide thickness. In this paper, we demonstrate that using the unique quasi-linear relationship between the surface potentials, it is possible to develop compact model for CDG-MOSFETs without such approximation while preserving the mathematical complexity at the same level of the existing models. In the proposed model, the surface potential relationship is used to include the drain-induced barrier lowering, channel length modulation, velocity saturation, and quantum mechanical effect in the long-channel model and good agreement is observed with the technology computer aided design simulation results.