959 resultados para chest-wall rigidity
Plant resistance to pathogens relies on a complex network of constitutive and inducible defensive barriers. The plant cell wall is one of the barriers that pathogens need to overcome to successfully colonize plant tissues. The traditional view of the plant cell wall as a passive barrier has evolved to a concept that considers the wall as a dynamic structure that regulates both constitutive and inducible defense mechanisms, and as a source of signaling molecules that trigger immune responses. The secondary cell walls of plants also represent a carbon-neutral feedstock (lignocellulosic biomass) for the production of biofuels and biomaterials. Therefore, engineering plants with improved secondary cell wall characteristics is an interesting strategy to ease the processing of lignocellulosic biomass in the biorefinery. However, modification of the integrity of the cell wall by impairment of proteins required for its biosynthesis or remodeling may impact the plants resistance to pathogens. This review summarizes our understanding of the role of the plant cell wall in pathogen resistance with a focus on the contribution of lignin to this biological process.
En la coleorriza en semillas de Brachypodium son abundantes los mananos y estos van desapareciendo conforme progresa la germinación (entre 12-27 h), al mismo tiempo se observa un pico de actividad endo-beta-mananasa. Se ha establecido que de los 6 miembros de la familia MAN en B. distachyon 3 se expresan en el embrión en germinación y BdMAN3 también es abundante en la aleurona.
The cell wall is a dynamic structure that regulates both constitutive and inducible plant defence responses. Different molecules o DAMPs (damage-associated molecular patterns) can be released from plant cell walls upon pathogen infection or wounding and can trigger immune responses. To further characterize the function of cell wall on the regulation of these immune responses, we have performed a biased resistance screening of putative/well-characterized primary/secondary Arabidopsis thaliana cell wall mutants (cwm). In this screening we have identified more than 20 cwm mutants with altered susceptibility/resistance to at least one of the following pathogens: the necrotrophic fungi Plectosphaerella cucumerina, the vascular bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum, the biotrophic oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis and the powdery mildew fungus Erisyphe cruciferarum. We found that cell wall extracts from some of these cwm plants contain novel DAMPs that activate immune responses and conferred enhanced resistance to particular pathogens when they were applied to wild-type plants. Using glycomic profiling we have performed an initial characterization of the active carbohydrate structures present in these cwm wall fractions, and we have determined the signalling pathways regulated by thesse fractions. . The data generated with this collection of wall mutants support the existence of specific correlations between cell wall structure/composition, resistance to particular type of pathogens and plant fitness. Remarkably, we have identified specific cwm mutations that uncoupled resistance to pathogens from plant trade-offs, further indicating the plasticity of wall structures in the regulation of plant immune responses.
Los muros cortina modulares están constituidos por paneles prefabricados que se fijan al edificio a través de anclajes a lo largo del borde del forjado. El proceso de prefabricación garantiza buena calidad y control de los acabados y el proceso de instalación es rápido y no requiere andamiaje. Por estas razones su uso está muy extendido en torres. Sin embargo, el diseño de los marcos de aluminio podría ser más eficiente si se aprovechara la rigidez de los vidrios para reducir la profundidad estructural de los montantes. Asimismo, se podrían reducir los puentes térmicos en las juntas si se sustituyeran los marcos por materiales de menor conductividad térmica que el aluminio. Esta investigación persigue desarrollar un muro cortina alternativo que reduzca la profundidad estructural, reduzca la transmisión térmica en las juntas y permita un acabado enrasado al interior, sin que sobresalgan los montantes. La idea consiste en conectar un marco de material compuesto de fibra de vidrio a lo largo del borde del vidrio aislante a través de adhesivos estructurales para así movilizar una acción estructural compuesta entre los dos vidrios y lograr una baja transmitancia térmica. El marco ha de estar integrado en la profundidad del vidrio aislante. En una primera fase se han efectuado cálculos estructurales y térmicos preliminares para evaluar las prestaciones a un nivel esquemático. Además, se han realizado ensayos a flexión en materiales compuestos de fibra de vidrio y ensayos a cortante en las conexiones adhesivas entre vidrio y material compuesto. Con la información obtenida se ha seleccionado el material del marco y del adhesivo y se han efectuado cambios sobre el diseño original. Los análisis numéricos finales demuestran una reducción de la profundidad estructural de un 80% y una reducción de la transmisión térmica de un 6% en comparación con un sistema convencional tomado como referencia. El sistema propuesto permite obtener acabados enrasados. ABSTRACT Unitised curtain wall systems consist of pre manufactured cladding panels which can be fitted to the building via pre fixed brackets along the edge of the floor slab. They are universally used for high rise buildings because the factory controlled assembly of units ensures high quality and allows fast installation without external access. However, its frame is structurally over-dimensioned because it is designed to carry the full structural load, failing to take advantage of potential composite contribution of glass. Subsequently, it is unnecessarily deep, occupying valuable space, and protrudes to the inside, causing visual disruption. Moreover, it is generally made of high thermal conductivity metal alloys, contributing to substantial thermal transmission at joints. This research aims to develop a novel frame-integrated unitised curtain wall system that will reduce thermal transmission at joints, reduce structural depth significantly and allow an inside flush finish. The idea is to adhesively bond a Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) frame to the edge of the Insulated Glass Unit (IGU), thereby achieving composite structural behaviour and low thermal transmittance. The frame is to fit within the glazing cavity depth. Preliminary analytical structural and numerical thermal calculations are carried out to assess the performance of an initial schematic design. 4-point bending tests on GFRP and single-lap shear tests on bonded connections between GFRP and glass are performed to inform the frame and adhesive material selection process and to characterise these materials. Based on the preliminary calculations and experimental tests, some changes are put into effect to improve the performance of the system and mitigate potential issues. Structural and thermal numerical analysis carried out on the final detail design confirm a reduction of the structural depth to almost one fifth and a reduction of thermal transmission of 6% compared to a benchmark conventional system. A flush glazed appearance both to the inside and the outside are provided while keeping the full functionality of a unitised system.
Electric probes are objects immersed in the plasma with sharp boundaries which collect of emit charged particles. Consequently, the nearby plasma evolves under abrupt imposed and/or naturally emerging conditions. There could be localized currents, different time scales for plasma species evolution, charge separation and absorbing-emitting walls. The traditional numerical schemes based on differences often transform these disparate boundary conditions into computational singularities. This is the case of models using advection-diffusion differential equations with source-sink terms (also called Fokker-Planck equations). These equations are used in both, fluid and kinetic descriptions, to obtain the distribution functions or the density for each plasma species close to the boundaries. We present a resolution method grounded on an integral advancing scheme by using approximate Green's functions, also called short-time propagators. All the integrals, as a path integration process, are numerically calculated, what states a robust grid-free computational integral method, which is unconditionally stable for any time step. Hence, the sharp boundary conditions, as the current emission from a wall, can be treated during the short-time regime providing solutions that works as if they were known for each time step analytically. The form of the propagator (typically a multivariate Gaussian) is not unique and it can be adjusted during the advancing scheme to preserve the conserved quantities of the problem. The effects of the electric or magnetic fields can be incorporated into the iterative algorithm. The method allows smooth transitions of the evolving solutions even when abrupt discontinuities are present. In this work it is proposed a procedure to incorporate, for the very first time, the boundary conditions in the numerical integral scheme. This numerical scheme is applied to model the plasma bulk interaction with a charge-emitting electrode, dealing with fluid diffusion equations combined with Poisson equation self-consistently. It has been checked the stability of this computational method under any number of iterations, even for advancing in time electrons and ions having different time scales. This work establishes the basis to deal in future work with problems related to plasma thrusters or emissive probes in electromagnetic fields.
John Summerson, en El Lenguaje Clásico de la Arquitectura, defiende que los órdenes clásicos que empleaban los arquitectos romanos para decorar sus edificios, no tienen una función estructural pero hacen expresivos a los edificios. Les hacen hablar. Arthur Schopenhauer afirma que “el destino de la Bella Arquitectura es poner de manifiesto la lucha entre el peso y la rigidez de los elementos estructurales”. Y Auguste Perret define la Arquitectura como “el arte de hacer cantar al punto de apoyo”. El objetivo de esta Tesis Doctoral es profundizar en la capacidad de expresión de la estructura. A través del estudio de las estructuras históricas, que se realiza en la primera parte de la Tesis, podemos concluir que existen tres categorías, tres maneras de expresión de la Estructura. Estructuras Vistas, que hablan, Estructuras Ocultas, que se esconden y Estructuras Ilusorias, que fingen. El Partenón y la Sainte Chapelle de París se estudian en el apartado de Estructuras Vistas. El Panteón, el Palacio de Carlos V, la Catedral de San Pablo en Londres, y otras arquitecturas renacentistas y romanas, en el apartado de Estructuras Ocultas. Y como Estructuras Ilusorias, la Alhambra (Dos Hermanas, Comares, el Patio de los Leones), Santa Sofía, y otras arquitecturas del barroco italiano. En la segunda parte de la Tesis se analiza la obra completa de Mies van der Rohe desde el punto de vista de esas tres categorías. Lo visto, lo oculto y lo ilusorio en las estructuras de Mies. Se estudia la evolución en la estructura de la casa, desde las primeras casas con Estructura Oculta de muro de ladrillo, hasta las últimas casas con Estructura Vista y columnas adelantadas, pasando por una etapa intermedia de casas con estructura mixta de muro de ladrillo en la que el acero comienza a hacer su aparición. Se analizan también seis soluciones estructurales en los Bloques y en las Torres: Estructura Vista reverberante, expresiva o inexpresiva vs Estructura Oculta con vestido horizontal, vestido reticular o vestido vertical. Y por último, se estudian las tres soluciones de Estructura Ilusoria que emplea Mies en sus Pabellones. La metodología de trabajo que se ha empleado se divide en cuatro apartados: El análisis bibliográfico; el análisis in situ de los edificios, que nos permite comprobar, por ejemplo, los efectos lumínicos de la columna acanalada del Partenón, o el efecto reverberante de las columnas de la Weissenhofsiedlung; el análisis crítico de planos y detalles constructivos, que nos lleva a concluir que la disposición de pantallas del Pabellón de Barcelona anula la lectura de la crujía estructural, y que la columna del restaurante Cantor se dispone con su alma perpendicular a la cercha, y no paralela, como cabría suponer si se quisiera aprovechar toda la capacidad portante del perfil en H; y por último, el análisis numérico y estructural, que nos lleva a confirmar el sobredimensionado de la Estructura del Patio de los Leones de la Alhambra o el sobredimensionado de la Estructura de la Casa Farnsworth. Lo que se confirma con esta Tesis Doctoral es que la Estructura es algo más, mucho más, que sólo transmisión de las cargas. ABSTRACT John Summerson, in The Classic Language of Architecture, argues that the classic orders used by Roman architects in the decoration of their buildings did not have a structural function, but made buildings expressive. They make them speak. Arthur Schopenhauer affirms that “the goal of Great Architecture is to highlight the struggle between the gravity and rigidity of structural elements”. And Auguste Perret defines Architecture as “the art of making the points of support sing”. The objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to examine the expressive capacity of structure. Following a study of historic structures in the first part of the thesis, we conclude that three categories exist, three ways of expressing Structure. Visible Structures that speak, Concealed Structures that are hidden and Illusory Structures that pretend. The Parthenon and the Sainte Chapelle in Paris are studied in the section on Visible Structures. The Pantheon, the Palace of Charles V, Saint Paul’s Cathedral in London, and other Renaissance and Roman architectures are dealt with in the Concealed Structures section. And, as examples of Illusory Structures, we focus on the Alhambra (The Hall of the Two Sisters, the Comares and the Court of the Lions), Saint Sophia, and other Italian Baroque architectures. In the second part of the Thesis the complete work of Mies van der Rohe is analysed from the perspective of these three categories. The visible, the concealed and the illusory, in the structures of Mies. We study how the structure of the house evolves, from the first houses with the Hidden Structure of the brick wall, to the later houses with Visible Structures and columns, via an intermediate phase of mixed-structure houses with brick walls, where steel first began to make its appearance. We also analyse six structural solutions in the Blocks and Towers: reverberant, expressive or inexpressive Visible Structure vs Concealed Structure with horizontal cladding, reticular cladding or vertical cladding. And finally, we look at the three Illusory Structure solutions that Mies employs in his Pavilions. The methodology employed is divided into four sections: a bibliographic analysis; an analysis in situ of the buildings, which allows us to test, for example, the lighting effects of the fluted column in the Parthenon, or the reverberant effect of the Weissenhofsiedlung columns; a critical analysis of plans and constructive details, which leads us to conclude that the arrangement of panels in the Barcelona Pavilion cancels out the structural centreline, and that the column in the Cantor restaurant is placed with its web perpendicular to the truss, and not parallel to it, as one might expect if one wanted to avail of all the load-bearing capacity of the H beam; and lastly, a numeric and structural analysis, which confirms the oversizing of the Court of the Lions structure in the Alhambra or the oversized structure of Farnsworth House. All of which confirms in this Doctoral Thesis that structure is something more, much more, than a mere conveyor of loads.
Poelzig affirmed that the technical ideal consisted of using the least amount of shapes and materials possible. He understood architecture as an art, as the expression of form; In contrast to the indifference of the most widely recognized values of modernism: technical innovation in construction along with the functionality of buildings. The Haus des Rundfunks is a powerful hermetic factory in the shape of a triangle and of uniform height. Mass, geometric rigidity and the absence of textures make up a building which relinquishes expressing the new media, with a perimeter ring consisting of offices and larger spaces that are more characteristic towards their inside. Geometry is used as a means to organize and limit the shapes of the buildings. The arrangement and division of different intercommunicating spaces are subjected to the crudeness of their geometric limits. Interior spaces ranging from the most static to the most dynamic are defined through the qualities of materials and geometries. This turns the spaces into geometric grids which decompose the wall, floor and ceiling planes into fragments, regardless of the constructive reality provided by a metallic frame structure. Its polyhedral lamps enclose artificial and emphasize the value of the grid. Poelzig limits himself to dealing with planes within a closed volume of uniform height, and maintains geometric rigidity compatible with a certain degree of figurativeness. This article tries to bring to life this exemplary building, marked by its passivity and hermetism.
Autoaggregation in bacteria is the phenomenon of aggregation between cells of the same strain, whereas coaggregation is due to aggregation occurring among different species. Aggregation ability of prebiotic bacteria is related to adhesion ability, which is a prerequisite for the colonization and protection of the gastrointestinal tract in all animal species; however, coaggregation ability of prebiotic bacteria offers a possibility of close interaction with pathogenic bacteria.
There is an immediate need for identification of new antifungal targets in opportunistic pathogenic fungi like Candida albicans. In the past, efforts have focused on synthesis of chitin and glucan, which confer mechanical strength and rigidity upon the cell wall. This paper describes the molecular analysis of CaMNT1, a gene involved in synthesis of mannoproteins, the third major class of macromolecule found in the cell wall. CaMNT1 encodes an α-1,2-mannosyl transferase, which adds the second mannose residue in a tri-mannose oligosaccharide structure which represents O-linked mannan in C. albicans. The deduced amino acid sequence suggests that CaMnt1p is a type II membrane protein residing in a medial Golgi compartment. The absence of CaMnt1p reduced the ability of C. albicans cells to adhere to each other, to human buccal epithelial cells, and to rat vaginal epithelial cells. Both heterozygous and homozygous Camnt1 null mutants of C. albicans showed strong attenuation of virulence in guinea pig and mouse models of systemic candidosis, which, in guinea pigs, could be attributed to a decreased ability to reach and/or adhere internal organs. Therefore, correct CaMnt1p-mediated O-linked mannosylation of proteins is critical for adhesion and virulence of C. albicans.
Cell wall deposition is a key process in the formation, growth, and differentiation of plant cells. The most important structural components of the wall are long cellulose microfibrils, which are synthesized by synthases embedded in the plasma membrane. A fundamental question is how the microfibrils become oriented during deposition at the plasma membrane. The current textbook explanation for the orientation mechanism is a guidance system mediated by cortical microtubules. However, too many contraindications are known in secondary cell walls for this to be a universal mechanism, particularly in the case of helicoidal arrangements, which occur in many situations. An additional construction mechanism involves liquid crystalline self-assembly [A. C. Neville (1993) Biology of Fibrous Composites: Development Beyond the Cell Membrane (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K.)], but the required amount of bulk material that is able to equilibrate thermally is not normally present at any stage of the wall deposition process. Therefore, we have asked whether the complex ordered texture of helicoidal cell walls can be formed in the absence of direct cellular guidance mechanisms. We propose that they can be formed by a mechanism that is based on geometrical considerations. It explains the genesis of the complicated helicoidal texture and shows that the cell has intrinsic, versatile tools for creating a variety of textures. A compelling feature of the model is that local rules generate global order, a typical phenomenon of life.