1000 resultados para Welding test
In this research work, the results of an investigation dealing with welding of sheet metals with diverse air gap using FastROOT modified short arc welding method and short circuit MAG welding processes have been presented. Welding runs were made under different conditions and, during each run, the different process parameters were continuously monitored. It was found that maximum welding speed and less HAZ are reached under specific welding conditions with FastROOT method with the emphasis on arc stability. Welding results show that modified short arc exhibits a higher electrode melting coefficient and with virtually spatter free droplet transition. By adjusting the short circuit duration the penetration can be controlled with only a small change in electrode deposition. Furthermore, by mixing pulsed MIG welding with modified arc welding the working envelope of the process is greatly extended allowing thicker material sections to be welded with improved weld bead aesthetics. FastROOT is a modified short arc welding process using mechanized or automated welding process based on dip transfer welding, characterized by controlled material deposition during the short circuit of the wire electrode to the workpiece.
The aim of this work is to develop and validate a dissolution test for glibenclamide tablets. Optimal conditions to carry out the dissolution test are 500 mL of phosphate buffer at pH 8.0, paddles at 75 rpm stirring speed, time test set to 60 min and using equipment with six vessels. The derivative UV spectrophotometric method for determination of glibenclamide released was developed, validated and compared with the HPLC method. The UVDS method presents linearity (r² = 0.9999) in the concentration range of 5-14 µg/mL. Precision and recoveries were 0.42% and 100.25%, respectively. The method was applied to three products commercially available on the Brazilian market.
Aim of this thesis was to design and manufacture a microdistillation column. The literature review part of this thesis covers stainless steels, material processing and basics about engineering design and distillation. The main focus, however, is on the experimental part. Experimental part is divided into five distinct sections: First part is where the device is introduced and separated into three parts. Secondly the device is designed part by part. It consists mostly of detail problem solving, since the first drawings had already been drawn and the critical dimensions decided. Third part is the manufacture, which was not fully completed since the final assembly was left out of this thesis. Fourth part is the test welding for the device, and its analysis. Finally some ideas for further studies are presented. The main goal of this thesis was accomplished. The device only lacks some final assembly but otherwise it is complete. One thing that became clear during the process was how difficult it is to produce small and precise steel parts with conventional manufacturing methods. Internal stresses within steel plates and thermal distortions can easily ruin small steel structures. Designing appropriate welding jigs is an important task for even simple devices. Laser material processing is a promising tool for this kind of steel processing because of the flexibility, good cutting quality and also precise and low heat input when welding. Next step in this project is the final assembly and the actual distillation tests. The tests will be carried out at Helsinki University of Technology.
Diplomityössä tutkitaan hitsausprosessien kehitystä. Työn kirjallisen osan alku kuvaa hitsauksen nykypäivää ja tulevaisuutta sekä millainen on hitsaava Suomi. Kehittyneiden hitsausprosessien tarkastelu on jaettu hiiliterästen ja alumiinien hitsausprosesseihin. Hiiliteräksien hitsauksen osalta työssä esitellään kitkahitsaus pyörivällä työkalulla, muunnettu lyhytkaarihitsaus, laserhitsaus, laser-hybridihitsaus ja kapearailohitsaus. Alumiinien hitsauksen osalta työssä esitellään laserhitsaus, muunnettu lyhytkaarihitsaus, kitkahitsaus pyörivällä työkalulla ja vaihtovirta MIG hitsaus. Diplomityön käytännönosuudessa todennettiin hitsausprosessien kehitys. Ensimmäisissä hitsauskokeissa hitsattiin merialumiinia eri kaarityypeillä. Vertailua tehdään pulssihitsauksen, lankapulssihitsauksen sekä CMT-kaarihitsauksen välillä. Koehitsaukset osoittavat CMT-hitsauksen tuottavan MIG-pulssihitsausta pienemmät hitsausmuodonmuutokset. CMT-hitsauksessa alumiinin oksidikerros aiheuttaa MIGpulssihitsausta vähemmän ongelmia, sillä kaari syttyy varmemmin suurillakin hitsausnopeuksilla, eikä hitsiin synny huokosia. Hitsausnopeudella 40 cm/min lankapulssihitsauksella ja MIG-pulssihitsauksella päittäisliitoksena hitsattujen vesileikattujen alumiinikappaleiden hitseihin ei syntynyt huokosia. Kokeen perusteella voidaan todeta, ettei oksidikerroksella ollut vaikutusta hitsin onnistumiseen. Hitsauskokeiden toinen osio tutkii hiilimangaaniteräksisen T-palkin kuitulaserhitsausta. Viiden kilowatin laserteholla hitsattiin onnistuneesti viisi metriä pitkiä T-palkkeja hitsausnopeudella 2 m/min. Takymetrimittauksella ja Tritop 3D-koordinaattimittauksella todennettiin laserhitsatun T-palkin hitsausmuodonmuutosten olevan huomattavasti Twin-jauhekaarihitsauksella hitsattua T-palkkia pienemmät.
The productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding work are critical for metal industry today. Welding processes must get more effective and this can be done by mechanization and automation. Those systems are always expensive and they have to pay the investment back. In this case it is really important to optimize the needed intelligence and this way needed automation level, so that a company will get the best profit. This intelligence and automation level was earlier classified in several different ways which are not useful for optimizing the process of automation or mechanization of welding. In this study the intelligence of a welding system is defined in a new way to enable the welding system to produce a weld good enough. In this study a new way is developed to classify and select the internal intelligence level of a welding system needed to produce the weld efficiently. This classification contains the possible need of human work and its effect to the weld and its quality but does not exclude any different welding processes or methods. In this study a totally new way is developed to calculate the best optimization for the needed intelligence level in welding. The target of this optimization is the best possible productivity and quality and still an economically optimized solution for several different cases. This new optimizing method is based on grounds of product type, economical productivity, the batch size of products, quality and criteria of usage. Intelligence classification and optimization were never earlier made by grounds of a made product. Now it is possible to find the best type of welding system needed to welddifferent types of products. This calculation process is a universal way for optimizing needed automation or mechanization level when improving productivity of welding. This study helps the industry to improve productivity, quality and cost efficiency of welding workshops.
In this work we describe both a chromatographic purification procedure and a spot test for the enzyme peroxidase (POD: EC The enzyme was obtained from crude extracts of sweet potatoes and the chromatographic enzyme purification procedure resulted in several fractions. Therefore a simple, fast and economic spot test for monitoring peroxidase during the purification procedure was developed. The spot test is based on the reaction of hydrogen peroxide and guaiacol, which is catalyzed by the presence of peroxidase yielding the colored tetraguaiacol.
It is necessary to use highly specialized robots in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) both in the manufacturing and maintenance of the reactor due to a demanding environment. The sectors of the ITER vacuum vessel (VV) require more stringent tolerances than normally expected for the size of the structure involved. VV consists of nine sectors that are to be welded together. The vacuum vessel has a toroidal chamber structure. The task of the designed robot is to carry the welding apparatus along a path with a stringent tolerance during the assembly operation. In addition to the initial vacuum vessel assembly, after a limited running period, sectors need to be replaced for repair. Mechanisms with closed-loop kinematic chains are used in the design of robots in this work. One version is a purely parallel manipulator and another is a hybrid manipulator where the parallel and serial structures are combined. Traditional industrial robots that generally have the links actuated in series are inherently not very rigid and have poor dynamic performance in high speed and high dynamic loading conditions. Compared with open chain manipulators, parallel manipulators have high stiffness, high accuracy and a high force/torque capacity in a reduced workspace. Parallel manipulators have a mechanical architecture where all of the links are connected to the base and to the end-effector of the robot. The purpose of this thesis is to develop special parallel robots for the assembly, machining and repairing of the VV of the ITER. The process of the assembly and machining of the vacuum vessel needs a special robot. By studying the structure of the vacuum vessel, two novel parallel robots were designed and built; they have six and ten degrees of freedom driven by hydraulic cylinders and electrical servo motors. Kinematic models for the proposed robots were defined and two prototypes built. Experiments for machine cutting and laser welding with the 6-DOF robot were carried out. It was demonstrated that the parallel robots are capable of holding all necessary machining tools and welding end-effectors in all positions accurately and stably inside the vacuum vessel sector. The kinematic models appeared to be complex especially in the case of the 10-DOF robot because of its redundant structure. Multibody dynamics simulations were carried out, ensuring sufficient stiffness during the robot motion. The entire design and testing processes of the robots appeared to be complex tasks due to the high specialization of the manufacturing technology needed in the ITER reactor, while the results demonstrate the applicability of the proposed solutions quite well. The results offer not only devices but also a methodology for the assembly and repair of ITER by means of parallel robots.
Fundamento: El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el cambio de estrategia de cribado (test inmunológico cuantitativo) en un programa poblacional de detección precoz de cáncer colorrectal (CCR) en Cataluña. Métodos: La cuarta ronda del programa de cribado de CCR en Hospitalet de Llobregat se implementó en 2008-2010. Se ofreció un test bioquímico a 50.227 individuos y uno inmunológico cuantitativo a 12.707 individuos. Se analizaron diferencias en las dos estrategias de cribado respecto a variables de aceptabilidad (entre participación, abandonos y adherencia a la colonoscopia), de precisión diagnóstica (valor predictivo positivo y tasas de detección), de resultados (tamaño y localización de lesiones, estadio de los cánceres detectados) y de recursos (número necesario de colonoscopias e intervalo de tiempo entre el resultado positivo del test y la colonoscopia). Resultados: La participación en el cribado fue superior entre los individuos que utilizaron el test inmunológico (OR: 1,35; IC95%:1,27-1,42). Las tasas de detección fueron superiores para el test inmunológico destacando la de adenomas de alto riesgo (26,7 vs 3,0 ). El valor predictivo positivo para adenomas de alto riesgo fue del 45,0% y del 46,9% en el inmunológico y el guayaco, respectivamente. El número de colonoscopias necesarias para detectar un cáncer fue de casi el doble que en el guayaco (13,6 vs 7,4). Conclusiones: El test inmunológico es una buena estrategia de cribado especialmente sensible para la detección de adenomas de alto riesgo. Sin embargo, requiere realizar un gran número de colonoscopias y por ello se debe disponer de los recursos y medios necesarios.
A dissolution test for telithromycin tablets was validated and developed. In order to choose the most discriminatory one, the conditions to carry out are 900 mL of sodium phosphate buffer at pH 7.5, paddles at 50 rpm stirring speed, time test set to 60 min and using USP apparatus 2 with paddles. The UV spectrophotometric method for determination of telithromycin released was developed and validated. The method presents linearity (r = 1) in the concentration range of 20-60 µg/mL. Precision and recoveries were good, 100.62 and 97.06%, respectively. The method was successfully used for the dissolution test of telithromycin tablets.
This work describes the development and validation of a dissolution test for 50 mg losartan potassium capsules using HPLC and UV spectrophotometry. A 2(4) full factorial design was carried out to optimize dissolution conditions and potassium phosphate buffer, pH 6.8 as dissolution medium, basket as apparatus at the stirring speed of 50 rpm and time of 30 min were considered adequate. Both dissolution procedure and analytical methods were validated and a statistical analysis showed that there are no significant differences between HPLC and spectrophotometry. Since there is no official monograph, this dissolution test could be applied for quality control routine.
This work aimed the development and validation of a new dissolution test for ornidazole coated tablets. The dissolution conditions were determined after testing Sink conditions, dissolution medium, apparatus, stirring speed, 24 h stability and medium filtration influence. The best conditions were paddle at a stirring speed of 75 rpm and 900 mL of 0.1 M HCl. A new HPLC quantification method was developed and validated. The dissolution test and quantification method showed to be adequate for their purposes and could be applied for quality control of ornidazole coated tablets, since there is no official monograph.
A dissolution test for in vitro evaluation of tablet dosage forms containing 10 mg of rupatadine was developed and validated by RP-LC. A discriminatory dissolution method was established using apparatus paddle at a stirring rate of 50 rpm with 900 mL of deaerated 0.01 M hydrochloric acid. The proposed method was validated yielding acceptable results for the parameters evaluated, and was applied for the quality control analysis of rupatadine tablets, and to evaluate the formulation during an accelerated stability study. Moreover, quantitative analyses were also performed, to compare the applicability of the RP-LC and the LC-MS/MS methods.
A simple liquid chromatographic method was optimized for the quantitative determination of terbinafine in pharmaceutical hydroalcoholic solutions and tablets, and was also employed for a tablet dissolution test. The analysis was carried out using a RP-C18 (250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) Vertical® column, UV-Vis detection at 254 nm, and a methanol-water (95:5, v/v) mobile phase at a flow-rate of 1.2 mL min-1. Method validation investigated parameters such as linearity, precision, accuracy, robustness and specificity, which gave results within the acceptable range. The tablets dissolution was quite fast: 80% of the drug was dissolved within 15 min.
This work describes the development and validation of a dissolution test for 60 mg of diltiazem hydrochloride in immediate release capsules. The best dissolution in vitro profile was achieved using potassium phosphate buffer at pH 6.8 as the dissolution medium and paddle as the apparatus at 50 rpm. The drug concentrations in the dissolution media were determined by UV spectrophotometry and HPLC and a statistical analysis revealed that there were significant differences between HPLC and spectrophotometry. This study illustrates the importance of an official method for the dissolution test, since there is no official monograph for diltiazem hydrochloride in capsules.
A simple, precise, specific, repeatable and discriminating dissolution test for primaquine (PQ) matrix tablets was developed and validated according to ICH and FDA guidelines. Two UV assaying methods were validated for determination of PQ released in 0.1 M hydrochloric acid and water media. Both methods were linear (R²>0.999), precise (R.S.D.<1.87%) and accurate (97.65-99.97%). Dissolution efficiency (69-88%) and equivalence of formulations (f2) was assessed in different media and apparatuses (basket/100 rpm and paddle/50 rpm) tested. Discriminating condition was 900 mL aqueous medium, basket at 100 rpm and sampling times at 1, 4 and 8 h. Repeatability (R.S.D.<2.71%) and intermediate precision (R.S.D.<2.06%) of dissolution method were satisfactory.