822 resultados para Udder healt and communication
Adoption of new cattle management practices by Indonesian smallholders occurs less as a ‘technology transfer’ in the classical sense but rather as a series of conscious decisions by farming households weighing risks and resources as well as matching innovations to livelihood strategies. This paper uncovers the context of decisions and communication of innovations by way of social networks. The research looks at two geographically distinct cases where new cattle management practices have been introduced. We apply the lens of a common sense framework initially introduced by Clifford Geertz. Smallholder decisions are analysed within a socio-cultural context and a particular set of resources, risks and livelihood objectives. We show that the respective value placed on land, cattle and food security is central to adoption of new cattle management techniques. Far from accepting everything novel, smallholders are selective and willing to make changes to their farming system if they do not conflict with livelihood strategies. Innovations are communicated through a range of existing social networks and are either matched to existing livelihood strategies or perceived as stepping-stones out of agriculture.
Abstract : Information and communication technologies (ICTs, henceforth) have become ubiquitous in our society. The plethora of devices competing with the computer, from iPads to the Interactive whiteboard, just to name a few, has provided teachers and students alike with the ability to communicate and access information with unprecedented accessibility and speed. It is only logical that schools reflect these changes given that their purpose is to prepare students for the future. Surprisingly enough, research indicates that ICT integration into teaching activities is still marginal. Many elementary and secondary schoolteachers are not making effective use of ICTs in their teaching activities as well as in their assessment practices. The purpose of the current study is a) to describe Quebec ESL teachers’ profiles of using ICTs in their daily teaching activities; b) to describe teachers’ ICT integration and assessment practices; and c) to describe teachers’ social representations regarding the utility and relevance of ICT use in their daily teaching activities and assessment practices. In order to attain our objectives, we based our theoretical framework, principally, on the social representations (SR, henceforth) theory and we defined most related constructs which were deemed fundamental to the current thesis. We also collected data from 28 ESL elementary and secondary school teachers working in public and private sectors. The interview guide used to that end included a range of items to elicit teachers’ SR in terms of ICT daily use in teaching activities as well as in assessment practices. In addition, we carried out our data analyses from a textual statistics perspective, a particular mode of content analysis, in order to extract the indicators underlying teachers’ representations of the teachers. The findings suggest that although almost all participants use a wide range of ICT tools in their practices, ICT implementation is seemingly not exploited to its fullest potential and, correspondingly, is likely to produce limited effects on students’ learning. Moreover, none of the interviewees claim that they use ICTs in their assessment practices and they still hold to the traditional paper-based assessment (PBA, henceforth) approach of assessing students’ learning. Teachers’ common discourse reveals a gap between the positive standpoint with regards to ICT integration, on the one hand, and the actual uses of instructional technology, on the other. These results are useful for better understanding the way ESL teachers in Quebec currently view their use of ICTs, particularly for evaluation purposes. In fact, they provide a starting place for reconsidering the implementation of ICTs in elementary and secondary schools. They may also be useful to open up avenues for the development of a future research program in this regard.
Interdisciplinarity and Design Conceptualisation: Contributions from a Small-Scale Design Experiment
Literature emphasises the sparse research focused in collaborative and open approaches in the design conceptualisation stage, also known as the Fuzzy Front-End (FFE). Presently, the most challenging discussion arising from this specific field of research lies in understanding on whether or not to structure the referred conceptual stage. Accordingly, the established hypothesis behind this study sustains that a structured approach in the FFE would benefit the interdisciplinary dialogue. Therefore, two objectives support this study: to understand the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach in the FFE, and to test one proposed model for this conceptual stage. By means of a small-scale design experiment, this paper pretends to give additional contributions to this area of research, in the context of new product development (NPD). The general research supporting this specific study aims to conceptualise in the area of newly and futuristic aircraft configurations. Hence, this same topic based the conceptualisation process in the conducted ideation sessions, which are conducted by five different teams of three elements each. The results of the different ideation sessions reinforce the contemporary paradigm of Open Innovation (OI), which is based in trust and communication to better collaborate. The postulated hypothesis for this study is partially validated as teams testing the proposed and structured model generally consider that its usage would benefit the integration of different disciplines. Besides, a general feeling that a structured approach integrates different perspectives and gives creativity a focus pervades. Nevertheless, the small-scale of the design experiment attributes some limitations to this study, despite giving new insights in how to better organise coming and more sustained studies. Interestingly, the importance of sketching as an interdisciplinary means of communication is underlined with the obtained results.
Early definitions of Smart Building focused almost entirely on the technology aspect and did not suggest user interaction at all. Indeed, today we would attribute it more to the concept of the automated building. In this sense, control of comfort conditions inside buildings is a problem that is being well investigated, since it has a direct effect on users’ productivity and an indirect effect on energy saving. Therefore, from the users’ perspective, a typical environment can be considered comfortable, if it’s capable of providing adequate thermal comfort, visual comfort and indoor air quality conditions and acoustic comfort. In the last years, the scientific community has dealt with many challenges, especially from a technological point of view. For instance, smart sensing devices, the internet, and communication technologies have enabled a new paradigm called Edge computing that brings computation and data storage closer to the location where it is needed, to improve response times and save bandwidth. This has allowed us to improve services, sustainability and decision making. Many solutions have been implemented such as smart classrooms, controlling the thermal condition of the building, monitoring HVAC data for energy-efficient of the campus and so forth. Though these projects provide to the realization of smart campus, a framework for smart campus is yet to be determined. These new technologies have also introduced new research challenges: within this thesis work, some of the principal open challenges will be faced, proposing a new conceptual framework, technologies and tools to move forward the actual implementation of smart campuses. Keeping in mind, several problems known in the literature have been investigated: the occupancy detection, noise monitoring for acoustic comfort, context awareness inside the building, wayfinding indoor, strategic deployment for air quality and books preserving.
Nowadays the production of increasingly complex and electrified vehicles requires the implementation of new control and monitoring systems. This reason, together with the tendency of moving rapidly from the test bench to the vehicle, leads to a landscape that requires the development of embedded hardware and software to face the application effectively and efficiently. The development of application-based software on real-time/FPGA hardware could be a good answer for these challenges: FPGA grants parallel low-level and high-speed calculation/timing, while the Real-Time processor can handle high-level calculation layers, logging and communication functions with determinism. Thanks to the software flexibility and small dimensions, these architectures can find a perfect collocation as engine RCP (Rapid Control Prototyping) units and as smart data logger/analyser, both for test bench and on vehicle application. Efforts have been done for building a base architecture with common functionalities capable of easily hosting application-specific control code. Several case studies originating in this scenario will be shown; dedicated solutions for protype applications have been developed exploiting a real-time/FPGA architecture as ECU (Engine Control Unit) and custom RCP functionalities, such as water injection and testing hydraulic brake control.
Comparison of Explicit and Implicit Methods of Cross-Cultural Learning in an International Classroom
The paper addresses a gap in the literature concerning the difference between enhanced and not enhanced cross-cultural learning in an international classroom. The objective of the described research was to clarify if the environment of international classrooms could enhance cross-cultural competences significantly enough or if additional focus on cross-cultural learning as an explicit objective of learning activities would add substantially to the experience. The research question was defined as “how can a specific exercise focused on cross-cultural learning enhance the cross-cultural skills of university students in an international classroom?”. Surveys were conducted among interna- tional students in three leading Central-European Universities in Lithuania, Poland and Hungary to measure the increase of their cross-cultural competences. The Lithuanian and Polish classes were composed of international students and concentrated on International Management/Business topics (explicit method). The Hungarian survey was done in a general business class that just happened to be international in its composition (implicit method). Overall, our findings prove that the implicit method resulted in comparable, somewhat even stronger effectiveness than the explicit method. The study method included the analyses of students’ individual increases in each study dimension and construction of a compound measure to note the overall results. Our findings confirm the power of the international classroom as a stimulating environment for latent cross-cultural learning even without specific exercises focused on cross-cultural learning itself. However, the specific exercise did induce additional learning, especially related to cross-cultural awareness and communication with representatives of other cultures, even though the extent of that learning may be interpreted as underwhelming. The main conclusion from the study is that the diversity of the students engaged in a project provided an environment that supported cross-cultural learning, even without specific culture-focused reflections or exercises.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has grown rapidly in recent years, leading to an increased need for efficient and secure communication between connected devices. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are composed of small, low-power devices that are capable of sensing and exchanging data, and are often used in IoT applications. In addition, Mesh WSNs involve intermediate nodes forwarding data to ensure more robust communication. The integration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Mesh WSNs has emerged as a promising solution for increasing the effectiveness of data collection, as UAVs can act as mobile relays, providing extended communication range and reducing energy consumption. However, the integration of UAVs and Mesh WSNs still poses new challenges, such as the design of efficient control and communication strategies. This thesis explores the networking capabilities of WSNs and investigates how the integration of UAVs can enhance their performance. The research focuses on three main objectives: (1) Ground Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks, (2) Aerial Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks, and (3) Ground/Aerial WMSN integration. For the first objective, we investigate the use of the Bluetooth Mesh standard for IoT monitoring in different environments. The second objective focuses on deploying aerial nodes to maximize data collection effectiveness and QoS of UAV-to-UAV links while maintaining the aerial mesh connectivity. The third objective investigates hybrid WMSN scenarios with air-to-ground communication links. One of the main contribution of the thesis consists in the design and implementation of a software framework called "Uhura", which enables the creation of Hybrid Wireless Mesh Sensor Networks and abstracts and handles multiple M2M communication stacks on both ground and aerial links. The operations of Uhura have been validated through simulations and small-scale testbeds involving ground and aerial devices.
This work presents the development of low cost microprocessor-based equipment for generation of differential GPS correction signal, in real time, and configuration and supervision of the GPS base. The developed equipment contains a dedicated microcontroller connected to the GPS receiver, alphanumeric display and multifunction keyboard for configuration and operation of the system and communication interfaces. The electronic circuit has the function of receiving the information from GPS base; interpret them, converting the sentence in the RTCM SC-104 protocol. The microcontroller software makes the conversion of the signal received by the GPS base from the specific format to RTCM SC-104 protocol. The processing main board has two serials RS-232C standard interfaces. One of them is used for configuration and receiving the information generated by the GPS base. The other operates as output, sending the differential correction signal for the transmission system. The development of microprocessor-based equipment showed that it is possible the construction of a low cost private station for real time generation of differential GPS correction signal.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Um dos maiores desafios das universidades, em especial das públicas, é transpor o conhecimento científico produzido entre seus muros para a população em geral. A educação não formal é uma ferramenta importante e ainda pouco utilizada pelos pesquisadores e docentes para aproximar o cotidiano do conhecimento científico. O câncer de boca atinge mais 11.000 brasileiros por ano. A despeito da alta incidência, esta patologia é ainda pouco conhecida da população em geral e de parte da classe médica e odontológica. Baseando-se nos dados epidemiológicos, em pesquisas e artigos científicos, o câncer de boca foi o tema eleito para a ação em educação e comunicação da primeira campanha nacional, de caráter não governamental, de prevenção de câncer de boca, um ótimo exemplo de como isso pode ser feito. Este trabalho se propõe a descrever a metodologia de comunicação utilizada e os resultados obtidos nesta experiência.
O objetivo deste artigo é discutir quais caminhos ou descaminhos estão sendo percorridos nos processos de capacitação rural de extensionistas e agricultores de algumas localidades do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Para tanto, a pesquisa aqui relatada teve como pressuposto analisar as práticas pedagógicas e os processos de comunicação que ocorrem durante as capacitações formativas entre extensionistas e agricultores, bem como entre formadores e extensionistas. Buscou-se, ainda, identificar as influências da comunicação nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem, a fim de se repensar práticas relativas à comunicação que devem ser utilizadas nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. Para tanto, o método de coleta de dados foi o estudo de caso com viés fenomenológico. Os dados anunciam a necessidade da formação continuada com orientação de profissionais da pedagogia a fim de que mudanças efetivas possam ser realizadas.
A neurociência compreende o estudo do controle neural das funções vegetativas, sensoriais e motoras; dos comportamentos de locomoção, reprodução e alimentação; e dos mecanismos da atenção, memória, aprendizagem, emoção, linguagem e comunicação. Tem, portanto, uma importante área de interface com a Psicologia. Dentre seus objetivos, a neurociência busca esclarecer os mecanismos das doenças neurológicas e mentais por meio do estudo do sistema nervoso normal e patológico. Sua evolução no Brasil tem ocorrido desde meados do século passado, e seu desenvolvimento foi incentivado pela criação de sociedades científicas específicas. O presente artigo relata esse desenvolvimento e descreve os principais grupos atuantes na neurociência brasileira.
INTRODUÇÃO: o artigo procura compreender como os Coordenadores dos Centros de Atenção Psicossocial Infantojuvenil (CAPSi) do Estado de São Paulo percebem o valor e a utilidade dos prontuários do usuários do serviço. Atualmente, os prontuários obedecem a claros princípios éticos. São muitas as pesquisas que se utilizam de prontuários e vários os estudos que se propõem a aperfeiçoá-los uma vez que são considerados ferramenta de primeira importância no âmbito da saúde. Cabe, entretanto, indagar se esses instrumentos são valorizados e se suas utilidades percebidas pelas equipes de saúde mental no exercício real de suas práticas. O trabalho descreve e analisa as percepções dos Coordenadores dos CAPSi-SP a respeito da utilidade dos prontuários para a equipe de saúde e para os usuários. MÉTODO: foi entrevistado um Coordenador de cada um dos 19 dos CAPSi do Estado de São Paulo. As respostas foram analisadas de acordo com os procedimentos clássicos da Análise de Conteúdo. RESULTADOS: os prontuários são percebidos como valiosos instrumentos de trabalho e sua importância destacada como instrumento de intervenção e de acompanhamento clínicos. Sua relevância é assinalada como dispositivo que possibilita a articulação e a comunicação dos membros das equipes técnicas dos CAPSi. Por outro lado, não é percebida qual a utilidade que eles teriam para o usuário. A contradição nos níveis de importância alocada à utilidade dos prontuários quando se trata da equipe técnica ou dos usuários enseja uma discussão aprofundada sobre a natureza da clínica em saúde mental praticada nos CAPSi
The Information Society (IS) may be taken as a geopolitical organization which started after the Third Industrial Revolution, having direct impact on the use of information and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The expression arose as techno-social paradigm change in the post-industrial society, aiming to use information as currency to the society-in-progress at that time. In Brazil it has become stronger with the Programa Sociedade da Informacao no Brasil-Livro Verde, lunched by the Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia, in September 2000 without any discussion with the civil society to formulate the main document. Our main goal in this article is to discuss the Information Society in contemporary times, and also the organized and conscious use of information, looking for key-concepts to a better understanding of it, from some topics as digital inclusion-exclusion to the use of digital informational resources.
The information and communication technologies, to suggest new ways of production circulation and reception of symbolic products, contributing together with the aesthetic discussion related to post-modernity to make the current cultural scene becoming increasingly complex. Multiple layers of information are added to the cultural products, signalling the formation of a new type of knowledge necessary for the critical and understanding of the works. The article reflects on this process, focusing on cultural information present on the Internet.