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OBJETIVO: Estudo dos ventrículos cerebrais por ultrassonografia, com o objetivo de estabelecer de forma simplificada parâmetros para diagnóstico das dilatações ventriculares leves. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram estudadas, prospectivamente, 105 crianças, normais, nascidas a termo, com um total de 181 exames realizados, mensalmente até os 6 meses, através da observação de dados morfológicos e medidas. As medidas efetuadas foram: índice ventrículo/hemisfério, diâmetro anteroposterior do corno anterior e do quarto ventrículo. RESULTADOS: Obtiveram-se média, desviopadrão e percentis de normalidade das medidas estabelecidas, em cada faixa etária. A pesquisa de halo anecoico nos dois terços posteriores do plexo coroide em plano coronal VI, para avaliação dos cornos temporal/posterior, foi ausente, e o terceiro ventrículo mostrou-se como uma fenda anecoica, menor que 1 mm, em plano coronal V em todas as crianças do estudo. CONCLUSÃO: Os achados morfológicos relacionados aos cornos temporal/posterior e ao terceiro ventrículo, associados ao percentil 95 das medidas como limite superior da normalidade, podem ser utilizados para diagnóstico simplificado de dilatações ventriculares leves.


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We present a sample of three large near-relativistic (>50 keV) electron events observed in 2001 by both the ACE and the Ulysses spacecraft, when Ulysses was at high-northern latitudes (>60°) and close to 2 AU. Despite the large latitudinal distance between the two spacecraft, electrons injected near the Sun reached both heliospheric locations. All three events were associated with large solar flares, strong decametric type II radio bursts and accompanied by wide (>212°) and fast (>1400 km s-1) coronal mass ejections (CMEs). We use advanced interplanetary transport simulations and make use of the directional intensities observed in situ by the spacecraft to infer the electron injection profile close to the Sun and the interplanetary transport conditions at both low and high latitudes. For the three selected events, we find similar interplanetary transport conditions at different heliolatitudes for a given event, with values of the mean free path ranging from 0.04 AU to 0.27 AU. We find differences in the injection profiles inferred for each spacecraft. We investigate the role that sector boundaries of the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) have on determining the characteristics of the electron injection profiles. Extended injection profiles, associated with coronal shocks, are found if the magnetic footpoints of the spacecraft lay in the same magnetic sector as the associated flare, while intermittent sparse injection episodes appear when the spacecraft footpoints are in the opposite sector or a wrap in the HCS bounded the CME structure.


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ENGLISH: It should be distinguished from the socalled 'balance liquidation and termination' three aspects are mixed sometimes creating confusion: The first, referred to repay outstanding accruals, which has a liquidation value, the second consisting of phrases expressing an added discontinuance of the contract value, which joined in the employment relationship with the worker to the employer, and the third, the waiver claim on the grounds that the debts were paid. The signing of cancellation of outstanding accounts or 'liquidation balance' is not the breaking of the employment relationship, but it might be well if you incorporate the unilateral will not flawed and unequivocally expressed the worker. ESPAÑOL: Se deben distinguir de la denominada"liquidación de saldo y finiquito" tres aspectos que en ocasiones aparecen mezclados creando confusión: El primero, referido a saldar devengos pendientes, lo cual tiene un valor liquidatorio; el segundo, consistente en frases añadidas que expresan un valor extintivo del contrato, el cual unía en la relación laboral al empleador con el trabajador, y el tercero, la renuncia a reclamar por considerar que se han satisfecho las deudas. La firma del documento de cancelación de cuentas pendientes o"liquidación de saldo", no supone la ruptura de la relación laboral, pero podría ser así si incorpora la voluntad unilateral no viciada y expresada inequívocamente del trabajador. CATALÀ: Cal distingir de l'anomenada 'liquidació de saldo i quitança' tres aspectes que de vegades apareixen barrejats creant confusió: El primer, referit a saldar meritacions pendents, la qual cosa té un valor liquidador, el segon, consistent en frases afegides que expressen un valor extintiu del contracte, el qual unia en la relació laboral l'ocupador amb el treballador, i el tercer, la renúncia a reclamar per considerar que s'han satisfet els deutes. La signatura del document de cancel·lació de comptes pendents o 'liquidació de saldo', no suposa la ruptura de la relació laboral, però podria ser així si incorpora la voluntat unilateral no viciada i expressada inequívocament del treballador.


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The aim of this study was to prospectively assess the prevalence of orthoptic anomalies following conservative management of pure blowout orbital fractures and to evaluate their clinical relevance. Clinical and radiologic data of patients with unilateral conservatively managed pure blowout orbital fractures with a minimum follow-up of 6 months were reviewed. Eligible patients were contacted and invited to undergo an extended ophthalmologic examination as follows: distance and near visual acuities, Hertel exophthalmometry, corneal light reflex (Hirschberg test), ductions and versions in the 6 cardinal fields of gaze, eye deviation with prisms and alternate cover test in all of the 9-gaze directions with Maddox rod, degrees of incyclo/excyclotorsion with right and left eye fixation, horizontal and vertical deviation with Hess-Weiss coordimetry, degree of horizontal/vertical and incyclo/excyclotorsion deviation with Harms wall deviometry, and vertical deviation with Bielschowsky head-tilt test. Of the 69 patients contacted, 49 declined to participate given that they were asymptomatic. Twenty patients agreed to undergo the examination. One patient complained of minimal double vision limited to the extreme downgaze. Four patients had asymptomatic ocular motility disturbances limited to the extreme gaze. Seven patients had asymptomatic horizontal heterophoria. These disturbances did not interfere with daily or professional activities in any of the patients. The current study demonstrated that conservative management of pure orbital blowout fractures can result in orthoptic anomalies. These sequelae were restricted to a very limited portion of the binocular field of the vision and were not found to be clinically relevant.


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La malformación congénita conocida como Espina Bífida se caracteriza por la ausencia de fusión de la línea media posterior de la columna vertebral produciéndose una hernia del contenido del conducto vertebral (médula, meninges y raíces nerviosas). Este síndrome compromete múltiples sistemas del organismo, debiéndose tratar por un equipo multidisciplinar. A nivel del pie se producen deformidades tanto flácidas como espásticas con déficit motores radiculares (55%). Estos problemas estructurales provocaran alteraciones biomecánicas severas con sobrecargas a nivel plantar (33%). Si a esto añadimos alteraciones radiculares sensitivas, con insensibilidad en piernas y pies (60%), nos encontramos ante un paciente de riesgo susceptible de tratamientos preventivos y curativos podológicos. Las probabilidades de padecer una úlcera neuropática son grandes y el Podólogo debe prevenir o, en el peor de los casos, tratar el mal perforante plantar de una forma interdisciplinar. Preventivamente realizaremos quiropodias periódicas y exploración de sensibilidades, tanto exteroceptivas como propioceptivas. A nivel podológico trataremos de una forma integral la úlcera neuropática, incluyendo los drenajes y las"toilettes" quirúrgicas, y realizaremos tratamientos ortopodológicos complejos. En esta comunicación presentamos un caso típico de paciente afecto de Espina Bífida con alteraciones biomecánicas severas y úlcera con recorrido fistuloso, al cual realizamos un drenaje y confeccionamos una férula supramaleolar interna unilateral para redistribuir las presiones y evitar las sobrecargas.


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Late on 2011 November 3, STEREO-A, STEREO-B, MESSENGER, and near-Earth spacecraft observed an energetic particle flux enhancement. Based on the analysis of in situ plasma and particle observations, their correlation with remote sensing observations, and an interplanetary transport model, we conclude that the particle increases observed at multiple locations had a common single source active region and the energetic particles filled a very broad region around the Sun. The active region was located at the solar backside (as seen from Earth) and was the source of a large flare, a fast and wide coronal mass ejection, and an EIT wave, accompanied by type II and type III radio-emission. In contrast to previous solar energetic particle events showing broad longitudinal spread, this event showed clear particle anisotropies at three widely separated observation points at 1AU, suggesting direct particle injection close to the magnetic footpoint of each spacecraft, lasting for several hours.We discuss these observations and the possible scenarios explaining the extremely broad particle spread for this event.


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In the last two decades of studying the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) phenomenon, intensive emphasis has been put on how and when and where these SEPs are injected into interplanetary space. It is well known that SEPs are related to solar flares and CMEs. However, the role of each in the acceleration of SEPs has been under debate since the major role was taken from flares ascribed to CMEs step by step after the skylab mission, which started the era of CME spaceborn observations. Since then, the shock wave generated by powerful CMEs in between 2-5 solar radii is considered the major accelerator. The current paradigm interprets the prolonged proton intensity-time profile in gradual SEP events as a direct effect of accelerated SEPs by shock wave propagating in the interplanetary medium. Thus the powerful CME is thought of as a starter for the acceleration and its shock wave as a continuing accelerator to result in such an intensity-time profile. Generally it is believed that a single powerful CME which might or might not be associated with a flare is always the reason behind such gradual events.

In this work we use the Energetic and Relativistic Nucleus and Electrons ERNE instrument on board Solar and Heliospheric Observatory SOHO to present an empirical study to show the possibility of multiple accelerations in SEP events. In the beginning we found 18 double-peaked SEP events by examining 88 SEP events. The peaks in the intensity-time profile were separated by 3-24 hours. We divided the SEP events according to possible multiple acceleration into four groups and in one of these groups we find evidence for multiple acceleration in velocity dispersion and change in the abundance ratio associated at transition to the second peak. Then we explored the intensity-time profiles of all SEP events during solar cycle 23 and found that most of the SEP events are associated with multiple eruptions at the Sun and we call those events as Multi-Eruption Solar Energetic Particles (MESEP) events. We use the data available by Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronograph LASCO on board SOHO to determine the CME associated with such events and YOHKOH and GOES satellites data to determine the flare associated with such events. We found four types of MESEP according to the appearance of the peaks in the intensity-time profile in large variation of energy levels. We found that it is not possible to determine whether the peaks are related to an eruption at the Sun or not, only by examining the anisotropy flux, He/p ratio and velocity dispersion. Then we chose a rare event in which there is evidence of SEP acceleration from behind previous CME. This work resulted in a conclusion which is inconsistent with the current SEP paradigm. Then we discovered through examining another MESEP event, that energetic particles accelerated by a second CME can penetrate a previous CME-driven decelerating shock. Finally, we report the previous two MESEP events with new two events and find a common basis for second CME SEPs penetrating previous decelerating shocks. This phenomenon is reported for the first time and expected to have significant impact on modification of the current paradigm of the solar energetic particle events.


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A variety of language disturbances including aphasia have been described after subcortical stroke but less is known about the factors that influence the long-term recovery of stroke-induced language dysfunction. We prospectively examined the role of the affected hemisphere and the lesion site in the occurrence and recovery of language deficits in nonthalamic subcortical stroke. Forty patients with unilateral basal gangliastroke underwent language assessment within 1 week, 3 months and 1 year after stroke. Disturbances in at least one language domain were observed in 35 patients during the first week post stroke including aphasia diagnosed in 11 patients. Importantly, the appearance of deficits after stroke onset and the improvement of language function were not determined by the site of subcortical lesion, but instead were critically influenced by the affected hemisphere. In fact, the language impairments following left and right basal ganglia stroke mirrored the language dysfunction observed after cortical lesions in the same hemisphere. A significant overall language improvement was observed at 3 months after stroke, although residual deficits in languageexecutive function were the most commonly observed impairment at 1 year follow-up. Although a substantial improvement of language function can be expected after nonthalamic subcortical stroke, our findings suggest that language recovery may not be fully achieved at 1 year post


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Public organizations form a significant part of any economy, yet their buying behavior has received very little attention. Operating with complex public sector is further complicated when sales and marketing activities are done by foreign export partners. This thesis explores the buying behavior of public organizations and how partnership governance is influenced by it. The theoretical part focuses on two subjects. Firstly the strictly regulated purchase process, rigid decision making and other special characteristics of public organizations are examined. Secondly the thesis examines partnership governance forms and how coordination is arranged in the relationships. The empirical part investigates the subjects of public organization buying behavior and partnership governance using a case study of a Finnish SME and their two export partners. The findings suggest high degree of uniformity between public organizations enables the use of unilateral governance forms. By creating mutual dependence through training the possibility of adopting a purely bilateral governance form exists as well.


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Aims: This study was carried out to investigate the usefulness of acoustic rhinometry in the evaluation of intranasal dimensions in children. The aim was to define reference values for school children. In addition, the role of the VAS scale in the subjective evaluation of nasal obstruction in children was studied. Materials and methods: Measurements were done with Acoustic Rhinometry A1. The values of special interest were the minimal cross-sectional area (MCA) and the anterior volume of the nose (VOL). The data for reference values included 124 voluntary school children with no permanent nasal symptoms, aged between 7 and 14 years. Data were collected at baseline and after decongestion of the nose; the VAS scale was filled in before measurements. The subjects in the follow-up study (n=74, age between 1 and 12 years) were receiving intranasal spray of insulin or placebo. The nasal symptoms were recorded and acoustic rhinometry was measured at each control visit. Results: In school children, the mean total MCA was 0.752 cm2 (SD 0.165), and the mean total VOL was 4.00 cm3 (SD 0.63) at baseline. After decongestion, a significant increase in the mean TMCA and in the mean TVOL was found. A correlation was found between TMCA and age, and between TVOL and height of a child. There was no difference between boys and girls. A correlation was found between unilateral acoustic values and VAS at baseline, but not after decongestion. No difference wasfound in acoustic values or symptoms between the insulin and placebo group in the follow-up study of two years. Conclusions: Acoustic rhinometry is a suitable objective method to examine intranasal dimensions in children. It is easy to perform and well tolerated. Reference values for children between 7 and 14 years were established.


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The authors report a case of Reexpansion Pulmonary Edema (RPE) seen at Hospital de Pronto Socorro de Porto Alegre 3 hours after drainage of spontaneous pneumothorax. The patient presented a unilateral pneumothorax with one-week duration. After pleural drainage respiratory failure occured being managed at the Intensive Care Unit with non-invasive positive pressure ventilation through facial mask. The patient had favorable outcome and was discharged asymtomatic after 72 hours.


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OBJETIVO: Tentar correlacionar a hérnia de Spiegel com eventuais alterações anatômicas da parede anterolateral do abdome. Abordar as particularidades do estudo anatômico em cadáver, com destaque aos músculos oblíquo interno, transverso abdominal, aponeurose de Spiegel, linha semilunar e ao aparecimento de hérnias de Spiegel. MÉTODO: A parede anterolateral do abdome foi dissecada em 31 cadáveres frescos do Departamento de Patologia da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, sendo realizada nos dois primeiros cadáveres a dissecção unilateral e nos 29 restantes o estudo bilateral da parede abdominal, completando 60 dissecções. Considerando que operamos no Hospital São Luiz Gonzaga, da Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo, 13 doentes com 14 hérnias de Spiegel, pudemos correlacionar os elementos clínicos aos estudos anatômicos em cadáver. RESULTADOS: Defeitos encontrados nos músculos e aponeuroses: Oblíquo externo: 4/60 (6,6%) - Oblíquo interno: 6/60 (10%) - Transverso abdominal: 14/60 (23,3%). Disposição dos músculos em forma de feixes de fibras: Oblíquo interno: 10/60 (16,6%) - Transverso abdominal: 12/60 (20%). CONCLUSÕES: As variações anatômicas e os defeitos encontrados, durante as dissecções do oblíquo interno e transverso abdominal, não se acompanharam de hérnias de Spiegel no cadáver, já a gordura pré-peritoneal, dissecando as fibras da aponeurose de Spiegel e oblíquo interno, foi encontrada nas operações e nas dissecções, podendo representar uma relação entre os defeitos musculoaponeuróticos da parede anterolateral do abdome e a hérnia de Spiegel.


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OBJETIVO: Diante da dúvida sobre a existência ou não de vantagens relacionadas à conservação da veia jugular interna nos esvaziamentos cervicais unilaterais resolvemos observar se os pacientes que a tem sacrificada apresentam alterações ao exame de fundo de olho que indiquem um aumento da pressão intracraniana, avaliar a presença de alterações neurológicas e verificar as vantagens na evolução clínico-cirúrgica dos pacientes que tiveram a sua veia jugular interna conservada. MÉTODO: Trata-se de estudo prospectivo, não randomizado, de 15 pacientes portadores de carcinoma epidermóide da cabeça e pescoço, atendidos e operados no Serviço de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço do Hospital Heliópolis, que tiveram como parte de seu tratamento a realização de esvaziamento cervical completo (funcional ou não) unilateral, divididos em um grupo com ressecção da veia jugular interna e outro com sua conservação. Todos foram submetidos a exames de retinografia pré e pós-operatórios, além de avaliação neurológica e clínica. RESULTADOS: Não ocorreram alterações oftalmológicas detectáveis através da retinografia em nenhum dos grupos. O grupo que teve sua veia jugular interna ressecada apresentou maior incidência de queixas neurológicas no pós-operatório, além de uma evolução cirúrgica mais desfavorável, com um maior período de internação devido às complicações locais apresentadas. CONCLUSÕES: A conservação da veia jugular interna nos esvaziamentos cervicais unilaterais beneficia a evolução pós-operatória dos pacientes, com um menor período de internação, apesar de não termos identificado qualquer evidência pós-operatória de aumento da pressão intracraniana nos pacientes que tiveram a veia ligada.


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OBJETIVO: Verificar o efeito da secção distal do Gubernaculum testis como modelo experimental de criptorquidia unilateral em ratos. MÉTODO: Foram usados 36 ratos machos de linhagem Wistar-EPM, distribuídos em dois grupos: A (Grupo Experimento: animais submetidos à secção distal do gubernaculum direito) e B (Grupo Controle: operação simulada do lado direito). Cada grupo foi subdividido em 3 subgrupos com 6 animais cada : A-1, A-2 e A-3: B-1, B-2 e B-3. Os animais dos subgrupos A-1 e B-1 foram re-operados após 30 dias. Os animais dos subgrupos A-2 e B-2 foram mortos após 50 dias e os dos subgrupos A-3 e B-3 após 90 dias. RESULTADOS: Houve diferenças quanto ao peso, tamanho e posição do testículo afetado em relação ao lado controle,as quais só foram evidenciadas a partir do subgrupo A-2 (50 dias).O testículo não foi palpável na bolsa testicular em 88,9% dos casos e não houve óbito dos animais. Foram observadas alterações da maturidade celular, atrofia tubular, diminuição do diâmetro dos túbulos e ausência de espermatozóides na luz tubular no grupo A e presença de normalidade histológica para a idade nos animais do grupo B. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo experimental de produção de criptorquidia experimental unilateral pela secção do Gubernaculum testis em ratos foi eficaz e prático.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados do tratamento do carcinoma papilífero limitado a um lobo da glândula tireóide, através de tireoidectomia parcial com seguimento superior a cinco anos. MÉTODO: Estudo retrospectivo de 105 prontuários de pacientes portadores de carcinoma diferenciado da glândula tireóidea operados no Departamento de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço e Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital Heliópolis, Hosphel, São Paulo de 1977 a 1997 e selecionados 31 casos que apresentavam nódulos limitados a um lobo da glândula com seguimento superior a cinco anos e submetidos à lobectomia total mais istmectomia. RESULTADOS: Observamos somente um caso (3%) de disfonia transitória com paresia de prega vocal unilateral que regrediu espontaneamente. Não houve casos de hipoparatireoidismo transitório ou definitivo. O seguimento médio foi de 12,6 anos, sendo todos com seguimento superior a cinco anos; 10 casos (32%) com seguimento entre 10 e 15 anos e 10 casos (32%) com seguimento além de 15 anos. Não foram observados casos com recorrência loco-regional ou metástase à distância, estando todos eles assintomáticos e sem doença. CONCLUSÃO: Nesta série, a tireoidectomia parcial para carcinoma papilífero limitado a um lobo, mostrou-se eficaz.