951 resultados para Tuberculosis in cattle


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Para testar a eficiência de vários tratamentos de intoxicação por amônia em bovinos, foram utilizados 25 garrotes que receberam cloreto de amônio por infusão intravenosa (iv) até o surgimento de quadro convulsivo. em seguida, os animais foram alocados em um dos cinco grupos experimentais e tratados da seguinte forma: 1) controle: infusão (iv) de 300mL de solução salina isotônica (SSI), no decorrer de 4h; 2) infusão (iv) de 30mL kg-1 PV de SSI no decorrer de 4h e administração de 4L de água intraruminal por meio de sonda esofágica (ASE); 3) mesmo tratamento do grupo 2 e dose única (iv) de furosemida (2mg kg-1 PV) (F); 4) injeção (iv) de 5mL kg-1 PV de solução salina hipertônica (SSH) 7,2% nos primeiros 30min, seguida de 20mL kg-1 PV de SSI e 4L de ASE; 5) mesmo tratamento do grupo 4 e dose única de F. No decorrer de 4h após a convulsão, foram determinados os teores plasmáticos de amônia e glicose, ureia, creatinina, potássio e sódio séricos, volume e gravidade específica da urina, e excreção urinária de amônio e ureia. No momento da convulsão, os teores de amônia plasmáticos foram muito altos e idênticos em todos os tratamentos, mas no 120°min, nos grupos tratados com associação de SSH+SSI+ASE (grupos 4 e 5), houve diminuição desse metabólito. O uso de furosemida (grupos 3 e 5) não aumentou a excreção total de urina. A terapia com associação de SSH+SSI+ASE aumentou ainda o volume urinário e a excreção percentual urinária de ureia e amônia durante o período crítico da 1ª hora de tratamento, mas o uso de SSI+ASE (grupos 2 e 3) teve resultados intermediários. A eficiência do tratamento com SSH+SSI+ASE ou SSI+ASE foi superior ao grupo controle. Embora com efeito menor que o observado com SSH+SSI+ASE, a SSI+ASE promoveu melhora no quadro clínico geral e, ao término do experimento, promoveu também uma adequada desintoxicação da amônia.


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Relata-se um caso de uma família com diagnóstico de tuberculose, cujo cão também apresentava a enfermidade. Discute-se a importância do rastreamento epidemiológico animal em casos de tuberculose humana.


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Três búfalos e três bovinos zebuínos adultos com cânulas ruminais foram alimentados à vontade com dieta de cana-de-açúcar fresca e picada, suplementada com 3 kg de concentrado/animal, durante 13 semanas. Após duas semanas de adaptação, amostras do conteúdo ruminal foram coletadas semanalmente, em dois tempos de amostragem: antes da alimentação e 40 minutos após para determinação da concentração e composição da fauna ruminal. Na quinta semana do experimento, os conteúdos ruminais foram misturados e reinoculados entre animais de mesma espécie e, na última semana, estimadas as degradabilidades in situ da MS, PB e FDN da cana-de-açúcar e MS e PB do concentrado. A concentração média de protozoários foi maior em bovinos, de 4,85 x 10(5)/mL, que em búfalos, de 3,82 x 10(5)/mL. As composições genéricas para Entodinium e subfamília Diplodiniinae foram 79,2 e 6,2% em bovinos e 32,0 e 54,9% em búfalos, respectivamente. Não houve interação significativa entre espécies animais e tempo de amostragem. Houve aumento da concentração média dos holotricos após 40 minutos da alimentação. As degradabilidades efetivas dos nutrientes estudados foram semelhantes entre as duas espécies animais, observando-se diferenças na cinética da degradação. Concluiu-se que os búfalos apresentaram menor concentração de ciliados no rúmen, maior composição de Diplodiniinae e menor de Entodinium que os bovinos; os holotricos exibiram capacidade de migração e seqüestro no rúmen em ambas as espécies; e as diferenças na fauna ruminal não influenciaram a degradabilidade efetiva dos nutrientes da cana-de-açúcar e do concentrado.


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Newborn Holstein-Friesian and Nelore cattle and Murrah buffalo blood samples were collected for hemograma and serum constituents testing. Results indicated that: 1. buffalo red blood cell (RBC) counts were lower than RBC counts for cattle during the first 30 days after birth; 2. buffalo leukocytes, neutrophil and lymphocyte counts increased in older animals; 3. The highest fibrinogen levels occurred in older calves; 4. buffalo glucose levels were lower than Nelore cattle and decreased in the older calves; 5. buffalo iron, urea, and aspartate aminotransferase levels were higher than in cattle with the highest concentration at the time of birth; 6. cattle bilirubin and alanine aminotranferase levels were higher than buffalo with the highest value at the time of birth; 7. alkaline phosphatase and gammaglutamyltransferase activities were lower in the older calves; 8. buffalo magnesium levels were higher than cattle with lower concentrations at the time of birth..


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Strontium efficiently activates mouse oocytes, however, there is limited information on its use in cattle. Thus, the objective of this study was to establish a suitable protocol for activating bovine oocyte with strontium. For pronuclear development, the absence of calcium and magnesium in the activation medium (TALP) with 10 and 50mM strontium (34.4 and 53.1%, respectively) was superior to the complete TALP (6.5 and 19.4%, respectively). In all activation media, better results were observed with 25 and 50 mM strontium (21.9-53.1 and 19.4-53.1%, respectively). Incubation for 4 h promoted similar results in all strontium concentrations. However, strontium at 15, 20, and 25 mM for 6 and 8 h (40.7, 46.7, and 48.3%, and 29.3, 48.3, and 40.7%, respectively) were superior to control (15.5 and 10%, respectively). After in vitro maturation for 26 h, strontium (S; 20 mM in Ca2+ and Mg2+-free TALP for 6 h), ionomycin + strontium (IS), and strontium + ionomycin (SI) (60, 63.3, and 65%, respectively) were similar in pronuclear development and superior to ionomycin (I; 5 mu M for 5 min; 36.7%). In treatments S and I, only 1 PN zygotes were observed. In treatment S, most of them had 1 and 2 PB (35.7 and 60.7%, respectively), and in treatment I, 0, 1, and 2 PB (14.3, 57.1, and 28.6%, respectively). Most of the zygotes in treatment IS and SI were 1 PN 2 PB (77.4 and 61.6%, respectively). The number of oocytes with clusters of cortical granules was similar in all treated groups (11-29%). Cortical granule exocytosis in treatment IS (68%) was similar to S (54%) and superior to 1, SI, and control (27, 45, and 5.0%, respectively). Cleavage and blastocyst rates were similar for S, I, IS, and SI treatments (61.7-76.7, and 8.3-13.3%, respectively) and the same was observed for ICM, TE, and total cell number, and ICM/total cell ratio (22-25, 64-69, and 86-95, and 0.26-0.27). In conclusion, strontium may be efficiently applied for bovine oocyte activation at 20 mM in Ca2+-and Mg2+-free TALP medium for 6 h.


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Blood samples from lactating, weaned and adult Holstein-Fresiean and Nelore cattle and Murrah buffaloes were tested through the study of hemogram and serum constituents. Red cell and leukocyte counts, and blood pH, fibrinogen, glucose, calcium, and phosphorus levels were similar in cattle and buffalo. Total protein, urea, creatinine, hemoglobin, magnesium, iron and aspartato aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities were higher in buffalo than cattle. Leukocyte counts were higher for weaned Holstein cattle than for Nelore cattle but similar to buffalo and Nelore cattle had the lowest neutrophil counts. Bilirrubin levels were lower for buffalo than for cattle. Phosphatase alkalyne activities were lower for weaned buffalo than for other animals. Gammaglutamyltransferase activities were the highest for lactating and weaned buffalo.


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The bovine Herpesvirus type 1 and type 5 (BoHV-1 and BoHV-5), causing diseases and significant economic losses in farms of worldwide. Both affect the nervous system of cattle, although BoHV-5 has been the most associated with this type of pathogenesis. Given the death of animals with nervous symptoms and negative diagnoses for rabies virus in the area of study, this research focused on the detection of positive reactors to bovine herpes virus serum neutralization. We collected 518 blood samples from animals without Herpesvirus vaccine, in the municipalities of Caparrapi, Cimitarra, Honda and Victoria, in the Middle Magdalena River Region. In addition, epidemiological information useful to discuss neurological disease was collected through primary and secondary sources. For the analysis of data was used chi-square test by identification of relationship between evidence of viral infection and the variables recorded. The results revealed that 286 cases were positive for Herpesvirus infection, corresponding to a prevalence of 55.5%, however, there was no statistical relationship (p < 0.05) between the presence of antibodies and the variables analyzed. In conclusion, some cases of neurological disease in cattle in this region could be due to infection with herpes viruses. We discussed about the presence of BoHV-1 and BoHV-5 in the ambient, diagnosis and monitoring plans, as well as economic losses, which may cause in herds in this area.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In a previous work a strain of microorganism was isolated in Araraquara region, SP, Brazil, and characterized as being Streptomyces sp. Ar386, producer of 26-deoxylaidlomycin and of more three polietheric antibiotics. In this paper there are presented studies about fermentation characteristics of the antibiotic performed in incubator agitator utilizing various cultivation technics and media. A medium containing part of energy source as free sugar and part as amilaceous material presented the best result. As the Streptomyces sp. Ar386 produced few spores, it was necessary special care to provide sufficient quantity of microorganisms in inoculation. The biosynthesis of antibiotics intensified between the forth and seventh day. The yields varied from 8 to 443 mg of antibiotic complex per litre of medium. As a polyether antibiotic it may be used as anticoccidal agent in poultry and as growth promoters in cattle and swine.


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Observations on the epizootiology of cara inchada in cattle (CI) indicated that animals affected by the disease recover spontaneously when they are transferred from the CI-prone area to CI-free pastures. In the presente study 13 young bovines with actively progressing periodontal CI-lesions were transferred to a CI-free area, in order to investigate the clinical course of the disease and the composition of the microflora in the periodontal lesions in two distinct situations: (1) in the actively progressing lesions, and (2) in the healed periodontal pouches of clinically recovered animals. The semi-quantitative and qualitative bacteriological study was undertaken in regard to the percentage of black-pigmented Bacteroides in cultures. In the actively progressing lesions of the 13 CI-diseased bovines the percentage of these bacteria was 71.3% in average. The evaluation of the composition of the microflora in the healed periodontal pouches of the clinically recovered bovines showed that bacteria of the black-pigmented Bacteroides group existed only at an average of 1.7%. The results of this investigation give further support for the infectious nature of the CI-periodontitis and the primary involvement of these bacteria.


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Cases of bovine demodicosis caused by Demodex bovis were reported in a Sindhi herd from December 1989 to January 1992. Both localized and generalized forms were diagnosed. This is the first report of the generalized form in Brazil. In the first two years, demodicosis was diagnosed only in cattle < 2 years old, whereas animals of all ages were positive in the last two years. Prevalence varied from 20.4% (11/54) to 53.1% (26/49) and 13.2% (12/91) to 14.8% (9/61) for cattle < 2 years old and > 2 years old, respectively. Clinical signs varied from a few small nodules to a thickened skin with soft large nodules in the localized and generalized forms, respectively. Main microscopic features of the nodules in the generalized form consisted of acanthosis with hyperqueratosis, chronic sebaceous adenitis, subcutaneous muscular necrosis, focal cellular degeneration of the epidermis basal layer and presence of large number of mites inside the lumen of dilated hair follicles. In addition, a chronic perifoliculitis was observed, characterized by lymphoplasmocytic infiltrate which also contained macrophages and neutrophils. It is suggested that poor nutrition and stress due to prolonged drought probably contributed to the increase of susceptibility of the herd to mite infestation.


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Objective: To investigate the prevalence of infection, disease and eventual institutional outbreak of tuberculosis in a psychiatric hospital using the PPD test, as well as testing for mycobacteria in material collected from the respiratory tree and using molecular tracking technique based on insertion sequence 6110 (IS6110). Methods: Between February and August of 2002, PPD tests were given to 74 inpatients and 31 staff members at a psychiatric hospital in the city of Rio Verde, located in the state of Goiás, Brazil. In addition, respiratory tree material collected from the inpatients was submitted to testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Results: Among the patients analyzed, mycobacteria were isolated from five (6.8%): four identified as M. tuberculosis and one as M. chelonae. The M. tuberculosis isolates were sensitive to isoniazid and rifampicin, and, when submitted to the restriction fragment length polymorphism/IS6110 technique, presented unique genetic profiles, totally distinct from one another, suggesting that all of the tuberculosis cases were due to endogenous reactivation. It was not possible to characterize this group of cases as an institutional outbreak. Performing the two-step tuberculin test in the patients, the infection rates were 23% and 31%, compared with 42% among staff members, who were submitted to the one-step test. Conclusion: The results indicate a high incidence of tuberculosis infection among inpatients and hospital staff, as well as a high occurrence of the disease among inpatients.


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Baccharis coridifolia is one of the most important poisonous plants to cattle in the South of Brazil. The plant provokes necrotic lesions in the lymphoid tissues and in the gastrointestinal tract of cattle. Experimental administration to mice produces most of the lesions seen in the lymphoid tissues of cattle. This study was conducted to search possible differences in the susceptibility of T and B lymphocyte subpopulations. Lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) of cattle and mice experimentally poisoned were evaluated. The results were evaluated based on cell populations affected or remaining in the organs. Immunostaining for B lymphocytes (anti-BLA-36) identified the germinal center of follicles of the lymph node, spleen and GALT in both species. Immunostaining for T lymphocyte (anti-CD3) identified the paracortical area of the germinal centers of the lymph nodes and GALT, the periarteriolar area of the spleen, and the whole thymus both in cattle and mice. Experimentally poisoned cattle and mice shows necrosis of the germinal center of secondary follicles of the lymph nodes, spleen and GALT, where necrotic cells were immunostained for B and less often for T lymphocyte. Necrotic cells in the paracortical region of the lymph node were less often and were immunostained. Necrotic lesions of the thymus were seen only in mice, with positively stained for T lymphocyte. The distribution of the lesions in the lymphoid tissues and the immunostaining in necrotic cells suggested that the active principles of the plant are cytotoxic to B and T cells.


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During the critical period of the maternal recognition, which occurs between days 15 and 19 of pregnancy, the conceptus must competently synthesize molecules capable of blocking the synthesis of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) and luteolysis. In cattle, the major macromolecule involved in suck blockage is the protein interferontau (IFN-τ). During the critical period, failures in the recognition of pregnancy determine embryonic mortality on up to 40% of inseminated cows. Data about IFN-τ in Bos taurus indicus are still scarce. Objective of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the presence of IFN-τ during the critical period for maternal recognition of pregnancy in uterine flushings obtained in vivo by Foley catheter (Days 14, 16 and 18 post estrus) or post-mortem (Day 18 post estrus). Multiparous, cyclic or pregnant zebu cows (Bos taurus indicus) on days 14, 16 and 18 post estrus were used for in vivo or post mortem uterine flushing collection. In both cases, a Ringer solution was used to wash the uterus of cows. Uterine flushings were concentrated by ultrafiltration and lyophilized. Proteins were separated by one-dimensional electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in a 15% polyacrilamide gel. Interferontau quantification in uterine flushings was performed by western blotting and densitometry. Non-specific protein bands were observed in both in vivo and post mortem uterine flushings. Interferon-tau was detected only in uterine flushings obtained from pregnant cows post-mortem (P<0.05). Optical density of protein bands was not affected by the day of the critical period, state (cyclic or pregnant) or interaction day x state. There was no effect of the conceptus weight or progesterone concentration on the day of uterine flushing collection in the optical density of the IFN-τ protein band. It was concluded that the detection and quantification of IFN-τ in the uterine environment of zebu cows, in these experimental?conditions, is only possible in uterine flushings obtained post-mortem.


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The study, evaluated the addition of different concentrations of Se in mineral mixture affecting creatine kinase (CK) serum concentrations in cattle. 60 male, Nellore cattle, at about 12 months old, were randomly assigned to groups (15 calves/ group), Gc, G3,6, G5,4 or G6,4 (0, 3.6, 5.4, and 6.4 mg Se/bovine/day). The levels of serum CK in the cattle were not affected by neither the interaction selenium concentration x time nor the concentration of supplementation. However, CK levels increased over the experiment irrespective of dietary selenium concentration. In addition, the frequency of animals with CK levels above normal increased (p<0.10) in group G6,4. The concentrations of selenium studied here do not affect serum CK in cattle, but the daily concentration of 6.4 mg selenium is not recommended because it is possibly toxic effect.