893 resultados para Temperate Forests


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Temporal variation in a temperate cryptobenthic fish assemblage at the Arrabida Marine Park (Portugal) was assessed by visual Surveys during 2002 and 2003. A total of 9596 fish from 11 families and 30 species was recorded. There were no changes in structure or density at the assemblage level between years, whereas diversity changed significantly due to a higher number of abundant species in the second year. A similar seasonal trend was found between years, with a significant overall density increase in autumn. This is partially explained by the arrival of new recruits of some of the most abundant species in the assemblage. Assemblage diversity and structure also changed across seasons. A group of species encompassing Gobius xanthocephalus, Tripterygion delaisi, Parablennius pilicornis, Gobius paganellus, Lepadogaster candollii and Lepadogaster spp. were analysed in detail. The temporal patterns of two of the most abundant species, G. xanthocephalus and T delaisi, mimicked the overall temporal patterns of the assemblage. We suggest that the inter-annual stability in density of this subtidal fish assemblage may be similar to what has been reported for the intertidal and that strong post-settlement processes are probably shaping this assemblage.


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Benefits of marine protected areas depend on local ecological and socio-cultural aspects which are critical to the success of the protection measures. In particular, before-after comparisons are indispensable to disentangle the effects of protection from those of different physical and ecological characteristics among areas. Using underwater visual surveys, we assessed whether biomass and abundance of temperate reef fish assemblages and target invertebrates increased inside a no-take area in the Arrabida Marine Park (Portugal) 3 to 4 yr after its establishment. Data were compared to a previous study, conducted 10 yr before protection was effective. Control-effect comparisons after reserve establishment showed a positive response of legal-size demersal fish and below legal-size target invertebrates. The first evidence of protection was found in biomass but not in numbers. Non-target groups and below legal-size demersal fish had a significant interaction among reserve and habitat complexity indices for either density or biomass, suggesting a lack of a reserve effect. Before-after comparisons revealed non-significant patterns of increase in numbers of target species compared to non-target ones. The most important commercial species showed the largest increase in density after protection was established. Significantly higher abundances and proportionally heavier individuals of these species were also found inside the reserve in the control-effect comparisons. These findings are reinforced by an increasing trend in landings which are consistent with the early detection of a reserve effect.


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The seasonal climate drivers of the carbon cy- cle in tropical forests remain poorly known, although these forests account for more carbon assimilation and storage than any other terrestrial ecosystem. Based on a unique combina- tion of seasonal pan-tropical data sets from 89 experimental sites (68 include aboveground wood productivity measure- ments and 35 litter productivity measurements), their asso- ciated canopy photosynthetic capacity (enhanced vegetation index, EVI) and climate, we ask how carbon assimilation and aboveground allocation are related to climate seasonal- ity in tropical forests and how they interact in the seasonal carbon cycle. We found that canopy photosynthetic capacity seasonality responds positively to precipitation when rain- fall is < 2000 mm yr-1 (water-limited forests) and to radia- tion otherwise (light-limited forests). On the other hand, in- dependent of climate limitations, wood productivity and lit- terfall are driven by seasonal variation in precipitation and evapotranspiration, respectively. Consequently, light-limited forests present an asynchronism between canopy photosyn- thetic capacity and wood productivity. First-order control by precipitation likely indicates a decrease in tropical forest pro- ductivity in a drier climate in water-limited forest, and in cur- rent light-limited forest with future rainfall < 2000 mm yr-1.


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Background: Managed forests are a major component of tropical landscapes. Production forests as designated by national forest services cover up to 400 million ha, i.e. half of the forested area in the humid tropics. Forest management thus plays a major role in the global carbon budget, but with a lack of unified method to estimate carbon fluxes from tropical managed forests. In this study we propose a new time- and spatially-explicit methodology to estimate the above-ground carbon budget of selective logging at regional scale. Results: The yearly balance of a logging unit, i.e. the elementary management unit of a forest estate, is modelled by aggregating three sub-models encompassing (i) emissions from extracted wood, (ii) emissions from logging damage and deforested areas and (iii) carbon storage from post-logging recovery. Models are parametrised and uncertainties are propagated through a MCMC algorithm. As a case study, we used 38 years of National Forest Inventories in French Guiana, northeastern Amazonia, to estimate the above-ground carbon balance (i.e. the net carbon exchange with the atmosphere) of selectively logged forests. Over this period, the net carbon balance of selective logging in the French Guianan Permanent Forest Estate is estimated to be comprised between 0.12 and 1.33 Tg C, with a median value of 0.64 Tg C. Uncertainties over the model could be diminished by improving the accuracy of both logging damage and large woody necromass decay submodels. Conclusions: We propose an innovating carbon accounting framework relying upon basic logging statistics. This flexible tool allows carbon budget of tropical managed forests to be estimated in a wide range of tropical regions


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Le tecniche di Machine Learning sono molto utili in quanto consento di massimizzare l’utilizzo delle informazioni in tempo reale. Il metodo Random Forests può essere annoverato tra le tecniche di Machine Learning più recenti e performanti. Sfruttando le caratteristiche e le potenzialità di questo metodo, la presente tesi di dottorato affronta due casi di studio differenti; grazie ai quali è stato possibile elaborare due differenti modelli previsionali. Il primo caso di studio si è incentrato sui principali fiumi della regione Emilia-Romagna, caratterizzati da tempi di risposta molto brevi. La scelta di questi fiumi non è stata casuale: negli ultimi anni, infatti, in detti bacini si sono verificati diversi eventi di piena, in gran parte di tipo “flash flood”. Il secondo caso di studio riguarda le sezioni principali del fiume Po, dove il tempo di propagazione dell’onda di piena è maggiore rispetto ai corsi d’acqua del primo caso di studio analizzato. Partendo da una grande quantità di dati, il primo passo è stato selezionare e definire i dati in ingresso in funzione degli obiettivi da raggiungere, per entrambi i casi studio. Per l’elaborazione del modello relativo ai fiumi dell’Emilia-Romagna, sono stati presi in considerazione esclusivamente i dati osservati; a differenza del bacino del fiume Po in cui ai dati osservati sono stati affiancati anche i dati di previsione provenienti dalla catena modellistica Mike11 NAM/HD. Sfruttando una delle principali caratteristiche del metodo Random Forests, è stata stimata una probabilità di accadimento: questo aspetto è fondamentale sia nella fase tecnica che in fase decisionale per qualsiasi attività di intervento di protezione civile. L'elaborazione dei dati e i dati sviluppati sono stati effettuati in ambiente R. Al termine della fase di validazione, gli incoraggianti risultati ottenuti hanno permesso di inserire il modello sviluppato nel primo caso studio all’interno dell’architettura operativa di FEWS.


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Aims: the broad objective of this study is to investigate the ecological, biodiversity and conservation status of the coastal forests of Kenya fragments. The specific aims of the study are: (1) to investigate current quantitative trends in plant diversity; (2) develop a spatial and standardised vegetation database for the coastal forests Kenya; (3) investigate forest structure, species diversity and composition across the forests; (4) investigate the effect of forest fragment area on plant species diversity; (5) investigate phylogenetic diversity across these coastal remnants (6) assess vulnerability and provide conservation perspectives to concrete policy issues; (7) investigate plant and butterfly diversity correlation. Methods: I performed various analytical methods including species diversity metrics; multiple regression models for species-area relationship and small island effect; non-metric multidimensional scaling; ANOSIM; PERMANOVA; multiplicative beta diversity partitioning; species accumulation curve and species indicator analysis; statistical tests, rarefaction of species richness; phylogenetic diversity metrics of Phylogenetic diversity index, mean pairwise distance, mean nearest taxon distance, and their null-models: and Co-correspondence analysis. Results: developed the first large standardised, spatial and geo-referenced vegetation database for coastal forests of Kenya consisting of 600 plant species, across 25 forest fragments using 158 plots subdivided into 3160 subplots, 18 sacred forests and seven forest reserves; species diversity, composition and forest structure was significantly different across forest sites and between forest reserves and sacred forests, higher beta diversity, species-area relationship explained significant variability of plant diversity, small Island effect was not evident; sacred forests exhibited higher phylogenetic diversity compared to forest reserves; the threatened Red List species contributed higher evolutionary history; a strong correlation between plants and butterfly diversity. Conclusions: This study provides for the first time a standardized and large vegetation data. Results emphasizes need to improve sacred forests protection status and enhance forest connectivity across forest reserves and sacred forests.


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Ecosystem engineering is increasingly recognized as a relevant ecological driver of diversity and community composition. Although engineering impacts on the biota can vary from negative to positive, and from trivial to enormous, patterns and causes of variation in the magnitude of engineering effects across ecosystems and engineer types remain largely unknown. To elucidate the above patterns, we conducted a meta-analysis of 122 studies which explored effects of animal ecosystem engineers on species richness of other organisms in the community. The analysis revealed that the overall effect of ecosystem engineers on diversity is positive and corresponds to a 25% increase in species richness, indicating that ecosystem engineering is a facilitative process globally. Engineering effects were stronger in the tropics than at higher latitudes, likely because new or modified habitats provided by engineers in the tropics may help minimize competition and predation pressures on resident species. Within aquatic environments, engineering impacts were stronger in marine ecosystems (rocky shores) than in streams. In terrestrial ecosystems, engineers displayed stronger positive effects in arid environments (e.g. deserts). Ecosystem engineers that create new habitats or microhabitats had stronger effects than those that modify habitats or cause bioturbation. Invertebrate engineers and those with lower engineering persistence (<1 year) affected species richness more than vertebrate engineers which persisted for >1 year. Invertebrate species richness was particularly responsive to engineering impacts. This study is the first attempt to build an integrative framework of engineering effects on species diversity; it highlights the importance of considering latitude, habitat, engineering functional group, taxon and persistence of their effects in future theoretical and empirical studies.


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The Brazilian Atlantic Forest hosts one of the world's most diverse and threatened tropical forest biota. In many ways, its history of degradation describes the fate experienced by tropical forests around the world. After five centuries of human expansion, most Atlantic Forest landscapes are archipelagos of small forest fragments surrounded by open-habitat matrices. This 'natural laboratory' has contributed to a better understanding of the evolutionary history and ecology of tropical forests and to determining the extent to which this irreplaceable biota is susceptible to major human disturbances. We share some of the major findings with respect to the responses of tropical forests to human disturbances across multiple biological levels and spatial scales and discuss some of the conservation initiatives adopted in the past decade. First, we provide a short description of the Atlantic Forest biota and its historical degradation. Secondly, we offer conceptual models describing major shifts experienced by tree assemblages at local scales and discuss landscape ecological processes that can help to maintain this biota at larger scales. We also examine potential plant responses to climate change. Finally, we propose a research agenda to improve the conservation value of human-modified landscapes and safeguard the biological heritage of tropical forests.


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Spores of the tropical mosses Pyrrhobryum spiniforme, Neckeropsis undulata and N. disticha were characterized regarding size, number per capsule and viability. Chemical substances were analyzed for P. spiniforme and N. undulata spores. Length of sporophyte seta (spore dispersal ability) was analyzed for P. spiniforme. Four to six colonies per species in each site (lowland and highland areas of an Atlantic Forest; Serra do Mar State Park, Brazil) were visited for the collection of capsules (2008 - 2009). Neckeropsis undulata in the highland area produced the largest spores (ca. 19 µm) with the highest viability. The smallest spores were found in N. disticha in the lowland (ca. 13 µm). Pyrrhobryum spiniforme produced more spores per capsule in the highland (ca. 150,000) than in lowland (ca. 40,000); longer sporophytic setae in the lowland (ca. 64 mm) than in the highland (ca. 43 mm); and similar sized spores in both areas (ca. 16 µm). Spores of N. undulata and P. spiniforme contained lipids and proteins in the cytoplasm, and acid/neutral lipids and pectins in the wall. Lipid bodies were larger in N. undulata than in P. spiniforme. No starch was recorded for spores. Pyrrhobryum spiniforme in the highland area, different from lowland, was characterized by low reproductive effort, but presented many spores per capsule.


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This article is a commentary on the experiences that motivated my decision to become a human ecologist and ethnobiologist. These experiences include the pleasure of studying and of having the sense of being within nature, as well as the curiosity towards understanding the world and minds of local people. In particular, such understanding could be driven by addressing the challenging questions that originate in the interactions of such individuals with their natural surroundings. I have been particularly interested in the sea and the riverine forests that are inhabited by coastal or riverine small-scale fishers. Sharing the distinctive world of these fishers enjoyably incited my curiosity and challenged me to understand why fishers and their families 'do as they do' for their livelihoods including their beliefs. This challenge involved understanding the rationality (or the arguments or views) that underlies the decisions these individuals make in their interaction with nature. This curiosity was fundamental to my career choice, as were a number of reading interests. These reading interests included political economy and philosophy; evolution and sociobiology; evolutionary, human, and cultural ecology; cultural transmission; fisheries; local knowledge; ecological economics; and, naturally, ethnobiology.


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Atmospheric carbon dioxide records indicate that the land surface has acted as a strong global carbon sink over recent decades, with a substantial fraction of this sink probably located in the tropics, particularly in the Amazon. Nevertheless, it is unclear how the terrestrial carbon sink will evolve as climate and atmospheric composition continue to change. Here we analyse the historical evolution of the biomass dynamics of the Amazon rainforest over three decades using a distributed network of 321 plots. While this analysis confirms that Amazon forests have acted as a long-term net biomass sink, we find a long-term decreasing trend of carbon accumulation. Rates of net increase in above-ground biomass declined by one-third during the past decade compared to the 1990s. This is a consequence of growth rate increases levelling off recently, while biomass mortality persistently increased throughout, leading to a shortening of carbon residence times. Potential drivers for the mortality increase include greater climate variability, and feedbacks of faster growth on mortality, resulting in shortened tree longevity. The observed decline of the Amazon sink diverges markedly from the recent increase in terrestrial carbon uptake at the global scale, and is contrary to expectations based on models.


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The point-centred quarter method (63 points) was applied in Porto Ferreira State Reserve (21º49'S and 47º25'W) in an area (1.08ha) on the right margin of Moji Guaçu river, including two woody individuals per quarter - one with DBH < 10cm and at least 130cm high, the other with DBH > 10cm. The results obtained were compared with those published by other authors for a riparian forest (Mata da Figueira) at Moji Guaçu Ecological Station (about 100 km upstream on the same river). At Porto Ferreira 107 species were found, of which 80 were exclusive, compared with the Mata da Figueira where of the 59 species listed, 31 were exclusive. The two area shared 27 common species, thus accounting for a low Sørensen similarity of 48.6%. The great environmental heterogeneity of the floodplains, as well as the degree of anthropic disturbance, could account for this floristic variation. The greatest numbers of species were shown by Leguminosae (20), Myrtaceae (17), Rutaceae (9), Euphorbiaceae (7), and Lauraceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae and Rubiaceae (6 species each). There appears to be little difference at the family level among the periodically flooded and non-flooded forests of the State of São Paulo, but the species show different degreees of preference for habitat. The floristic composition of the two areas presented a mixture of typical species with others of non-flooded forests. The latter would occur on the floodplain probably by a) adaptation of the root system to relatively short flooding periods; b) shorter periods of flooding on the higher points of the microrelief of the floodplain, and c) greater aeration due to running water.


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A floristic survey was carried out in the Grota Funda Municipal Park, Atibaia Municipality, Sao Paulo State (45º45 - 46º 45'W and 23º10 - 23º15'S), a mountainous region from 900 to 1400 meters above sea level. The climate is characterized by two seasons a hot, moist period from October to March and a dry, cold period from April to August, with frequent frosts. The sandy soil is low in fertility and highly acid at the surface. The study was done from April 1987 to November 1988. A total of 415 species were collected and identified: 362 dicotyledons belonging to 84 families and 224 genera, and 53 monocotyledons beloging to 15 families and 43 genera. Species richness in Atibaia can be attributed to environmental diversity, edaphic variation, and slight disturbance of the vegetation. A comparison with other floristic surveys in mountain forests was made and a list of the most common species of this kind of forest is presented.


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Soil waterlogging and the subsequent reduction in the amount of oxygen available for the respiration of the root system selected, along the evolutive process, plants able to thrive in seasonally or permanently flooded areas. In neotropical plants there are many types of adaptations to flooding. In this paper we present the results of the work carried out with seeds and seedlings of C brasiliense subjected to hypoxia during germination and early development. C brasiliense seeds are not photoblastic and survive up to three months burried in a water saturated substrate, but germination only takes place in well-drained soils. Soil waterlogging does not inhibit seedling growth and there are no apparent morphological changes of the aerial part of flooded plants. New and aerated roots that make plant survival possible replace old and spoiled roots. In contrast to many typical species of flood-prone areas where growth is inhibited by oxygen stress. C. brasiliense seedlings seem to be well adapted to their waterlogged environment. Seed dispersion, the absence of photoblastic response as well as seed and seedling capacity of surviving and growing in waterlogged soils contribute to the wide geographic distribution of C. brasiliense always associated with areas subjected to soil waterlogging.


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An inventory of the woody flora (trees and shrubs), was carried out in the Ribeirão Cachoeria forest (233.7ha, 650m high, 46°55'58''W, 22°50'13''S), the second largest and best conserved fragment of semideciduous tropical forest in the municipality of Campinas, São Paulo state, Southeastern Brazil. The soil is a red-yellow podsol and the climate is of Köppen's Cwag type. Collections were made from August/1996 to September/1997. Only fertile individuals with a perimeter at breast height of 9cm or greater were included in the survey. One hyndred and seventhy five species were identified, belonging to 119 genera and 49 families. The most important families were Myrtaceae (14 species), Rutaceae and Fabaceae (13), Caesalpiniaceae (11), Solanaceae (9), and Rubiaceae (8). Some species were found for the first time in the region: Tachigali multijuga Benth. and Schoepfia brasiliensis A.DC. The flowering peak for most species was from August to October. Maximum fruit production was from August to November. Most species are zoochoric (58%), but 23% were anemochoric and 19% autochoric. The floristic composition of this forest and another 20 forests from São Paulo state were compared. The results obtained indicate the existence of distinct groups of forests. The most homogeneus group contains forests from the municipality of Campinas with similarity of 40%. This suggests that these forests are possibly fragments of a original continuous forest in the Campinas region.