929 resultados para Tarjetas electrónicas-Fabricación


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El Manual recoge la experiencia de DOCPAL/CELADE en la indizacion de los documentos ingresados a la base de datos y se orienta a servir de guia a las unidades de informacion que han adoptado tecnicas manuales o semi-mecanizadas para el tratamiento de la misma en la region. Previa la presentacion de las definiciones basicas, se discute el marco de referencia y las caracteristicas del proceso de indizacion. La descripcion de los instrumentos y pautas pone enfasis en la utilizacion del Tesauro Multilingue sobre Poblacion para el analisis de la informacion y en las Tarjetas Unitermino, para el registro del proceso.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Descrito como o presente Privilégio de Invenção, apresenta características de brinquedo, para assim estimular e ensinar crianças sobre a importância da reciclagem de materiais, bem como na manutenção das condições do meio ambiente em geral, para tanto, sendo composto por um quadro magnético (1) e quatro cartelas (2), onde cada uma das mesmas é impressa com as identificações vidro, plástico, metal e papel, sendo coloridas com as cores padrão, definidas para a coleta seletiva de lixo, possuindo ainda tarjetas (3), nas quais são impressos nomes de diferentes tipos de produtos.


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Descrito como o presente Privilégio de Invenção, apresenta características de brinquedo, para assim estimular e ensinar crianças sobre a importância da reciclagem de materIais, bem como na manutenção das condições do meio ambiente em geral, para tanto, o mesmo é composto por cartelas (1), confeccionadas em um material conveniente, tal como papel, papelão, cartão, plástico, etc., nas quais, em uma de suas faces, são impressas imagens representando materiais, embalagens ou atividades relacionadas ou procedimentos relativos a bens de consumo, produtos industrializados, reciclagem, etc., as quais se relacionam diretamente com um mesmo número de tarjetas (2), confeccionadas no mesmo material das cartelas (1).


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After years of stagnation, the naval construction industry in Brazil has been experiencing a period of recovery caused by investments in the oil and gas sector and the implementation of governmental programs that aimed to regenerate it. However, efforts in learning and innovations are needed in order to reinsert the country in this activity and achieve international levels of competitiveness. Based on literature about learning processes and continuous improvement practices and their impact in the innovative and productive processes, this paper aims to identify the main tendencies, mechanisms and procedures to improve the construction and management processes in the Brazilian naval construction industry. The methodology used for the data analysis classifies obtained information from magazines and annals of congresses of the sector, according to the established analysis categories (phenomena). Such categories study information related to the productive and technological processes of the industry, the main internal and external relations of the industrial park, the management of resources and processes, policies, investments, etc. The data was collected in the period 2004-2010, and more than 500 registers that show a dominance of the investment phenomenon, especially in the increase of productive capacity, were catalogued. In addition to this, there is evidence of modernization in the manufacturing plan and the equipment, diverse forms of cooperation, implementation of human resources management practices and engineering or processes and products. Hence, a process of catching up governs and is guided by modernization and increase training in this industry.


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The granulomatous lesions are frequently founded in infectious diseases and can involve the larynx and pharynx and can cause varying degrees of dysphonia and dysphagia. There is still no systematic review that analyzes effectiveness of speech therapy in systemic granulomatous diseases. Research strategy: A systematic review was performed according to Cochrane guideline considering the inclusion of RCTs and quasi-RCTs about the effectiveness of speech-language therapy to treat dysphagia and dysphonia symptoms in systemic granulomatous diseases of the larynx and pharynx. Selection criteria: The outcome planned to be measured in this review were: swallowing impairment, frequency of chest infections and voice and swallowing symptoms. Data analysis: We identified 1,140 citations from all electronic databases. After an initial shift we only selected 9 titles to be retrieved in full-text. After full reading, there was no RCT found in this review and therefore, we only described the existing 2 case series studies. Results: There were no randomized controlled trials found in the literature. Therefore, two studies were selected to be included only for narratively analysis as they were case series. Conclusion: There is no evidence from high quality studies about the effectiveness of speech-language therapy in patients with granulomatous diseases of the larynx and pharynx. The investigators could rely in the outcomes suggested in this review to design their own clinical trials.


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Leishmania is a protozoan belonging to the family Trypanosomatidae, obligate intracellular parasite cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system. In the New and Old World several orders of wild mammals (natural reservoirs) and various species of sandflies (vectors) are involved in the transmission of leishmaniasis. The new settlements in rural areas, changes in the environment and unplanned urbanization increased human contact with vector and interaction with the animal reservoir. A simple prophylactic measure seems to be the vector control as well as disease reservoir. With the goal of raising the prophylactic measures that are being used in vector control, the reservoir of the disease and what the infrastructure accordingly. We conducted a literature review in July 2011 in the electronic databases of Bireme, Medline, CancerLit, Portal Capes, SciELO, PubMed and Medscape, the main texts on the subject. Thus, the development of a vaccine that is effective against various forms of leishmaniasis in the old and new world, it is necessary and has been recommended by WHO as a possible tool for effective eradication of the disease.