773 resultados para Success in business.
A brief history of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) and its control in Great Britain is presented. Numerous diverse policies to control the disease in man, cattle and wildlife have been pursued over the last 100 years and many millions of pounds have been spent. After notable success in reducing the incidence and prevalence of bTB in cattle in GB from the 1950s to the mid-1980s, the number of cattle slaughtered has increased with increased geographical spread continually since that time with a high point of bTB incidence in 2008. This increase appeared to coincide with changing policy regarding the control of the disease in badgers with a more humane approach adopted and with strengthened protection for badgers through legislation. Indeed, much controversy has been involved in the debate on the role of badgers in disease transmission to cattle and the need for their control as vectors of the disease with various commissioned research projects, trials, public consultations and media attention. The findings of two social science investigations presented as examples showed that citizens generally believed that bTB in cattle is an important issue that needs to be tackled but objected to badgers being killed, whilst cattle farmers were willing to pay around £17/animal/year for a bTB cattle vaccine. It is noted that successes regarding the control of bTB in other countries have combined both cattle and wildlife controls and had strong involvement from industry working with government.
Detta examensarbete har genomförts av två studenter vid Högskolan Dalarna i samarbete medIT-konsultbolaget Istone Concrevi. Edsbyverken, som är en möbeltillverkare baserad i Edsbyn,är kund hos Istone och har ett behov att öka sin leveranssäkerhet. Företaget upplever också attdet finns en bristande sammanhållning mellan de som arbetar administrativt och de som arbetarmed tillverkning i verksamheten. Edsbyverken hoppas att en ökad sammanhållning ska varabidragande till en bättre leveranssäkerhet. Sammanhållning är ett begrepp som är vanligtförekommande inom idrott och lagsporter och förknippas ofta med framgång inom idrotten.Forskningsstrategin som används i studien är design and creation som fokuserar på att skapa nyaIT-produkter, artefakter. Denna studie har resulterat i en artefakt av typen instansiering i form aven applikation som utvecklats med hjälp av ett användarcentrerat och agilt arbetssätt. Syftet medstudien är att undersöka och testa hur teorier inom idrottspsykologi kan användas inom ettsystemutvecklingsprojekt med ändamål att få artefakten och utvecklingsprocessen att främjasammanhållning hos verksamheten. Datainsamlingsmetoder som använts i studien är intervjueroch enkäter. Intervjuerna har använts för att insamla bakgrundsinfo från verksamheten ochönskemål kring appen och enkäterna för feedback på appen samt för att utvärderasystemutvecklingens och appens påverkan på sammanhållningen.Resultaten från datainsamlingen är i många fall spretande med allt från positiva omdömen sommenar att sammanhållningen förbättrats, till negativa som menar att ingen inverkan skett. Vid ensammanvägning kan man dock se att majoriteten menar att detta forskningsprojekt inte lyckatsmed att förbättra sammanhållningen. En viss andel anställda vid Edsbyverken tror dock attsammanhållningen kan öka på längre sikt. Slutsatsen kring idrottspsykologi är att den vid enkoppling till systemutveckling har ett begränsat användningsområde och att många av de teoriersom förekommer om sammanhållning inte är användbara eller passande vidsystemutvecklingsarbete.
Syftet med examensarbetet var att med utgångspunkt i ett konkret exempel, beskriva hur företag kan organisera verksamheten för att ta till vara på de anställdas outnyttjade kreativitet. Materialet i examensarbetet kan mycket väl tillämpas och användas i andra organisationer än den studerade organisationen Ica DE Borlänge. Dock bör beaktande tas till den specifika kontexten som föreligger vid implementeringen av materialet. Med stöd av den teoretiska referensramen visar resultaten av analysen ett behov av en ny organisationsstruktur med tydliga roller och nya belöningssystem. Den studerade organisationen är en lärande organisation där ett medarbetarengagemang söker främjas. Genom en ny organisationsstruktur med tydliga roller ökar detta medarbetarengagemanget och fler genomförda förbättringar genomförs snabbare, vilket bidrar till att de anställdas outnyttjade kreativitet tillvaratas på ett framgångsrikt sätt. De nya belöningssystemen flyttar fokus till medarbetarengagemanget och förbättringsarbetet, vilket främjar ett genomsyrande Lean-tänkande i organisationen. Belöningssystemen skapar även jämnare produktionsflöden som höjer arbetssäkerheten, ökar produktionskvalitén, minimerar stress samt skapar goda förutsättningar för att beräkna personalbemanningen. Kvalitativa metoder har använts för datainsamlingen. Dessa utfördes genom en förstudie och en fallstudie. Fallstudien bestod utav bakgrundsintervjuer, en intervjustudie samt en observation. Det empiriska materialet visar att organisationen arbetar med ett omfattande förbättringsarbete i alla organisatoriska nivåer. Både chefer och medarbetare har viljan och ambitionen att få till ett framgångsrikt förbättringsarbete, men trots flera års arbete med Lean efterfrågas ändå mer tid, bättre organisationsstruktur samt en sambandskoordinatör med specialistkompetens som driver förbättringsarbetet framåt. Empirin ger en viss indikation på att förbättringsverksamheten har anpassats och organiserats till den befintliga organisationsstrukturen. Förbättringsarbetet torde bli mer framgångsrikt om verksamheten anpassas och organiseras utefter de anställdas outnyttjade kreativitet istället. I summering av slutsatsen åskådliggörs två centrala variabler som kan bidra till långsiktiga framgångar i arbetet med att tillvarata de anställdas outnyttjade kreativitet. En ny organisationsstruktur med tydliga roller som fokuserar på förbättringsarbetet samt nya belöningssystem för inlämnade förbättringsförslag, skulle vara av stor betydelse för ett långsiktigt medarbetarengagemang i en framgångsrik organisation.
Reindeer herding in Sweden is a form of pastoralism practised by the indigenous Sami population. The economy is mainly based on meat production. Herd size is generally regulated by harvest in order not to overuse grazing ranges and keep a productive herd. Nonetheless, herd growth and room for harvest is currently small in many areas. Negative herd growth and low harvest rate were observed in one of two herds in a reindeer herding community in Central Sweden. The herds (A and B) used the same ranges from April until the autumn gathering in October-December, but were separated on different ranges over winter. Analyses of capture-recapture for 723 adult female reindeer over five years (2007-2012) revealed high annual losses (7.1% and 18.4%, for herd A and B respectively). A continuing decline in the total reindeer number in herd B demonstrated an inability to maintain the herd size in spite of a very small harvest. An estimated breakpoint for when herd size cannot be kept stable confirmed that the observed female mortality rate in herd B represented a state of herd collapse. Lower calving success in herd B compared to A indicated differences in winter foraging conditions. However, we found only minor differences in animal body condition between the herds in autumn. We found no evidence that a lower autumn body mass generally increased the risk for a female of dying from one autumn to the next. We conclude that the prime driver of the on-going collapse of herd B is not high animal density or poor body condition. Accidents or disease seem unlikely as major causes of mortality. Predation, primarily by lynx and wolverine, appears to be the most plausible reason for the high female mortality and state of collapse in the studied reindeer herding community.
Expressing contractual agreements electronically potentially allows agents to automatically perform functions surrounding contract use: establishment, fulfilment, renegotiation etc. For such automation to be used for real business concerns, there needs to be a high level of trust in the agent-based system. While there has been much research on simulating trust between agents, there are areas where such trust is harder to establish. In particular, contract proposals may come from parties that an agent has had no prior interaction with and, in competitive business-to-business environments, little reputation information may be available. In human practice, trust in a proposed contract is determined in part from the content of the proposal itself, and the similarity of the content to that of prior contracts, executed to varying degrees of success. In this paper, we argue that such analysis is also appropriate in automated systems, and to provide it we need systems to record salient details of prior contract use and algorithms for assessing proposals on their content. We use provenance technology to provide the former and detail algorithms for measuring contract success and similarity for the latter, applying them to an aerospace case study.
Despite success in reducing poverty over the last twenty years, inequality in Chile has remained virtually unchanged, making Chile one of the least equal countries in the world. High levels of inequality have been shown to hamper further reductions in poverty as well as economic growth and local inequality has been shown to affect such outcomes as violence and health. The study of inequality at the local level is thus crucial for understanding the economic well-being of a country. Local measures of inequality have been difficult to obtain, but recent theoretical advances have enabled the combination of survey and census data to obtain estimators of inequality that are robust at disaggregated geographic levels. In this paper, we employ this methodology to produce consistent estimators of inequality for every county in Chile. We find a great deal of variation in inequality, with county-level Gini coefficients ranging from 0.41 to 0.63.
So the question that animates this paper is this: what happens when a state's education policy seeks to make popular social and religious values a central part of its education standards in direct confrontation with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? I will try to answer that question in three ways. First, I will examine the tactics used in the manipulation of curricula to reflect social and religious values, with special focus on the Kansas case. Second, I will try to ascertain the determinants of success in these efforts; under what conditions are movements to impose creation science on public school curricula likely to succeed, and when to fail? Third, I will try to place these struggles over educational curricula, and between religion and science, in broader context, focusing on what they tell us about the nature of public policy making in the contemporary United States.
The problem of semantics is inherent in any discussion of ethics. The general term "ethics" is itself commonly confused. In addition, systems of ethics must be built upon assumptions, and assumptions are necessarily subject to lengthy debate. These two problems are encountered in my investigation of the ethical practices of the modern business community and to remedy the situation I have taken two steps: the first being an attempt to clarify the meaning of terms used therein;-and the second being a clear description of the assumptions utilized to further my analysis. To satisfy those who would disagree with these assumptions, I have attempted to outline the consequences of differing premises. The first assumption in my discussion is that the capitalistic economy is powered by the motivation supplied by man's self-interest. We are conditioned to basing our courses of action upon an orientation toward gratifying this self-interest. Careers are chosen by blending aptitude, interest, and remuneration. of course, some people are less materially inclined than others, but the average member of our capitalistic society is concerned with the physical rewards derived from his employment. Status and happiness are all-important considerations in pursuing a chosen course of action, yet all too often they are measured in physical terms. The normal self-interest natural to mankind is heightened in capitalism, due to the emphasis placed upon material compensation. Our thinking becomes mechanistic as life devolves into a complex game played by the rules. We are accustomed to performing meaningless or unpleasant duties to fulfill our gratifications. Thought, consequently, interferes with the completion of our everyday routines. We learn quickly not to be outspoken, as the outspoken one threatens the security of his fellow man. The majority of the people are quite willing to accept others views on morality, and indeed this is the sensible thing to do as one does not risk his own neck. The unfortunate consequence of this situation has been the substitution of the legal and jural for the moral and ethical. Our actions are guided by legal considerations and nowhere has this been more evident than in the business community. The large legal departments of modern corporations devote full time to inspecting the legality of corporate actions. The business community has become preoccupied with the law, yet this is necessarily so. Complex, modern, capitalistic society demands an elaborate framework of rules and regulations. Without this framework it would be impossible to have an orderly economy, to say nothing of protecting the best interests of the people. However, the inherent complexities, contradictions, and sometimes unfair aspects of our legal system can tempt men to take things into their own hands. From time to time cases arise where men have broken laws while acting in good faith, and other cases where men have been extremely unethical without being illegal. Examples such as these foster the growth of cynicism, and generally create an antagonistic attitude toward the law on the part of business. My second assumption is that the public, on the whole, has adopted an apathetic attitude toward business morality. when faced with an ethical problem, far too many people choose to cynically assume that, if I don't do it someone else will. "The danger of such an assumption lies in that it eliminates many of the inhibitions that normally would preclude unethical action. The preventative factor in contemplating an unethical act not only lies in it going against the "right course of action", but also in that it would display the actor as one of the few, immoral practitioners. However, if the contemplator feels that many other people follow the same course of action, he would not feel himself to be so conspicuous. These two assumptions underly my entire discussion of modern business ethics., and in my judgment are the two most important causal factors in unethical acts perpetrated by the business community. The future elimination of these factors seems improbable, if not futile, yet there is no reason to consider things worse than they ever have been before. The heightened public interest in business morality undoubtedly lies in part in the fact that examples of corporate malpractice are of such magnitude in scope, and hence more newsworthy.