987 resultados para Statistical efficiency
We present designs of high-efficiency compression grating based on total internal reflection (TIR) for picosecond pulse laser at 1053 nm. The setup is devised by directly etching gratings into the bottom side of a prism so that light can successfully enter (or exit) the compression grating. Dependence of the -1 order diffraction efficiencies on the constructive parameters is analyzed for TE- and TM-polarized incident light at Littrow angle by using Fourier modal method in order to obtain optimal grating structure. The electric field enhancement within the high-efficiency TIR gratings is regarded as another criterion to optimize the structure of the TIR gratings. With the criterion of high diffraction efficiency, low electric field enhancement and sufficient manufacturing latitude, TIR compression gratings with optimized constructive parameters are obtained for TE- and TM-polarized incident light, respectively. The grating for TE-polarized light exhibits diffraction efficiencies higher than 0.95 within 23 nm bandwidth and relatively low square of electric field enhancement ratio of 5.7. Regardless of the internal electric field enhancement, the grating for TM-polarized light provides diffraction efficiencies higher than 0.95 within 42 nm bandwidth. With compact structure, such TIR compression gratings made solely of fused silica should be of great interest for application to chirped pulse amplification (CPA) systems. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on the design of a high diffraction efficiency multi-layer dielectric grating with wide incident angle and broad bandwidth for 800 nm. The optimized grating can achieve > 95% diffraction efficiency in the first order at an incident angle of 5 degrees from Littrow and a wavelength from 770nm to 830 nm, with peak diffraction efficiency of > 99.5% at 800 nm. The electric field distribution of the optimized multi-layer dielectric grating within the gratings ridge is 1.3 times enhancement of the incidence light, which presents potential high laser resistance ability. Because of its high-efficiency, wide incident, broad bandwidth and potential high resistance ability, the multi-layer dielectric grating should have practical application in Ti:sapphire laser systems.
An assessment of three methods of fish capture, to establish the best fishing method which reflects the best range of sizes and species of fish in a given area. The methods used were trawl netting, electrofishing, and seine netting which were assessed on the Crossens drainage system near Southport. The report also includes a study of roach / bream hybrids that were found at the site, which focuses on their distinguishing features and compared with the features of roach and bream.
Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) using tris-(8-hydroxy-quinolinato) aluminum (Alq(3)) as an emitter, 8-hydroxy-quinolinato lithium (Liq) as an electron injection layer, were prepared. Experimental results show that the efficiency of device with Liq is three times higher than that without Liq. The device using Liq as an injection layer is less sensitive in efficiency to the Liq thickness than that using LiF. In addition to the Alq3 based devices, Liq is also very effective as an electron injection layer for 4,4'-bis(2,2-diphenylvinyl)-1,1'-biphenyl based blue OLED and poly (2-methoxy,5-(2-ethyl-hexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) based orange polymer OLED. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Dados faltantes são um problema comum em estudos epidemiológicos e, dependendo da forma como ocorrem, as estimativas dos parâmetros de interesse podem estar enviesadas. A literatura aponta algumas técnicas para se lidar com a questão, e, a imputação múltipla vem recebendo destaque nos últimos anos. Esta dissertação apresenta os resultados da utilização da imputação múltipla de dados no contexto do Estudo Pró-Saúde, um estudo longitudinal entre funcionários técnico-administrativos de uma universidade no Rio de Janeiro. No primeiro estudo, após simulação da ocorrência de dados faltantes, imputou-se a variável cor/raça das participantes, e aplicou-se um modelo de análise de sobrevivência previamente estabelecido, tendo como desfecho a história auto-relatada de miomas uterinos. Houve replicação do procedimento (100 vezes) para se determinar a distribuição dos coeficientes e erros-padrão das estimativas da variável de interesse. Apesar da natureza transversal dos dados aqui utilizados (informações da linha de base do Estudo Pró-Saúde, coletadas em 1999 e 2001), buscou-se resgatar a história do seguimento das participantes por meio de seus relatos, criando uma situação na qual a utilização do modelo de riscos proporcionais de Cox era possível. Nos cenários avaliados, a imputação demonstrou resultados satisfatórios, inclusive quando da avaliação de performance realizada. A técnica demonstrou um bom desempenho quando o mecanismo de ocorrência dos dados faltantes era do tipo MAR (Missing At Random) e o percentual de não-resposta era de 10%. Ao se imputar os dados e combinar as estimativas obtidas nos 10 bancos (m=10) gerados, o viés das estimativas era de 0,0011 para a categoria preta e 0,0015 para pardas, corroborando a eficiência da imputação neste cenário. Demais configurações também apresentaram resultados semelhantes. No segundo artigo, desenvolve-se um tutorial para aplicação da imputação múltipla em estudos epidemiológicos, que deverá facilitar a utilização da técnica por pesquisadores brasileiros ainda não familiarizados com o procedimento. São apresentados os passos básicos e decisões necessárias para se imputar um banco de dados, e um dos cenários utilizados no primeiro estudo é apresentado como exemplo de aplicação da técnica. Todas as análises foram conduzidas no programa estatístico R, versão 2.15 e os scripts utilizados são apresentados ao final do texto.
Over 230 metric tons of octopus is harvested as bycatch annually in Alaskan trawl, long-line, and pot fisheries. An expanding market has fostered interest in the development of a directed fishery for North Pacific giant octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). To investigate the potential for fishery development we examined the efficacy of four different pot types for capture of this species. During two surveys in Kachemak Bay, Alaska, strings of 16 –20 sablefish, Korean hair crab, shrimp, and Kodiak wooden lair pots were set at depths ranging between 62 and 390 meters. Catch per-unit-of-ef for t estimates were highest for sablefish and lair pots. Sablefish pots caught significantly heavier North Pacific giant octopuses but also produced the highest bycatch of commercially important species, such as halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), and Tanner crab (Chionoecetes bairdi).
We compared the capture efficiency and catch dynamics of collapsible square and conical pots used in resource assessment and harvesting of red king crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus [Tilesius, 1815]) in the Barents Sea. After two days of soaking, square pots caught three times as many crabs as conical pots, and their catches consisted of a higher proportion of male crabs and male crabs larger than 160 mm carapace length compared to the catches in the conical pots. Catches in the square pots did not increase as soak times were increased beyond two days, which indicates equilibrium between the rate of entries into and the rate of exits from the pots. Catches in conical pots, however, increased with increasing soak times up to eight days, the longest soak time examined in this study. These findings demonstrate the higher efficiency of square pots and the importance of understanding catch dynamics when making population assessments based on catchper-unit-of-effort data. The favorable catch characteristics and handling properties of the collapsible square pot may make this pot design suitable for other crab fisheries, as well.
Whole-gear efficiency (the proportion of fish passing between the otter doors of a bottom trawl that are subsequently captured) was estimated from data collected during experiments to measure the herding efficiency of bridles and doors, the capture efficiency of the net, and the length of the bridles sufficiently close to the seafloor to elicit a herding response. The experiments were focused on four species of flatfish: arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon), rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus), and Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus). Whole-gear efficiency varied with fish length and reached maximum values between 40% and 50% for arrowtooth flounder, flathead sole, and rex sole. For Dover sole, however, whole-gear efficiency declined from a maximum of 33% over the length range sampled. Such efficiency estimates can be used to determine catchability, which, in turn, can be used to improve the accuracy of stock assessment models when the time series of a survey is short.