990 resultados para Stable Distribution


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BACKGROUND: The recent development of very high resistance to phosphine in rusty grain beetle, Cryptolestes ferrugineus (Stephens), seriously threatens stored-grain biosecurity. The aim was to characterise this resistance, to develop a rapid bioassay for its diagnosis to support pest management and to document the distribution of resistance in Australia in 20072011. RESULTS: Bioassays of purified laboratory reference strains and field-collected samples revealed three phenotypes: susceptible, weakly resistant and strongly resistant. With resistance factors of > 1000 x , resistance to phosphine expressed by the strong resistance phenotype was higher than reported for any stored-product insect species. The new time-to-knockdown assay rapidly and accurately diagnosed each resistance phenotype within 6 h. Although less frequent in western Australia, weak resistance was detected throughout all grain production regions. Strong resistance occurred predominantly in central storages in eastern Australia. CONCLUSION: Resistance to phosphine in the rusty grain beetle is expressed through two identifiable phenotypes: weak and strong. Strong resistance requires urgent changes to current fumigation dosages. The development of a rapid assay for diagnosis of resistance enables the provision of same-day advice to expedite resistance management decisions. (c) 2012 Commonwealth of Australia. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The Mobulidae are zooplanktivorous elasmobranchs comprising two recognized species of manta rays (Manta spp.) and nine recognized species of devil rays (Mobula spp.). They are found circumglobally in tropical, subtropical and temperate coastal waters. Although mobulids have been recorded for over 400 years, critical knowledge gaps still compromise the ability to assess the status of these species. On the basis of a review of 263 publications, a comparative synthesis of the biology and ecology of mobulids was conducted to examine their evolution, taxonomy, distribution, population trends, movements and aggregation, reproduction, growth and longevity, feeding, natural mortality and direct and indirect anthropogenic threats. There has been a marked increase in the number of published studies on mobulids since c. 1990, particularly for the genus Manta, although the genus Mobula remains poorly understood. Mobulid species have many common biological characteristics although their ecologies appear to be species-specific, and sometimes region-specific. Movement studies suggest that mobulids are highly mobile and have the potential to rapidly travel large distances. Fishing pressure is the major threat to many mobulid populations, with current levels of exploitation in target fisheries unlikely to be sustainable. Advances in the fields of population genetics, acoustic and satellite tracking, and stable-isotope and fatty-acid analyses will provide new insights into the biology and ecology of these species. Future research should focus on the uncertain taxonomy of mobulid species, the degree of overlap between their large-scale movement and human activities such as fisheries and pollution, and the need for management of inter-jurisdictional fisheries in developing nations to ensure their long-term sustainability. Closer collaboration among researchers worldwide is necessary to ensure standardized sampling and modelling methodologies to underpin global population estimates and status.


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A protocol was developed for short-term preservation and distribution of the plantation eucalypt, Corymbia torelliana × C. citriodora, using alginate-encapsulated shoot tips and nodes as synthetic seeds. Effects of sowing medium, auxin concentration, storage temperature and planting substrate on shoot regrowth or conversion into plantlets were assessed for four different clones. High frequencies of shoot regrowth (76–100%) from encapsulated explants were consistently obtained in hormone-free half- and full-strength Murashige and Skoog (MS) sowing media. Conversion into plantlets from synthetic seeds was achieved on half-strength MS medium by treating shoot tips or nodes with 4.9–78.4 μM IBA prior to encapsulation. Pre-treatment with 19.6 μM IBA provided 62–100% conversion, and 95–100% of plantlets survived after acclimatisation under nursery conditions. Synthetic seeds containing explants pre-treated with IBA were stored for 8 weeks much more effectively at 25°C than at 4°C, with regrowth frequencies of 50–84% at 25°C compared with 0–4% at 4°C. To eliminate the in vitro culture step after encapsulation, synthetic seeds were allowed to pre-convert before sowing directly onto a range of ex vitro non-sterile planting substrates. Highest frequencies (46–90%) of plantlet formation from pre-converted synthetic seeds were obtained by transferring shoot tip-derived synthetic seeds onto an organic compost substrate. These plantlets exhibited almost 100% survival in the nursery without mist irrigation. Pre-conversion of non-embryonic synthetic seeds is a novel technique that provides a convenient alternative to somatic embryo-derived artificial seeds.


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An important safety aspect to be considered when foods are enriched with phytosterols and phytostanols is the oxidative stability of these lipid compounds, i.e. their resistance to oxidation and thus to the formation of oxidation products. This study concentrated on producing scientific data to support this safety evaluation process. In the absence of an official method for analyzing of phytosterol/stanol oxidation products, we first developed a new gas chromatographic - mass spectrometric (GC-MS) method. We then investigated factors affecting these compounds' oxidative stability in lipid-based food models in order to identify critical conditions under which significant oxidation reactions may occur. Finally, the oxidative stability of phytosterols and stanols in enriched foods during processing and storage was evaluated. Enriched foods covered a range of commercially available phytosterol/stanol ingredients, different heat treatments during food processing, and different multiphase food structures. The GC-MS method was a powerful tool for measuring the oxidative stability. Data obtained in food model studies revealed that the critical factors for the formation and distribution of the main secondary oxidation products were sterol structure, reaction temperature, reaction time, and lipid matrix composition. Under all conditions studied, phytostanols as saturated compounds were more stable than unsaturated phytosterols. In addition, esterification made phytosterols more reactive than free sterols at low temperatures, while at high temperatures the situation was the reverse. Generally, oxidation reactions were more significant at temperatures above 100°C. At lower temperatures, the significance of these reactions increased with increasing reaction time. The effect of lipid matrix composition was dependent on temperature; at temperatures above 140°C, phytosterols were more stable in an unsaturated lipid matrix, whereas below 140°C they were more stable in a saturated lipid matrix. At 140°C, phytosterols oxidized at the same rate in both matrices. Regardless of temperature, phytostanols oxidized more in an unsaturated lipid matrix. Generally, the distribution of oxidation products seemed to be associated with the phase of overall oxidation. 7-ketophytosterols accumulated when oxidation had not yet reached the dynamic state. Once this state was attained, the major products were 5,6-epoxyphytosterols and 7-hydroxyphytosterols. The changes observed in phytostanol oxidation products were not as informative since all stanol oxides quantified represented hydroxyl compounds. The formation of these secondary oxidation products did not account for all of the phytosterol/stanol losses observed during the heating experiments, indicating the presence of dimeric, oligomeric or other oxidation products, especially when free phytosterols and stanols were heated at high temperatures. Commercially available phytosterol/stanol ingredients were stable during such food processes as spray-drying and ultra high temperature (UHT)-type heating and subsequent long-term storage. Pan-frying, however, induced phytosterol oxidation and was classified as a rather deteriorative process. Overall, the findings indicated that although phytosterols and stanols are stable in normal food processing conditions, attention should be paid to their use in frying. Complex interactions between other food constituents also suggested that when new phytosterol-enriched foods are developed their oxidative stability must first be established. The results presented here will assist in choosing safe conditions for phytosterol/stanol enrichment.


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Kangaroos ferment forage material in an enlarged forestomach analogous to the rumen, but in contrast to ruminants, they produce little or no methane. The objective of this study was to identify the dominant organisms and pathways involved in hydrogenotrophy in the kangaroo forestomach, with the broader aim of understanding how these processes are able to predominate over methanogenesis. Stable isotope analysis of fermentation end products and RNA stable isotope probing (RNA-SIP) were used to investigate the organisms and biochemical pathways involved in the metabolism of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the kangaroo forestomach. Our results clearly demonstrate that the activity of bacterial reductive acetogens is a key factor in the reduced methane output of kangaroos. In in vitro fermentations, the microbial community of the kangaroo foregut produced very little methane, but produced a significantly greater proportion of acetate derived from carbon dioxide than the microbial community of the bovine rumen. A bacterial operational taxonomic unit closely related to the known reductive acetogen Blautia coccoides was found to be associated with carbon dioxide and hydrogen metabolism in the kangaroo foregut. Other bacterial taxa including members of the genera Prevotella, Oscillibacter and Streptococcus that have not previously been reported as containing hydrogenotrophic organisms were also significantly associated with metabolism of hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the kangaroo forestomach.The ISME Journal advance online publication, 13 March 2014; doi:10.1038/ismej.2014.25.


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Stable 1,2-dihydroisoquinolines have been synthesized by an amide catalysed novel isomerization reaction of 5,6-dihydroisoquinolines.


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Puccinia psidii has long been considered a significant threat to Australian plant industries and ecosystems. In April 2010, P. psidii was detected for the first time in Australia on the central coast of New South Wales (NSW). The fungus spread rapidly along the east coast and in December 2010 was found in Queensland (Qld) followed by Victoria a year later. Puccinia psidii was initially restricted to the southeastern part of Qld but spread as far north as Mossman. In Qld, 48 species of Myrtaceae are considered highly or extremely susceptible to the disease. The impact of P. psidii on individual trees and shrubs has ranged from minor leaf spots, foliage, stem and branch dieback to reduced fecundity. Tree death, as a result of repeated infection, has been recorded for Rhodomyrtus psidioides. Rust infection has also been recorded on flower buds, flowers and fruits of 28 host species. Morphological and molecular characteristics were used to confirm the identification of P. psidii from a range of Myrtaceae in Qld and compared with isolates from NSW and overseas. A reconstructed phylogeny based on the LSU and SSU regions of rDNA did not resolve the familial placement of P. psidii, but indicated that it does not belong to the Pucciniaceae. Uredo rangelii was found to be con-specific with all isolates of P. psidii in morphology, ITS and LSU sequence data, and host range.


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This research studied distributed computing of all-to-all comparison problems with big data sets. The thesis formalised the problem, and developed a high-performance and scalable computing framework with a programming model, data distribution strategies and task scheduling policies to solve the problem. The study considered storage usage, data locality and load balancing for performance improvement in solving the problem. The research outcomes can be applied in bioinformatics, biometrics and data mining and other domains in which all-to-all comparisons are a typical computing pattern.


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In view of the important need to generate well-dispersed inorganic nanostructures in various solvents, we have explored the dispersion of nanostructures of metal oxides such as TiO2, Fe3O4 and ZnO in solvents of differing polarity in the presence of several surfactants. The solvents used are water, dimethylformamide (DMF) and toluene. The surfactant-solvent combinations yielding the best dispersions are reported alongwith some of the characteristics of the nanostructures in the dispersions. The surfactants which dispersed TiO2 nanowires in water were polyethylene oxide (PEO), Triton X-100 (TX-100), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and sodium bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulphosuccinate (AOT). TiO2 nanoparticles could also be dispersed with AOT and PEO in water, and with AOT in toluene. In DMF, PVA, PEO and TX-100 were found to be effective, while in toluene, only AOT gave good dispersions. Fe3O4 nanoparticles were held for long periods of time in water by PEO, AOT, PVA and polyethylene glycol (PEG), and by AOT in toluene. In the case of ZnO nanowires, the best surfactant-solvent combinations were found to be, PEO, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SIDS) and AOT in water and AOT, PEG, PVA, PEO and TX-100 in DMF In toluene, stable dispersions of ZnO nanowires were obtained with PEO. We have also been able to disperse oxide nanostructures in non-polar solvents by employing a hydrophobic silane coating on the surface.


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Formal charge distributions in, and the electric dipole moments of, a few simple organogermanium compounds have been evaluated by the method of R. P. Smith et al. [J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 73(1951) 2263]. The difference between the experimental and calculated moments in the case of alkylhalogermanes is explained in terms of the pπ—dπ back bonding effect outweighing the electron releasing effect. In unsaturated compounds, the differences are attributed to possible mesmeric effects involving the expansion of the germanium valence shell.