953 resultados para Soil physical quality


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Studies were conducted to evaluate the quality of hilsa fish during icing and freezing storage at -20°C by determining organoleptic and bacteriological aspects. The fishes stored in ice were organoleptically in acceptable condition 2 for 20 days. The bacterial load in muscles of 4 days ice stored fish was 2.5x10² CFU/g which gradually increased up to 1.8x10⁵ CFU/g after 20 days when the fishes were organoleptically in acceptable condition. The keeping qualities of different days of ice stored fishes were also evaluated during their subsequent frozen storage at -20°C. Both 4 and 7 days of ice stored fishes were organoleptically in acceptable condition up to 48 weeks but the highest degree of freshness was found for fish stored in ice for 4 days before freezing at -20°C. The result indicates that the longer is the duration of ice storage before freezing, the shorter is the shelf life of the fish. The initial bacterial load prior to freezing of the 4 and 7 days of ice stored samples were 2.5x10³ CFU/g and 3.8x10⁴ CFU/g, respectively which reduced to 2.21x10² CFU/g and 2.38x10² CFU/g, respectively at the end of the 24 weeks of frozen storage. However, after 40 weeks the bacterial load in the frozen stored sample fell below the detection level.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the quality aspects of eight exportable dried fishery products of Bangladesh. The products were evaluated by examining organoleptic properties, water reconstitution behavior, microbiological and biochemical aspects. The water reconstitution rate was faster in ribbon fish and Bombay duck, and slower in other fishes and air bladder and shark fin products. Organoleptic and physical characteristics in respect of color, odor, texture, insect infestation and broken pieces of the products revealed that all of the products were either in excellent or acceptable condition. Total viable bacterial load ranged from 0.95 x 104 CFU/g to 1.8 x 104 CFU/g in dried products. Coliform bacteria was absent in all the dried fishery products. The results of moisture, crude protein, lipid and ash content of the products ranged from 16.20 to 23.51%, 58.37 to 82.86%, 0.17 to 14.44% and 0.58 to 9.23%, respectively. Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) contents were in the range of 0.104 to 2.372% and the pepsin digestibility values were of 88.41 to 94.23%. The results of the study suggested that the exportable dried products were of good quality and hygienically safe.


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On-farm research on enhancement of P. monodon production through water quality management was carried out in five ghers of Paikgacha, Khulna. Based on the prevailing condition of the ghers, lime in the form of CaCO(sub 3), urea and TSP were used as the major inputs to minimize the soil-water acidity and to ensure the availability of natural food particles in the water bodies. Exchange of water at required level also practiced for the qualitative improvement of culture water. Ghers of varying sizes showed that water quality management and fertilization have a positive impact on production performance of P. monodon (61.59% increment) that yielded an average production of 385.43 kg/ha/crop against the present traditional rate of 238.50 kg/ha/year.


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This report gives the baseline information specifically on water quality (physical/chemical, nutrient and phytoplankton biomass status) of the open part of the lake, a river flowing into the lake and a lagoon, within Butiaba-Wanseko area. Oil and gas exploration in the Albertine Graben are on-going activities by Tullow Oil Plc, and Heritage Oil and Gas (Heritage). Part of the activities involve 2-D TZ seismic surveys in exploration area Block 2 (Butiaba-Wanseko area) in Buliisa District. A study of the transition zone (basically along the shoreline was undertaken by National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI) on behalf of Environmental Assessment Consult Ltd (EACL) during September 2007. A major objective of the study was to carry out a baseline survey of the fisheries and water quality of the lake shore between Wanseko and Butiaba prior to the proposed 2-D Seisimic investigation.


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Previous research into the behaviour of piled foundations in laterally-spreading soil deposits has concentrated on pile groups that carry small or negligible axial loads. This paper presents dynamic centrifuge test results for 2 x 2 pile groups with bending and geometric properties similar to real 0.5 m diameter tubular steel and solid circular reinforced-concrete field piles. Axial loads applied represented upper-bounds on typical working loads. The simultaneous scaling of the relevant properties controlling both lateral and axial behaviour allows comparisons to be drawn regarding the particular mechanisms of failure that would dominate for each type of pile. Flexible reinforced-concrete piles which tend to carry lower loads were found to be dominated by lateral effects, while steel piles, which are much stiffer and usually carry greater loads are dominated by settlement considerations. © 2006 Taylor & Francis Group.


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The study was conducted on the present status of HACCP based quality management system of golda, Macrobrachium rosenbergii farms in Fulpur region of Mymensingh. Information was collected on general condition of farms, culture systems and post-harvest quality management. In almost all farms, there is no or inadequate infrastructure facilities such as, road access, electric supply, telecommunications, ice, feed storage facility, vehicle for golda transportation, washing and toilet facilities. The problems associated with sanitation and hygiene was: widespread use of cow dung, poultry manure and construction of open toilet within the vicinity of prawn culture pond. Different grades of commercially available and locally prepared feeds were used for golda culture in the pond. Golda post-larvae (PL) of 40-50 days old were stocked with carp species. The price of golda PL ranged from Tk. 1.00 to Tk. 1.25/piece. The pond size varied from 50 decimal (0.2 ha) to 2.5 acre (1.0 ha) with an average depth of 2-2.5 m. The culture period of golda varied from April-May to November-December and survival rate ranged between 75 and 80%. Production of golda varied from 250-500 kg/acre (625-1,250 kg/ha). Harvested golda were transported to city market within 4 h. Two size grading were generally followed during pricing, e.g. Tk. 500 to 550/kg for >100 g size and Tk. 300/kg for <100 g size. The cost-benefit ratio was found to remain around 1:1.25 depending on availability of PL. Water quality parameters such as, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, total alkalinity and chlorophyll a in five golda farms in Fulpur region were monitored. Water temperature ranged from 29°C to 33°C, dissolved oxygen from 2.28 to 4.13 mg/l, pH between 6.65 and 7.94, alkalinity from 44 to 70 mg/l and chlorophyll a concentration from 61.88 to 102.34 µg/l in the five investigated ponds. The Aerobic Plate Count (APC) of the water sample was within the range of 2.0x10^6 - 2.96x10^7 CFU/ml and of soil samples within the range of 6.9x10^6 - 7.73x10^6 CFU/g. Streptococcus sp., Bacillus sp., Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Salmonella sp. were isolated from pond water and sediment. Different feed samples used for golda was analyzed for proximate composition. Moisture content ranged around 14.14-21.22%, crude protein 20.55-44.1%, lipid 4.67-12.54% and ash 9.7-27.69%. The TVB-N values and peroxide values of feeds used as starter, grower and fish meal were found within the acceptable ranges and samples were free from pathogenic organisms. A training was organized for the golda farmers on HACCP, water quality and post-harvest quality management of prawn.


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A total of 45 ponds used for fish polyculture were investigated in three zones of Bangladesh to identify the differences among the zones in respect to aqua-ecology, culture practices, fish productivity and health management. Four hundred and fifty fish from three zones were clinically examined by naked eye and histopathology. Out of total number of fish examined, 45 fish from Dhaka zones were examined for parasites and bacteria in addition to histopathology. Faded and haemorrhagic gill, skin, fin, scale loss and lesions were observed during fish examination. Aeromonas spp. Pseudomonas spp. and Streptococcus spp. were isolated respectively from 56%, 46% and 39% affected fish. Among the five water quality parameters analyzed, the highest average hardness and alkalinity respectively were recorded in Rajshahi (156 ppm and 142 ppm) followed by Dhaka (146 ppm and 132 ppm) and Chittagong (81 ppm and 90 ppm). The highest average pH was recorded in Mymensingh (7.52) followed by Rajshahi (7.13) and Chittagong (7.05). Water holding capacity of soil in Rajshahi zone was poor compared to other zones and farmers were found to be reluctant to fish farming.


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The physical and chemical compositions of the raw materials received and the composition and nutritive values of the finished products in a commercial size fish meal plant employing the dry rendering process were studied and reported in this paper.


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Fish sausages are finely ground fish flesh, either of a single species or mixed, homogenised with starch, sugar, fat, spices and preservatives, generally filled in cylindrical synthetic or natural casings and pasteurised. Similar products containing small pieces of quality fish and lard are termed "fish ham". They are highly relished products in Japan, annual consumption exceeding 2 lakh tones. Preliminary studies have shown that they can catch a lucrative market in our country. However, being a pasteurised product which is often consumed as such without any further cooking, strict quality control measures have to be enforced so as to avoid food poisoning hazards. Besides physical characteristics like absence of damages, pin-holes, curliness and air pockets as well as jelly strength, texture and flavour, chemical characteristics like pH and acid values, moisture, carbohydrate and fat contents and volatile bases have to be assessed. A very important test that has to be carried out along with the above, before passing a lot for free distribution is the bacteriological examination to avoid the presence of pathogenic organisms.


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Changes in physical, organoleptic and biochemical characteristics of phosphate treated prawns and frog legs during storage have been studied in detail by Mathen and Pillai, (1970). Adoption of the recommended method by the industry in the freezing of prawns made it necessary to assess the influence of such treatment on the bacterial quality. This aspect assumes more importance in view of the proposed compulsory bacterial standards for raw frozen prawns. This note gives an account of the results on the influence of phosphate treatment on bacterial quality of raw frozen shrimp meat.


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The differences between the white and red (dark) meat of tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) in chemical, physical and organoleptic aspects and the rate and pattern of spoilage during freezing and subsequent storage are discussed in this communication. In the indices studied distinct difference is seen between the white and red meat as well as in the head, middle and tail portions of the same fish. The characteristic colour of tuna meat is due to the presence of haemoglobin and myoglobin, the concentrations of which are about 5 times more in red meat than in white meat. The shelf-life of the frozen material varies with the type of the pack, that is, whole fish>chunks>fillets; the fillets being adversely affected during frozen storage.


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Quality of boxed cod and haddock was compared with that of penned fish in terms of organoleptic grading, trimethylamine values, Intelectron Fish Tester readings and fish and fillet yield. Boxed fish showed a higher percentage of grade one fish than penned fish. TMA values, however, did not differ greatly. There was less physical damage due to squeezing with boxed fish and consequently a greater yield of landed round fish and fillets.


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An experimental procedure along with a method of analysis to judge the suitability of an individual to be included in a taste panel is described. The procedure is based on comparison of the organoleptic scores assigned by the individual to pairs of fish samples whose qualities are known and a set of physical measurements of the same samples. Fisher's Exact Probability Test provides a criterion for the judgement.


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A simple and effective method is suggested to improve the quality and shelf-life of commercial whole dried thelly prawns (Metapenaeus dobsoni). Treatment of whole prawns in 10% brine containing 0.1% citric acid for 20 min followed by drying in sun yield a product having good physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics. Retardation of fungal incidence, reduction in total volatile nitrogen (TVBN) and improvement in flavour are some of the advantages of the treatment. The treated product has a shelf-life around 30 weeks compared to 20 weeks for untreated control and 7 weeks for commercial sample.