896 resultados para Social dialectology : in honour of Peter Trudgill
Chagas disease was an important medical and social problem in almost all of Latin America throughout the twentieth century. It has been combated over a broad swath of this continent over recent decades, with very satisfactory results in terms of vector and transfusional transmission. Today, a surveillance stage still remains to be consolidated, in parallel with appropriate care required for some millions of infected individuals who are today living in endemic and non-endemic areas. Contradictorily, the good results attained have generated excessive optimism and even disregard among health authorities, in relation to this disease and its control. The loss of visibility and priority may be a logical consequence, particularly in Latin American healthcare systems that are still disorganized and overburdened due to insufficiencies of financial and human resources. Consolidation of the victories against Chagas disease is attainable but depends on political will and continual attention from the most consequential protagonists in this struggle, especially the Latin American scientific community.
INTRODUCTION: The fishes of continental Brazil have socioeconomic importance due to their potential for sport fishing and commercial and subsistence uses, as seen in the Upper Paraguay River Basin, particularly in the municipalities of the Pantanal region, where it is the second largest economic activity. Injuries caused in professional fishermen are common and poorly studied, as in other regions of the country. METHODS: Data were obtained from questionnaires and interviews with 100 professional fishermen, 50 in each municipality, between December 2008 and October 2009. RESULTS: All the fishermen reported some kind of injury caused by fish stings (78% of injuries) and fish, alligator and snake bites (22%) on the hands (46% of cases) and feet (35% of cases). Most of the patients had mild symptoms. The most severe cases were associated with secondary bacterial infections and required specific treatment and prolonged recovery associated with social and economic losses. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that the stressful work conditions, inattention to basic preventive measures and carelessness were factors that contributed to accidents and that the toxicity and ability to inflict mechanical trauma of some aquatic species, plus the ineffective use of first aid and hospital treatment, contributed to the high morbidity and complications in many cases. Data from this study are relevant to the fishing communities of the Pantanal region, since they reveal high rates of accidents, lack of knowledge concerning first aid, initial treatment, injury prevention and lack of medical follow-up of the population.
Assessing the community needs of mental health residential care service users in Republic of Moldova
RESUMO: Background: Problemas de saúde mental são um grande problema clínico e social na República da Moldávia, representando uma quota significante de deficiência, sendo classificada no top cinco das dez linhas na hierarquia das condições. A taxa de incidência tem sido crescente na República da Moldávia, atingindo cerca de 15.000 por ano (14,655 em 2011), ou seja, 411,4 por 100 mil habitantes, e uma taxa de prevalência de 97.525 pessoas em 2011, ou seja, 2,737.9 por 100 mil habitantes. Sistema de atendimento psiquiátrico fornece serviços de saúde mental escassos a nível da comunidade, visando principalmente terapia hospitalar, centralizada, através de uma rede de três hospitais psiquiátricos, com 1.860 camas e 4 sanatórios psico- neurológicos com 1890 camas, assim alimentando-se a estigmatização do paciente. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação das necessidades individuais dos beneficiários e do seu nível de autonomia dentro de cuidados residenciais, para o planeamento de reformas de saúde mental e desinstitucionalização na República da Moldávia. Este estudo foi encomendado pelo Ministério do Trabalho, Proteção Social e da Família e pelo Ministério da Saúde, com o apoio da Organização Mundial da Saúde, para determinar o cumprimento eficaz do artigo 19 da Convenção da ONU. O estudo tem os seguintes objetivos: Avaliar o nível de autonomia dos residentes nos hospitais psiquiátricos e sanatórios psico-neurológico, usando uma amostra representativa de 10 por ce nto do número total de pacientes/residentes e comparação cruzada; Para avaliar quatro sanatórios psico-neurológicos para adultos e três hospitais psiquiátricos; Para desenvolver recomendações para o planeamento da desinstitucionalização das pessoas com problemas de saúde mental e colocação na comunidade com base nos resultados do estudo. Metodologia e resultados: O estudo fez uso de duas ferramentas globais: questionário para a avaliação individual dos residentes do estabelecimento de saúde mental, e questionário de avaliação institucional. Todos os entrevistados foram divididos em quatro categorias conforme com o grau de dependência e preparação de viver de forma independente na comunidade. Apenas 1,2% dos entrevistados de PNHB eram totalmente dependentes de terceiros ou serviços especializados, tornando-se a categoria 4, que necessitam de cuidados e apoio contínuo. No PH esta categoria de pessoas é ausente. Conclusões: A condição dos entrevistados foi pior em PNBH que em PH. No entanto, ainda, aqueles que estão prontos para ser desinstitucionalizados correspondem com a maior parte dos entrevistados. Todos os hospitais tinham o consentimento do utente para admissão e tratamento, enquanto não houve consentimento qualquer em PNBH. É bastante óbvio que tanto os hospitais como também a sistema de assistência residencial não atingem a sua finalidade, o que significa que a maioria dos utentes pode ser desinstitucionalizados, sem qualquer terapia de suporte.------------------ABSTRACT: Background: Mental health problems are a major clinical and social issue in the Republic of Moldova,accounting for a significant share of disability and ranking in top five of the ten lines in the hierarchy of conditions. The incidence rate has been growing in the Republic of Moldova to reach approximately 15 thousand a year (14,655 in 2011), i.e. 411.4 per 100 thousand population, and a prevalence rate of 97,525 thousand people in 2011, i.e. 2,737.9 per 100 thousand population. Psychiatric care system provides for scanty mental health services at community level, aiming mainly at centralized hospital-based therapy through a network of three psychiatric hospitals tallying up 1,860 beds and 4 psycho-neurological boarding houses with 1,890 beds, thus fuelling up patient stigmatization. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the individual needs of beneficiaries and their level of autonomy within residential care for the planning of mental health system reforms and deinstitutionalization in the Republic of Moldova. This study was commissioned by the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family and by the Ministry of Health, with the World Health Organization support, to provide for effective enforcement of article 19 of the UN CRPD. The study pursued the following goals: To evaluate the level of autonomy of the psychiatric hospital and psycho-neurological boarding house residents by using a representative sample of 10 per cent of the total number of patients / residents and cross-comparison; To evaluate four psycho-neurological boarding houses for adults and three psychiatric hospitals; To develop recommendations for planning the deinstitutionalization of people with mental health problems and community placement based on the study findings.Methodology and results: The study made use of two global tools: questionnaire for individual assessment of mental health facility residents, and institutional assessment questionnaire. All interviewees were divided into four categories by one’s degree of dependence and readiness to live independently in the community. Only 1.2% of respondents from PNHB were fully dependent on a third party or specialized services, making up category 4, requiring continuous care and support. In PH this category of people is absent.Conclusions: The condition of respondents was worse in PNBH than in PH. However, yet, those ready to be deinstitutionalized accounted for most of respondents there. All hospitals had the resident’s consent to admission and treatment, whereas there was no consent in PNBH whatsoever. It is quite obvious that both the hospitals and residential care system do not achieve their intended purpose, meaning that the majority of residents may be deinstitutionalized without any support therapy.
INTRODUCTION: Leptospirosis is an infectious disease caused by microorganisms of the genus Leptospira that affects several species of animals, including the human beings. The study described the confirmed cases of leptospirosis in Manaus, from 2000 to 2010. METHODS: A descriptive study based on secondary data analysis of Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (SEMSA), Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação SINAN and Sistema de Informação sobre Mortalidade (SIM) analyzing the variables: age group, gender, clinical aspects and geographic area and lethality. RESULTS: Were reported 665 cases of leptospirosis, 339 were confirmed and 35 (10.3%) died. The largest number of cases occurred in May (16.8%), March (13.3%) and April (11.4%), a period of intense rainfall. The city areas with the greatest occurrence of the disease were South (26.6%), West (23.5%) and East (19.7%), areas of the greatest precariousness socio-environment. The largest number of cases, including deaths, occurred in the age group from 14 to 44.9 years (74%), being that 291 (85.8%) were male and 48 (14.1%) females. The most frequent symptoms were fever, myalgia, headache and jaundice. In relation to the social conditions were identified low education, poor housing, absence of sanitation and low income. CONCLUSIONS: In Manaus, despite the implementation of the Social and Environmental Program of Igarapés of Manaus (PROSAMIM), there are still areas that need a proper urbanization and improvements in socio-environmental conditions, reducing the level of exposure of the human beings that living in these locations.
Introduction In addition to the common alterations and diseases inherent in the aging process, elderly persons with a history of leprosy are particularly vulnerable to dependence because of disease-related impairments. Objective determine whether physical impairment from leprosy is associated with dependence among the elderly. Methods An analytical cross-sectional study of elderly individuals with a history of leprosy and no signs of cognitive impairment was conducted using a database from a former leprosy colony-hospital. The patients were evaluated for dependence in the basic activities of daily living (BADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), respectively) and subjected to standard leprosy physical disability grading. Subsequently, descriptive and univariate analyses were conducted, the latter using Pearson's chi-squared test. Results A total of 186 elderly persons were included in the study. Of these individuals, 53.8% were women, 49.5% were older than 75 years of age, 93% had four or less years of formal education, 24.2% lived in an institution for the long-term care of the elderly (ILTC), and 18.3% had lower limb amputations. Among those evaluated, 79.8% had visible physical impairments from leprosy (grade 2), 83.3% were independent in BADL, and 10.2% were independent in IADL. There was a higher impairment grade among those patients who were IADL dependent (p=0.038). Conclusion s: The leprosy physical impairment grade is associated with dependence for IADL, creating the need for greater social support and systematic monitoring by a multidisciplinary team. The results highlight the importance of early diagnosis and treatment of leprosy to prevent physical impairment and dependence in later years.
PURPOSE: To find out the prevalence of hypertension in employees of the Hospital and relate it to social demographic variables. METHODS: Blood pressure measurement was performed with a mercury sphygmomanometer, using an appropriate cuff size for arm circumference, weight, and height in a population sample of 864 individuals out of the 9,905 employees of a University General Hospital stratified by gender, age, and job position. RESULTS: Hypertension prevalence was 26% (62% of these reported being aware of their hypertension and 38% were unaware but had systolic/diastolic blood pressures of >140 and/or >90 mm Hg at the moment of the measurement). Of those who were aware of having hypertension, 51% were found to be hypertensive at the moment of the measurement. The prevalence was found to be 17%, 23%, and 29% (P <.05) in physicians, nursing staff, and "others", respectively. The univariate analysis showed a significant odds ratio for the male gender, age >50 years, work unit being the Institute of Radiology and the Administration Building, educational level
This book was produced in the scope of a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media in Schoolchildren”. This study was conducted between May 2010 and May 2013 at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, Portugal and it was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008).
(Excerto) In times past, learning to read, write and do arithmetic was to get on course to earn the “writ of emancipation” in society. These skills are still essential today, but are not enough to live in society. Reading and critically understanding the world we live in, with all its complexity, difficulties and challenges, require not only other skills (learning to search for and validate information, reading with new codes and grammar, etc) but, to a certain extent, also metaskills, matrixes and mechanisms that are transversal to the different and new literacies, are necessary. They are needed not just to interpret but equally to communicate and participate in the little worlds that make up our everyday activities as well as, in a broader sense, in the world of the polis, which today is a global world.
This book was produced in the scope of a research project entitled “Navigating with ‘Magalhães’: Study on the Impact of Digital Media in Schoolchildren”. This study was conducted between May 2010 and May 2013 at the Communication and Society Research Centre, University of Minho, Portugal and it was funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/CCI-COM/101381/2008). As we shall explain in more detail later in this book, the main objective of that research project was to analyse the impact of the Portuguese government programme named ´e-escolinha´ launched in 2008 within the Technological Plan for Education. This Plan responds to the principles of the Lisbon Strategy signed in 2000 and rereleased in the Spring European Council of 2005.
Objective: To review the literature on the effects of parental divorce over the psychological maladjustment and physical health problems in children of divorced parents, thus contributing to the integration of existing scientific knowledge based on the biopsychosocial model of the impact of divorce on children’s physical health as proposed by Troxel and Matthews (2004). Sources: Review of the literature using MEDLINE and PsycInfo (1980-2007) databases, selecting the most representative articles on the subject. Special attention was paid to contributions by internationally renowned investigators on the subject. Summary of the findings: Divorce may be responsible for a decline of physical and psychological health in children. The developmental maladjustment of children is not triggered by divorce itself, but rather by other risk factors associated with it, such as interparental conflict, parental psychopathology, decline in socio-economic level, inconsistency in parenting styles, a parallel and conflicting co-parenting relationship between parents and low levels of social support. Such risk factors trigger maladjusted developmental pathways, marked by psychopathological symptoms, poor academic performance, worst levels of physical health, risk behavior, exacerbated psychophysiological responses to stress and weakening of the immune system. Conclusions: Clear links were observed between experiencing parental divorce and facing problems of physical and psychological maladjustment in children. Divorce is a stressor that should be considered by health professionals as potentially responsible for maladjusted neuropsychobiological responses and for decline in children’s physical health.
En la investigación anterior -en la zona pampeana de la Provincia de Córdoba- se demostró teórica y empíricamente, que el desarrollo de la Sociedad Civil muchas veces libradas a su suerte y con limitaciones legales apoyan decididamente el desarrollo local, sin embargo han logrado solo parcialmente sus objetivos, por lo que es necesario comenzar un camino de fortalecimiento en los nuevos roles que deben asumir. Los gobiernos locales, a la vez, intentan trabajosamente con contados éxitos detener el procesos de descapitalización social -financiera y humana- de sus comunidades locales y regionales, peregrinando con escaso éxito a los centros concentrados del poder político y económico, para procurar los recursos financieros y humanos necesarios que no alcanzan a reponer los que se fugan desde hace décadas de sus localidades. Las empresas, con ciclos recurrentes de crecimiento y decrecimiento vinculados a los mercados en que colocan sus productos, también se debaten en la búsqueda de los escasos recursos, financieros y humanos, que les permitan consolidar un desarrollo a mediano y largo plazo. El desarrollo alcanzado en Sistemas de información, instrumentos de relevamiento, análisis y elaboración de propuestas para el Desarrollo Local, nos permite avanzar en: 1. La confirmación empírica de las hipótesis iniciales - factores exógenos y endógenos - en la zona Norte y Serrana de la provincia 2. La validación científica -mediante el Análisis de ecuaciones estructurales. de tales supuestos, para el conjunto de las poblaciones analizadas en ambas etapas. 3. La identificación de los problemas normativos que afectan el desarrollo de las Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil (OSC). METODOLOGÍA Respecto la validación empírica en la zona norte y serrana 1. Selección de las 4 localidades a relevar de acuerdo a las categorías definidas 2. Elaboración de acuerdos con autoridades e instituciones locales. 3. Relevamiento cualitativo con líderes locales y fuentes de datos secundarias. 4. Adaptación de instrumentos de relevamiento a las realidades locales y estudios previos 5. Relevamiento cuantitativo de campo, capacitación de encuestadores y supervisores. 6. Procesamiento y elaboración de informes finales locales. Respecto de la construcción de modelos de desarrollo 1. Desarrollar las dimensiones especificas y las variables (items) de cada factor crítico. 2. Revisar el instrumento con expertos de cada una de las dimensiones. 3. Validar a nivel exploratorio por medio de un Análisis de Componentes Principales 4. Someter a los expertos la evaluación de una serie de localidades que representan cada uno. Respecto de la identificación de las normas legales que afectan a la Sociedad Civil 1.Relevamiento documental de normas 2. Relevamiento con líderes de instituciones de la Sociedad Civil 3. Análisis de las normas vigentes 4. Elaboración de Informes Finales y Transferencia a líderes e instituciones
El proceso cultural en las Sierras de Córdoba fue habitualmente concebido como marginal con respecto al Noroeste Argentino. Tras el establecimiento del esquema básico de la secuencia prehispánica, a mediados del siglo pasado, se definió una etapa agroalfarera de cronología tardía, que continuaba a una extensa etapa precerámica cuyos límites se aproximaban a la transición Pleistoceno-Holoceno. Se hacía referencia, de este modo, al advenimiento de un modo de vida agrícola y aldeano, que reemplazaba a otro basado en la caza y recolección. Dicha transformación, alternativamente atribuida a la población cazadora local o a una migración de grupos agricultores desde regiones vecinas, se habría consumado hacia 1500 AP, fijando uno de los límites de la dispersión de la agricultura andina. Es necesario destacar la extremada escasez y el carácter indirecto de las evidencias arqueológicas utilizadas para sustentar la ocurrencia de tal proceso. Asimismo, la vigencia de supuestos que han comenzado a mostrar inconsistencias con los resultados de las recientes investigaciones. Entre ellos, principalmente, el que asume que la introducción de la agricultura dio paso a una transformación radical de las sociedades prehispánicas, constituyendo un hito fundamental en su devenir histórico, el comienzo de una nueva etapa. Nuestros últimos estudios en el sector central de las Sierras de Córdoba apuntaron, entre otros objetivos, a reconocer indicadores arqueológicos directos de producción agrícola, así como de la manipulación y consumo de plantas cultivadas. Los primeros resultados nos permiten vislumbrar un escenario complejo que desafía los modelos vigentes. El consumo de maíz, por ejemplo, parece haber antecedido por muchos siglos a la adopción de prácticas agrícolas. El acceso a este cultígeno, sumado a otros elementos, indicaría cambios entre los cazadores-recolectores serranos, promovidos por su integración en redes macrorregionales que los vincularon con sociedades agricultoras de la vertiente oriental andina y quizás del Chaco Santiagueño, por lo menos desde 2500 AP. En definitiva, la agricultura no parece haber sido adoptada rápidamente ni provocado transformaciones profundas e inmediatas en la organización de los grupos prehispánicos. Se ha observado, por el contrario, la incorporación gradual de distintas innovaciones que incluso permiten relacionar la manipulación y más tarde el cultivo de plantas domesticadas, con procesos de intensificación productiva de mayor escala temporal. Uno de nuestros objetivos en este proyecto consiste, básicamente, en profundizar las investigaciones en curso a fin de ampliar el cuerpo de datos con el cual analizar y discutir el problema de la dispersión agrícola en la región. Ello implica el tratamiento de diferentes líneas de evidencia, en particular: 1) la distribución regional de sitios arqueológicos y las modalidades de ocupación de las tierras cultivables; 2) la búsqueda de superficies de cultivo en sitios estratificados; y 3) estudios arqueobotánicos, polínicos y de isótopos estables. Se entiende que no le corresponde a la arqueología asumir apriorísticamente el significado histórico de la introducción de la agricultura, sino establecerlo en cada caso puntual a través de la investigación concreta. Nuestro segundo objetivo consiste, por lo tanto, en delinear los cambios (económicos, tecnológicos, políticos, sociales) que acompañaron al proceso de dispersión agrícola. Ello implica el tratamiento de diferentes problemas, entre otros: 1) las prácticas de apropiación de los recursos silvestres; 2) la continuidad y cambio tecnológico; 3) la movilidad y la articulación microambiental; y 4) los aspectos políticos y sociales ligados a prácticas como la molienda grupal y la producción del arte rupestre. The radical chage of societies from hunter-gatherers to farmers in 1500 BP was considered a milestone whitin the cultural process of pre-hispanic societies in Cordoba Hill. But there is a shortage of archaeological remains to support this change and there are weak hypotheses of absolute transformations. During the last years, our studies carried out on the central area of Cordoba Hill have tried to recognize direct archaeological signs of agriculture production as well as the handling and consumption of crops. The first results show a complex set that challenges the current theoretical models. For example, the corn was probably eatten prior to its adoption for farm practices. Our first main consists in increasing a corpus of data about the spread of agriculture in Cordoba region that we have been researching for the last years. These researches involve different lines of evidence: 1-regional location of archaeological sites and kinds of occupation on cultivable lands; 2-the search for plots at archaeological sites; 3-archaeobotanical, pollen and stable isotopes studies. Our second main consists in outlining changes within the spread of agriculture. It implies to considering different problems: 1-the practices to gatherer wild resources; 2-the continuity and changes of technologies; 3-the mobility and the articulation on the micro-environment; 4-political and social aspects in connection with activities such as groupal grinding and rock art productions.
Inscripto en el análisis del discurso interaccional de tradición angloamericana y optando por un abordaje metodológico etnográfico, este proyecto plantea investigar las relaciones entre textos orales y entre textos orales y escritos vinculados en cadenas textuales en un acontecimiento comunicativo institucional en el que tales relaciones tienen consecuencias directas en la confiabilidad de la información e intervienen en la construcción del conocimiento oficial. La situación comunicativa elegida es el examen y el contraexamen de testigos comunes durante procesos penales orales, de formato común no abreviado, en la jurisdicción de Córdoba capital. En las interacciones verbales con litigantes y jueces en las que emerge el testimonio se ponen en juego otros textos orales (en forma de citas de lo dicho antes por el mismo testigo u otras personas, referencias a rumores u opiniones colectivas, etc.) y textos escritos (actas de secuestro, informes periciales, actas de las declaraciones testimoniales en la etapa de instrucción, etc.). El foco de atención son las prácticas asociadas a la intertextualidad puesto que condicionan el carácter de la prueba testimonial producida ante el juzgador. Postulamos que los litigantes despliegan tácticas locales y estrategias globales reconocibles y recurrentes vinculadas al tratamiento de diversas categorías de textos previos. Además, planteamos averiguar si la participación de los jueces en interacción con los testigos es de suficiente injerencia como para ser un modo importante de generación de prueba testimonial. El enfoque metodológico general es etnográfico y analíticodiscursivo. Se seleccionará una causa por delito grave, se presenciará el debate en la cámara y se registrará el audio de todas las audiencias. Los datos a analizar serán los segmentos en las interacciones en los que se incorpora la lectura o se cita las actas de las declaraciones indagatorias o testimoniales anteriores, y los segmentos en los que se requiere, en calidad de prueba testimonial, la reproducción de dichos. Se procederá a partir de los detalles de la superficie textual y la pragmática de los intercambios y aprovechando el valor heurístico del concepto de voz, buscando identificar patrones recurrentes y los mecanismos generales que los rigen. Sobre esa base, se considerarán los intercambios verbales como interacción social que emerge moldeada por condiciones situacionales e institucionales y otros factores, tales como la incidencia de la pertenencia a grupos sociales o profesionales. Con el estudio se obtendrá una visión de prácticas cotidianas asociadas a la intertextualidad que son de crucial importancia para el carácter de la prueba testimonial producida ante el juzgador. Este paso nos acercará a conocer cómo se lleva a cabo efectivamente la administración de justicia penal y permitirá valorar los patrones de conducta a la luz de las normas procesales. In line with the Anglo-American tradition of situated discourse analysis, this project aims at tracing the links between oral texts and between oral and written texts related in textual chains which are present in an institutional event in which such relations have a direct consequence on the reliability of the information given and have an impact on the construction of what counts as official knowledge. The communicative situation under study is that of the direct and cross-examination of lay witnesses during a criminal trial in the city of Córdoba. During the face-to-face interactions between trial lawyers and judges in which the testimony takes place, other oral texts and written texts get incorporated. The focus of this research is centered on practices of intertextuality as they condition the nature of the oral evidence produced. It is argued that trial lawyers use recurrent local tactics and global strategies that are related to the treatment given to different categories of previous texts. Another aim of this study is to examine if judge’s interventions have an impact on the generation of the oral evidence. The data will come from a criminal trial that will be audio-taped in its entirety. Ethnographic observations of a criminal trial will be made. The focus of analysis will be on segments of interactions in which previous texts are read aloud or incorporated as quotes. After carrying out a detailed analysis of the surface of texts and the pragmatics of the exchanges, recurrent patterns and the general mechanisms that condition their emergence will be described. In this way, verbal exchanges will be considered social interactions that unfold conditioned by situational, institutional and social factors. This study will examine the relationship between intertextuality and the institutional practice of providing oral evidence. This will help understand how justice is actually administered and how patterns of behavior are valued according to institutional norms.
The purpose of this article is to introduce a Cartesian product structure into the social choice theoretical framework and to examine if new possibility results to Gibbard's and Sen's paradoxes can be developed thanks to it. We believe that a Cartesian product structure is a pertinent way to describe individual rights in the social choice theory since it discriminates the personal features comprised in each social state. First we define some conceptual and formal tools related to the Cartesian product structure. We then apply these notions to Gibbard's paradox and to Sen's impossibility of a Paretian liberal. Finally we compare the advantages of our approach to other solutions proposed in the literature for both impossibility theorems.