791 resultados para Shoulder Harnesses.


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Objetivou-se estudar as características quantitativas da carcaça de 36 bubalinos (12 Murrah 12 Jafarabadi e 12 Mediterrâneo), com idade média de 18 meses e peso vivo inicial de 330 kg, terminados em confinamento. Os 12 animais de cada grupo genético foram divididos aleatoriamente em três subgrupos de quatro animais e submetidos aos seguintes tratamentos: Maturidade 1: 400 kg PV ao abate; Maturidade 2: 450 kg PV ao abate; Maturidade 3: 500 kg PV ao abate. Durante o experimento, uma ração única, em que 50% da MS foi composta por volumoso, foi fornecida, ad libitum, para todos os animais. Após os abates pré-fixados, determinou-se o peso corporal vazio (PCVZ) dos animais pelo somatório das partes integrantes do corpo. Não houve diferença entre grupos genéticos e maturidades, em relação à porcentagem dos cortes dianteiro, paleta, traseiro total e alcatra completa. O rendimento de traseiro especial foi maior nos animais abatidos aos 400 kg PV e menor naqueles com 500 kg PV, enquanto o dos animais com 450 kg PV não diferiu dos demais. O rendimento de ponta-de-agulha, por sua vez, foi maior nos animais com 500 kg PV e menor nos com 400 kg PV. Os valores observados nesses dois pesos de abate não diferiram do obtido nos animais com 450 kg. A produção de carne a partir das raças Murrah, Jafarabadi e Mediterrâneo criadas no Brasil não difere quanto aos rendimentos de carcaça, traseiro, dianteiro e dos principais cortes básicos de interesse comercial.


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A injecção de Zamak em Portugal é uma actividade corrente, sendo usada na produção de inúmeras peças de pequena dimensão, nomeadamente em acessórios de vestuário, no fabrico de cablagens metálicas para a indústria automóvel, no fabrico de placas indicativas de marcas nos mais diversos produtos, entre muitas outras aplicações. Quando a quantidade de Zamak injectada em cada ciclo é relativamente baixa, o tempo que demora a consumir um lingote é bastante longo, pelo que não se justifica que o forno esteja equipado com um sistema de alimentação automática de lingotes. No entanto, quando as peças injectadas possuem uma maior massa ou o número de cavidades por molde é maior, um lingote pode ser consumido num período de tempo suficientemente curto para ser necessário um operário permanentemente atento à alimentação do forno. Neste caso, justifica-se a inclusão de um sistema automático que vá descarregando lingotes à medida que aquele que está a abastecer o forno é consumido. O presente trabalho foi elaborado com base na necessidade de uma empresa fabricante de máquinas para a injecção de Zamak, a qual pretendia dotar alguns dos seus modelos com este sistema, indo de encontro às necessidades dos seus clientes e ampliando a gama de acessórios que passa a poder disponibilizar em torno de cada equipamento.


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Ɣ-ray bursts (GRBs) are the Universe's most luminous transient events. Since the discovery of GRBs was announced in 1973, efforts have been ongoing to obtain data over a broader range of the electromagnetic spectrum at the earliest possible times following the initial detection. The discovery of the theorized ``afterglow'' emission in radio through X-ray bands in the late 1990s confirmed the cosmological nature of these events. At present, GRB afterglows are among the best probes of the early Universe (z ≳ 9). In addition to informing theories about GRBs themselves, observations of afterglows probe the circum-burst medium (CBM), properties of the host galaxies and the progress of cosmic reionization. To explore the early-time variability of afterglows, I have developed a generalized analysis framework which models near-infrared (NIR), optical, ultra-violet (UV) and X-ray light curves without assuming an underlying model. These fits are then used to construct the spectral energy distribution (SED) of afterglows at arbitrary times within the observed window. Physical models are then used to explore the evolution of the SED parameter space with time. I demonstrate that this framework produces evidence of the photodestruction of dust in the CBM of GRB 120119A, similar to the findings from a previous study of this afterglow. The framework is additionally applied to the afterglows of GRB 140419A and GRB 080607. In these cases the evolution of the SEDs appears consistent with the standard fireball model. Having introduced the scientific motivations for early-time observations, I introduce the Rapid Infrared Imager-Spectrometer (RIMAS). Once commissioned on the 4.3 meter Discovery Channel Telescope (DCT), RIMAS will be used to study the afterglows of GRBs through photometric and spectroscopic observations beginning within minutes of the initial burst. The instrument will operate in the NIR, from 0.97 μm to 2.37 μm, permitting the detection of very high redshift (z ≳ 7) afterglows which are attenuated at shorter wavelengths by Lyman-ɑ absorption in the intergalactic medium (IGM). A majority of my graduate work has been spent designing and aligning RIMAS's cryogenic (~80 K) optical systems. Design efforts have included an original camera used to image the field surrounding spectroscopic slits, tolerancing and optimizing all of the instrument's optics, thermal modeling of optomechanical systems, and modeling the diffraction efficiencies for some of the dispersive elements. To align the cryogenic optics, I developed a procedure that was successfully used for a majority of the instrument's sub-assemblies. My work on this cryogenic instrument has necessitated experimental and computational projects to design and validate designs of several subsystems. Two of these projects describe simple and effective measurements of optomechanical components in vacuum and at cryogenic temperatures using an 8-bit CCD camera. Models of heat transfer via electrical harnesses used to provide current to motors located within the cryostat are also presented.


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Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation (RAR) is relevant for treating patients affected by nervous system injuries (e.g., stroke and spinal cord injury) -- The accurate estimation of the joint angles of the patient limbs in RAR is critical to assess the patient improvement -- The economical prevalent method to estimate the patient posture in Exoskeleton-based RAR is to approximate the limb joint angles with the ones of the Exoskeleton -- This approximation is rough since their kinematic structures differ -- Motion capture systems (MOCAPs) can improve the estimations, at the expenses of a considerable overload of the therapy setup -- Alternatively, the Extended Inverse Kinematics Posture Estimation (EIKPE) computational method models the limb and Exoskeleton as differing parallel kinematic chains -- EIKPE has been tested with single DOFmovements of the wrist and elbow joints -- This paper presents the assessment of EIKPEwith elbow-shoulder compoundmovements (i.e., object prehension) -- Ground-truth for estimation assessment is obtained from an optical MOCAP (not intended for the treatment stage) -- The assessment shows EIKPE rendering a good numerical approximation of the actual posture during the compoundmovement execution, especially for the shoulder joint angles -- This work opens the horizon for clinical studies with patient groups, Exoskeleton models, and movements types --


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Persistent daily congestion has been increasing in recent years, particularly along major corridors during selected periods in the mornings and evenings. On certain segments, these roadways are often at or near capacity. However, a conventional Predefined control strategy did not fit the demands that changed over time, making it necessary to implement the various dynamical lane management strategies discussed in this thesis. Those strategies include hard shoulder running, reversible HOV lanes, dynamic tolls and variable speed limit. A mesoscopic agent-based DTA model is used to simulate different strategies and scenarios. From the analyses, all strategies aim to mitigate congestion in terms of the average speed and average density. The largest improvement can be found in hard shoulder running and reversible HOV lanes while the other two provide more stable traffic. In terms of average speed and travel time, hard shoulder running is the most congested strategy for I-270 to help relieve the traffic pressure.


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ANTECEDENTES: La luxación acromioclavicular es la lesión de hombro más prevalencia en quienes practican deportes de contacto, se relaciona con una alta tasa de accidentes de tránsito, por ello es importante conocer su prevalencia, factores de riesgo, para realizar un tratamiento adecuado. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Determinar la prevalencia de la luxación acromioclavicular y tratamientos en pacientes del Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga en el periodo enero 2010 a diciembre 2014. METODOLOGÍA: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, cuyo universo fueron las historias clínicas de pacientes que recibieron atención en el Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga entre enero del año 2010 hasta diciembre del 2014. Se recolectó la información de la base de datos (AS 400) en un formulario específico, el cual se analizó mediante el paquete estadístico SPSS 15.0 y Epi-Info 7, utilizando distribuciones de frecuencia y porcentajes. Los resultados se presentaron en gráficos, tablas simples y combinadas. USO DE RESULTADOS: De 120 pacientes con diagnóstico de luxación acromioclavicular se presentó una prevalencia de 3,7 casos por cada 1000 personas que se atendieron en emergencia del hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. Se incluyeron 86 casos en el estudio. Los hombres resultaron el grupo más afectado (91,9%). El tipo de luxación más frecuente fue el III (59,3%). La lesión que más asociada fue la fractura de clavícula (4,7%). El mecanismo de lesión directo (91,9%) fue el más prevalente. En 41.9 % de los casos la luxación se asoció con accidentes de tránsito


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Evaluation of human kinematic performance is essential in rehabilitation and skill assessment. These services are in high demand where the improvements made due to exercises need to be regularly assessed. In some relevant industries there is a need to evaluate their employee capabilities quantitatively for accident compensation and insurance purposes. In particular, these assessments are preferred to be based on more quantifiable measures in a standardized form ensuring accuracy, reliability, ease of use and anywhere anytime information to the clinician. Therefore, it is necessary to have an efficient mechanism for evaluation and assessment of human kinematic movements as the current motion matching and recognition algorithms fall short due to characteristically strict specifications required in numerous health care applications. In this paper, we propose a summative approach using a double integral to define a closeness between two trajectories typically generated by human movement. This approach can be considered as a spatial scoring mechanism in the evaluation of human kinematic performance as well as in movement recognition applications. Several experiments based on computer simulations as well as real data were set up to examine the performance of the proposed approach as a scoring mechanism for the evaluation of human kinematic performances. The results demonstrated better characterization of the movement assessment and motion recognition ability, with a recognition rate of 86.19%, than the currently used methods such as Gaussian mixture models and pose normalization employed in motion recognition tasks. Finally, we use the scoring mechanism to analyze the proximity in human kinematic performance.


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BACKGROUND:The classification of proximal humeral fractures remains challenging. The two main classification systems used, the Neer and the AO classification, have both been shown to have less than ideal interobserver agreement. Agreement in classification is required, however, to guide fracture management.

METHOD:Data from the Victorian Orthopaedic Trauma Outcomes Registry were collected and the X-rays of 104 proximal humeral fractures were reviewed by three orthopaedic consultants. They classified the fractures according to the Neer and AO classifications, as well as their simplified versions. Interobserver agreement was then assessed using kappa statistics.

RESULTS:Interobserver agreement was better overall in the Neer classification, which was moderate (kappa = 0.40-0.58), than the AO classification, which was fair to moderate (kappa = 0.31-0.54). When simplified, the Neer and AO classification interobserver agreement remained similar.

CONCLUSION:The classification of proximal humeral fractures with both the Neer and the AO systems remains difficult with minimal improvements seen when reducing the number of categories in each classification system. From these results, the Neer classification system would appear slightly more useful in clinical practice to guide treatment.


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création est accompagné du court métrage «Tala». Pour visionner en ligne : vimeo.com/ondemand/talapierphilippechevigny


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La déchirure de la coiffe des rotateurs est une des causes les plus fréquentes de douleur et de dysfonctionnement de l'épaule. La réparation chirurgicale est couramment réalisée chez les patients symptomatiques et de nombreux efforts ont été faits pour améliorer les techniques chirurgicales. Cependant, le taux de re-déchirure est encore élevé ce qui affecte les stratégies de réhabilitation post-opératoire. Les recommandations post-chirurgicales doivent trouver un équilibre optimal entre le repos total afin de protéger le tendon réparé et les activités préconisées afin de restaurer l'amplitude articulaire et la force musculaire. Après une réparation de la coiffe, l'épaule est le plus souvent immobilisée grâce à une écharpe ou une orthèse. Cependant, cette immobilisation limite aussi la mobilité du coude et du poignet. Cette période qui peut durer de 4 à 6 semaines où seuls des mouvements passifs peuvent être réalisés. Ensuite, les patients sont incités à réaliser les exercices actifs assistés et des exercices actifs dans toute la mobilité articulaire pour récupérer respectivement l’amplitude complète de mouvement actif et se préparer aux exercices de résistance réalisés dans la phase suivante de la réadaptation. L’analyse électromyographique des muscles de l'épaule a fourni des évidences scientifiques pour la recommandation de beaucoup d'exercices de réadaptation au cours de cette période. Les activités sollicitant les muscles de la coiffe des rotateurs à moins de 20% de leur activation maximale volontaire sont considérés sécuritaires pour les premières phases de la réhabilitation. À partir de ce concept, l'objectif de cette thèse a été d'évaluer des activités musculaires de l'épaule pendant des mouvements et exercices qui peuvent théoriquement être effectués au cours des premières phases de la réhabilitation. Les trois questions principales de cette thèse sont : 1) Est-ce que la mobilisation du coude et du poignet produisent une grande activité des muscles de la coiffe? 2) Est-ce que les exercices de renforcement musculaire du bras, de l’avant-bras et du torse produisent une grande activité dans les muscles de la coiffe? 3) Au cours d'élévations actives du bras, est-ce que le plan d'élévation affecte l'activité de la coiffe des rotateurs? Dans notre première étude, nous avons évalué 15 muscles de l'épaule chez 14 sujets sains par électromyographie de surface et intramusculaire. Nos résultats ont montré qu’avec une orthèse d’épaule, les mouvements du coude et du poignet et même quelques exercices de renforcement impliquant ces deux articulations, activent de manière sécuritaire les muscles de ii la coiffe. Nous avons également introduit des tâches de la vie quotidienne qui peuvent être effectuées en toute sécurité pendant la période d'immobilisation. Ces résultats peuvent aider à modifier la conception d'orthèses de l’épaule. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avons montré que l'adduction du bras réalisée contre une mousse à faible densité, positionnée pour remplacer le triangle d’une orthèse, produit des activations des muscles de la coiffe sécuritaires. Dans notre troisième étude, nous avons évalué l'électromyographie des muscles de l’épaule pendant les tâches d'élévation du bras chez 8 patients symptomatiques avec la déchirure de coiffe des rotateurs. Nous avons constaté que l'activité du supra-épineux était significativement plus élevée pendant l’abduction que pendant la scaption et la flexion. Ce résultat suggère une séquence de plan d’élévation active pendant la rééducation. Les résultats présentés dans cette thèse, suggèrent quelques modifications dans les protocoles de réadaptation de l’épaule pendant les 12 premières semaines après la réparation de la coiffe. Ces suggestions fournissent également des évidences scientifiques pour la production d'orthèses plus dynamiques et fonctionnelles à l’articulation de l’épaule.


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Ce mémoire de recherche-création est accompagné du court métrage «Tala». Pour visionner en ligne : vimeo.com/ondemand/talapierphilippechevigny


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Fisioterapia


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Projeto de Graduação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Licenciada em Fisioterapia