996 resultados para Shallow lakes


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In the city of Sao Paulo, where about 11 million people live, landslides and flooding occur frequently, especially during the summer. These landslides cause the destruction of houses and urban equipment, economic damage, and the loss of lives. The number of areas threatened by landslides has been increasing each year. The objective of this article is to analyze the probability of risk and susceptibility to shallow landslides in the Limoeiro River basin, which is located at the head of the Aricanduva River basin, one of the main hydrographic basins in the city of Sao Paulo. To map areas of risk, we created a cadastral survey form to evaluate landslide risk in the field. Risk was categorized into four levels based on natural and anthropogenic factors: R1 (low risk), R2 (average risk), R3 (high risk), and R4 (very high risk). To analyze susceptibility to shallow landslides, we used the SHALSTAB (Shallow Landsliding Stability) mathematical model and calculated the Distribution Frequency (DF) of the susceptibility classes for the entire basin. Finally, we performed a joint analysis of the average Risk Concentration (RC) and Risk Potential (RP). We mapped 14 risk sectors containing approximately 685 at-risk homes, more than half of which presented a high (R3) or very high (R4) probability of risk to the population. In the susceptibility map, 41% of the area was classified as stable and 20% as unconditionally unstable. Although the latter category accounted a smaller proportion of the total area, it contained a concentration (RC) of 41% of the mapped risk areas with a risk potential (RP) of 12%. We found that the locations of areas predicted to be unstable by the model coincided with the risk areas mapped in the field. This combination of methods can be applied to evaluate the risk of shallow landslides in densely populated areas and can assist public managers in defining areas that are unstable and inappropriate for occupation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titan has clouds, rain and lakes-like Earth-but composed of methane rather than water. Unlike Earth, most of the condensable methane (the equivalent of 5 m depth globally averaged(1)) lies in the atmosphere. Liquid detected on the surface (about 2 m deep) has been found by radar images only poleward of 50 degrees latitude(2,3), while dune fields pervade the tropics(4). General circulation models explain this dichotomy, predicting that methane efficiently migrates to the poles from these lower latitudes(5-7). Here we report an analysis of near-infrared spectral images(8) of the region between 20 degrees N and 20 degrees S latitude. The data reveal that the lowest fluxes in seven wavelength bands that probe Titan's surface occur in an oval region of about 60 x 40 km(2), which has been observed repeatedly since 2004. Radiative transfer analyses demonstrate that the resulting spectrum is consistent with a black surface, indicative of liquid methane on the surface. Enduring low-latitude lakes are best explained as supplied by subterranean sources (within the last 10,000 years), which may be responsible for Titan's methane, the continual photochemical depletion of which furnishes Titan's organic chemistry(9).


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Background: Bugula is a speciose genus of marine bryozoans, represented by both endemic and cosmopolitan species distributed in tropical and temperate waters and important to marine biologists because of the occurrence of many species in harbor and fouling communities, therefore as potential invaders. The southeastern Brazilian coast in the southern Atlantic hosts the highest known diversity of the genus, a status intimately associated with the intensity of collecting efforts. Methodology: Morphological data based on the examination of living specimens, scanning electron and light microscopic images, and morphometric analyses were used to assess the diversity of Bugula along the coastal areas of southern, northeastern, and southeastern Brazil. In this study, morphological species boundaries were based mainly on avicularian characters. For two morphologically very similar species, boundaries are partially supported by 16 S rDNA molecular data. Results: Nine species are newly described from Brazil, as follows: Bugula bowiei n. sp. (= Bugula turrita sensu Marcus, 1937) from the southern, northeastern, and southeastern coasts; Bugula foliolata n. sp. (= Bugula flabellata sensu Marcus, 1938), Bugula guara n. sp., Bugula biota n. sp. and Bugula ingens n. sp from the southeastern coast; Bugula gnoma n. sp. and Bugula alba n. sp. from the northeastern coast; Bugula rochae n. sp. (= Bugula uniserialis sensu Marcus, 1937) from the southern coast; and Bugula migottoi n. sp., from the southeastern and southern coasts. Conclusion: The results contribute to the morphological characterization and the knowledge of the species richness of the genus in the southwestern Atlantic (i.e., Brazil), through the description of new species in poorly sampled areas and also on the southeastern coast of that country. Additionally, the taxonomic status of the Brazilian specimens attributed to B. flabellata, B. turrita and B. uniserialis are clarified by detailed studies on zooidal and avicularia morphology.


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The main objective of this study was to perform laboratory experiments on calcium nitrate addition to sediments of a tropical eutrophic urban reservoir (Ibirite reservoir, SE Brazil) to immobilize the reactive soluble phosphorus (RSP) and to evaluate possible geochemical changes and toxic effects caused by this treatment. Reductions of 75 and 89% in the concentration of RSP were observed in the water column and interstitial water, respectively, after 145 days of nitrate addition. The nitrate application increased the rate of autotrophic denitrification, causing a consumption of 98% of the added nitrate and oxidation of 99% of the acid volatile sulfide. As a consequence, there were increases in the sulfate and iron (II) concentrations in the sediment interstitial water and water column, as well as changes in the copper speciation in the sediments. Toxicity tests initially indicated that the high concentrations of nitrate and nitrite in the sediment interstitial water (up to 2300 mg L-1 and 260 mg L-1, respectively) were the major cause of mortality of Ceriodaphnia silvestrii and Chironomus xanthus. However, at the end of the experiment, the sediment toxicity was completely removed and a reduction in the 48 h-EC50 of the water was also observed. Based on these results we can say that calcium nitrate treatment proved to be a valuable tool in remediation of eutrophic aquatic ecosystems leading to conditions that can support a great diversity of organisms after a restoration period. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This is an observational study of the large-scale moisture transport over South America, with some analyses on its relation to subtropical rainfall. The concept of aerial rivers is proposed as a framework: it is an analogy between the main pathways of moisture flow in the atmosphere and surface rivers. Opposite to surface rivers, aerial rivers gain (lose) water through evaporation (precipitation). The magnitude of the vertically integrated moisture transport is discharge, and precipitable water is like the mass of the liquid column-multiplied by an equivalent speed it gives discharge. Trade wind flow into Amazonia, and the north/northwesterly flow to the subtropics, east of the Andes, are aerial rivers. Aerial lakes are the sections of a moisture pathway where the flow slows down and broadens, because of diffluence, and becomes deeper, with higher precipitable water. This is the case over Amazonia, downstream of the trade wind confluence. In the dry season, moisture from the aerial lake is transported northeastward, but weaker flow over southern Amazonia heads southward toward the subtropics. Southern Amazonia appears as a source of moisture to this flow. Aerial river discharge to the subtropics is comparable to that of the Amazon River. The variations of the amount of moisture coming from Amazonia have an important effect over the variability of discharge. Correlations between the flow from Amazonia and subtropical rainfall are not strong. However, some months within the set of dry seasons observed showed a strong increase (decrease) occurring together with an important increase (decrease) in subtropical rainfall.


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We studied the eutrophication history of a tropical shallow reservoir in the So Paulo metropolitan region, southeast Brazil. We analyzed grain size, geochemistry, diatom assemblages, and land-use records in a sediment core from the reservoir to infer its trophic state history during the last similar to 110 years (1894-2005). Eighty diatom species were observed in the core and shifts in the relative abundances of planktonic and benthic taxa indicate major limnological changes associated with complex interactions between hydrologic factors and eutrophication. Discostella stelligera was associated with deforestation and water physical changes whereas Aulacoseira granulata, a species abundant throughout the core, was mostly associated with high flux conditions and erosion events, regardless of trophic state. Eutrophication was triggered by construction of the city zoo (1958) and installation of the So Paulo State Department of Agriculture (1975) within the Gar double dagger as watershed, and increasing loads of untreated sewage from these institutions. The data suggest that deterioration in water quality began after similar to 1975 and markedly accelerated after similar to 1990. The reservoir has been hypereutrophic since 1999. Steady increases in geochemical proxies for trophic state, along with a decrease in C/N ratios, indicated higher nutrient concentrations and the prevalence of autochthonous production towards the core top. Appearance of Achnanthidium catenatum similar to 1993 highlighted the onset of a marked eutrophication phase. The subsequent dominance of Planothidium rostratum and Cyclotella meneghiniana suggested a sharp shift to a hypereutrophic state since 1999. Land-use history proved valuable for validating the chronology and interpreting anthropogenic impacts. Multi-proxy analysis of the sediment record provided an effective tool for tracking ecological shifts in the reservoir ecosystem. This study provides the first reconstruction of lake eutrophication history in Brazil and highlights the importance of hydrological/physical changes as drivers of diatom assemblage shifts in reservoirs, which may confound trophic state inferences based on shifts in the planktonic/benthic diatom ratio.


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This study was focused on the predation upon microcrustaceans by an invertebrate predator (chaoborid larvae), and vertebrate predators (fish), in two small reservoirs in southeastern Brazil, with and without macrophytes, in two climatic periods (dry and rainy seasons). Chaoborus larvae were sampled in the limnetic zone, as they are scarce in the littoral, and fish in both limnetic and littoral zones. Their diets were evaluated by the analysis of the crop (chaoborid) or stomach contents (fish). Chaoborid larvae consumed the dinoflagellate Peridinium sp. or other algae, rotifers, and planktonic microcrustaceans. The fish species that included microcrustaceans in their diets were juveniles caught in the littoral. Aquatic insects, plant fragments, and detritus were their major dietary items, microcrustaceans representing a minor item. Planktonic copepods contributed more to the diet of chaoborid larvae than planktonic cladocerans. Fish preyed on planktonic microcrustaceans, as well as on benthic and macrophyte-associated species. Microcrustaceans were not heavily preyed on by chaoborid larvae and fish in both reservoirs.


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[EN] We used 5-yr concomitant data of tracer distribution from the BATS (Bermuda Time-series Study) and ESTOC (European Station for Time-Series in the Ocean, Canary Islands) sites to build a 1-D tracer model conservation including horizontal advection, and then compute net production and shallow remineralization rates for both sites. Our main goal was to verify if differences in these rates are consistent with the lower export rates of particulate organic carbon observed at ESTOC. Net production rates computed below the mixed layer to 110m from April to December for oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon and nitrate at BATS (1.34±0.79 molO2 m?2, ?1.73±0.52 molCm?2 and ?125±36 mmolNm?2) were slightly higher for oxygen and carbon compared to ESTOC (1.03±0.62 molO2 m?2, ?1.42±0.30 molCm?2 and ?213±56 mmolNm?2), although the differences were not statistically significant. Shallow remineralization rates between 110 and 250m computed at ESTOC (?3.9±1.0 molO2 m?2, 1.53±0.43 molCm?2 and 38±155 mmolNm?2) were statistically higher for oxygen compared to BATS (?1.81±0.37 molO2 m?2, 1.52± 0.30 molCm?2 and 147±43 mmolNm?2). The lateral advective flux divergence of tracers, which was more significant at ESTOC, was responsible for the differences in estimated oxygen remineralization rates between both stations. According to these results, the differences in net production and shallow remineralization cannot fully explain the differences in the flux of sinking organic matter observed between both stations, suggesting an additional consumption of nonsinking organic matter at ESTOC.


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[EN] The presence of a mosaic of habitats, largely determined by sea urchin grazing, across shallow rocky reefs may potentially influence in differences in the distribution patterns of invertebrates. The aim of this paper was to assess, using a correlative approach, whether the type of habitat influences the abundance patterns of holothurians in the eastern Atlantic. We hypothesized that abundances of large (> 10 cm) holothurians varied among four types of habitat (3 vegetated habitats with low abundances of the sea urchin D. antillarum versus ?barrens? with hyperabundances of sea urchins), and that these differences were consistent at a hierarchy of spatial scales, including two islands and several replicated sites within each type of habitat and island. Three species of large holothurians were found, accounting for a total of 300 specimens. We found remarkable differences in abundances of holothurians between the ?barrens? and the three vegetated habitats. This pattern was strongest for the numerically dominant species, Holothuria sanctorii. Total abundances of holothurians were between 5 ? 46 times more abundant in ?barrens? compared with the vegetated habitats. Inter-habitat differences were species-specific with some inconsistent patterns from one island to the other. The total abundances of holothurians tended to increase with the abundance of sea urchins within ?barrens?. Our study suggests that there may be a link, at least for the dominant species Holothuria sanctorii, between the distribution and abundances of large holothurians and the habitat across shallow-waters of the eastern Atlantic.


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For its particular position and the complex geological history, the Northern Apennines has been considered as a natural laboratory to apply several kinds of investigations. By the way, it is complicated to joint all the knowledge about the Northern Apennines in a unique picture that explains the structural and geological emplacement that produced it. The main goal of this thesis is to put together all information on the deformation - in the crust and at depth - of this region and to describe a geodynamical model that takes account of it. To do so, we have analyzed the pattern of deformation in the crust and in the mantle. In both cases the deformation has been studied using always information recovered from earthquakes, although using different techniques. In particular the shallower deformation has been studied using seismic moment tensors information. For our purpose we used the methods described in Arvidsson and Ekstrom (1998) that allowing the use in the inversion of surface waves [and not only of the body waves as the Centroid Moment Tensor (Dziewonski et al., 1981) one] allow to determine seismic source parameters for earthquakes with magnitude as small as 4.0. We applied this tool in the Northern Apennines and through this activity we have built up the Italian CMT dataset (Pondrelli et al., 2006) and the pattern of seismic deformation using the Kostrov (1974) method on a regular grid of 0.25 degree cells. We obtained a map of lateral variations of the pattern of seismic deformation on different layers of depth, taking into account the fact that shallow earthquakes (within 15 km of depth) in the region occur everywhere while most of events with a deeper hypocenter (15-40 km) occur only in the outer part of the belt, on the Adriatic side. For the analysis of the deep deformation, i.e. that occurred in the mantle, we used the anisotropy information characterizing the structure below the Northern Apennines. The anisotropy is an earth properties that in the crust is due to the presence of aligned fluid filled cracks or alternating isotropic layers with different elastic properties while in the mantle the most important cause of seismic anisotropy is the lattice preferred orientation (LPO) of the mantle minerals as the olivine. This last is a highly anisotropic mineral and tends to align its fast crystallographic axes (a-axis) parallel to the astenospheric flow as a response to finite strain induced by geodynamic processes. The seismic anisotropy pattern of a region is measured utilizing the shear wave splitting phenomenon (that is the seismological analogue to optical birefringence). Here, to do so, we apply on teleseismic earthquakes recorded on stations located in the study region, the Sileny and Plomerova (1996) approach. The results are analyzed on the basis of their lateral and vertical variations to better define the earth structure beneath Northern Apennines. We find different anisotropic domains, a Tuscany and an Adria one, with a pattern of seismic anisotropy which laterally varies in a similar way respect to the seismic deformation. Moreover, beneath the Adriatic region the distribution of the splitting parameters is so complex to request an appropriate analysis. Therefore we applied on our data the code of Menke and Levin (2003) which allows to look for different models of structures with multilayer anisotropy. We obtained that the structure beneath the Po Plain is probably even more complicated than expected. On the basis of the results obtained for this thesis, added with those from previous works, we suggest that slab roll-back, which created the Apennines and opened the Tyrrhenian Sea, evolved in the north boundary of Northern Apennines in a different way from its southern part. In particular, the trench retreat developed primarily south of our study region, with an eastward roll-back. In the northern portion of the orogen, after a first stage during which the retreat was perpendicular to the trench, it became oblique with respect to the structure.


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Throughout the alpine domain, shallow landslides represent a serious geologic hazard, often causing severe damages to infrastructures, private properties, natural resources and in the most catastrophic events, threatening human lives. Landslides are a major factor of landscape evolution in mountainous and hilly regions and represent a critical issue for mountainous land management, since they cause loss of pastoral lands. In several alpine contexts, shallow landsliding distribution is strictly connected to the presence and condition of vegetation on the slopes. With the aid of high-resolution satellite images, it's possible to divide automatically the mountainous territory in land cover classes, which contribute with different magnitude to the stability of the slopes. The aim of this research is to combine EO (Earth Observation) land cover maps with ground-based measurements of the land cover properties. In order to achieve this goal, a new procedure has been developed to automatically detect grass mantle degradation patterns from satellite images. Moreover, innovative surveying techniques and instruments are tested to measure in situ the shear strength of grass mantle and the geomechanical and geotechnical properties of these alpine soils. Shallow landsliding distribution is assessed with the aid of physically based models, which use the EO-based map to distribute the resistance parameters across the landscape.


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Hydrothermal vents are often compared to desert oases, because of the presence of highly diverse and abundant biotic communities inhabiting these extreme environments. Nevertheless, the microbial communities associated with shallow-hydrothermal systems have been poorly studied. Hydrothermal activity at Dominica Island is quite well known under the geological and geochemical aspects, but no previous information existed about the microbial communities associated to this area. This thesis is therefore targeting the microbiology of hydrothermal sediments combining geochemical and molecular biological investigations, focusing on differences between hydrothermal vents and background (i.e. control) areas, and between hydrothermal sites. It was also intended to assess relationship between geochemical parameters and microbial diversity at the two hydrothermally impacted sites. Two shallow-sea hydrothermal vents located south-west off Dominica Island (Lesser Antilles) have been investigated in this study: Champagne Hot Springs and Soufriere Bay offshore vent. During this study, sediments for geochemical and molecular analyses were collected every 2 cm from the two impacted areas and from two control sites not associated with hydrothermal activity; in situ temperatures measurements were also taken every 5 cm deep in the sediment for all the sites. A geochemical characterization of the sediment porewater was performed through the analysis of several elements’ concentrations (i.e. H2S, Cl-, Br-, SO42-, Fe2+, Na+, K+, B+, Si+). Microbial communities at the different sites were studied by Automated Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA). Inspection of the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) distribution was performed, as well as statistical analyses for communities’ structure and composition differences, and for changes of β-diversity along with sediment geochemistry. Data suggested that mixing between hydrothermal fluids and seawater results in distinct different environmental gradients and potential ecological niches between the two investigated hydrothermal vents, reflecting a difference in microbial community structures between them.


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Innerhalb des Untersuchungsgebiets Schleswig-Holstein wurden 39.712 topographische Hohlformen detektiert. Genutzt wurden dazu ESRI ArcMap 9.3 und 10.0. Der Datenaufbereitung folgten weitere Kalkulationen in MATLAB R2010b. Jedes Objekt wurde räumlich mit seinen individuellen Eigenschaften verschnitten. Dazu gehörten Fläche, Umfang, Koordinaten (Zentroide), Tiefe und maximale Tiefe der Hohlform und Formfaktoren wie Rundheit, Konvexität und Elongation. Ziel der vorgestellten Methoden war die Beantwortung von drei Fragestellungen: Sind negative Landformen dazu geeignet Landschaftseinheiten und Eisvorstöße zu unterscheiden und zu bestimmen? Existiert eine Kopplung von Depressionen an der rezenten Topographie zu geologischen Tiefenstrukturen? Können Senken unterschiedlicher Entstehung anhand ihrer Formcharakteristik unterteilt werden? Die vorgenommene Klassifikation der großen Landschaftseinheiten basiert auf der Annahme, dass sowohl Jungmoränengebiete, ihre Vorflächen als auch Altmoränengebiete durch charakteristische, abflusslose Hohlformen, wie Toteislöcher, Seen, etc. abgegrenzt werden können. Normalerweise sind solche Depressionen in der Natur eher selten, werden jedoch für ehemalige Glaziallandschaften als typisch erachtet. Ziel war es, die geologischen Haupteinheiten, Eisvorstöße und Moränengebiete der letzten Vereisungen zu differenzieren. Zur Bearbeitung wurde ein Detektionsnetz verwendet, das auf quadratischen Zellen beruht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass durch die alleinige Nutzung von Depressionen zur Klassifizierung von Landschaftseinheiten Gesamtgenauigkeiten von bis zu 71,4% erreicht werden können. Das bedeutet, dass drei von vier Detektionszellen korrekt zugeordnet werden können. Jungmoränen, Altmoränen, periglazialeVorflächen und holozäne Bereiche können mit Hilfe der Hohlformen mit großer Sicherheit voneinander unterschieden und korrekt zugeordnet werden. Dies zeigt, dass für die jeweiligen Einheiten tatsächlich bestimmte Senkenformen typisch sind. Die im ersten Schritt detektierten Senken wurden räumlich mit weiterreichenden geologischen Informationen verschnitten, um zu untersuchen, inwieweit natürliche Depressionen nur glazial entstanden sind oder ob ihre Ausprägung auch mit tiefengeologischen Strukturen in Zusammenhang steht. 25.349 (63,88%) aller Senken sind kleiner als 10.000 m² und liegen in Jungmoränengebieten und können vermutlich auf glaziale und periglaziale Einflüsse zurückgeführt werden. 2.424 Depressionen liegen innerhalb der Gebiete subglazialer Rinnen. 1.529 detektierte Hohlformen liegen innerhalb von Subsidenzgebieten, von denen 1.033 innerhalb der Marschländer im Westen verortet sind. 919 große Strukturen über 1 km Größe entlang der Nordsee sind unter anderem besonders gut mit Kompaktionsbereichen elsterzeitlicher Rinnen zu homologisieren.344 dieser Hohlformen sind zudem mit Tunneltälern im Untergrund assoziiert. Diese Parallelität von Depressionen und den teils über 100 m tiefen Tunneltälern kann auf Sedimentkompaktion zurückgeführt werden. Ein Zusammenhang mit der Zersetzung postglazialen, organischen Materials ist ebenfalls denkbar. Darüber hinaus wurden in einer Distanz von 10 km um die miozän aktiven Flanken des Glückstadt-Grabens negative Landformen detektiert, die Verbindungen zu oberflächennahen Störungsstrukturen zeigen. Dies ist ein Anzeichen für Grabenaktivität während und gegen Ende der Vereisung und während des Holozäns. Viele dieser störungsbezogenen Senken sind auch mit Tunneltälern assoziiert. Entsprechend werden drei zusammenspielende Prozesse identifiziert, die mit der Entstehung der Hohlformen in Verbindung gebracht werden können. Eine mögliche Interpretation ist, dass die östliche Flanke des Glückstadt-Grabens auf die Auflast des elsterzeitlichen Eisschilds reagierte, während sich subglazial zeitgleich Entwässerungsrinnen entlang der Schwächezonen ausbildeten. Diese wurden in den Warmzeiten größtenteils durch Torf und unverfestigte Sedimente verfüllt. Die Gletschervorstöße der späten Weichselzeit aktivierten erneut die Flanken und zusätzlich wurde das Lockermaterial exariert, wodurch große Seen, wie z. B. der Große Plöner See entstanden sind. Insgesamt konnten 29 große Depressionen größer oder gleich 5 km in Schleswig-Holstein identifiziert werden, die zumindest teilweise mit Beckensubsidenz und Aktivität der Grabenflanken verbunden sind, bzw. sogar auf diese zurückgehen.Die letzte Teilstudie befasste sich mit der Differenzierung von Senken nach deren potentieller Genese sowie der Unterscheidung natürlicher von künstlichen Hohlformen. Dazu wurde ein DEM für einen Bereich im Norden Niedersachsens verwendet, das eine Gesamtgröße von 252 km² abdeckt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass glazial entstandene Depressionen gute Rundheitswerte aufweisen und auch Elongation und Exzentrizität eher kompakte Formen anzeigen. Lineare negative Strukturen sind oft Flüsse oder Altarme. Sie können als holozäne Strukturen identifiziert werden. Im Gegensatz zu den potentiell natürlichen Senkenformen sind künstlich geschaffene Depressionen eher eckig oder ungleichmäßig und tendieren meist nicht zu kompakten Formen. Drei Hauptklassen topographischer Depressionen konnten identifiziert und voneinander abgegrenzt werden: Potentiell glaziale Senken (Toteisformen), Flüsse, Seiten- und Altarme sowie künstliche Senken. Die Methode der Senkenklassifikation nach Formparametern ist ein sinnvolles Instrument, um verschiedene Typen unterscheiden zu können und um bei geologischen Fragestellungen künstliche Senken bereits vor der Verarbeitung auszuschließen. Jedoch zeigte sich, dass die Ergebnisse im Wesentlichen von der Auflösung des entsprechenden Höhenmodells abhängen.


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Die Flachwassergleichungen (SWE) sind ein hyperbolisches System von Bilanzgleichungen, die adäquate Approximationen an groß-skalige Strömungen der Ozeane, Flüsse und der Atmosphäre liefern. Dabei werden Masse und Impuls erhalten. Wir unterscheiden zwei charakteristische Geschwindigkeiten: die Advektionsgeschwindigkeit, d.h. die Geschwindigkeit des Massentransports, und die Geschwindigkeit von Schwerewellen, d.h. die Geschwindigkeit der Oberflächenwellen, die Energie und Impuls tragen. Die Froude-Zahl ist eine Kennzahl und ist durch das Verhältnis der Referenzadvektionsgeschwindigkeit zu der Referenzgeschwindigkeit der Schwerewellen gegeben. Für die oben genannten Anwendungen ist sie typischerweise sehr klein, z.B. 0.01. Zeit-explizite Finite-Volume-Verfahren werden am öftersten zur numerischen Berechnung hyperbolischer Bilanzgleichungen benutzt. Daher muss die CFL-Stabilitätsbedingung eingehalten werden und das Zeitinkrement ist ungefähr proportional zu der Froude-Zahl. Deswegen entsteht bei kleinen Froude-Zahlen, etwa kleiner als 0.2, ein hoher Rechenaufwand. Ferner sind die numerischen Lösungen dissipativ. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass die Lösungen der SWE gegen die Lösungen der Seegleichungen/ Froude-Zahl Null SWE für Froude-Zahl gegen Null konvergieren, falls adäquate Bedingungen erfüllt sind. In diesem Grenzwertprozess ändern die Gleichungen ihren Typ von hyperbolisch zu hyperbolisch.-elliptisch. Ferner kann bei kleinen Froude-Zahlen die Konvergenzordnung sinken oder das numerische Verfahren zusammenbrechen. Insbesondere wurde bei zeit-expliziten Verfahren falsches asymptotisches Verhalten (bzgl. der Froude-Zahl) beobachtet, das diese Effekte verursachen könnte.Ozeanographische und atmosphärische Strömungen sind typischerweise kleine Störungen eines unterliegenden Equilibriumzustandes. Wir möchten, dass numerische Verfahren für Bilanzgleichungen gewisse Equilibriumzustände exakt erhalten, sonst können künstliche Strömungen vom Verfahren erzeugt werden. Daher ist die Quelltermapproximation essentiell. Numerische Verfahren die Equilibriumzustände erhalten heißen ausbalanciert.rnrnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit spalten wir die SWE in einen steifen, linearen und einen nicht-steifen Teil, um die starke Einschränkung der Zeitschritte durch die CFL-Bedingung zu umgehen. Der steife Teil wird implizit und der nicht-steife explizit approximiert. Dazu verwenden wir IMEX (implicit-explicit) Runge-Kutta und IMEX Mehrschritt-Zeitdiskretisierungen. Die Raumdiskretisierung erfolgt mittels der Finite-Volumen-Methode. Der steife Teil wird mit Hilfe von finiter Differenzen oder au eine acht mehrdimensional Art und Weise approximniert. Zur mehrdimensionalen Approximation verwenden wir approximative Evolutionsoperatoren, die alle unendlich viele Informationsausbreitungsrichtungen berücksichtigen. Die expliziten Terme werden mit gewöhnlichen numerischen Flüssen approximiert. Daher erhalten wir eine Stabilitätsbedingung analog zu einer rein advektiven Strömung, d.h. das Zeitinkrement vergrößert um den Faktor Kehrwert der Froude-Zahl. Die in dieser Arbeit hergeleiteten Verfahren sind asymptotisch erhaltend und ausbalanciert. Die asymptotischer Erhaltung stellt sicher, dass numerische Lösung das "korrekte" asymptotische Verhalten bezüglich kleiner Froude-Zahlen besitzt. Wir präsentieren Verfahren erster und zweiter Ordnung. Numerische Resultate bestätigen die Konvergenzordnung, so wie Stabilität, Ausbalanciertheit und die asymptotische Erhaltung. Insbesondere beobachten wir bei machen Verfahren, dass die Konvergenzordnung fast unabhängig von der Froude-Zahl ist.


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Tolerance to low temperature and high pressure may allow shallow-water species to extend bathymetric range in response to changing climate, but adaptation to contrasting shallow-water environments may affect tolerance to these factors. The brackish shallow-water shrimp Palaemon varians demonstrates remarkable tolerance to elevated hydrostatic pressure and low temperature, but inhabits a highly variable environment: environmental adaptation may therefore make P. varians tolerances unrepresentative of other shallow-water species. Critical thermal maximum (CTmax), critical hydrostatic pressure maximum (CPmax), and acute respiratory response to hydrostatic pressure were assessed in the shallow-water shrimp Palaemon serratus, which inhabits a more stable intertidal habitat. P. serratus’ CTmax was 22.3°C when acclimated at 10°C, and CPmax was 5.9, 10.1, and 14.1 MPa when acclimated at 5, 10, and 15°C respectively: these critical tolerances were consistently lower than P. varians. Respiratory responses to acute hyperbaric exposures similarly indicated lower tolerance to hydrostatic pressure in P. serratus than in P. varians. Contrasting tolerances likely reflect physiological adaptation to differing environments and reveal that the capacity for depth-range extension may vary among species from different habitats.