968 resultados para Serino-protease NS3 HCV
O crescimento dos serviços de banda-larga em redes de comunicações móveis tem provocado uma demanda por dados cada vez mais rápidos e de qualidade. A tecnologia de redes móveis chamada LTE (Long Term Evolution) ou quarta geração (4G) surgiu com o objetivo de atender esta demanda por acesso sem fio a serviços, como acesso à Internet, jogos online, VoIP e vídeo conferência. O LTE faz parte das especificações do 3GPP releases 8 e 9, operando numa rede totalmente IP, provendo taxas de transmissão superiores a 100 Mbps (DL), 50 Mbps (UL), baixa latência (10 ms) e compatibilidade com as versões anteriores de redes móveis, 2G (GSM/EDGE) e 3G (UMTS/HSPA). O protocolo TCP desenvolvido para operar em redes cabeadas, apresenta baixo desempenho sobre canais sem fio, como redes móveis celulares, devido principalmente às características de desvanecimento seletivo, sombreamento e às altas taxas de erros provenientes da interface aérea. Como todas as perdas são interpretadas como causadas por congestionamento, o desempenho do protocolo é ruim. O objetivo desta dissertação é avaliar o desempenho de vários tipos de protocolo TCP através de simulações, sob a influência de interferência nos canais entre o terminal móvel (UE User Equipment) e um servidor remoto. Para isto utilizou-se o software NS3 (Network Simulator versão 3) e os protocolos TCP Westwood Plus, New Reno, Reno e Tahoe. Os resultados obtidos nos testes mostram que o protocolo TCP Westwood Plus possui um desempenho melhor que os outros. Os protocolos TCP New Reno e Reno tiveram desempenho muito semelhante devido ao modelo de interferência utilizada ter uma distribuição uniforme e, com isso, a possibilidade de perdas de bits consecutivos é baixa em uma mesma janela de transmissão. O TCP Tahoe, como era de se esperar, apresentou o pior desempenho dentre todos, pois o mesmo não possui o mecanismo de fast recovery e sua janela de congestionamento volta sempre para um segmento após o timeout. Observou-se ainda que o atraso tem grande importância no desempenho dos protocolos TCP, mas até do que a largura de banda dos links de acesso e de backbone, uma vez que, no cenário testado, o gargalo estava presente na interface aérea. As simulações com erros na interface aérea, introduzido com o script de fading (desvanecimento) do NS3, mostraram que o modo RLC AM (com reconhecimento) tem um desempenho melhor para aplicações de transferência de arquivos em ambientes ruidosos do que o modo RLC UM sem reconhecimento.
As ações de prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento da hepatite C crônica integram as agendas das políticas de saúde do Brasil e do mundo, pois se trata de uma doença com grande número de acometidos, com alto custo tratamento e que ocasiona graves desfechos e incapacidade, o que acaba por onerar seu custo social. Os protocolos clínicos e diretrizes terapêuticas demonstram os esforços de inúmeras entidades no combate da hepatite C, pois informam aos profissionais de saúde, pacientes e familiares e cidadãos em geral, qual seria a melhor forma, comprovada cientificamente, de se proceder frente a uma infecção desta natureza. Realizouse uma análise de custoefetividade, sob a perspectiva do SUS, das estratégias: tratamento e retratamento com a terapia dupla, tratamento com a terapia dupla e retratamento com a terapia tripla e tratamento com a terapia tripla. Através de modelo de simulação baseado em cadeias Markov foi criada uma coorte hipotética de 1000 indivíduos adultos, acima de 40 anos, de ambos os sexos, sem distinção declasse socioeconômica, com diagnóstico confirmado para hepatite C crônica, monoinfectados pelo genótipo 1 do VHC e com ausência de comorbidades. A simulação foi iniciada com todos os indivíduos portando a forma mais branda da doença, tida como a classificação histológica F0 ou F1 segundo a escala Metavir. Os resultados demonstram que as duas opções, ou seja, a terapia dupla/tripla e a terapia tripla estão abaixo do limiar de aceitabilidade para incorporação de tecnologia proposto pela OMS (2012) que é de 72.195 (R$/QALY) (IBGE, 2013; WHO, 2012). Ambas são custoefetivas, visto que o ICER da terapia dupla/tripla em relação alinha de base foi de 7.186,3 (R$/QALY) e o da terapia tripla foi de 59.053,8 (R$/QALY). Entretanto o custo incremental de terapia tripla em relação à dupla/tripla foi de 31.029 e a efetividade incremental foi de 0,52. Em geral, quando as intervenções analisadas encontramse abaixo do limiar, sugerese a adoção do esquema de maior efetividade. A terapia tripla, apesar de ter apresentado uma efetividade um pouco acima da terapia dupla/tripla, apresentou custo muito superior. Assim, como seria coerente a adoção de uma ou da outra para utilização no SUS, visto que este sistema apresenta recursos limitados, indicase a realização de um estudo de impacto orçamentário para obterse mais um dado de embasamento da decisão e assim poder apoiar o protocolo brasileiro existente ou sugerir a confecção de novo documento.
Células Mononucleares do sangue periférico (CMSP) oriundas de 28 pacientes que residem em áreas endêmicas para Leishmania braziliensis foram estudados. Destes, 10 encontravam-se na fase ativa da doença e 18 curados clinicamente para as lesões de leishmaniose. As células foram cultivadas frente à antígenos de 6 espécies de Leishmania: Leishmania: L. (V.) braziliensis (LbAg), L. (V.) guyanensis (LgAg), L. (V.) lainsoni (LlAg), L. (V.) naiffi (LnAg), L. (L.) amazonensis (LaAg), L. (L.) chagasi (LcAg) e antígeno de concanavalina A como mitógeno. Os resultados foram expressos em índices de estimulação (IE). Temendo uma possível degradação protéica, os antígenos foram preparados com PBS e com PBS tampão antiproteolítico e o perfil eletroforético foi analisado através de SDS-PAGE. Os sobrenadantes das culturas foram estocados para os ensaios de ELISA para detecção de IFN-γ. A análise do perfil eletroforético dos antígenos de diferentes espécies de Leishmania demonstrou um padrão distinto e heterogêneo e aparentemente, não foi observada degradação assim que os antígenos foram preparados e 10 meses de estoque. Entretanto bandas parecem ser compartilhadas entre as espécies, que podem estar associadas a uma conservação de antígenos entre as espécies de Leishmania. A resposta proliferativa dos linfócitos (RPL) dos pacientes da forma ativa foi mais intensa para LbAg (1710,3), seguido de LnAg (177,6), LaAg (16,89,8) e LlAg (1410,1), e menos intenso para LgAg (11,46,6). Quando os IE obtidos para LbAg foram comparadas com outras espécies observou-se diferenças para LgAg (p<0.004) e LlAg (p<0.03). Não foram encontrados diferenças no perfil protéico dos extratos antigênicos produzidos com e sem inibidores de protease. Os estímulos obtidos de CMSP de indivíduos curados clinicamente não demonstraram diferenças quando comparados com aqueles da fase ativa da doença. O índice de estimulação (médiadesvio padrão) frente estímulos antigênicos pouco variou entre as espécies: LbAg - 22,222,2, LnAg - 15,911,5, LgAg - 20,720,6, LlAg - 14,710,1, LaAg - 15,1114,5 e L. chagasi - 13,78). A produção de IFN-γ quantificada nos sobrenadantes das culturas frente aos antígenos totais e solúvel mostrou níveis da citocina mais elevados quando utilizou-se antígenos total de L. guyanensis (568,1544,5; mediana: 518,5 pg/mL) quando comparadas às outras espécies analisadas. Porém quando analisadas o antígeno solúvel, podemos observar que tanto para os antígenos da espécie L. braziliensis quanto para L. naiffi, a fração total obteve os maiores índices de estímulos quando comparadas com a fração solúvel. Estes estudos sugerem que há uma reatividade cruzada entre as espécies dos subgêneros Viannia e Leishmania.
Porphyrin metabolic disruption from exposure to xenobiotic contaminants such as heavy metals, dioxins, and aromatic hydrocarbons can elicit overproduction of porphyrins. Measurement of porphyrin levels, when used in conjunction with other diagnostic assays, can help elucidate an organism’s physiological condition and provide evidence for exposure to certain toxicants. A sensitive microplate fluorometric assay has been optimized for detecting total porphyrin levels in detergent solubilized protein extracts from symbiotic, dinoflagellate containing cnidarian tissues. The denaturing buffer used in this modified assay contains a number of potentially interfering components (e.g., sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), dithiothreitol (DTT), protease inhibitors, and chlorophyll from the symbiotic zooxanthellae), which required examination and validation. Examination of buffer components were validated for use in this porphyrin assay; while the use of a specific spectrofluorometric filter (excitation 400 ± 15 nm; emission 600 ± 20 nm) minimized chlorophyll interference. The detection limit for this assay is 10 fmol of total porphyrin per μg of total soluble protein and linearity is maintained up to 5000 fmol. The ability to measure total porphyrins in a SDS protein extract now allows a single extract to be used in multiple assays. This is an advantage over classical methods, particularly when tissue samples are limiting, as is often the case with coral due to availability and collection permit restrictions.
Neuropsin is a secreted-type serine protease involved in learning and memory. The type II splice form of neuropsin is abundantly expressed in the human brain but not in the mouse brain. We sequenced the type II-spliced region of neuropsin gene in humans and representative nonhuman primate species. Our comparative sequence analysis showed that only the hominoid species (humans and apes) have the intact open reading frame of the type II splice form, indicating that the type II neuropsin originated recently in the primate lineage about 18 MYA. Expression analysis using RT-PCR detected abundant expression of the type II form in the frontal lobe of the adult human brain, but no expression was detected in the brains of lesser apes and Old World monkeys, indicating that the type II form of neuropsin only became functional in recent time, and it might contribute to the progressive change of cognitive abilities during primate evolution.
Neuropsin (kallikrein 8, ELKS) is a secreted-type serine protease preferentially expressed in the central nervous system and involved in learning and memory. Its splicing pattern is different in human and mouse, with the longer form (type II) only express
Kallikrein 8 (KLK8) is a serine protease functioning in the central nervous system, and essential in many aspects of neuronal activities. Sequence comparison and gene expression analysis among diverse primate species identified a human-specific splice for
目的:从金环蛇蛇毒中分离纯化名为bungaruskunin 1的一种新型胰蛋白酶抑制剂,并从其毒腺的cDNA文库中克隆出该胰蛋白酶抑制剂的cDNA全序列.方法:通过Sephadex G-50, CM-Sephadex C-25, HPLC, RP-HPLC (C4 column)方法分离纯化bungaruskunin 1.样品的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂活性则是在室温条件下50mmol·L-1 Tris-HCl, pH 7.8的缓冲液中通过对显色底物的水解抑制作用来检测的.金环蛇毒腺RNA用TRIZOL提取,并用SMARTM PCR cDNA synthesis kit (Clontech)建成cDNA文库.根据其信号肽的保守区域合成引物从该文库中扩增出bungaruskunin 1的cDNA全序列,进行胶回收,酶连到pMDl8-T载体中转化测序.结果:bungaruskunin 1的前体由83个氨基酸组成,其中信号肽含有24个氨基酸,成熟肽即:bungaruskunin 1合有59个氨基酸.bungaruskunin 1的cDNA序列与从红腹伊澳蛇Pseudechis porphyriacus中分离纯化得到的丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制剂blackelin的cDNA序列的相似性高达64%.bungaruskunin 1是一种含有保守Kunitz端的Kuntiz蛋白酶抑制剂家族的一员,从而能够抑制蛋白酶和弹性酶的活性.在cDNA文库中,我们同时还筛选到了2种新的β-bungarotoxin B链的序列.结论:这些发现很好地证明了蛇中Kunitz/BPTI胰蛋白酶抑制剂和毒性神经的家族可能起源于共同的祖先.
A specific blood coagulation factor X activator was purified from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah by gel filtration and two steps of FPLC Mono-Q column ion-exchange chromatography. It showed a single protein band both in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and alkaline polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The mol. wt was estimated to be 62,000 in non-reducing conditions and 64,500 in reducing conditions by SDS-PAGE. The isoelectric point was found to be pH 5.6. The enzyme had weak amidolytic activities toward CBS 65-25, but it showed no activities on S-2266, S-2302, thrombin substrate S-2238, plasmin substrate S-2251 or factor Xa substrate S-2222. It had no arginine esterase activity toward substrate benzoylarginine ethylester (BAEE). The enzyme activated factor X in vitro and the effect was absolutely Ca2+ dependent, with a Hill coefficient of 6.83. It could not activate prothrombin nor had any effect on fibrinogen and thus appeared to act specifically on factor X. The procoagulant activity of the enzyme was almost completely inhibited by serine protease inhibitors like PMSF, TPCK and soybean trypsin inhibitor; partially inhibited by L-cysteine. Metal chelator EDTA did not inhibit its procoagulant activity. These results suggest that the factor X activator from O. hannah venom is a serine protease.
A specific activator of blood coagulation factor X was purified from the venom of Bungarus fasciatus by gel filtration and by ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column (FPLC). It consisted of a single polypeptide chain, with a mel. wt of 70,000 in reducing and non-reducing conditions. The enzyme had an amidolytic activity towards the chromogenic substrates S-2266 and S-2302 but it did not hydrolyse S-2238, S2251 or S-2222, which are specific substrates for thrombin, plasmin and factor Xa, respectively. The enzyme activated factor X in vitro and the effect was Ca2+ dependent with a Hill coefficient of 7.9. As with physiological activators, the venom activator cleaves the heavy chain of factor X, producing the activated factor Xa alpha. The purified factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom did not activate prothrombin, nor did it cleave or clot purified fibrinogen. The amidolytic activity and the factor X activation activity of the factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom were readily inhibited by serine protease inhibitors such as diisopropyl fluorophosphate (DFP), phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), benzamidine and by soybean trypsin inhibitor but not by EDTA. These observations suggest that the factor X activator from B. fasciatus venom is a serine protease. It therefore differs from those of activators obtained from Vipera russelli and Bothrops atrox venoms, which are metalloproteinases.
Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom, which contains TSV-PA (a specific plasminogen activator sharing 60-70% sequence homology with venom fibrinogen-clotting enzymes), also possesses fibrinogen-clotting activity in vitro. A fibrinogen-clotting enzyme (stejnobin) has been purified to homogeneity by gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column. It is a single-chain glycoprotein with a mol. wt of 44,000. The NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of stejnobin shows great homology with venom fibrinogen-clotting enzymes and TSV-PA. Like TSV-PA, stejnobin was able to hydrolyse several chromogenic substrates. Comparative study of substrate specificities of stejnobin and other venom proteases purified in our laboratory was carried out on five chromogenic substrates. Stejnobin clotted human fibrinogen with a specific activity of 122 NIH thrombin-equivalent units/mg protein. However, stejnobin did not act on other blood coagulation factors, such as factor X, prothrombin and plasminogen. Diisopropyl fluorophosphate and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride inhibited its activity, whereas ethylenediamine tetracetic acid had no effect on it, indicating that it is a serine protease. Although stejnobin showed strong immunological cross-reaction with polyclonal antibodies raised against TSV-PA, it was interesting to observe that, unlike the case of TSV-PA, these antibodies did not inhibit the amidolytic and fibrinogen-clotting activities of stejnobin. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The action of Pallas' viper (Agkistrodon halys pallas) venom on blood coagulation was examined in vitro and a strong anticoagulant effect was observed. This action was abolished after treatment with a specific inhibitor of phospholipase A(2) activity (p-bromophenacyl bromide), revealing a procoagulant action in low concentrations of treated venom (around 1 mu g/ml). The effect of the venom an haemostasis was further characterized by measuring its ability to activate purified blood coagulation factors. It is concluded that A. halys pallas venom contains prothrombin activation activity. A prothrombin activator (aharin) was purified from the venom by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatography on a Mono-Q column. It consisted of a single polypeptide chain, with a mol. wt of 63,000. Purified aharin possessed no amidolytic activity on chromogenic substrates. It did not act on other blood coagulation factors, such as factor X and plasminogen, nor did it cleave or clot purified fibrinogen. The prothrombin activation activity of aharin was readily inhibited by ethylenediamine tetracetic acid (a metal chelator), but specific serine protease inhibitors such as diisopropyl fluorophosphate and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride had no effect on it. These observations suggest that, like those prothrombin activators from Echis carinatus and Bothrops atrox venoms, the prothrombin activator from A. halys pallas venom is a metalloproteinase. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A novel peptide inhibitor (OGTI) of serine protease with a molecular weight of 1949.8, was purified from the skin secretion of the frog, Odorrana grahami. Of the tested serine proteases, OGTI only inhibited the hydrolysis activity of trypsin on synthetic chromogenic substrate. This precursor deduced from the cDNA sequence is composed of 70 amino acid residues. The mature OGTI contains 17 amino acid residues including a six-residue loop disulfided by two half-cysteines (AVNIPFKVHFRCKAAFC). In addition to its unique six-residue loop, the overall structure and precursor of OGTI are different from those of other serine protease inhibitors. It is also one of the smallest serine protease inhibitors ever found. (C) 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A 50 kDa fibrinogenolytic protease, ohagin, from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah was isolated by a combination of gel filtration, ion-exchange and heparin affinity chromatography. Ohagin specifically degraded the alpha-chain of human fibrinogen and the pr
Horseflies are economically important blood-feeding arthropods and also a nuisance for humans and vectors for filariasis. They rely heavily on the pharmacological properties of their saliva to get a blood meal and suppress immune reactions of hosts. Little information is available on antihemostatic substances in horsefly salivary glands; especially no horsefly immune suppressants have been reported. By proteomics or peptidomics and coupling transcriptome analysis with pharmacological testing, several families of proteins or peptides, which act mainly on the hemostatic system or immune system of the host, were identified and characterized from 30,000 pairs salivary glands of the horsefly Tabanus yao (Diptera, Tabanidae). They are: (i) a novel family of inhibitors of platelet aggregation including two members, which possibly inhibit platelet aggregation by a novel mechanism and act on platelet membrane, (ii) a novel family of immunosuppressant peptides including 12 members, which can inhibit interferon-gamma production and increase interleukin-10 secretion, (iii) a serine protease inhibitor with 56 amino acid residues containing anticoagulant activity, (iv) a serine protease with anticoagulant activity, (v) a protease with fibrinogenolytic activity, (vi) three families of antimicrobial peptides including six members, (vii) a hyaluronidase, (viii) a vasodilator peptide, which is an isoform of vasotab identified from Hybomitra bimaculata, and interestingly (ix) two metallothioneins, which are the first metallothioneins reported from invertebrate salivary glands. The current work will facilitate the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the ectoparasite-host relationship and help in identifying novel vaccine targets and novel leading pharmacological compounds.