953 resultados para Semiconductor field-effect transistors (mosfets)
The research interest of this study is to investigate surface immobilization strategies for proteins and other biomolecules by the surface plasmon field-enhanced fluorescence spectroscopy (SPFS) technique. The recrystallization features of the S-layer proteins and the possibility of combining the S-layer lattice arrays with other functional molecules make this protein a prime candidate for supramolecular architectures. The recrystallization behavior on gold or on the secondary cell wall polymer (SCWP) was recorded by SPR. The optical thicknesses and surface densities for different protein layers were calculated. In DNA hybridization tests performed in order to discriminate different mismatches, recombinant S-layer-streptavidin fusion protein matrices showed their potential for new microarrays. Moreover, SCWPs coated gold chips, covered with a controlled and oriented assembly of S-layer fusion proteins, represent an even more sensitive fluorescence testing platform. Additionally, S-layer fusion proteins as the matrix for LHCII immobilization strongly demonstrate superiority over routine approaches, proving the possibility of utilizing them as a new strategy for biomolecular coupling. In the study of the SPFS hCG immunoassay, the biophysical and immunological characteristics of this glycoprotein hormone were presented first. After the investigation of the effect of the biotin thiol dilution on the coupling efficiently, the interfacial binding model including the appropriate binary SAM structure and the versatile streptavidin-biotin interaction was chosen as the basic supramolecular architecture for the fabrication of a SPFS-based immunoassay. Next, the affinity characteristics between different antibodies and hCG were measured via an equilibrium binding analysis, which is the first example for the titration of such a high affinity interaction by SPFS. The results agree very well with the constants derived from the literature. Finally, a sandwich assay and a competitive assay were selected as templates for SPFS-based hCG detection, and an excellent LOD of 0.15 mIU/ml was attained via the “one step” sandwich method. Such high sensitivity not only fulfills clinical requirements, but is also better than most other biosensors. Fully understanding how LHCII complexes transfer the sunlight energy directionally and efficiently to the reaction center is potentially useful for constructing biomimetic devices as solar cells. After the introduction of the structural and the spectroscopic features of LHCII, different surface immobilization strategies of LHCII were summarized next. Among them the strategy based on the His-tag and the immobilized metal (ion) affinity chromatography (IMAC) technique were of great interest and resulted in different kinds of home-fabricated His-tag chelating chips. Their substantial protein coupling capacity, maintenance of high biological activity and a remarkably repeatable binding ability on the same chip after regeneration was demonstrated. Moreover, different parameters related to the stability of surface coupled reconstituted complexes, including sucrose, detergent, lipid, oligomerization, temperature and circulation rate, were evaluated in order to standardize the most effective immobilization conditions. In addition, partial lipid bilayers obtained from LHCII contained proteo-liposomes fusion on the surface were observed by the QCM technique. Finally, the inter-complex energy transfer between neighboring LHCIIs on a gold protected silver surface by excitation with a blue laser (λ = 473nm) was recorded for the first time, and the factors influencing the energy transfer efficiency were evaluated.
This thesis starts showing the main characteristics and application fields of the AlGaN/GaN HEMT technology, focusing on reliability aspects essentially due to the presence of low frequency dispersive phenomena which limit in several ways the microwave performance of this kind of devices. Based on an equivalent voltage approach, a new low frequency device model is presented where the dynamic nonlinearity of the trapping effect is taken into account for the first time allowing considerable improvements in the prediction of very important quantities for the design of power amplifier such as power added efficiency, dissipated power and internal device temperature. An innovative and low-cost measurement setup for the characterization of the device under low-frequency large-amplitude sinusoidal excitation is also presented. This setup allows the identification of the new low frequency model through suitable procedures explained in detail. In this thesis a new non-invasive empirical method for compact electrothermal modeling and thermal resistance extraction is also described. The new contribution of the proposed approach concerns the non linear dependence of the channel temperature on the dissipated power. This is very important for GaN devices since they are capable of operating at relatively high temperatures with high power densities and the dependence of the thermal resistance on the temperature is quite relevant. Finally a novel method for the device thermal simulation is investigated: based on the analytical solution of the tree-dimensional heat equation, a Visual Basic program has been developed to estimate, in real time, the temperature distribution on the hottest surface of planar multilayer structures. The developed solver is particularly useful for peak temperature estimation at the design stage when critical decisions about circuit design and packaging have to be made. It facilitates the layout optimization and reliability improvement, allowing the correct choice of the device geometry and configuration to achieve the best possible thermal performance.
We study the effective interaction between two ellipsoidal particles at the interface of two fluid phases which are mediated by thermal fluctuations of the interface. Within a coarse-grained picture, the properties of fluid interfaces are very well described by an effective capillary wave Hamiltonian which governs both the equilibrium interface configuration and the thermal fluctuations (capillary waves) around this equilibrium (or mean-field) position. As postulated by the Goldstone theorem the capillary waves are long-range correlated. The interface breaks the continuous translational symmetry of the system, and in the limit of vanishing external fields - like gravity - it has to be accompanied by easily excitable long wavelength (Goldstone) modes – precisely the capillary waves. In this system the restriction of the long-ranged interface fluctuations by particles gives rise to fluctuation-induced forces which are equivalent to interactions of Casimir type and which are anisotropic in the interface plane. Since the position and the orientation of the colloids with respect to the interface normal may also fluctuate, this system is an example for the Casimir effect with fluctuating boundary conditions. In the approach taken here, the Casimir interaction is rewritten as the interaction between fluctuating multipole moments of an auxiliary charge density-like field defined on the area enclosed by the contact lines. These fluctuations are coupled to fluctuations of multipole moments of the contact line position (due to the possible position and orientational fluctuations of the colloids). We obtain explicit expressions for the behavior of the Casimir interaction at large distances for arbitrary ellipsoid aspect ratios. If colloid fluctuations are suppressed, the Casimir interaction at large distances is isotropic, attractive and long ranged (double-logarithmic in the distance). If, however, colloid fluctuations are included, the Casimir interaction at large distances changes to a power law in the inverse distance and becomes anisotropic. The leading power is 4 if only vertical fluctuations of the colloid center are allowed, and it becomes 8 if also orientational fluctuations are included.
Nanoscience is an emerging and fast-growing field of science with the aim of manipulating nanometric objects with dimension below 100 nm. Top down approach is currently used to build these type of architectures (e.g microchips). The miniaturization process cannot proceed indefinitely due to physical and technical limitations. Those limits are focusing the interest on the bottom-up approach and construction of nano-objects starting from “nano-bricks” like atoms, molecules or nanocrystals. Unlike atoms, molecules can be “fully programmable” and represent the best choice to build up nanostructures. In the past twenty years many examples of functional nano-devices able to perform simple actions have been reported. Nanocrystals which are often considered simply nanostructured materials, can be active part in the development of those nano-devices, in combination with functional molecules. The object of this dissertation is the photophysical and photochemical investigation of nano-objects bearing molecules and semiconductor nanocrystals (QDs) as components. The first part focuses on the characterization of a bistable rotaxane. This study, in collaboration with the group of Prof. J.F. Stoddart (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA) who made the synthesis of the compounds, shows the ability of this artificial machine to operate as bistable molecular-level memory under kinetic control. The second part concerns the study of the surface properties of luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals (QDs) and in particular the effect of acid and base on the spectroscopical properties of those nanoparticles. In this section is also reported the work carried out in the laboratory of Prof H. Mattoussi (Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA), where I developed a novel method for the surface decoration of QDs with lipoic acid-based ligands involving the photoreduction of the di-thiolane moiety.
Semiconductor nanowires (NWs) are one- or quasi one-dimensional systems whose physical properties are unique as compared to bulk materials because of their nanoscaled sizes. They bring together quantum world and semiconductor devices. NWs-based technologies may achieve an impact comparable to that of current microelectronic devices if new challenges will be faced. This thesis primarily focuses on two different, cutting-edge aspects of research over semiconductor NW arrays as pivotal components of NW-based devices. The first part deals with the characterization of electrically active defects in NWs. It has been elaborated the set-up of a general procedure which enables to employ Deep Level Transient Spectroscopy (DLTS) to probe NW arrays’ defects. This procedure has been applied to perform the characterization of a specific system, i.e. Reactive Ion Etched (RIE) silicon NW arrays-based Schottky barrier diodes. This study has allowed to shed light over how and if growth conditions introduce defects in RIE processed silicon NWs. The second part of this thesis concerns the bowing induced by electron beam and the subsequent clustering of gallium arsenide NWs. After a justified rejection of the mechanisms previously reported in literature, an original interpretation of the electron beam induced bending has been illustrated. Moreover, this thesis has successfully interpreted the formation of NW clusters in the framework of the lateral collapse of fibrillar structures. These latter are both idealized models and actual artificial structures used to study and to mimic the adhesion properties of natural surfaces in lizards and insects (Gecko effect). Our conclusion are that mechanical and surface properties of the NWs, together with the geometry of the NW arrays, play a key role in their post-growth alignment. The same parameters open, then, to the benign possibility of locally engineering NW arrays in micro- and macro-templates.
Pig meat and carcass quality is a complex concept determined by environmental and genetic factors concurring to the phenotypic variation in qualitative characteristics of meat (fat content, tenderness, juiciness, flavor,etc). This thesis shows the results of different investigations to study and to analyze pig meat and carcass quality focusing mainly on genomic; moreover proteomic approach has been also used. The aim was to analyze data from association studies between genes considered as candidate and meat and carcass quality in different pig breeds. The approach was used to detect new SNP in genes functionally associated to the studied traits and to confirm as candidate other genes already known. Five polymorphisms (one new SNP in Calponin 1 gene and four additional polymorphism already known in other genes) were considered on chromosome 2 (SSC2). Calponin 1 (CNN1) was associated to the studied traits and furthermore the results reported confirmed the data already known for Lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA), Low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), Myogenic differentiation 1 (MYOD1) e Ubiquitin-like 5 (UBL5), in Italian Large White pigs. Using an in silico search it was possible to detect on SSC2 a new SNP of Deoxyhypusine synthase (DHPS) gene partially overlapping with WD repeat domain 83 (WDR83) gene and significant for the meat pH variation in Italian Large White (ILW) pigs. Perilipin 1 (PLIN1) mapping on chromosome 7 and Perilipin 2 (PLIN2) mapping on chromosome 1 were studied and the results obtained in Duroc breed have shown significant associations with carcass traits. Moreover a study of protein composition of porcine LD muscle, indicated an effect of temperature treatment of carcass, on proteins of the sarcoplasmic fraction and in particular on PGM1 phosphorylation. Future studies on pig meat quality should be based on the integration of different experimental approaches (genomics, proteomics, transcriptomics, etc).
This thesis reports a study on the seismic response of two-dimensional squat elements and their effect on the behavior of building structures. Part A is devoted to the study of unreinforced masonry infills, while part B is focused on reinforced concrete sandwich walls. Part A begins with a comprehensive review of modelling techniques and code provisions for infilled frame structures. Then state-of-the practice techniques are applied for a real case to test the ability of actual modeling techniques to reproduce observed behaviors. The first developments towards a seismic-resistant masonry infill system are presented. Preliminary design recommendations for the seismic design of the seismic-resistant masonry infill are finally provided. Part B is focused on the seismic behavior of a specific reinforced concrete sandwich panel system. First, the results of in-plane psuudostatic cyclic tests are described. Refinements to the conventional modified compression field theory are introduced in order to better simulate the monotonic envelope of the cyclic response. The refinements deal with the constitutive model for the shotcrete in tension and the embedded bars. Then the hysteretic response of the panels is studied according to a continuum damage model. Damage state limits are identified. Design recommendations for the seismic design of the studied reinforced concrete sandwich walls are finally provided.
In dieser Arbeit wurden dünne Schichten von Heusler-Verbindungen hergestellt und auf ihre Transporteigenschaften hin untersucht.rnDer Anomale Hall-Effekt (AHE) ist dabei von besonderem Interesse. Er ist ein seit langer Zeit bekannter, jedoch noch nicht vollständig verstandener Transport-Effekt. Die meisten Veröffentlichungen theoretischer Arbeiten konzentrieren sich auf den Einfluss eines bestimmten Beitrags zum AHE. Tatsächlich gemessene experimentelle Daten können jedoch oft nicht in Einklang mit idealisierten Annahmen gebracht werden. rnDie vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert die Ergebnisse, welche aus Messungen von Materialien mit niedrigem Restwiderstand erhalten wurden. rnrnAls prototypische Materialien wurden hier hyphenation Heusler-Verbindungen untersucht. Als Material mit einer komplexen Topologie der Fermi-Fläche zeichnet sich dort der Einfluss von Defekten und der Unordnung der Kristallstruktur deutlich ab.rnrnDurch Verwendung von Filmen mit unterschiedlichem Grad der Unordnung können verschiedene Streumechanismen unterschieden werden. Für Co$_{2}$FeSi$_{0.6}$Al$_{0.4}$ and Co$_{2}$FeGa$_{0.5}$Ge$_{0.5}$ zeigt sich ein positiver AHE bei einer Unordnung vom Typ B2 und bei einer induzierten temperaturabh"angigen Streuung, wo hingegen eine Typ DO$_{3}$-Unordnung zusammen mit anderen möglichen intrinsischen Beiträgen einen negativen Effekt hervorruft.rnrnDarüber hinaus wurden die magneto-optische Kerr-Effekte (MOKE) dieser Verbindungen untersucht. Hierfür wurden Beiträge erster Ordnung als Funktion der intrinsischen und extrinsischen Parameter qualitativ analysiert. Auf den Einfluss der kristallinen Ordnung auf Beiträge zweiter Ordnung des MOKE-Signals wird ebenfalls eingegangen.rnrnDes Weiteren wurden dünne Schichten der Heusler-Verbindung Co$_{2}$MnAl auf MgO- und Si-Subs-traten (beide (100)) mit Hochfrequenz-Mag-netron-Sputtern erzeugt. Die zusammensetzung sowie die magnetischen und Transport-Eigenschaften wurden hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Abscheidebedingungen systematisch untersucht.rnrnInsbesondere zeigt der AHE-Widerstand ein außerordentliches temperaturunabhängiges Verhalten in einem Bereich moderater Magnetfeldstärken von 0 bis 0.6,T. Hierf"ur wurde der nicht-diagonale Transport bei Temperaturen bis zu 300,$^{circ}$C analysiert. Die Daten zeigen die Eignung des Materials für Hall-Sensoren auch oberhalb der Raumtemperatur.rnrnJüngst wurde der Spin Seebeck-Effekt (SSE) entdeckt. Der Effekt aus dem Bereich der Spin-Kaloritronik erzeugt eine Spin-Spannung'' aufgrund eines Temperaturgradienten in magnetischen Materialien. Hier werden vorläufige Messungen des SSE in Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ und in Heusler-Verbindungen präsentiert.rn
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is a surface enhancement treatment which induces a significant layer of beneficial compressive residual stresses up to several mm underneath the surface of metal components in order to improve the detrimental effects of crack growth behavior rate in it. The aim of this thesis is to predict the crack growth behavior of thin Aluminum specimens with one or more LSP stripes defining a compressive residual stress area. The LSP treatment has been applied as crack retardation stripes perpendicular to the crack growing direction, with the objective of slowing down the crack when approaching the LSP patterns. Different finite element approaches have been implemented to predict the residual stress field left by the laser treatment, mostly by means of the commercial software Abaqus/Explicit. The Afgrow software has been used to predict the crack growth behavior of the component following the laser peening treatment and to detect the improvement in fatigue life comparing to the specimen baseline. Furthermore, an analytical model has been implemented on the Matlab software to make more accurate predictions on fatigue life of the treated components. An educational internship at the Research and Technologies Germany- Hamburg department of Airbus helped to achieve knowledge and experience to write this thesis. The main tasks of the thesis are the following: -To up to date Literature Survey related to laser shock peening in metallic structures -To validate the FE models developed against experimental measurements at coupon level -To develop design of crack growth slow down in centered and edge cracked tension specimens based on residual stress engineering approach using laser peened patterns transversal to the crack path -To predict crack growth behavior of thin aluminum panels -To validate numerical and analytical results by means of experimental tests.
Oceans are key sources and sinks in the global budgets of significant atmospheric trace gases, termed Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs). Despite their low concentrations, these species have an important role in the atmosphere, influencing ozone photochemistry and aerosol physics. Surprisingly, little work has been done on assessing their emissions or transport mechanisms and rates between ocean and atmosphere, all of which are important when modelling the atmosphere accurately.rnA new Needle Trap Device (NTD) - GC-MS method was developed for the effective sampling and analysis of VOCs in seawater. Good repeatability (RSDs <16 %), linearity (R2 = 0.96 - 0.99) and limits of detection in the range of pM were obtained for DMS, isoprene, benzene, toluene, p-xylene, (+)-α-pinene and (-)-α-pinene. Laboratory evaluation and subsequent field application indicated that the proposed method can be used successfully in place of the more usually applied extraction techniques (P&T, SPME) to extend the suite of species typically measured in the ocean and improve detection limits. rnDuring a mesocosm CO2 enrichment study, DMS, isoprene and α-pinene were identified and quantified in seawater samples, using the above mentioned method. Based on correlations with available biological datasets, the effects of ocean acidification as well as possible ocean biological sources were investigated for all examined compounds. Future ocean's acidity was shown to decrease oceanic DMS production, possibly impact isoprene emissions but not affect the production of α-pinene. rnIn a separate activity, ocean - atmosphere interactions were simulated in a large scale wind-wave canal facility, in order to investigate the gas exchange process and its controlling mechanisms. Air-water exchange rates of 14 chemical species (of which 11 VOCs) spanning a wide range of solubility (dimensionless solubility, α = 0:4 to 5470) and diffusivity (Schmidt number in water, Scw = 594 to 1194) were obtained under various turbulent (wind speed at ten meters height, u10 = 0:8 to 15ms-1) and surfactant modulated (two different sized Triton X-100 layers) surface conditions. Reliable and reproducible total gas transfer velocities were obtained and the derived values and trends were comparable to previous investigations. Through this study, a much better and more comprehensive understanding of the gas exchange process was accomplished. The role of friction velocity, uw* and mean square slope, σs2 in defining phenomena such as waves and wave breaking, near surface turbulence, bubbles and surface films was recognized as very significant. uw* was determined as the ideal turbulent parameter while σs2 described best the related surface conditions. A combination of both uw* and σs2 variables, was found to reproduce faithfully the air-water gas exchange process. rnA Total Transfer Velocity (TTV) model provided by a compilation of 14 tracers and a combination of both uw* and σs2 parameters, is proposed for the first time. Through the proposed TTV parameterization, a new physical perspective is presented which provides an accurate TTV for any tracer within the examined solubility range. rnThe development of such a comprehensive air-sea gas exchange parameterization represents a highly useful tool for regional and global models, providing accurate total transfer velocity estimations for any tracer and any sea-surface status, simplifying the calculation process and eliminating inevitable calculation uncertainty connected with the selection or combination of different parameterizations.rnrn
Die organische Halbleitertechnologie befindet sich seit Jahrzehnten im Focus des Interesses, da sie eine kostengünstige und umweltverträgliche Alternative zu anorganischen Silizium-basierten Halbleitern darstellt. Die Möglichkeit der gezielten Funktionalisierung von definierten Strukturen durch synthetische Methoden, welche eine große Vielfalt an Materialien ermöglicht, steht dabei besonders im Vordergrund. Die Modifikation von physikalischen Eigenschaften ermöglicht dabei eine stark erleichterte Anpassung für den geplanten Anwendungsbereich. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden organische Halbleitermaterialien basierend auf Cyclopenta[2,1-b:3,4-b']dithiophen (CDT) dargestellt und hinsichtlich ihrer strukturellen und elektronischen Eigenschaften untersucht. In Kombination mit Benzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazol (BTZ) und weiteren Akzeptoren wurden zunächst Donor(D)-Akzeptor(A)-Polymere synthetisiert und Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehungen aufgestellt. So konnte ein sehr hochmolekulares Polymer CDT-BTZ-Polymer (Mn = 36 kg mol-1, PDI = 2.6) erhalten werden, welches sich durch eine hohe lamellare Ordnung und eine gemessene Ladungsträgermobilität in FETs von über 5.0 cm2V-1s-1 bei Raumtemperatur auszeichnete; bei niedrigen Temperaturen (240 K) war letztgenannte 6.5 cm2V-1s-1. Aufgrund dieses hohen Ladungstransports und der Abwesenheit niedermolekularer Polymerketten innerhalb des Polymers konnte erstmals eine Messung eines HALL-Effektes bewerkstelligt werden. Dies war der erste Beweis eines Band-artigen Ladungstransportes an einem Polymerhalbleiter. Des Weiteren wurde durch synthetische Veränderung der Grundstruktur des Polymers zu längeren Alkylketten eine anisotrope Anordnung der Polymerketten erreicht und die Ladungsträgermobilität (6.5 cm2V-1s-1 bei Raumtemperatur) weiter gesteigert. Darauf aufbauend wurde der Einfluss von stereoisomeren Seitenketten an CDT-BTZ-Polymeren auf Packungsverhalten, Parametern (Sperrstrom, Einschaltstrom) in FETs und Löslichkeit in organischen Lösungsmitteln untersucht. Durch cis-trans-Isomerisierung der Seitenketten wurde hier eine neue Methode zur Optimierung des Packungsverhaltens von Polymeren in dünnen Filmen und Lösung gefunden. Zuletzt wurden D-π-A-Farbstoffen, welche CDT als Verbrückungseinheit (π) beinhalten, dargestellt. Durch Variation von D und A konnten Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehungen in der Anwendung in Solarzellen (Feststoffsolarzellen, Flüssigsolarzellen) gefunden werden. Die Untersuchungen der photoinduzierten Absorption und der Photolumisenzenzquantenausbeute lieferten dabei Erklärungen für physikalische Prozesse wie Ladungsinjektion- und rekombination.
Magnetic memories are a backbone of today's digital data storage technology, where the digital information is stored as the magnetic configuration of nanostructured ferromagnetic bits. Currently, the writing of the digital information on the magnetic memory is carried out with the help of magnetic fields. This approach, while viable, is not optimal due to its intrinsically high energy consumption and relatively poor scalability. For this reason, the research for different mechanisms that can be used to manipulate the magnetic configuration of a material is of interest. In this thesis, the control of the magnetization of different nanostructured materials with field-free mechanisms is investigated. The magnetic configuration of these nanostructured materials was imaged directly with high resolution x-ray magnetic microscopy. rnFirst of all, the control of the magnetic configuration of nanostructured ferromagnetic Heusler compounds by fabricating nanostructures with different geometries was analyzed. Here, it was observed that the magnetic configuration of the nanostructured elements is given by the competition of magneto-crystalline and shape anisotropy. By fabricating elements with different geometries, we could alter the point where these two effects equilibrate, allowing for the possibility to tailor the magnetic configuration of these nanostructured elements to the required necessities.rnThen, the control of the magnetic configuration of Ni nanostructures fabricated on top of a piezoelectric material with the magneto-elastic effect (i.e. by applying a piezoelectric strain to the Ni nanostructures) was investigated. Here, the magneto-elastic coupling effect gives rise to an additional anisotropy contribution, proportional to the strain applied to the magnetic material. For this system, a reproducible and reversible control of the magnetic configuration of the nanostructured Ni elements with the application of an electric field across the piezoelectric material was achieved.rnFinally, the control of the magnetic configuration of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) nanostructures with spin-polarized currents was studied. Here, the spin-transfer torque effect was employed to achieve the displacement of magnetic domain walls in the LSMO nanostructures. A high spin-transfer torque efficiency was observed for LSMO at low temperatures, and a Joule-heating induced hopping of the magnetic domain walls was observed at room temperatures, allowing for the analysis of the energetics of the domain walls in LSMO.rnThe results presented in this thesis give thus an overview on the different field-free approaches that can be used to manipulate and tailor the magnetization configuration of a nanostructured material to the various technological requirements, opening up novel interesting possibilities for these materials.
Der Spin Seebeck Effekt repräsentiert einen neuartigen Spin kalorischen Effekt mit vorteilhaften und aussichtsreichen Eigenschaften für Anwendungen in den Gebieten der Spintronik und Thermoelektrik.rnIn dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir eine umfangreiche Untersuchung des Spin Seebeck Effekts in isolierenden, magnetischen Granaten und geben Antworten zum kontrovers diskutierten Ursprung des Effekts. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, haben wir die Abhängigkeit des Spin Seebeck Effekts von der Dicke des Ferromagneten, der Temperatur, der Stärke des magnetisches Feldes, der Grenzflächen und des Detektormaterials, sowie Kombinationen dieser Parameter gemessen. Im Zuge dessen haben wir das Wachstum der untersuchten magnetischen Granate optimiert und eine umfassende Analyse der strukturellen und magnetischen Parameter durchgeführt, um Einflüsse der Probenqualität auszuschließen. Des Weiteren zeigte eine Untersuchung des magnetoresistiven Effekts, welcher als mögliche Ursache des Effekts galt, in Kombination mit einer Studie des Messaufbaus, dass parasitäre Einflüsse auf das Messergebnis ausgeschlossen werden können. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Spin Seebeck Effekt mit zunehmender Dicke des Ferromagneten eine Sättigung des Signals aufweist. Diese hängt zudem von der Temperatur ab, da mit abnehmender Temperatur die Sättigung erst bei dickeren Filmen auftritt. Außerdem fanden unsere Messungen ein Maximum des Spin Seebeck Effekts für Temperaturen unterhalb der Raumtemperatur, welcher sowohl von der Dicke des Materials als auch der Magnetfeldstärke und dem Detektormaterial beeinflusst wird. In Messungen bei hohen magnetischen Feldstärken beobachteten wir eine Unterdrückung des Messsignals, dessen Ursache mithilfe von Simulationen auf den magnonischen Ursprung des Spin Seebeck Effekts zurückgeführt werden kann. Dies unterstreicht, dass der Effekt auf vom Ferromagneten emittierten Magnonen basiert. Im letzten Abschnitt dieser Arbeit präsentieren wir Messungen in einem bislang nicht untersuchten ferrimagnetischen Material, welche zwei Vorzeichenwechsel des Spin Seebeck Effekts als Funktion der Temperatur aufzeigen. Dieses bisher unbekannte Signalverhalten betont, dass der Effekt aus einem komplexen Zusammenspiel der magnonischen Moden resultiert und zusätzlich vom Detektormaterial abhängt.rnSomit tragen unsere Ergebnisse und Beobachtungen im hohen Maße zur Beantwortung der Frage nach dem Ursprungs des Spin Seebeck Effekts bei und zeigen neuartige bisher nicht beobachtete Effekte, welche ein neues Kapitel für das Gebiet der Spin Kaloritronik eröffnen.
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is a technological process used to improve mechanical properties in metallic components. When a short and intense laser pulse irradiates a metallic surface, high pressure plasma is generated on the treated surface; elasto-plastic waves, then, propagate inside the target and create plastic strain. This surface treatment induces a deep compressive residual stresses field on the treated area and through the thickness; such compressive residual stress is expected to increase the fatigue resistance, and reduce the detrimental effects of corrosion and stress corrosion cracking.
We propose a new and clinically oriented approach to perform atlas-based segmentation of brain tumor images. A mesh-free method is used to model tumor-induced soft tissue deformations in a healthy brain atlas image with subsequent registration of the modified atlas to a pathologic patient image. The atlas is seeded with a tumor position prior and tumor growth simulating the tumor mass effect is performed with the aim of improving the registration accuracy in case of patients with space-occupying lesions. We perform tests on 2D axial slices of five different patient data sets and show that the approach gives good results for the segmentation of white matter, grey matter, cerebrospinal fluid and the tumor.