955 resultados para Schauder degree
The Community Climate Model (CCM3) from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is used to investigate the effect of the South Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies on interannual to decadal variability of South American precipitation. Two ensembles composed of multidecadal simulations forced with monthly SST data from the Hadley Centre for the period 1949 to 2001 are analysed. A statistical treatment based on signal-to-noise ratio and Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOF) is applied to the ensembles in order to reduce the internal variability among the integrations. The ensemble treatment shows a spatial and temporal dependence of reproducibility. High degree of reproducibility is found in the tropics while the extratropics is apparently less reproducible. Austral autumn (MAM) and spring (SON) precipitation appears to be more reproducible over the South America-South Atlantic region than the summer (DJF) and winter (JJA) rainfall. While the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) region is dominated by external variance, the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) over South America is predominantly determined by internal variance, which makes it a difficult phenomenon to predict. Alternatively, the SACZ over western South Atlantic appears to be more sensitive to the subtropical SST anomalies than over the continent. An attempt is made to separate the atmospheric response forced by the South Atlantic SST anomalies from that associated with the El Nino - Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Results show that both the South Atlantic and Pacific SSTs modulate the intensity and position of the SACZ during DJF. Particularly, the subtropical South Atlantic SSTs are more important than ENSO in determining the position of the SACZ over the southeast Brazilian coast during DJF. On the other hand, the ENSO signal seems to influence the intensity of the SACZ not only in DJF but especially its oceanic branch during MAM. Both local and remote influences, however, are confounded by the large internal variance in the region. During MAM and JJA, the South Atlantic SST anomalies affect the magnitude and the meridional displacement of the ITCZ. In JJA, the ENSO has relatively little influence on the interannual variability of the simulated rainfall. During SON, however, the ENSO seems to counteract the effect of the subtropical South Atlantic SST variations on convection over South America.
Organic-inorganic hybrid materials can be prepared dispersing organic species into well-defined inorganic nanoblocks. This paper describes the immobilization of natural dyes from the extract of the Brazilian acai-fruit into two types of layered hexaniobate precursors derived from H(2)K(2)Nb(6)O(17): (i) colloidal dispersion of niobate exfoliated nanoparticles and (ii) niobate pre-intercalated with tetraethylammonium cations (TEA(+)). The restacking of exfoliated particles in the presence of acai anthocyanins promotes their intercalation and produces stacked layers showing large basal spacing (ca. 50 angstrom). The TEA(+) pre-intercalated niobate provides particles with lower content of dye species than the exfoliated precursor but with higher degree of organization and regularity according to X-ray diffraction data and images obtained by electron microscopies. Vibrational (FTIR and Raman) and (13)C NMR spectroscopies indicate the presence of flavylium cations in the hybrid materials and spectral profiles characteristic of glycosylated anthocyanidins. According to thermal analysis results, the purplish hybrids materials are more stable than the free acai-dyes. One hybrid sample was heated under air up to 170 degrees C and maintained at this temperature for 240 min. No weight loss events were observed and the sample retained its original color, indicating that the intercalation of anthocyanin into hexaniobate increases its thermal stability. Considering the structural, chemical, optical and thermal properties of the synthesized hybrid materials, they might be good candidates to be investigated for future specialized applications.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate in vitro the Knoop microhardness (Knoop hardness number [KHN]) and the degree of conversion using FT-Raman spectroscopy of a light-cured microhybrid resin composite (Z350-3M-ESPE) Vita shade A3 photopolymerized with a halogen lamp or an argon ion laser. Background Data: Optimal polymerization of resin-based dental materials is important for longevity of restorations in dentistry. Materials and Methods: Thirty specimens were prepared and inserted into a disc-shaped polytetrafluoroethylene mold that was 2.0 mm thick and 3 mm in diameter. The specimens were divided into three groups (n = 10 each). Group 1 (G1) was light-cured for 20 sec with an Optilux 501 halogen light with an intensity of 1000 mW/cm(2). Group 2 (G2) was photopolymerized with an argon laser with a power of 150 mW for 10 sec, and group 3 (G3) was photopolymerized with an argon laser at 200 mW of power for 10 sec. All specimens were stored in distilled water for 24 h at 37 degrees C and kept in lightproof containers. For the KHN test five indentations were made and a depth of 100 mu m was maintained in each specimen. One hundred and fifty readings were obtained using a 25-g load for 45 sec. The degree of conversion values were measured by Raman spectroscopy. KHN and degree of conversion values were obtained on opposite sides of the irradiated surface. KHN and degree of conversion data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey tests with statistical significance set at p < 0.05. Results: The results of KHN testing were G1 = 37.428 +/- 4.765; G2 = 23.588 +/- 6.269; and G3 = 21.652 +/- 4.393. The calculated degrees of conversion (DC%) were G1 = 48.57 +/- 2.11; G2 = 43.71 +/- 3.93; and G3 = 44.19 +/- 2.71. Conclusions: Polymerization with the halogen lamp ( G1) attained higher microhardness values than polymerization with the argon laser at power levels of 150 and 200 mW; there was no difference in hardness between the two argon laser groups. The results showed no statistically significant different degrees of conversion for the polymerization of composite samples with the two light sources tested.
Background: Physical protein-protein interaction (PPI) is a critical phenomenon for the function of most proteins in living organisms and a significant fraction of PPIs are the result of domain-domain interactions. Exon shuffling, intron-mediated recombination of exons from existing genes, is known to have been a major mechanism of domain shuffling in metazoans. Thus, we hypothesized that exon shuffling could have a significant influence in shaping the topology of PPI networks. Results: We tested our hypothesis by compiling exon shuffling and PPI data from six eukaryotic species: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Cryptococcus neoformans and Arabidopsis thaliana. For all four metazoan species, genes enriched in exon shuffling events presented on average higher vertex degree (number of interacting partners) in PPI networks. Furthermore, we verified that a set of protein domains that are simultaneously promiscuous (known to interact to multiple types of other domains), self-interacting (able to interact with another copy of themselves) and abundant in the genomes presents a stronger signal for exon shuffling. Conclusions: Exon shuffling appears to have been a recurrent mechanism for the emergence of new PPIs along metazoan evolution. In metazoan genomes, exon shuffling also promoted the expansion of some protein domains. We speculate that their promiscuous and self-interacting properties may have been decisive for that expansion.
In the present work, cellulose obtained from sisal, which is a source of rapid growth, was used. Cellulose acetates were produced in heterogeneous medium, using acetic anhydride as esterifying agent and iodine as catalyst, to check if the procedure described in the literature for commercial cellulose also is adequate to sisal cellulose. The results indicated that iodine is an excellent catalyst to obtain sisal cellulose acetates, but the reaction is so fast as described in the literature when, instead of sisal, lower average molar weight cellulose (microcrystalline) is used. The crystallinity index (I(c)) of sisal cellulose acetates diminished compared to sisal cellulose, but there was no direct correlation between their degree of substitution (DS) and I(c). Probably acetyl groups were introduced more homogeneously along the short chains of microcrystalline cellulose, when compared to sisal cellulose, and then for microcrystalline cellulose acetates the Ic decreases as DS increases. Using the linear correlation that was found between degree of substitution (DS) and time reaction is possible to control the DS of sisal cellulose acetates, considering a large interval of degrees of substitution (0.3-2.8).
The present work describes an investigation concerning the acetylation of celluloses extracted from short-life-cycle plant sources (i.e. sugarcane bagasse and sisal fiber) as well as microcrystalline cellulose. The acetylation was carried out under homogeneous conditions using the solvent system N,N-dimethylacetamide/lithium chloride. The celluloses were characterized, and the characterizations included an evaluation of the amount of hemicellulose present in the materials obtained from lignocellulosics sources (sugarcane and sisal). The amount of LiCl was varied and its influence on the degree of acetate substitution was analyzed. It was found that the solvent system composition and the nature of the cellulose influenced both the state of chain dissolution and the product characteristics. The obtained results demonstrated the importance of developing specific studies on the dissolution process as well as on the derivatization of celluloses from various sources.
Black carbon (BC) may play ail important role in the global C budget, due to its potential to act as a significant sink of atmospheric CO(2). In order to fully evaluate the influence of BC oil the global C cycle, in understanding of the stability of BC is required. The biochemical stability of BC was assessed in a chronosequence of high-BC-containing Anthrosols from the central Amazon, Brazil, using a range of spectroscopic and biological methods. Results revealed that the Anthrosols had 61-80% lower (P < 0.05) CO(2) evolution per unit C over 532 days compared to their respective adjacent soils with low BC contents. No significant (P > 0.05) difference in CO(2) respiration per unit C was observed between Anthrosols with contrasting ages of BC (600-8700 years BP) Lind soil textures (0.3-36% clay). Similarly, the molecular composition of the core regions of micrometer-sized BC particles quantified by synchrotron-based Near-Edge X-ray Fine Structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy coupled to Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy (STXM) remained similar regardless of their ages and closely resembled the spectral characteristics or fresh BC. BC decomposed extremely slowly to ail extent that it was not possible to detect chemical changes between Youngest and oldest samples, as also confirmed by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Deconvolution of NEXAFS spectra revealed greater oxidation oil the surfaces of BC particles with little penetration into the core of the particles. The similar C mineralization between different BC-rich soils regardless of soil texture underpins the importance of chemical recalcitrance for the stability of BC, in contrast to adjacent soils which showed the highest mineralization in the sandiest soil. However, the BC-rich Anthrosols had higher proportions (72-90%) of C in the more stable organo-mineral fraction than BC-poor adjacent soils (2-70%), Suggesting some degree of physical stabilization. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Neste artigo, examina-se o funcionamento do Centro de Informações do Exterior (CIEX), órgão do Itamaraty e vinculado ao Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI) que foi encarregado de espionar políticos e militantes contrários ao regime militar brasileiro que se exilaram nos países vizinhos. Trata-se de um estudo que visa a desvendar como agia um dos elos do sistema repressivo montado pela ditadura brasileira, que tinha um relativo grau de interação com as outras ditaduras militares da região do Cone Sul. O artigo demonstra que o Itamaraty colaborou intensamente com o regime militar brasileiro, inclusive com a repressão.
Many natural populations exploiting a wide range of resources are actually composed of relatively specialized individuals. This interindividual variation is thought to be a consequence of the invasion of `empty` niches in depauperate communities, generally in temperate regions. If individual niches are constrained by functional trade-offs, the expansion of the population niche is only achieved by an increase in interindividual variation, consistent with the `niche variation hypothesis`. According to this hypothesis, we should not expect interindividual variation in species belonging to highly diverse, packed communities. In the present study, we measured the degree of interindividual diet variation in four species of frogs of the highly diverse Brazilian Cerrado, using both gut contents and delta(13)C stable isotopes. We found evidence of significant diet variation in the four species, indicating that this phenomenon is not restricted to depauperate communities in temperate regions. The lack of correlations between the frogs` morphology and diet indicate that trade-offs do not depend on the morphological characters measured here and are probably not biomechanical. The nature of the trade-offs remains unknown, but are likely to be cognitive or physiological. Finally, we found a positive correlation between the population niche width and the degree of diet variation, but a null model showed that this correlation can be generated by individuals sampling randomly from a common set of resources. Therefore, albeit consistent with, our results cannot be taken as evidence in favour of the niche variation hypothesis.
The k(0)-method instrumental neutron activation analysis (k(0)-INAA) was employed for determining chemical elements in bird feathers. A collection was obtained taking into account several bird species from wet ecosystems in diverse regions of Brazil. For comparison reason, feathers were actively sampled in a riparian forest from the Marins Stream, Piracicaba, Sao Paulo State, using mist nets specific for capturing birds. Biological certified reference materials were used for assessing the quality of analytical procedure. Quantification of chemical elements was performed using the k(0)-INAA Quantu Software. Sixteen chemical elements, including macro and micronutrients, and trace elements, have been quantified in feathers, in which analytical uncertainties varied from 2% to 40% depending on the chemical element mass fraction. Results indicated high mass fractions of Br (max=7.9 mgkg(-1)), Co (max= 0.47 mg kg(-1)), Cr (max =68 mg kg(-1)), Hg (max =2.79 mg kg(-1)), Sb (max= 0.20 mg kg(-1)), Se (max=1.3 mg kg(-1)) and Zn (max =192 mg kg(-1)) in bird feathers, probably associated with the degree of pollution of the areas evaluated. In order to corroborate the use of k(0)-INAA results in biomonitoring studies using avian community, different factor analysis methods were used to check chemical element source apportionment and locality clustering based on feather chemical composition. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
For environmental quality assessment, INAA has been applied for determining chemical elements in small (200 mg) and large (200 g) samples of leaves from 200 trees. By applying the Ingamells` constant, the expected percent standard deviation was estimated in 0.9-2.2% for 200 mg samples. Otherwise, for composite samples (200 g), expected standard deviation varied from 0.5 to 10% in spite of analytical uncertainties ranging from 2 to 30%. Results thereby suggested the expression of the degree of representativeness as a source of uncertainty, contributing for increasing of the reliability of environmental studies mainly in the case of composite samples.
The degree of homogeneity is normally assessed by the variability of the results of independent analyses of several (e.g., 15) normal-scale replicates. Large sample instrumental neutron activation analysis (LS-INAA) with a collimated Ge detector allows inspecting the degree of homogeneity of the initial batch material, using a kilogram-size sample. The test is based on the spatial distributions of induced radioactivity. Such test was applied to samples of Brazilian whole (green) coffee beans (Coffea arabica and Coffea canephora) of approximately I kg in the frame of development of a coffee reference material. Results indicated that the material do not contain significant element composition inhomogeneities between batches of approximately 30-50 g, masses typically forming the starting base of a reference material.
The study and understanding of alterations taking place during the micropropagation process can provide valuable information about this technology. The objective of this work was to evaluate the anatomical modifications in leaves of micropropagated banana (Musa spp.) plants during their adaptation to ex vitro conditions. Aseptic axillary shoots of `Preciosa` cultivar (AAAB) were rooted for 24 days in MS medium containing NAA (1mg.l(-1)) and agar (6g.l(-1)), and acclimatized for 120 days. The treatments consisted of leaves at different stages of development: T1 - leaves from plants at the end of in vitro rooting phase, T2 persistent leaves from plants after 30 days of acclimatization, T3 - new leaves from plants after 30 days of acclimatization (transition leaves). T4 - transition leaves from plants after 60 days, T5 - new leaves from plants after 60 days of acclimatization, and T6 - new leaves from plants after 120 days of acclimatization. A higher degree of differentiation and, thereby, better adaptation took place in leaves from leaf primordial differentiated in ex vitro conditions. The acclimatization phase is crucial for a greater thickness and differentiation of spongy and palisade parenchyma, and to correct the modifications of plants developed in vitro. The study of leaf anatomy provides a better understanding of alterations occurring in micropropagated banana plants.
Objectives: Amazonian populations are experiencing dietary changes characteristic of the nutrition transition. However, the degree of change appears to vary between urban and rural settings. To investigate this process, we determined carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in fingernails and dietary intake of Amazonian populations living along a rural to urban continuum along the Solimoes River in Brazil. Methods: Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were analyzed from the fingernails of 431 volunteer subjects living in different settings ranging from rural villages, small towns to urban centers along the Solimoes River. Data from 200 dietary intake surveys were also collected using food frequency questionnaires and 24-h recall interviews in an effort to determine qualitative aspects of diet composition. Results: Fingernail delta(13)C values (mean standard deviation) were -23.2 +/- 1.3, 20.2 +/- 1.5, and 17.4 +/- 1.3 parts per thousand and delta(15)N values were 11.8 +/- 0.6, 10.4 +/- 0.8, and 10.8 +/- 0.7 parts per thousand for those living in rural villages, small towns, and major cities, respectively. We found a gradual increase in the number of food items derived from C(4) plant types (meat and sugar) and the replacement of food items derived from C(3) plant types (fish and manioc flour) with increasing size of urban centers. Conclusion: Increasing urbanization in the Brazilian Amazon is associated with a significant change in food habits with processed and industrialized products playing an increasingly important role in the diet and contributing to the nutrition transition in the region. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 23:642-650, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Rare species are one of the principal components of the species richness and diversity encountered in Dense Ombrophilous Tropical Forests. This study sought to analyze the rare canopy species within the Atlantic Coastal Forest in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Six different communities were examined: Dense Ombrophilous alluvial Forest; Dense sub-montane Ombrophilous Forest; Dense Montane Ombrophilous in Serra do Mar and Serra da Mantiqueira. In each area the vegetation was sampled within forty 10 x 25 m plots alternately distributed along a linear transect. All trees with DBH (1.3 m above ground level) a parts per thousand yen5 cm were sampled. The canopy was characterized using the allometric relationship between diameter and height, and included all trees with BDH a parts per thousand yen10 cm and height a parts per thousand yen10 m. A total of 64 families, 206 genera, and 542 species were sampled, of which 297 (54.8%) represented rare species (less than one individual per hectare). The percentage of rare species varied from 34 to 50% in each of the different communities sampled. A majority of these rare trees belonged to the Rosidae, and a smaller proportion to the Dilleniidae. It was concluded that there was no apparent pattern to rarity among families, that rarity was probably derived from a number of processes (such as gap formation), and that a great majority of the rare species sampled were consistently rare. This indicates that the restricted geographic distribution and high degree of endemism of many arboreal taxa justifies the conservation of even small fragments of Atlantic Forest.