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A kind of novel Ti-based composites was developed by introducing different amounts of carbon element to the Ti-50 Cu-23 Ni-20 Sn-7 bulk metallic glass forming alloys. The thermal stability and microstructural evolution of the composites were investigated. Room temperature compression tests reveal that the composite samples with 1% and 3% (mass fraction) carbon additions have higher fracture strength and obvious plastic strain of 2 195 MPa, 3.1% and 1 913 MPa, 1.3% respectively, compared with those of the corresponding carbon-free Ti-50 Ni-20 Cu-23 Sn-7 alloys. The deformation mechanisms of the composites with improved mechanical properties were also discussed.


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This work describes the annealing and characterisation of semi-insulating oxygen-doped silicon films deposited by the Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapour Deposition (PECVD) technique from silane (SiH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and helium (He) gas mixtures. The maximum process temperature is chosen to be compatible with large area polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si) circuitry on glass. The most important deposition variable is shown to be the N2O SiH4 gas ratio. Helium dilution results in improved film uniformity and reproducibility. Raman analysis shows the 'as-deposited' and annealed films to be completely amorphous. A model for the microstructure of these Semi-Insulating Amorphous Oxygen-doped Silicon (SIAOS) films is proposed to explain the observed physical and electrical properties. © 1995.


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The objective of this study was to compare the life-cycle environmental impacts of changed production structures for two consumer goods (high-density polyethylene (HDPE) shopping bags and beds) in Jamaica. A scenario technique was used to construct three alternative production structures for each product; each scenario reflecting an increase in local production in Jamaica which depended on an increased supply of input materials which may be sourced: (1) externally from overseas suppliers, (2) from post-consumer recycling, and (3) locally on the island of Jamaica. These three constructed scenarios were then compared to the existing supply chain or reference scenarios of the products. The results showed that for both case products the recycling scenario was most preferable for localising production, resulting in the lowest environmental impact. This was because the production of raw materials accounted for the largest effect on total environmental impact. As such, the most immediate environmental improvements were realised by lowering the production of virgin materials. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Companies aiming to be 'sustainability leaders' in their sector and governments wanting to support their ambitions need a means to assess the changes required to make a significant difference in the impact of their whole sector. Previous work on scenario analysis/scenario planning demonstrates extensive developments and applications, but as yet few attempts to integrate the 'triple bottom line' concerns of sustainability into scenario planning exercises. This paper, therefore, presents a methodology for scenario analysis of large change to an entire sector. The approach includes calculation of a 'triple bottom line graphic equaliser' to allow exploration and evaluation of the trade-offs between economic, environmental and social impacts. The methodology is applied to the UK's clothing and textiles sector, and results from the study of the sector are summarised. In reflecting on the specific study, some suggestions are made about future application of a similar methodology, including a template of candidate solutions that may lead to significant reduction in impacts. © 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Results of tensile and compression tests on a short-glass-fiber-reinforced thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer are presented. The effect of strain rate on the compression stress-strain characteristics has been investigated over a wide range of strain rates epsilon between 10(-4) and 350 s-1. The low-strain-rate tests were conducted using a screw-driven universal tensile tester, while the high-strain-rate tests were carried out using the split Hopkinson pressure bar technique. The compression modulus was shown to vary with log10 (epsilon) in a bilinear manner. The compression modulus is insensitive to strain rate in the low-strain-rate regime (epsilon = 10(-4) - 10(-2) s-1), but it increases more rapidly with epsilon at higher epsilon. The compression strength changes linearly with log10 (epsilon) over the entire strain-rate range. The fracture surfaces were examined by scanning electron microscopy.


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The article analyzes the legal regime of Euskara in the education system of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country (capv). In the capv, the legislation recognizes the right to choose the language of study during the educational cycle. The students are separated into different classrooms based on their language preference. This system of separation (of language models) has made it possible to make great strides, although its implementation also suggests aspects which, from the perspective of a pluralistic Basque society on its way towards greater social, political and language integration, call for further reflection The general model for language planning in the capv was fashioned in the eighties as a model characterized by the guarantee of spaces of language freedom, and the educational system was charged with making the learning of the region’s autochthonous language more widespread. At this point, we already have a fair degree of evidence on which to base an analysis of the system of language models and we are in a position to conclude that perhaps the educational system was given too heavy a burden. Official studies on language performance of Basque schoolchildren show (in a way that is now fully verified) that not all the students who finish their mandatory period of schooling achieve the level of knowledge of Euskara required by the regulations. When faced with this reality, it becomes necessary for us to articulate some alternative to the current configuration of the system of language models, one that will make it possible in the future to have a Basque society that is linguistically more integrated, thereby avoiding having the knowledge or lack of knowledge of one of the official languages become a language barrier between two communities. Many sides have urged a reconsideration of the system of language models. The Basque Parliament itself has requested the Department of Education to design a new system. This article analyzes the legal foundations on which the current system is built and explores the potential avenues for legal cooperation that would make it possible to move towards a new system aimed at guaranteeing higher rates of bilingualism. The system would be sufficiently flexible so as to be able to respond to and accommodate the different sociolinguistic realities of the region.


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The territory of the European Union is made up of a rich and wide-ranging universe of languages, which is not circumscribed to the «State languages». The existence of multilingualism is one of Europe’s defining characteristics and it should remain so in the constantly evolving model of Europe’s political structure. Nonetheless, until now, the official use of languages has been limited to the «State languages» and has been based on a concept of state monolingualism that has led to a first level of hierarchization among the languages of Europe. This has affected the very concept of European language diversity. The draft of the treaty establishing a European Constitution contains various language-related references that can be grouped in two major categories: on the one hand, those references having to do the constitutional status of languages, and on the other, those regarding the recognition of European language diversity. Both issues are dealt with in this article. In analyzing the legal regime governing languages set forth in the draft of the constitutional treaty, we note that the draft is not based on the concept of the official status of languages. The language regulation contained in the draft of the constitutional treaty is limited in character. The constitutional language regime is based on the concept of Constitutional languages but the official status of languages is not governed by this rule. The European Constitution merely enunciates rights governing language use for European citizens vis-à-vis the languages of the Constitution and refers the regulation of the official status of languages to the Council, which is empowered to set and modify that status by unanimous decision. Because of its broad scope, this constitutes a regulatory reservation. In the final phase of the negotiation process a second level of constitutional recognition of languages would be introduced, linked to those that are official languages in the member states (Catalan, Basque, Galician, etc.). These languages, however, would be excluded from the right to petition; they would constitute a tertium genus, an intermediate category between the lan guages benefiting from the language rights recognized under the Constitution and those other languages for which no status is recognized in the European institutional context. The legal functionality of this second, intermediate category will depend on the development of standards, i.e., it will depend on the entrée provided such languages in future reforms of the institutional language regime. In a later section, the article reflects on European Union language policy with regard to regional or minority languages, concluding that the Union has not acted in accordance with defined language policy guidelines when it has been confronted, in the exercise of its powers, with regional or minority languages (or domestic legislation having to do with language demands). The Court of Justice has endeavoured to resolve on a case by case basis the conflicts raised between community freedoms and the normative measures that protect languages. Thus, using case law, the Court has set certain language boundaries for community freedoms. The article concludes by reflecting on the legal scope of the recognition of European language diversity referred to in Article II-82 of the European Constitution and the possible measures to implement the precept that might constitute the definition of a true European language policy on regional or minority languages. Such a policy has yet to be defined.


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Most deformation twins in nanocrystalline face-centered cubic fcc metals have been observed to form from grain boundaries. The growth of such twins requires the emission of Shockley partials from the grain boundary on successive slip planes. However, it is statistically improbable for a partial to exist on every slip plane. Here we propose a dislocation reaction and cross-slip mechanism on the grain boundary that would supply a partial on every successive slip plane for twin growth.This mechanism can also produce a twin with macrostrain smaller than that caused by a conventional twin.


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The isomerization of glucose into fructose is a large-scale reaction for the production of high-fructose corn syrup, and is now being considered as an intermediate step in the possible route of biomass conversion into fuels and chemicals. Recently, it has been shown that a hydrophobic, large pore, silica molecular sieve having the zeolite beta structure and containing framework Sn4+ (Sn-Beta) is able to isomerize glucose into fructose in aqueous media. Here, I have investigated how this catalyst converts glucose to fructose and show that it is analogous to that achieved with metalloenzymes. Specifically, glucose partitions into the molecular sieve in the pyranose form, ring opens to the acyclic form in the presence of the Lewis acid center (framework Sn4+), isomerizes into the acyclic form of fructose and finally ring closes to yield the furanose product. Akin to the metalloenzyme, the isomerization step proceeds by intramolecular hydride transfer from C2 to C1. Extraframework tin oxides located within hydrophobic channels of the molecular sieve that exclude liquid water can also isomerize glucose to fructose in aqueous media, but do so through a base-catalyzed proton abstraction mechanism. Extraframework tin oxide particles located at the external surface of the molecular sieve crystals or on amorphous silica supports are not active in aqueous media but are able to perform the isomerization in methanol by a base-catalyzed proton abstraction mechanism. Post-synthetic exchange of Na+ with Sn-Beta alters the glucose reaction pathway from the 1,2 intramolecular hydrogen shift (isomerization) to produce fructose towards the 1,2 intramolecular carbon shift (epimerization) that forms mannose. Na+ remains exchanged onto silanol groups during reaction in methanol solvent, leading to a near complete shift in selectivity towards glucose epimerization to mannose. In contrast, decationation occurs during reaction in aqueous solutions and gradually increases the reaction selectivity to isomerization at the expense of epimerization. Decationation and concomitant changes in selectivity can be eliminated by addition of NaCl to the aqueous reaction solution. Thus, framework tin sites with a proximal silanol group are the active sites for the 1, 2 intramolecular hydride shift in the isomerization of glucose to fructose, while these sites with Na-exchanged silanol group are the active sites for the 1, 2 intramolecular carbon shift in epimerization of glucose to mannose.