942 resultados para Respuestas Estatales
This paper aims to demonstrate how in the constitutional rule of law the right of resistance plays a key role in its development, its adaptation to the changing reality of society and the satisfaction of the interests of all the people involved in this common project. Firstly, we will analyze how individuals or social groups must act when they suffer injustices due to state acts or laws that violate their most basic rights. In some cases, we believe that they have the right to exercise any form of weak resistance that they deem appropriate to present at the public scene a cause that must be socially and politically recognized. Secondly, we will see what happens when the rule of law itself is in danger. In that case, we believe that society will have not only the right but the duty to exercise the resistance in its most extreme form to defend the existing constitutional order of any illegitimate authority that seeks to impose itself on it and the sovereignty of the people.
The “crisis of the social issue” in the EU has led to a certain consensus in the need to renew the organizational and institutional model of public administration. The core of the reform implies important administrative changes in most of the European welfare states. Those changes are inspired on theories such as the new public management, management by objectives or partnership. Such changes involve both semantic (“sharing responsibilities”, “effective costs”, or the substitution of “citizen under an administration” by “consumer”) and political (predominance of scattered forms of power and the individualization of responsibilities) transformations which operate in the framework of individuals and State relations. The paradigms of activation and flexicurity have been central in this public administration modernization project. This commitment with new forms of governance of social issues has important consequences for the political and moral foundations of social cohesion, and the Spanish case is not an exception. This paper aims at looking at those representations of “modernization” (as they appear in debates about the employment services restructuring policies) in detail as well as providing references to the trajectory of such reforms of public services since the early eighties to the beginning of the crisis.
Several authors have applied the concept of Welfare Regimens for studying social policy in Latin America (Esping-Andersen, 1993 and 2000). Among others, Martínez Franzoni (2007) develops a typology, with fi eld work is at the turn of the millennium, and establishes three categories: State-productivist regime, state-protectionist and family orientated. Most countries in the region are placed in the latter category. The hypothesis of this article argues that with the emergence of governments considered “left” or “progressive” in several countries of the region from the late ‘90s and, more decisively, in 2000’, the map of welfare regimes models could have mutated substantively. The nationally transformative experiences are different (various socio-economic realities and political action in which they are located exists) but they have several contact points that can be summarized in a greater state intervention in different areas previously closed to their operating and recovery of important functions of welfare and care of the population by the government. The paper discusses with an exploratory and descriptive approach the welfare schemes that would shape in three countries that have constitutionalized the change from the neoliberal paradigm: Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador.
Transparency in nonprofit sector and foundations, as an element to enhance the confidence of stakeholders in the organization, is a fact shown by several studies in recent decades. Transparency can be considered in various fields and through different channels. In our study we focused on the analysis of the organizational and economic transparency of foundations, shown through the voluntary information on their Website. We review the theoretical previous studies published to put to the foundations within the framework of the social economy. This theoretical framework has focused on accountability that make foundations in relation to its social function and its management, especially since the most recent focus of information transparency across the Website.In this theoretical framework was made an index to quantify the voluntary information which is shown on its website. This index has been developed ad hoc for this study and applied to a group of large corporate foundations.With the application of these data are obtained two kind of results, to a descriptive level and to a inferential level.We analyzed the statistical correlation between economic transparency and organizational transparency offered in the Website through quantified variables by a multiple linear regression. This empirical analysis allows us to draw conclusions about the level of transparency offered by these organizations in relation to their organizational and financial information, as well as explain the relation between them.
Item Response Theory, IRT, is a valuable methodology for analyzing the quality of the instruments utilized in assessment of academic achievement. This article presents an implementation of the mentioned theory, particularly of the Rasch model, in order to calibrate items and the instrument used in the classification test for the Basic Mathematics subject at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. 509 responses chains of students, obtained in the june 2011 application, were analyzed with a set of 45 items, through eight case studies that are showing progressive steps of calibration. Criteria of validity of items and of whole instrument were defined and utilized, to select groups of responses chains and items that were finally used in the determination of parameters which then allowed the classification of assessed students by the test.
Modern scientific world-view has undermined traditional myths, the functional survival of which seems to depend today in the West on a positivist justification. This would place them in the field of real History, through their study and revitalization by pseudoscientific disciplines such as the Atlantis and the ancient astronaut hypotheses. These have inspired new epic poems in (regular) verse that combine classic and/or biblical myths with a (pseudo)scientific modern world-view. For example, the critical rewriting of Noah’s myth by using the ancient astronaut hypothesis as a fictional device to produce a contemporary kind of plausibility allowed Abel Montagut to renew epic poetry, updating it also by adopting science fiction chronotopes in order to structure his fictional construction and to generate a high ethical sense for our time. Thus, his Poemo de Utnoa (1993) / La gesta d’Utnoa (1996), which has become a major classic of the literature in Esperanto thanks to its original version in this language, is a landmark of both science fiction and neo-biblical epics. This poem is written from a secular and purely literary perspective.
Pío Collivadino was a highly recognized painter in life, occupying the most important charges in the artistic field and receiving awards in his country and abroad, which turned him into an inescapable reference of young Argentinean artists who earned recognition throughout the twentieth century. Why, then, with the time, his work began to fall to the wayside? In response to this question, the present article, based on the analysis of the work of that artist, proposes to problematize the notion of subjectivity, both in its individual dimension and its national character, underlining the role that the figure of the artist meets for its formation. Developing the concepts of light-color and body-mass, from Collivadino painting, this article will attempt to explain the relation between the emergence of an Argentinean subjectivity, at the beginning of 20th century, and the art, not only at the level of the issues addressed, but, especially, taking into consideration its formal characteristics.
El presente estudio fue realizado en tres clases del Centro de Educación Primaria "Filósofo Séneca" de Madrid. El objetivo fue determinar la forma en que los niños de 5º y 6º de educación primaria procesan la información social y su relación con el nivel de ajuste social manifestado, expresado en términos de agresividad y victimización. El estudio, se basa en el Modelo de Procesamiento de la Información Social propuesto por Crick y Dodge (1994) y examina el cuarto paso de éste, la generación de respuestas alternativas. Se recogieron datos de forma individualizada de n=55 niños, 24 niños y 31 niñas. La hipótesis principal, formulada como que un déficit en el procesamiento de la información social se relacionará con unos niveles más altos de agresión y victimización, se mantiene.
The following study was implemented in three classes of the Primary EducationCentre «Filósofo Séneca». Its aim was to determine the way that children of this age processsocial information and the relation between this and the level of aggression or victimizationthey show.The study is based on the Model of Social Information Processing proposed byCrick and Dodge in 1994, and examines the fourth step of this model, the generation of alternative responses. The principal hypothesis, that a deficit in social information process-ing will be related to higher levels of aggression and victimization, is supported.
RESUMO: Problema: Atualmente o internamento em unidades de saúde é considerado um recurso de última linha, sendo no contexto familiar e social que a pessoa vive a sua depressão. Consequência desta realidade, o papel de cuidador é naturalmente assumido pelo familiar, mas nem sempre aceite como tal pela pessoa que vive a depressão, tendo este facto repercussões importantes na vida familiar, sobretudo ao nível das relações interpessoais. Questão: - Como é que a pessoa com depressão vê o familiar cuidador? Objetivos: - caraterizar a depressão na perspetiva de quem a vive; - Caraterizar o papel de cuidador familiar na perspetiva do doente; - Descrever as reações do doente na relação com os cuidadores familiares Metodologia: desenho de natureza qualitativa e indutiva com recurso à Grounded Theory. Dois pólos das consultas externas do departamento psiquiatria e saúde mental, Hospital de Évora, em duas cidades diferentes, de fevereiro a julho 2009. Seleção de participantes, não probabilística intencional com os seguintes critérios: adultos ou idosos com diagnóstico de depressão, habitar com familiares, ter capacidade cognitiva que permita recolher informação. Realizadas entrevistas a 20 participantes (8 doentes e 12 familiares), num total de 8 famílias. Resultados: codificação axial permitiu encontrar 4 categorias - narrativa do processo de adoecer – é multifacetada, com a identificação clara do início, causas, características da doença e manifestações; - a depressão e eu – a relação dual entre o doente e a depressão, estratégias de enfrentamento da doença, autoaprendizagem, procura de ajuda, gestão da medicação, sentimentos expressos, desejos; - ler o familiar que cuida - a interpretação e o sentido atribuído pelo doente aos comportamentos do familiar cuidador; o sentimento de não cuidado, centrado na ausência de compreensão e paciência, chantagem emocional, ameaças, agressividade, indiferença, falta de diálogo, controle excessivo, incapacidade para escutar, tentativas falhadas de ajuda; - eu na relação com o familiar que cuida - o doente não reconhece capacidade ao familiar para ajudar, ignora os seus conselhos e sente-se perdido sem saber o que fazer, por vezes evita o diálogo saindo de casa por períodos, não percebe o familiar nem sabe o que ele pensa sobre a sua situação de saúde, sente-se só. Conclusão: quando há uma pessoa com depressão na família tudo se altera; os familiares mudam, construindo o papel de cuidador na interação quotidiana. As estratégias de cuidados desenvolvem-se de modo reativo em função do comportamento do doente, adquirindo contornos particulares de conteúdo nem sempre adequado à situação de saúde vivida. O doente não se sente cuidado, nem reconhece o familiar como parceiro ativo no seu processo de recuperação. Ali, L., Ahlström, B., Krevers, B. & Skärsäter, I. (2012). Daily life for Young adults who care for a person with mental illness: a qualitative study. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 19, 610-617 Silva, N., Guarda, T., Mendes, M., Godinho, M., Lima, K., Soares, M. (2012). Respuestas de la persona adulta mayor frente a la depresión: revisión integrativa. Desarrollo Científico Enfermería, 20, nº2, 46-50 Ward, E., Mengesha, M. & Issa, F. (2014). Older African American women’s lived experiences with depression and coping behaviours. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 21, 46-59
Este estudo investiga a influência da interação imagem-texto de três álbuns ilustrados de língua inglesa no desenvolvimento do repertório linguístico de crianças pré-leitoras. Numa metodologia de estudo de caso, adotando uma abordagem qualitativa e socio construtivista num contexto real de educação pré-escolar, três grupos de crianças portuguesas foram filmados ao longo de várias sessões de leitura repetida em voz alta e em inglês, e de sessões de recontos trabalhados em pequenos grupos. Após a transcrição das gravações, o corpus resultante foi analisado com base numa teoria fundamentada de compreensão literária e em escalas de leitura emergente. Os resultados mostraram que as crianças adotaram uma postura fortemente analítica face aos álbuns, direcionando as suas respostas para as ilustrações e usando-as como apoio na construção de significados. Os resultados mostraram também que cada interanimação visual e verbal ofereceu diversas oportunidades para o uso das línguas em presença, o português e o inglês, tendo o formato e a estrutura inerentes a cada álbum contribuído de forma muito relevante para as respostas das crianças. Contudo, os álbuns com uma dinâmica imagem-texto mais complexa proporcionaram um maior envolvimento das crianças, provocando mais discussão em torno das ilustrações e criando mais oportunidades para mediação do uso da segunda língua. Os resultados revelaram ainda a importância da interação durante as leituras repetidas, na compreensão e na análise narrativa, num processo de desenvolvimento da linguagem. Com base nestes resultados, apontam-se conclusões, com implicações para os contextos educativos, quer ao nível da língua materna, quer ao nível da segunda língua, nomeadamente em relação: à seleção de álbuns e à valorização das ilustrações e ainda à importância de leituras repetidas em voz alta e à discussão realizada pelas crianças.
Strong and sometimes extreme responses in runoff and soil erosion following wildfires have been reported worldwide. However, in the case of North-Central Portugal, little research had been carried out regarding the hydrologic and erosive impacts of several land management activities in recently burnt areas (such as ground preparation, post-fire logging or post-fire mitigation treatments). This study aims to assess post-fire runoff and soil erosion response on Eucalypt and Maritime pine plantations during the first, second and third years following wildfires. The effect of several pre-fire ground preparation operations (ploughed down-slope, contour ploughed and inclined terraces), post-fire logging activities (on both the eucalypt and pine plantations), as well as the application of hydromulch (a post-fire emergency treatment) on overland flow and soil erosion were compared to burnt but undisturbed and untreated areas. The intensive monitoring of runoff, soil erosion and selected soil properties served to determine the main factors involved in post-fire runoff and soil erosion and their spatial and temporal variation. Soil water repellency deserved special attention, due to its supposed important role for overland flow generation. Repeated rainfall simulation experiments (RSE’s), micro-scale runoff plots and bounded sediment fences were carried out and/or installed immediately after the wildfire on seven burnt slopes. Micro-scale runoff plots results under natural rainfall conditions were also compared to the RSE’s results, which was useful for assessing the representativeness of the data obtained with artificial rainfall. The results showed comparable runoff coefficient (20-60%) but lower sediment losses (125-1000 g m-2) than prior studies in Portugal, but especially outside Portugal. Lower sediment losses were related with the historic intensive land use in the area. In evaluating these losses, however, the shallowness and stoniness of the soils, as well as the high organic matter fraction of the eroded sediments (50%) must not be overlooked. Sediment limited erosion was measured in all the ploughed sites, probably due to the time since ploughing (several years). The disturbance of the soil surface cover due to post-fire logging and wood extraction substantially increased sediment losses at both the pine and eucalypt sites. Hydromulch effectiveness in reducing the runoff (70%) and sediment losses (83%) was attributed to the protective high coverage provided by hydromulch. The hydromulch significantly affected the soil cover and other soil properties and these changes also reduced the soil erosion risk. The rainfall amount was the main factor explaining the variance in runoff. However, a shift from rainfall amount to rainfall intensity was detected when either the surface cover or the infiltration capacity (hydrophilic conditions) increased. Sediment losses were controlled by rainfall intensity and surface cover. The role of soil water repellency on runoff generation was not consistent; the overall repellency levels alone were not enough to assess its hydrological impact. Soil water repellency explained runoff generation in the specific-sites model better than in the overall model. Additionally, soil moisture content was a better predictor for soil water repellency than antecedent rainfall. The natural rainfall results confirmed that RSE’s were able to capture the specific sediment losses and its organic matter content as well as the differences between the ploughed and unploughed sites. Repeated RSE’s also captured the seasonal variations in runoff and sediment losses attributed to soil water repellency. These results have implications for post-fire soil erosion modelling and soil conservation practices in the region, or areas with the same land use, climate and soil characteristics. The measured sediment loss, as well as the increasing frequency of ploughing in recently burnt and unburnt eucalypt stands, suggests ploughing is not an effective as a soil conservation measure. Logging activities with less impact are recommended in order to maintain the forest litter protecting the soil surface. Due to its high effectiveness in reducing runoff and soil erosion, hydromulch is recommended for highly sensitive and vulnerable areas.
Las organizaciones se desarrollan en la actualidad dentro de un contexto de cambio e incertidumbre, exigiendo por parte de sus miembros una permanente adaptación para encontrar soluciones que permitan afirmar sus diferencias y garantizar su competitividad. Actualmente, en Portugal, el éxito empresarial está asociado al discurso institucional, a la innovación, sinónimo de modernidad y productividad. Es en este contexto que iniciamos un trabajo con el objetivo de contribuir para la comprensión de las competencias de gestión asociadas a la innovación en el sector de la hotelería en la región de Algarve. Como consideró Argyris (1999), la mayoría de las personas actúa de acuerdo con dos teorías diferentes: la teoría declarada (que se refiere a los objetivos y valores en los que la persona afirma que orienta su comportamiento) y la teoría practicada (objetivos y valores que efectivamente orientan el comportamiento), siendo más fácil, a las personas, expresar sus teorías declaradas. En este estudio, tratamos de resolver la aparente contradicción entre estas dos teorías, recurriendo al método de los constructos personales de Kelly (1963) a fin de construir un cuestionario muy próximo a los conceptos y el lenguaje organizacional, lo que nos permitió definir “clusters” de comportamientos relacionados con la innovación. El cuestionario fue aplicado a 15 hoteles de cuatro y cinco estrellas en el Algarve, habiendo sido validadas 509 respuestas. El análisis estadístico permitió revelar que los subordinados diferencian entre superiores innovadores y no innovadoras entorno a dos dimensiones: las competencias de toma de decisión (ej: el jefe innovador no revela miedo a cometer errores, comprende rápidamente las nuevas situaciones) y las competencias relacionales (ej: facilidad con que los colaboradores plantean una cuestión difícil y comparten la información porque eso enriquece el grupo). Los resultados concluyen que los hoteles se subdividen en tres grupos – hoteles más innovadores, de innovación intermedia y menos innovadores – y que existen diferencias significativas entre los trabajadores de front office, de back office y del sector administrativo y de dirección. Intentamos también saber como los propios jefes considerados innovadores se posicionaban relativamente a la innovación, para lo que realizamos 24 entrevistas a superiores considerados como innovadores por sus subordinados y 6 entrevistas a superiores no innovadores. Los resultados revelan que los jefes innovadores construyen su rol los subordinados como referencia, mientras los no innovadores se identifican con otros superiores y, concretamente con sus propios jefes.
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Português e Espanhol, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, História (História Contemporânea), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua