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Binder's title.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Backhousia citriodora is a commercially valuable Australian woody species that has a reputation for being recalcitrant in forming adventitious roots from cuttings. A study was carried out to determine whether maturation and plant genotype influenced rooting. It also tried to establish whether genotypic differences in rooting ability were related to characteristics of the cutting material. The rooting of cuttings in B. citriodora declines after maturation and is strongly influenced by genotype. The cutting characteristics of actively growing axillary buds, wide stems and mature leaves are associated with rooting and survival but not related to genotype. Furthermore, the 8-24 weeks required by B. citriodora to form roots from cuttings makes it difficult to distinguish between the characteristics that increase rooting and those characteristics that enhance survival. A subsequent disbudding experiment demonstrated that axillary buds per se have an inhibitory effect on rooting. This suggests that the presence of actively growing axillary buds are an indication of overall growth and condition of the stock plant unrelated to the formation of adventitious rooting. The effects of other cutting characteristics on rooting are also discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Knowledge sharing is an essential component of effective knowledge management. However, evaluation apprehension, or the fear that your work may be critiqued, can inhibit knowledge sharing. Using the general framework of social exchange theory, we examined the effects of evaluation apprehension and perceived benefit of knowledge sharing ( such as enhanced reputation) on employees' knowledge sharing intentions in two contexts: interpersonal (i.e., by direct contact between two employees) and database (i.e., via repositories). Evaluation apprehension was negatively associated with knowledge sharing intentions in both contexts while perceived bene. it was only positively associated with knowledge sharing intentions in the database context. Moreover, compared to the interpersonal context, evaluation apprehension was higher and knowledge sharing lower in the database context. Finally, the negative effects of evaluation apprehension upon knowledge sharing intentions were worse when perceived benefits were low compared to when perceived benefits were high.


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Ginger oil, obtained by steam distillation of the rhizome of Zingiber officinale Roscoe, is used in the beverage and fragrance industries. Ginger oil displays considerable compositional diversity, but is typically characterized by a high content of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, including zingiberene, arcurcumene, beta-bisabolene, and beta-sesquiphellandrene. Australian ginger oil has a reputation for possessing a particular lemony aroma, due to its high content of the isomers neral and geranial, often collectively referred to as citral. Fresh rhizomes of 17 clones of Australian ginger, including commercial cultivars and experimental tetraploid clones, were steam distilled 7 weeks post-harvest, and the resulting oils were analyzed by GC-MS. The essential oils of 16 of the 17 clones, including the tetraploid clones and their parent cultivar, were found to be of substantially similar composition. These oils were characterized by very high citral levels (51-71%) and relatively low levels of the sesquiterpene hydrocarbons typical of ginger oil. The citral levels of most of these oils exceeded those previously reported for ginger oils. The neral-to-geranial ratio was shown to be remarkably constant (0.61 +/- 0.01) across all 17 clones. One clone, the cultivar Jamaican, yielded oil with a substantially different composition, lower citral content and higher levels of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons. Because this cultivar also contains significantly higher concentrations of pungent gingerols, it possesses unique aroma and flavor characteristics, which should be of commercial interest.


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Este projeto se insere na área de Gestão de Carreiras e trata de questões referentes aos critérios utilizados para a construção de carreira dos alunos iniciantes do ensino superior. No momento da tomada de decisão, os jovens baseiam-se em seus desejos e aspirações, bem como são pressionados pela força cultura e social. Observam somente valores tais como status, remuneração e prestígio? O questionamento é permeado pela concepção de que o indivíduo é produto e também produtor da cultura. A relevância desta pesquisa se fundamenta na busca por compreender os critérios utilizados para a construção do caminho profissional dos jovens universitários, e qual a participação das instituições de ensino superior no processo. A pesquisa bibliográfica utilizada para a construção da plataforma teórica, permite aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre o tema, e serve como base para o estudo de caso que envolve alunos iniciantes do curso de administração de empresas e também uma profissional da área de Gestão de Carreira de uma instituição de ensino superior privada de São Paulo.(AU)


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This thesis presents the formal definition of a novel Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) extension of the Networked Autonomic Machine (NAM) framework, a general-purpose conceptual tool which describes large-scale distributed autonomic systems. The introduction of autonomic policies in the MCC paradigm has proved to be an effective technique to increase the robustness and flexibility of MCC systems. In particular, autonomic policies based on continuous resource and connectivity monitoring help automate context-aware decisions for computation offloading. We have also provided NAM with a formalization in terms of a transformational operational semantics in order to fill the gap between its existing Java implementation NAM4J and its conceptual definition. Moreover, we have extended NAM4J by adding several components with the purpose of managing large scale autonomic distributed environments. In particular, the middleware allows for the implementation of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks of NAM nodes. Moreover, NAM mobility actions have been implemented to enable the migration of code, execution state and data. Within NAM4J, we have designed and developed a component, denoted as context bus, which is particularly useful in collaborative applications in that, if replicated on each peer, it instantiates a virtual shared channel allowing nodes to notify and get notified about context events. Regarding the autonomic policies management, we have provided NAM4J with a rule engine, whose purpose is to allow a system to autonomously determine when offloading is convenient. We have also provided NAM4J with trust and reputation management mechanisms to make the middleware suitable for applications in which such aspects are of great interest. To this purpose, we have designed and implemented a distributed framework, denoted as DARTSense, where no central server is required, as reputation values are stored and updated by participants in a subjective fashion. We have also investigated the literature regarding MCC systems. The analysis pointed out that all MCC models focus on mobile devices, and consider the Cloud as a system with unlimited resources. To contribute in filling this gap, we defined a modeling and simulation framework for the design and analysis of MCC systems, encompassing both their sides. We have also implemented a modular and reusable simulator of the model. We have applied the NAM principles to two different application scenarios. First, we have defined a hybrid P2P/cloud approach where components and protocols are autonomically configured according to specific target goals, such as cost-effectiveness, reliability and availability. Merging P2P and cloud paradigms brings together the advantages of both: high availability, provided by the Cloud presence, and low cost, by exploiting inexpensive peers resources. As an example, we have shown how the proposed approach can be used to design NAM-based collaborative storage systems based on an autonomic policy to decide how to distribute data chunks among peers and Cloud, according to cost minimization and data availability goals. As a second application, we have defined an autonomic architecture for decentralized urban participatory sensing (UPS) which bridges sensor networks and mobile systems to improve effectiveness and efficiency. The developed application allows users to retrieve and publish different types of sensed information by using the features provided by NAM4J's context bus. Trust and reputation is managed through the application of DARTSense mechanisms. Also, the application includes an autonomic policy that detects areas characterized by few contributors, and tries to recruit new providers by migrating code necessary to sensing, through NAM mobility actions.


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Este estudo sobre a Gestão de Relacionamento com a Mídia em universidades privadas pretende avaliar como esta área da Comunicação Empresarial tem sido conduzida pelas seguintes Instituições de Ensino Superior de São Paulo: a Univ. Ibirapuera, a Univ. de Santo Amaro, a Univ. Cidade de São Paulo e a Universidade Paulista, corpus definido com base em pesquisa exploratória prévia. Buscamos demonstrar neste estudo, o papel fundamental da GRM, sendo considerada como parte da inteligência estratégica das IES. Sendo assim, entendemos que esta área da Comunicação Empresarial pode contribuir, por meio das relações de poder simbólico que se estabelecem na mídia, para o reconhecimento e a valorização dessas instituições no cenário educacional brasileiro atual. Este estudo tem como objetivos, verificar as contribuições da GRM na construção de uma imagem e reputação de credibilidade das IES; Buscamos também refletir sobre a teoria e prática Comunicação Empresarial no setor por meio de pesquisa empírica, observando sua estrutura de comunicação e ações realizadas e relacionando as análises aos conceitos encontrados nas referências bibliográficas sobre o tema. Técnicas e instrumentos metodológicos diversos foram utilizados para alcançar os objetivos propostos neste estudo, entre eles, a análise documental, a pesquisa bibliográfica, entrevistas semiestruturadas e a análise de conteúdo. Observamos por meio deste estudo que a prática da GRM se mantém insipiente nessas instituições, onde o foco principal do pensamento e planejamento estratégico de comunicação está nas ações publicitárias mercadológicas, em políticas de comunicação interna e ações básicas, quando não pontuais de assessoria de imprensa.


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A tese apresenta um estudo comparativo entre a atuação das organizações públicas e privadas do Brasil e, as caixas de poupança e as empresas privadas da Espanha, no que concerne à política de marketing cultural e suas estratégias de comunicação corporativa, tendo como pano de fundo os recursos incentivados pelos governos através das leis de isenção fiscal. Com dois objetivos principais, procurou-se identificar, primeiramente, a parceria entre o Estado e as companhias na promoção da cultura. O segundo e principal intuito foi descobrir as múltiplas estratégias de visibilidade cultural no mundo corporativo através da comunicação e do marketing. Além disso, se verificou os reflexos dessa relação na responsabilidade social corporativa e na reputação, como também, no mercado cultural. O trabalho foi pautado, principalmente, na análise de conteúdo qualitativa por emparelhamento e ainda na AIM- Auditoria de Imagem na Mídia. Ao final, conclui-se que embora as leis de isenção sejam divergentes nos dois países, o comportamento das companhias é similar tanto no que concerne aos investimentos em cultura, como no que se refere às estratégias de comunicação. Contudo, no Brasil o dinheiro é quase, majoritariamente, vindo da renúncia fiscal do Estado, enquanto que na Espanha vem das próprias organizações.


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O presente estudo analisou a implantação e a prática educativa do trabalho da missionária metodista norte-americana Martha Hite Watts na virada do século XIX e início do século XX, na cidade de Piracicaba, situada no estado de São Paulo. Os eixos de análise para interpretar as interfaces históricas do período baseiam-se em três aspectos: gênero, educação e missão. Martha Watts, é considerada a primeira educadora metodista no Brasil. Sua atuação se deu a partir de 1881, na cidade de Piracicaba, onde fundou o Colégio Piracicabano, que permanece em funcionamento até o presente momento. Sua experiência educacional foi relevante para o desempenho das escolas metodistas ao adotar uma pedagogia inovadora, nos moldes dos países europeus e de sua terra natal. No Brasil do final do século XIX, Martha Watts mostrou determinação ao enfrentar as diferenças de uma nova cultura e novo ambiente com hábitos, gestos e palavras estranhas para ela. O estudo procurou, a partir do diálogo com as cartas deixadas pela missionária, contribuir para a linha de pesquisa em História da Educação Brasileira. A obra da missionária Martha Watts se configura como um valioso legado para o estudo da História da Educação, História das Mulheres e Gênero.(AU)


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As várias teorias acerca da estrutura de capital despertam interesse motivando diversos estudos sobre o assunto sem, no entanto, ter um consenso. Outro tema aparentemente pouco explorado refere-se ao ciclo de vida das empresas e como ele pode influenciar a estrutura de capital. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar quais determinantes possuem maior relevância no endividamento das empresas e se estes determinantes alteram-se dependendo do ciclo de vida da empresa apoiada pelas teorias Trade Off, Pecking Order e Teoria da Agência. Para alcançar o objetivo deste trabalho foi utilizado análise em painel de efeito fixo sendo a amostra composta por empresas brasileiras de capital aberto, com dados secundários disponíveis na Economática® no período de 2005 a 2013, utilizando-se os setores da BM&FBOVESPA. Como resultado principal destaca-se o mesmo comportamento entre a amostra geral, alto e baixo crescimento pelo endividamento contábil para o determinante Lucratividade apresentando uma relação negativa, e para os determinantes Oportunidade de Crescimento e Tamanho, estes com uma relação positiva. Para os grupos de alto e baixo crescimento alguns determinantes apresentaram resultados diferentes, como a singularidade que resultou significância nestes dois grupos, sendo positiva no baixo crescimento e negativa no alto crescimento, para o valor colateral dos ativos e benefício fiscal não dívida apresentaram significância apenas no grupo de baixo crescimento. Para o endividamento a valor de mercado foi observado significância para o Benefício fiscal não dívida e Singularidade. Este resultado reforça o argumento de que o ciclo de vida influência a estrutura de capital


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This paper first analyses the Performance Related Pay (PRP) schemes developed from 1992/3 to 2002/3 in a large Business School in England and then the School’s mission and strategic objectives in that period. The PRP schemes changed to include more specific performance indicators and these were increasingly linked to the objectives. The School’s resources allocated to PRP increased from £44,000 in 1992/93 to £355,000 in 2002/3 and from 1.08% in 1995/96 to 2.37% of the School’s income in 2002/3. As well as examining the changing strategic objectives and PRP schemes, the paper charts the development of the School’s reputation and resources and the role which staff motivation via PRP played at different stages. The paper concludes that the PRP scheme was at its most effective when it was clearly linked with the School’s strategic objectives, but that the relationship between objectives and motivation may be more complex than apparent from this study. Although the PRP scheme under consideration also applies to academic related staff, this paper concentrates on the effect on academic staff.


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Werner Sombart (1863-1941) was a famous and controversial social scientist in Germany during the early 20th century. Highly influential, his work and reputation have been indelibly tainted by his embrace of National Socialism in the last decade of his life. Although Sombart left an enormous opus spanning disciplinary boundaries, the scholarly assessment of and intellectual reaction to his work inside and outside of Germany is divided, and ambivalent. Best known for his analyses of capitalism - his essay "Why is There No Socialism in the United States?" remains a classic - Sombart consistently responded to the social and political developments that have shaped the 20th century. This collection provides a representative sampling of those portions of Sombart's work that have stood the test of time. The volume opens with a substantial introduction by the editors reviewing Sombart's life and career, the evolution of his major intellectual concerns, his relation to Marx and Weber, and his political affiliation with the Nazis. Their selection of texts emphasizes areas of his economic and cultural thought that remain relevant to intellectual trends in the social sciences, particularly those trends that seek a more broadly based, cross-disciplinary approach to the relationship of culture and economics. Sombart's writings on capitalism are represented by essays on the nature and origin of the market system and the diversity of its actors and motives among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Also included is an excerpt from Sombart's controversial volume "The Jews and Modern Capitalism" exploring the widely perceived relation between economic life and Judaism as a religion. In essays on the economics of cultural processes, Sombart's comprehensive and expansive idea of cultural science yields remarkable and prophetic insights into the nature of urbanism, luxury consumption, fashion and the cultural secularization of love. The volume's final section consists of Sombart's reflections on the social influences of technology, the economic life of the future, and on socialism, including the influential essay "Why is There No Socialism in the United States?". Encapsulating the most valuable aspects of his work, this study provides clear demonstration of Sombart's sense for fine cultural distinctions and broad cultural developments and the predictive power of his analyses. It should be of interest to sociologists, economists, political scientists and specialists in cultural studies.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the state of knowledge management (KM) in the energy sector and more broadly, and consider future directions for research and practice. Design/methodology/approach – The paper reviews the literature on KM and the practice of KM as relevant to the energy sector. Findings – There are many examples of good practice in KM in the sector, and some organisations, especially in the oil industry, are seen as leaders in KM practice. However, other organisations have yet to embark on explicit KM initiatives or projects at all. In addition, some parts of the energy sector discuss KM without any reference to the more general KM literature. Originality/value – Although some parts of the energy sector have justifiably earned a good reputation for KM, other parts are completely unaware of the field, as is apparent from the literature. This review helps to raise awareness and guide future work.


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Extant research on the impact of privatization in the Central Europe (CE) region has focused on improvements in efficiency and the nature of cost-based advantages. This study argues that the development of a vibrant privatized sector requires attention to the broader resource configurations of domestic enterprises. Empirical research was conducted on a large sample of firms in Poland, Hungary and Slovenia. Foreign investment was found to significantly impact on resource accumulation with implications for the development of strategic capabilities and competitive advantage. Foreign direct investment is an effective vehicle for the transfer of financial resources, reputation and new brands but not organizational capabilities. In terms of practice, this study demonstrates the important role of outside investment in the development of a firm's resource base (Frydman et al. 1999). Companies can gain a competitive advantage in their domestic markets through gaining access to the resources of foreign investors.