977 resultados para Quasi-stagnation


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We study the contribution of the stock of money to the macroeconomic outcomesof the 1990s in Japan using a small scale structural model. Likelihood-basedestimates of the parameters are provided and time stabilities of the structural relationshipsanalyzed. Real balances are statistically important for output and inflationfluctuations and their role has changed over time. Models which give moneyno role give a distorted representation of the sources of cyclical fluctuations. Thesevere stagnation and the long deflation are driven by different causes.


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This paper analyzes a panel of 18 European countries spanning from 1950 to 2003 toexamine the extent to which the legal reforms leading to easier divorce that took placeduring the second half of the 20th century have contributed to the increase in divorce rates across Europe. We use a quasi-experimental set-up and exploit the different timing of the reforms in divorce laws across countries. We account for unobserved country-specificfactors by introducing country fixed effects, and we include country-specific trends tocontrol for time-varying factors at the country level that may be correlated with divorcerates and divorce laws, such as changing social norms or slow moving demographictrends. We find that the reforms were followed by significant increases in divorce rates.Overall, we estimate that the introduction of no-fault, unilateral divorce increased thedivorce rate by about 1, a sizeable effect given the average rate of 4.2 divorces per 1,000married people in 2002.


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We analyze empirically the allocation of rights and monetary incentives in automobile franchise contracts. These contracts substantially restrict the decision rights of dealers and grant manufacturers extensive contractual completion and enforcement powers, converting the manufacturers, de facto, in a sort of quasi-judiciary instance. Variation in the allocation of decision rights andincentive intensity is explained by the incidence of moral hazard in the relation. In particular, when the cost of dealer moral hazard is higher and the risk of manufactureropportunism is lower, manufacturers enjoy more discretion in determining the performance required from their dealers and in using mechanisms such as monitoring, termination and monetary incentives to ensure such performance is provided. We also explore the existence of interdependencies between the different elements of the system. and find some complementarities between completion and termination rights, and between monitoring rights and the intensity of incentives.


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Departures from pure self interest in economic experiments have recently inspired models of "social preferences". We conduct experiments on simple two-person and three-person games with binary choices that test these theories more directly than the array of games conventionally considered. Our experiments show strong support for the prevalence of "quasi-maximin" preferences: People sacrifice to increase the payoffs for all recipients, but especially for the lowest-payoff recipients. People are also motivated by reciprocity: While people are reluctant to sacrifice to reciprocate good or bad behavior beyond what they would sacrifice for neutral parties, they withdraw willingness to sacrifice to achieve a fair outcome when others are themselves unwilling to sacrifice. Some participants are averse to getting different payoffs than others, but based on our experiments and reinterpretation of previous experiments we argue that behavior that has been presented as "difference aversion" in recent papers is actually a combination of reciprocal and quasi-maximin motivations. We formulate a model in which each player is willing to sacrifice to allocate the quasi-maximin allocation only to those players also believed to be pursuing the quasi-maximin allocation, and may sacrifice to punish unfair players.


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Depois de 1991, as políticas de comunicação desenvolvidas em Cabo Verde estiveram assentes numa contrariedade entre os planos do discurso e os planos da acção: se a nível discursivo, a liberdade de imprensa foi encarada como o pilar das opções do regime, a nível das práticas da governação um conjunto de acções e inacções dificultaram a implementação de um ambiente de liberdade no seio dos profissionais da comunicação social. Desde logo, o processo de transição de regime empurrou os jornalistas e os actores políticos no poder para uma situação de colisão eminente, resultando numa acumulação de processos judiciais contra os profissionais da comunicação social; também, o monopólio público do sector da televisão, para além de provocar a desregulação do sector – com as autarquias a instalarem antenas parabólicas para satisfazer a população com conteúdos de canais internacionais –, dificultou o pluralismo de opinião, já que sobre a estação pública recaem críticas constantes que apontam para a intervenção dos governos na sua actuação; ainda, regista-se, entre 1991 e 2009, uma política de desinvestimento dos sucessivos governos no sector mediático, relegando-o para um plano secundário das opções de governação. Se, nos primeiros anos da democracia pluralista, houve um aumento significativo do investimento no sector da comunicação social, cedo verificou-se uma quebra do investimento, que não deu espaço aos media estatais para crescerem e contribuírem efectivamente na solidificação do sistema democrático. Na correlação das políticas de comunicação com a liberdade de imprensa, resultam duas fases no percurso de Cabo Verde: a) fase de insatisfação generalizada (sobretudo na década de 90), em que, a par da fraca qualidade dos produtos mediáticos disponibilizados aos cidadãos, os jornalistas e a classe política entraram em rota de colisão; a classe jornalística dividiu-se, passando a haver os considerados ‘jornalistas próximos do PAICV’ e ‘jornalistas próximos do MpD’ (devemos levar em consideração que o MpD e o PAICV são os dois únicos partidos políticos virtualmente ilegíveis na arena política caboverdiana). Assim, a conivência entre os profissionais da comunicação social e os actores políticos fez com que alguns jornalistas passassem a ser apelidados de ‘comissários políticos’; b) fase de satisfação conveniente ou precária: instalou-se depois dos períodos mais conturbados da transição política, sobretudo a partir do início do novo milénio, com a substituição do partido no poder e uma mudança de atitude dos governantes em relação às actividades da comunicação social. A mudança de regime levou a uma redefinição do posicionamento dos jornalistas face aos partidos políticos, passando a haver profissionais que trabalham mais alinhados com o governo e profissionais que trabalham mais alinhados com a oposição. Esta situação resultou de uma má concepção de democracia instalada em Cabo Verde em que os partidos políticos figuram como as únicas entidades que gozam efectivamente de uma liberdade de actuação. Associado aos partidos políticos, encontramos uma concentração de poderes: o poder político (através do escrutínio público), o poder económico (grande parte dos empresários cabo-verdianos nasceram no seio dos partidos políticos que estiveram no governo, o que faz com que haja uma certa politização da vida económica do país), o poder cultural (a maior parte dos intelectuais está associada aos partidos políticos que, quando estão no governo, subsidiam os seus projectos e a sua aspiração de realização pessoal e profissional) e o poder de influência social (quase todos os órgãos de comunicação social nacionais estão conotados com os partidos políticos e a fraca liquidez do mercado publicitário faz com que não haja empresas auto-sustentáveis no sector mediático). Todos esses condicionalismos sociológicos acabam por dificultar a implementação de um ambiente de liberdade no seio da comunicação social cabo-verdiana. Apesar de, hodiernamente não haver uma insatisfação generalizada como na década de 90, a aparente normalidade que se regista na relação entre a classe política e os jornalistas é assegurada por uma informação que evita provocar incómodo nos partidos aos quais os órgãos de comunicação social se encontram associados ou com os quais são conotados. Desta forma, a auto-censura torna-se num mecanismo inibidor da liberdade de imprensa. Assim, encontra-se um jornalismo que, por um lado, procura ser incisivo para o partido encarado como oposição e, por outro lado, é cómodo, domesticado e amorfo para o partido ao qual o órgão de comunicação social em causa se encontra vinculado. Neste caso, não sobram condições para falar-se na isenção das práticas jornalísticas, nem no rigor das mensagens que são difundidas no seio da sociedade. Notamos que as políticas de comunicação adoptadas em Cabo Verde, depois de 1991, não provocaram uma revolução nas práticas jornalísticas. Se antes, os jornalistas eram considerados de ‘comissários políticos’ por se entender que estavam vinculados ao Partido Único, depois da abertura de regime registou-se uma divisão da classe jornalística entre os dois partidos políticos com mais expressão na sociedade cabo-verdiana. Assim, a concepção jurídica da liberdade de imprensa revestiuse de uma formalidade que não encontrou correspondência nas práticas do dia-a-dia dos jornalistas e, desta forma, perdura uma distância entre a concepção jurídico-formal e a concepção jurídico-material da liberdade de imprensa. Muito caminho preciso de ser feito nesta matéria para que a comunicação social possa vir a ser a voz da sociedade


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This work aims the applicability of the Transient electromagnetic method at an arid and semiarid environmental condition in the Santiago Island – Cape Verde. Some seashore areas of this island show an increasing salt contamination of the groundwater. The main objective of present work is to relate this water-quality condition with parameters taken from the transient sounding’s data. In this context, transient soundings have been acquired from 2005 through 2009, at several chosen valleys near the sea, in a mean rate of one field campaign each year. The first phase of this work was the understanding of the geophysical method details, problems and applicability, as the chosen and acquired equipment was the first one to be permanently available to the Portuguese geosciences community. This first phase was also accomplished with field tests. Interpretation of the transient sounding’s data curves were done by application of 1-D inversion methods already developed and published, as also with quasi 2-D and quasi 3-D inversion algorithms, where applicability was feasible. This was the second phase. The 2-D and 3-D approximation results are satisfactory and promising; although a higher spatial sounding’s density should certainly allow for better results. At phase three, these results have been compared against the available lithologic, hydrologic and hydrochemical data, in the context of Santiago’s island settings. The analyses of these merged data showed that two distinct origins for the observed inland groundwater salinity are possible; seashore shallow mixing with contemporary seawater and mixing with a deep and older salty layer from up flow groundwater. Relations between the electric resistivity and the salt water content distribution were found for the surveyed areas. To this environment condition, the electromagnetic transient method proved to be a reliable and powerful technique. The groundwater quality can be accessed beyond the few available watershed points, which have an uneven distribution.


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This paper studies the short run correlation of inflation and money growth. We study whether a model of learning can do better than a model of rational expectations, we focus our study on countries of high inflation. We take the money process as an exogenous variable, estimated from the data through a switching regime process. We findthat the rational expectations model and the model of learning both offer very good explanations for the joint behavior of money and prices.


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We introduce a microscopic method that determines quantitative optical properties beyond the optical diffraction limit and allows direct imaging of unstained living biological specimens. In established holographic microscopy, complex fields are measured using interferometric detection, allowing diffraction-limited phase measurements. Here, we show that non-invasive optical nanoscopy can achieve a lateral resolution of 90 nm by using a quasi-2 pi-holographic detection scheme and complex deconvolution. We record holograms from different illumination directions on the sample plane and observe subwavelength tomographic variations of the specimen. Nanoscale apertures serve to calibrate the tomographic reconstruction and to characterize the imaging system by means of the coherent transfer function. This gives rise to realistic inverse filtering and guarantees true complex field reconstruction. The observations are shown for nanoscopic porous cell frustule (diatoms), for the direct study of bacteria (Escherichia coil), and for a time-lapse approach to explore the dynamics of living dendritic spines (neurones).


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This paper argues that Malthusian regimes are capable of sustained changes in per capita incomes. Shifting mortality and fertility schedules can lead to different steady-state income levels, with long periods of growth during the transition. Europe checked the downward pressure on wages through late marriage, which reduced fertility, and a mortality regime that combined high death rates with high incomes. We argue that both emerged as a result of the Black Death.


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This article examines the private mechanisms used to safeguard quality in auditing, with a view to defining rules capable of facilitating the performance of market forces. An outline is given of a general theory of private quality assurance in auditing, based on the use of quasi-rents to self-enforce quality dimensions. Particular attention is paid to the role of fee income diversification as the key ingredient of private incentives for audit quality. The role of public regulation is then situated in the context defined by the presence of these safeguard mechanisms. This helps in defining the content of rules and the function of regulatory bodies in facilitating and strengthening the protective operation of the market. By making sense of the interaction between regulation, quality attributes and private safeguards, the analysis helps to evaluate the relative merits of different regulatory options.


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This paper uses a model of boundedly rational learning to accountfor the observations of recurrent hyperinflations in the lastdecade. We study a standard monetary model where the fullyrational expectations assumption is replaced by a formaldefinition of quasi-rational learning. The model under learningis able to match remarkably well some crucial stylized factsobserved during the recurrent hyperinflations experienced byseveral countries in the 80's. We argue that, despite being asmall departure from rational expectations, quasi-rationallearning does not preclude falsifiability of the model and itdoes not violate reasonable rationality requirements.


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We investigated the association of trabecular bone score (TBS) with microarchitecture and mechanical behavior of human lumbar vertebrae. We found that TBS reflects vertebral trabecular microarchitecture and is an independent predictor of vertebral mechanics. However, the addition of TBS to areal BMD (aBMD) did not significantly improve prediction of vertebral strength. INTRODUCTION: The trabecular bone score (TBS) is a gray-level measure of texture using a modified experimental variogram which can be extracted from dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) images. The current study aimed to confirm whether TBS is associated with trabecular microarchitecture and mechanics of human lumbar vertebrae, and if its combination with BMD improves prediction of fracture risk. METHODS: Lumbar vertebrae (L3) were harvested fresh from 16 donors. The anteroposterior and lateral bone mineral content (BMC) and areal BMD (aBMD) of the vertebral body were measured using DXA; then, the TBS was extracted using TBS iNsight software (Medimaps SA, France). The trabecular bone volume (Tb.BV/tissue volume, TV), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), degree of anisotropy, and structure model index (SMI) were measured using microcomputed tomography. Quasi-static uniaxial compressive testing was performed on L3 vertebral bodies to assess failure load and stiffness. RESULTS: The TBS was significantly correlated to Tb.BV/TV and SMI (râeuro0/00=âeuro0/000.58 and -0.62; pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/000.02, 0.01), but not related to BMC and BMD. TBS was significantly correlated with stiffness (râeuro0/00=âeuro0/000.64; pâeuro0/00=âeuro0/000.007), independently of bone mass. Using stepwise multiple regression models, we failed to demonstrate that the combination of BMD and TBS was better at explaining mechanical behavior than either variable alone. However, the combination TBS, Tb.Th, and BMC did perform better than each parameter alone, explaining 79 % of the variability in stiffness. CONCLUSIONS: In our study, TBS was associated with microarchitecture parameters and with vertebral mechanical behavior, but TBS did not improve prediction of vertebral biomechanical properties in addition to aBMD.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. L’objectiu inicial ha estat l'anàlisi mitjançant una càmera de vídeo d'un moviment parabòlic real, un salt de longitud, per intentar combinar física i esport. Però, com quasi sempre quan un investiga de forma rigorosa i atenta, es va obrir una porta, un nou objectiu. La comparació entre salts d'un amateur i uns professionals ens va permetre descobrir la tècnica dels saltadors, que d'altra banda complicava el moviment. El descobriment que amb una petita implementació tècnica podíem millorar la marca de salt va reorientar el treball i li va donar la vessant esportiva desitjada. S’ha seguit una metodologia d'observació i anàlisi experimental i d'aplicació del coneixement fent servir una tècnica, encara que no nova, poc utilitzada en treballs d'aquests nivells, el tractament de vídeos com a sensors cinemàtics. A través del processament fotograma a fotograma amb el software MultiLab s'han pogut identificar les variables involucrades en l'optimització del salt; s'han comparat les evolucions en els diferents salts i s'ha après d'aquest anàlisi per aplicar-ho a la millora. No cal oblidar una primera recerca documental, incloses les entrevistes a professionals.


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Nest plasticity of Cornitermes silvestrii (Isoptera, Termitidae, Syntermitinae) in response to flood pulse in the Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The Pantanal is one of the largest wetlands in the world. Since many areas in Pantanal are flooded during part of the year, it is expected that plants and animals would have mechanisms for their survival during the flooded period. This study investigated the existence of differences in nest shape and inquilines of Cornitermes silvestrii in areas influenced by the flood pulse. We measured the volume, height, width, and height/width ratio of 32 nests in flooded areas and 27 in dry areas, and performed an one-way-Anova with the quasi-Poisson distribution to determine if there were differences in the nest measurements between the points. To analyze the relationship of nest inquilines to flood pulse and nest shape, we performed a regression with a Poisson distribution with the inquiline richness and flood pulse, and the above measurements. The nests of C. silvestrii in flooded areas were significantly higher than nests in dry areas, and had a larger height/width ratio. Colonies in periodically flooded areas would probably make a larger effort to extend their nests vertically, to maintain at least some portion of the structure out of the water and prevent the entire colony from being submerged. Neither the size of the nest nor the flood pulses influenced the assemblage of 11 species found in nests of C. silvestrii.


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Um dos grandes problemas em aberto na matemática até os dias de hoje é a questão do empacotamento esférico. Para tentar resolver este problema, tem-se estudado alguns fatores importantes inerentes a isso. Nesse trabalho apresentamos uma breve introdução à teoria de reticulados e teoria de códigos, onde trataremos conceitos como densidade de empacotamento e de cobertura. O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo da densidade de empacotamento e de cobertura em reticulados relativos à norma p. Neste estudo enfatizaremos o artigo Quasi-perfect codes in the lp metric de Strapasson et al. [13] onde é estabelecida a noção de perfeição e imperfeição de reticulados relativos à norma p, e é apresentado um algoritmo que busca por reticulados perfeitos e quase-perfeitos.