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Electron cyclotron resonance CR) measurements have been carried out in magnetic fields up to 32 T to study electron-phonon interaction in two heavily modulation-delta -doped GaAs/Al0.3Ga0.7As single-quantum-well samples. No measurable resonant magnetopolaron effects were observed in either sample in the region of the GaAs longitudinal optical (LO) phonons. However, when the CR frequency is above LO phonon frequency, omega (LO)=E-LO/(h) over bar, at high magnetic fields (B>27 T), electron CR exhibits a strong avoided-level-crossing splitting for both samples at frequencies close to (omega (LO)+ (E-2-E-1)1 (h) over bar, where E-2, and E-1 are the energies of the bottoms of the second and the first subbands, respectively. The energy separation between the two branches is large with the minimum separation of 40 cm(-1) occurring at around 30.5 T. A detailed theoretical analysis, which includes a self-consistent calculation of the band structure and the effects of electron-phonon interaction on the CR, shows that this type of splitting is due to a three-level resonance between the second Landau level of the first electron subband and the lowest Landau level of the second subband plus one GaAs LO phonon. The absence of occupation effects in the final states and weak screening or this three-level process yields large energy separation even in the presence of high electron densities. Excellent agreement between the theory and the experimental results is obtained.


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A trilayer asymmetric superlattice, Si/Si1-xGex/Si1-yGey, is proposed, in which the broken inversion symmetry makes the microstructure optically biaxial; in particular, inequivalent interfaces in this heterostructure may cause a polarization ratio as large as about 2.5% in the absence of an external field. The electronic structure and absorption spectra for two types of trilayer superlattice with different parameters are calculated by use of the tight-binding model; the findings indicate the importance of the carrier confinement for the anisotropy value. The effect of external electric field on the optical anisotropy for such structures has also been discussed, and a Pockels coefficient of 10-9 cm V-1 estimated.


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Effects of rapid thermal annealing and SiO2 encapsulation on GaNAs/GaAs single quantum wells grown by plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy were studied. Photoluminescence measurements on a series of samples with different well widths and N compositions were used to evaluate the effects. The intermixing of GaNAs and GaAs layers was clearly enhanced by the presence of a SiO2-cap layer. However, it was strongly dependent on the N composition. After annealing at 900 degreesC for 30 s, a blueshift up to 62 meV was observed for the SiO2-capped region of the sample with N composition of 1.5%, whereas only a small blueshift of 26 meV was exhibited for the bare region. For the sample with the N composition of 3.1%, nearly identical photoluminescence peak energy shift for both the SiO2-capped region and the bare region was observed. It is suggested that the enhanced intermixing is mainly dominated by SiO2-capped layer induced defects-assisted diffusion for the sample with smaller N composition, while with increasing N composition, the diffusion assisted by interior defects become predominant. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Numerical calculations within the envelope function framework have been performed to analyze the relations between the magnitude of in-plane optical anisotropy and the values of the additional hole-mixing coefficients due to interface and electric field in (001) symmetric GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattices for light propagating along the [001] direction. It is found that the heavy- and light-hole states are mixed independently by interface and electric field. The numeric results demonstrate that the line shape of the in-plane anisotropic spectrum is determined by the ratio of the two hole-mixing coefficients. Theoretical analysis shows that with the help of simple calculation of the anisotropy at k=0, reliable values of the hole-mixing coefficients can be determined by reflectance-difference spectroscopy (IDS) technique, demanding no tedious fitting of experimental curves. The in-plane optical anisotropy measured by RDS provides a new method of getting the information on buried interfaces through the Value of the hole-mixing coefficient due to interface.


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The photoluminescence (PL) of In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As self-assembled quantum dots has been measured at 15 and 80 K under hydrostatic pressure. The lateral size of the dots ranges from 7 to 62 nm. The emissions from the dots with 26, 52 and 62 nm size have a blue shift under pressure, indicating that these quantum dots have the normal type-I structure with lowest conduction band at the Gamma -valley. However, the PL peak of dots with 7 nm diameter moves to lower energy with increasing pressure. It is a typical character for the X-related transition. Then these small dots have a type-II structure with the X-valley as the lowest conduction level. An envelope-function calculation confirms that the Gamma -like exciton transition energy will rise above the X-like transition energy in the In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As structure if the dot size is small enough.


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Self-assembled InAs quantum wires (QWRs) embedded in In0.52Al0.48As, In0.53Ga0.47As, and (In0.52Al0.48As)(n)/(In0.53Ga0.47As)(m)-short-period-lattice matrices on InP(001) were fabricated with molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). These QWR lines are along [110], x 4 direction in the 2 x 4 reconstructed (001) surface as revealed with reflection high-energy electron diffraction (RHEED). Alignment of quantum wires in different layers in the InAs/spacer multilayer structures depends on the composition of spacer layers. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The excitation transfer processes in vertically self organized pairs of unequal-sized quantum dots (QD's), which are created in InAs/GaAs bilayers with different InAs deposition amounts in the first and second layers, have been investigated experimentally by photoluminescence technique. The distance between the two dot layers is varied from 3 to 12 nm. The optical properties of the formed pairs of unequal-sized QD's with clearly discernible ground-state transition energy depend on the spacer thickness. When the spacer layer of GaAs is thin enough, only one photoluminescence peak related to the large QD ensemble has been observed as a result of strong electronic coupling in the InAs QD pairs. The results provide evidence for nonresonant energy transfer from the smaller QDs in the second layer to the larger QD's in the first layer in such an asymmetric QD pair.


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By extending the microscopic dipole model on optical-phonon modes as applied in quantum wells and quantum wires, to rectangular quantum dots (QD), optical phonon modes and their accompanying Frohlich potentials in QD are calculated and classified. When the bulk phonon dispersion is ignored, the optical phonon modes in QD can be clearly divided into the confined LO- and TO-bulk-like modes and the extended interface-like modes. Among the interface-like modes, a special attention is given to the corner modes, whose anisotropic behavior is depicted in the long wavelength limit. Based on the numerical results, a set of analytical formula are proposed to approximately describe the bulk-like modes, for which both the optical displacements and Frohlich potentials vanish at the interfaces. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the photoluminescence (PL) of self-assembled In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots (QDs) grown on (311)A GaAs substrate. The PL peak at 10 K shifts to lower energy by about 30 meV when the excitation power decreases by two orders of magnitude. It has a red-shift under pressure, that is the character of X-like transition. Moreover, its peak energy is smaller than the indirect gap of bulk Al0.5Ga0.5As and In0.55Al0.45As. We then attribute that peak to the type-II transition between electrons in X valley of Al0.5Ga0.5As and heavy holes in In0.55Al0.45As QDs. A new peak appears at the higher energy when temperature is increased above 70 K. It shifts to higher energy with increasing pressure, corresponding to the transition from conduction Gamma band to valence band in QDs. The measurements demonstrate that our In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As quantum dots are type-II QDs with X-like conduction-band minimum. To interpret the second X-related peak emerged under pressure, we discuss the X-valley split in QDs briefly. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)04622-2].


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We have investigated the temperature dependence of the photoluminescence (PL) spectrum of self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots. A distinctive double-peak feature of the PL spectra from quantum dots has been observed, and a bimodal distribution of dot sizes has also been confirmed by scanning tunneling microscopy image for uncapped sample. The power-dependent PL study demonstrates that the distinctive PL emission peaks are associated with the ground-state emission of islands in different size branches. The temperature-dependent PL study shows that the PL quenching temperature for different dot families is different. Due to lacking of the couple between quantum dots, an unusual temperature dependence of the linewidth and peak energy of the dot ensemble photoluminescence has not been observed. In addition, we have tuned the emission wavelength of InAs QDs to 1.3 mu m at room temperature.


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We have studied the effect of rapid thermal annealing (RTA) on highly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells by using photoluminescence (PL) and double-crystal X-ray diffraction (DCXRD) measurements. It is found that a distinct additional PL emission peak can be observed for the annealed samples. This PL emission possesses features similar to the PL emission from InGaAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) with the same indium content. It is proposed that this emission stems from QDs, which were formed during the annealing process. This formation is attributed to the favorable diffusion due to the inhomogeneous strain distribution in the InGaAs layer intersurface. The DCXRD measurements also confirm that the dominant relaxation is strain enhanced diffusion under the low annealing temperatures. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The pressure behaviour of In0.55Al0.45As/Al0.5Ga0.5As self-assembled quantum dots (QDs) has been studied at 15 K in the pressure range of 0-1.3 GPa. The atomic force microscopy image shows that the QDs have a multi-modal distribution in size. Three emission peaks were observed in the photoluminescence (PL) spectra, corresponding to the different QD families. The measured pressure coefficients are 82, 93 and 98 meV GPa(-1) for QDs with average lateral size of 26, 52 and 62 nm, respectively. The pressure coefficient of small QDs is about 17% smaller than that of bulk In0.55Al0.45As An envelope-function calculation was used to analyse the effect of pressure-induced change of barrier height, effective mass and dot size on the pressure coefficients of QDs. The Gamma-X state mixing was also included in the evaluation of the reduction of the pressure coefficients. The results indicate that both the pressure-induced increase of effective mass and Gamma-X mixing respond to the decrease of pressure coefficients, and the Gamma-X mixing is more important for small dots. The calculated Gamma-X interaction potentials are 15 and 10 meV for QDs with lateral size of 26 and 52 nm, respectively. A type-II alignment for the X conduction band is suggested according to the pressure dependence of the PL intensities. The valence-band offset was then estimated as 0.15 +/- 0.02.


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In this work we report the optical and microscopic properties of self-organized InAs/GaAs quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (1 0 0) oriented GaAs substrates. A distinctive double-peak feature of the PL spectra from quantum dots has been observed, and a bimodal distribution of dot sizes has also been confirmed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) image for uncapped sample. The power-dependent photoluminescence (PL) study demonstrates that the distinctive PL emission peaks are associated with the ground-state emission of islands in different size branches. The temperature-dependent PL study shows that the PL quenching temperature for different dot families is different. It is shown that the coupling between quantum dots plays a key role in unusual temperature dependence of QD photoluminescence. In addition, we have tuned the emission wavelength of InAs QDs to 1.3 mu m at room temperature. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Phonon modes in spherical GaAs quantum dots (QDs) with up to 11,855 atoms (8 nm in size) are calculated by using an empirical microscopic model. The group theory is employed to reduce the computational intensity, which further allows us to investigate the quantum confinement of phonon modes with different symmetries and reveals a phenomenon that phonon modes with different symmetries have different quantum confinement effect. For zinc-blende structure, the modes with the A(1) symmetry has the strongest quantum confinement effect and the T-1 modes the weakest. This could cause a crossover of symmetries of the highest frequency from A(1) to T-2 when the size of QDs decreases. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd, All rights reserved.


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InxGa1-xAs self-organized quantum dots with x=1.0, 0.5, and 0.35 have been grown by molecular beam epitaxy. The areal density, distribution, and shapes have been found to be dependent on x. The dot shape changes from a round shape for x=1.0 to an elliptical shape for x less than or equal to 0.5. The major axis and minor axis of the elliptical InxGa1-xAs dots are along the [(1) over bar 10] and [110] directions, respectively. The ordering phenomenon is also discussed. It is suggested that the dot-dot interaction may play important roles in the self-organization process. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(00)10701-7].