955 resultados para Programa de Formação de Alfabetizadores PROFA


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Ps-graduao em Docncia para a Educao Bsica - FC


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The central focus of this paper is to establish that the Brazilian Education Programa to prepare professionals in Technical-Agricultural Schools is suffering a kind of marginalization which comes from two distinct perspectives: the intention to prepare professionals (being a branch of Technical Education) and the relationship to the countryside (a community space historically seen as peripheral in its relation to urban culture). The paper discusses from a historical and sociological point of view and using Oral History as methodological approach the experiences of Maths teachers in their daily struggles against some conceptions of other teachers (mainly those of technical areas) and against all the regular schooling system.


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The teaching of Science is one great challenge not only for educators but also for researchers in our country. In a globalized world where the social foundations, cultural and economic depend fundamentally on science and technology, science education is a basic requirement for the exercise of citizenship. Multiple initiatives have been taken to improve the quality of teaching of science practiced in our schools: the ReAction Program is the result of a set of actions developed by a public educational policy that invests in improving the Teaching of Science the elementary school. In this work, we present a history of this program and the search on the contribution and the actions developed, the collaborative research with a group of teachers-multiplier, and the evaluation of the teaching of science, measured from notes, frequency and speech teacher.


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In this work we make a study of the dissertations of Master of Education, at the State University of Londrina, in the period 1995 to 2006. It aims to provide support to other researchers who may be interested in the topic and find material available for further studies, examining the organization of the program to detect their social involvement with the city of Londrina and its regional environment, specifically north of Paran. His character is descriptive census. The mapping these productions show significant contributions to the construction of educational policies at the local level, but mainly in education and training of teachers for higher education in the region and also meet the teacher network municipal and state. It also provides a critique of their training students to act in society and in the production and transmission of knowledge but also for the collective construction of the university.


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Produce radio advertisements to convey social UNESP FM Radio. This is the purpose of Agncia PropagAo, extension project of the Faculty of Arts, Architecture and Communication Unesp, Bauru, SP, composed of 15 students of Communication and Design, coordinated by the teacher responsible. This extension project, however, over the four years of operation, has evolved from a manufacturing space of advertisements for a creative environment where teaching and learning are associated with teaching, research and extension. In this group, converge knowledge from different areas of social communication, resulting in scientific research initiation, completion of course work and professional practice with the provision of community services. Organized as an advertising agency, teachers and students experience education tutorial, extracurricular, adding, as a collective, integrated and interdisciplinary knowledge for the training of professionals with technical expertise, scientific, technological and academic.


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Coordenao de Aperfeioamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior (CAPES)


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este trabalho originou de uma constante atuao na escola, atravs do Programa Institucional de Iniciao a Docncia - PIBID, caracterizado por desenvolver suas atividades num Instituto conhecido por oferecer educao exclusiva. Este Instituto alm de oferecer a grade do ensino bsico para as crianas que no conseguem acompanhar a escola regular, tambm oferece a EJA - Educao para Jovens e Adultos - para estudantes que, por vrios motivos, tiveram seus estudos atrasados e/ou interrompidos. neste cenrio da EJA que eu atuo como bolsista. Considero que, durante o tempo em que tenho participado deste projeto, a escrita, por meio dos vrios tipos de registros, tem sido uma das minhas descobertas mais significativas; por meio delas, das descobertas que remetem ao desafio de reflexes por vir, que tenho pensado e repensado a minha atuao e a minha formação. O objetivo deste trabalho, que ora proponho, levantar elementos que possam ressaltar a prtica da leitura e da escrita enquanto uma possibilidade de ferramenta para a formação docente e tambm, diante do pblico apontado, compreender o lugar que os alunos atribuem s prticas da escrita em meio a sua leitura de mundo. Nos limites desta proposta, intenciono, a princpio, ressaltar o uso dessas prticas no contexto social e tambm na formação docente aportando-me em alguns aportes tericos; posteriormente, apresentarei uma anlise preliminar de uma pequena parte do questionrio vinculado ao projeto de pesquisa intitulado Escrita, Linguagem e experincia: Reflexes acerca da produo escrita por pessoas pouco escolarizadas como espao de interlocuo e formação com professores aplicado aos alunos das turmas de EJA, no Instituto em que se desenvolve este estudo; para finalizar, recorro aos meus cadernos de registros que me acompanham enquanto bolsista PIBID e trago relato de algumas das minhas experincias com as prticas de...


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O presente trabalho se refere anlise dos Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais na rea de Matemtica no ensino fundamental e sua insero na disciplina de Contedos, Metodologia e Prtica do Ensino de Matemtica no curso de Licenciatura Plena em Pedagogia da Universidade Estadual Paulista, em Rio Claro/SP. Os Parmetros Curriculares Nacionais a serem utilizados na pesquisa foram produzidos em 1997, enquanto que o programa de ensino de disciplina teve sua elaborao em 2006, sendo ainda vigentes. A pesquisa tem como objetivo evidenciar e detalhar a proposta de cada um destes documentos para verificar sua compatibilidade de modo a entender em que se fundamenta a formação de pedagogos acerca da rea de Matemtica e a atual necessidade para o ensino fundamental. A pesquisa foi complementada atravs da pesquisa bibliogrfica, com abordagem qualitativa em autores que cerceiam o tema, alm de legislaes que contribuem, de modo que o debate literrio colabore com a Educao uma vez que analisa o contedo estudado na graduao e sua compatibilidade com os parmetros utilizados na faixa etria em que ir atuar


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Ps-graduao em Relaes Internacionais (UNESP - UNICAMP - PUC-SP) - FFC


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The study aimed to analyze the vision of teachers in conducting a continuing education course in level of expertise in the field of special education, focusing on Global Development Disorders, through the modality of distance education. The current study was provided by the Network Program So Paulo Teacher Training - REDEFOR in partnership with Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, for teachers of the state of So Paulo. The survey went through some steps, namely: a) literature review a brief history of Distance Education in Brazil and in the world thus seeking to understand their development to the present day, including legislation that regulates; b) study and survey of potential and limiting factors for distance education in teacher training. Was observed of initial and continuing teacher education in the distance mode, focusing on education and training policies implemented by the state of So Paulo, in recent years; c) data collection with 33 teachers in the continuing education process, e-mail and performed with the use of Google Drive tool that enabled the creation of online search form; d) organization, analysis and interpretation of data and its consequences. Through the results it observed that distance education is considered a favorable mode of education for the continuing education of teachers. The course was offered via Moodle and tools were considered easy to assimilate and elaborate activities in general, favored the construction of knowledge, and some questioned for its effectiveness. It follows therefore, that distance education provides continuing education for teachers, but it is necessary in the preparation of these courses is taken into consideration the tools and resources available in their construction, contributing to a dynamic and interactive model between all participants in which the exchange of experiences, questions, doubts, can effectively contribute to the construction of knowledge and possible developments in..


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The books are part of the school routine in the course of our lives, currently, we are the gateway to the processes of social literacy that begins with the presentation of these objects for babies and children in early childhood education (EI). This research has the main question: to know how are the libraries or reading rooms in Early Childhood Education Centres (CEI) of Botucatu. Thus, the overall goal is to understand, characterize and analyze the CEIs libraries Botucatu. What implies: investigate and analyze the existing legislation on school libraries, their approach to the reality of the CEIs and the official documents of early childhood education; To investigate the relationship between the child and the playful objects (books, toys etc.) and finally discover and describe the reality of School Libraries in CEIs studied. The research is qualitative orientation, more precisely a Case Study. The space, proper equipment and support provide a rich learning that will serve as the basis for school achievements. However, the offering of School Libraries and Reading Rooms in many cases it is not a reality. The survey took into account which of the schools have assets, how is the organization of space, the playful activities with learners users and which functions, training and professional responsibilities designated as responsible for School Library/Reading Room. It is noteworthy to say the official documents as a basis and motive of this research as well as the fulfillment of established targets and carried out by the municipal, state and national governments on the implementation of School Libraries in schools, with the help of programs like National Fund Development of Education (ENDF), National School Library program (PNBE) and the National Book and Reading Plan (PNLL)