854 resultados para Private Sphere
While India's state-owned enterprises are widely believed to be inefficient, there is a dearth of studies that document such inefficiency on any rigorous basis. Yet, since improvement in firm efficiency is one of the basic objectives of privatization, it is important to assess whether efficiency is indeed lower in the public sector than in the private sector. This paper compares the performance of state-owned enterprises with those of private sector firms in respect of technical efficiency. The comparison is made in eight different sectors over the period 1991-92 to 1998-99. We measure technical efficiency using the method of Data Envelopment Analysis. Judging by the average levels of technical efficiency, no conclusive evidence of superior performance on the part of the private sector is found.
India's public sector banks (PSBs) are compared unfavorably with their private sector counterparts, domestic and foreign. This comparison rests, for the most part, on financial measures of performance, and such a comparison provides much of the rationale for privatization of PSBs.In this paper, we attempt a comparison between PSBs and their private sector counterparts based on measures of productivity that use quantities of outputs and inputs. We employ two measures of productivity: Tornqvist and Malmquist total factor productivity growth. We attempt these comparisons over the period 1992-2000, comparing PSBs with both domestic private and foreign banks. Out of a total of four comparisons we have made, there are no differences in three cases, PSBs do better in two, and foreign banks in one. To put it differently, PSBs are seen to be at a disadvantage in only one out of six comparisons. It is difficult, therefore, to sustain the proposition that efficiency and productivity have been lower in public sector banks relative to their peers in the private sector.
This paper estimates the aggregate demand for private health insurance coverage in the U.S. using an error-correction model and by recognizing that people are without private health insurance for voluntary, structural, frictional, and cyclical reasons and because of public alternatives. Insurance coverage is measured both by the percentage of the population enrolled in private health insurance plans and the completeness of the insurance coverage. Annual data for the period 1966-1999 are used and both short and long run price and income elasticities of demand are estimated. The empirical findings indicate that both private insurance enrollment and completeness are relatively inelastic with respect to changes in price and income in the short and long run. Moreover, private health insurance enrollment is found to be inversely related to the poverty rate, particularly in the short-run. Finally, our results suggest that an increase in the number cyclically uninsured generates less of a welfare loss than an increase in the structurally uninsured.
The private value of lawsuits is based on plaintiffs' expected recovery at trial compared to their filing costs, whereas the social value consists of the incentives suits create for injurers to invest in accident avoidance. Generally, there is no relationship between these two values: there may be either too many or too few suits from a social perspective. Thus, there is scope for corrective measures, although there is no simple policy. Extending the model to consider a negligence rule rather than strict liability, and to allow for pretrial settlements, leads to some modified conclusions but does not alter the basic insights.
This paper examines whether neighborhood racial or income composition influences a lender's treatment of mortgage applications. Recent studies have found little evidence of differential treatment based on either the racial or income composition of the neighborhood, once the specification accounts for neighborhood risk factors. This paper suggests that lenders may favor applicants from CRA-protected neighborhoods if they obtain Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) and that this behavior may mask lender redlining of low income and minority neighborhoods. For loan applicants who are not covered by PMI, this paper finds strong evidence that applications for units in low-income neighborhoods are less likely to be approved, and some evidence that applications for units in minority neighborhoods are less likey to be approved, regardless of the race of the applicant. This pattern is not visible in earlier studies because lenders appear to treat applications from these neighborhoods more favorably when the applicant obtains PMI.
This paper re-examines the social versus private value of lawsuits when both injurers and victims can take care. The basic conclusions of that literature remain valid in this context: the private and social values generally differ, and there is no necessary relationship between them, meaning that there may be either too many or too few suits. Introducing the possibility of victim care does, however, alter the calculation of the deterrent effect of lawsuits. In particular, because allowing suits tends to reduce the incentives for victims to invest in precaution, the social value of prohibiting suits increases in direct relation to the productivity of victim care in lowering accident risk.
The eminent domain clause of the U.S. Constitution concerns the limits of the government's right to take private property for public use. The economic literature on this issue has examined (1) the proper scope of this power as embodied by the 'public use' requirement, (2) the appropriate definition, and implications, of 'just compensation,' and (3) the impact of eminent domain on land use incentives of owners whose land is subject to a taking risk. This essay reviews this literature and draws implications for our understanding of eminent domain law.
We use micro data to analyse the effect of human capital externality on earnings and private returns to education. The earnings equations are estimated using the OLS method for a sample of full-time workers. The results show that human capital has a positive effect on earnings, indicating that an increase in education benefits all workers. However, men benefit more from women's education than the women do from men's. The effects of human capital externality on private returns to schooling are shown to vary substantially between rural and urban areas and across levels of the education system.
Very few studies have described MUP-1 concentrations and measured prevalence of Laboratory Animal Allergy (LAA) at such a diverse institution as the private medical school (MS) that is the focus of this study. Air sampling was performed in three dissimilar animal research facilities at MS and quantitated using a commercially available ELISA. Descriptive data was obtained from an anonymous laboratory animal allergy survey given to both animal facility employees and the researchers who utilize these facilities alike. Logistic regression analysis was then implemented to investigate specific factors that may be predictive of developing LAA as well as factors influencing the reporting of LAA symptoms to the occupational health program. Concentrations of MUP-1 detected ranged from below detectable levels (BDL) to a peak of 22.64 ng/m3 . Overall, 68 employees with symptoms claimed they improved while away from work and only 25 employees reported their symptoms to occupational health. Being Vietnamese, a smoker, not wearing a mask, and working in any facility longer than one year were all significant predictors of having LAA symptoms. This study suggests a LAA monitoring system that relies on self-reporting can be inadequate in estimating LAA problems. In addition, efforts need to be made to target training and educational materials for non-native English speaking employees to overcome language and cultural barriers and address their specific needs. ^
The study purpose was to analyze the effects Integrated Health Solutions (IHS), an employee wellness program that has been implemented for one year on the corporate campus of a major private sector petrochemical company in Houston, TX, has on employee health. ^ Chronic diseases are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States and are the most preventable of all health problems. The costs of chronic diseases in the working-age adult population include not only health problems and a decrease in quality of life, but also an increase the cost of health care and costs to businesses and employers, both directly and indirectly. These emerging costs to employers as well as the fact that adults now spend the majority of waking hours at the office have increased the interest in worksite health promotion programs that address many of the behavioral factors that lead to chronic conditions. Therefore, implementing and evaluating programs that are aimed at promoting health and decreasing the prevalence of chronic diseases at worksites is very important. ^ Data came from existing data that were collected by IHS staff during employee biometric screenings at the company in 2010 and 2011. Data from employees who participated in screenings in both 2010 and 2011 were grouped into a cohort by IHS staff. ^ One-tailed t-tests were conducted to determine if there were significant improvements in the biometric measures of body fat percentage, BMI, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides, blood glucose levels, and cardiac risk ratios. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine if there were differences in program outcomes when stratified by age, gender, job type, and time between screenings. ^ Mean differences for the variables from 2010 to 2011 were small and not always in the desired direction for health improvement indicators. Through conducting t-tests, it was found that there were significant improvements in HDL, cardiac risk ratio, and glucose levels. There were significant increases in cholesterol, LDL, and diastolic blood pressures. For the IHS program, it appears that gender, job type, and time between screenings were possible modifiers of program effectiveness. When program outcome measures were stratified by these factors, results suggest that corporate employees had better outcomes than field employees, males had better outcomes overall than females, and more positive program effects were seen for employees with less time between their two screenings. ^ Recommendations for the program based on the results include ensuring validity of instruments and initial and periodic training of measurement procedures and equipment handling, using normative data or benchmarks to decrease chances for biased estimates of program effectiveness, measuring behaviors as well as biometric and physiologic statuses and changes, and collecting level of engagement data.^
La ciudad de Córdoba no ha sido ajena a los procesos económicos-sociales de la “globalización", que implican una fuerte expansión y concentración del capital, con impactos en la esfera social y aumento de las desigualdades. La salida de la convertibilidad a fines del año 2001 y el consecuente incremento de la apertura externa del país impactó en algunos sectores económicos, agro-exportadores principalmente, que insertos en la dinámica comercial internacional logran obtener amplios márgenes de ganancias. Las ganancias se transfieren a otros sectores de la economía que continúan aumentando la rentabilidad de los agentes involucrados. Desde entonces se observa una marcada expansión de la actividad inmobiliaria y de la construcción, en barrios centrales de la misma y hacia la periferia, con la construcción de barrios privados. Esto exacerba el valor del suelo urbano y produce una revalorización inmobiliaria en las áreas mencionadas, que es demandada por grandes inversores. La configuración territorial de la ciudad de Córdoba en los últimos años ha estado comandada por el capital privado. Sin un proyecto urbano que garantice el ordenamiento de la ciudad; ha desembocado en altas densidades edificadas en detrimento de espacios públicos; en especial plazas, áreas recreativas y deportivas. A su vez se produce mayor densidad de habitantes por Km2 que demandan la utilización de estos espacios. Los vacíos urbanos que contiene la ciudad aún pueden revertir parte de esta situación y re-valorizar el “espacio verde público" como espacio de producción y reproducción socio-espacial.
Si bien la participación de las mujeres en el ámbito público ha sido tradicionalmente muy inferior a la de los varones, esta situación ha cambiado en los últimos años, intensificándose la participación femenina en distintas instituciones. Simultáneamente está aumentando la presencia masculina en el ámbito doméstico. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la actividad de las mujeres en las esferas pública y privada, teniendo en cuenta la complementariedad de estos dos ámbitos. Se ha trabajado para ello con los datos provenientes de una encuesta domiciliaria estructurada aplicada a la población del Gran Mendoza comprendida en la franja etárea de 18 a 71 años. La muestra se estratificó teniendo en cuenta sexo, edad, y nivel socio económico. El número total de casos fue de 300 e incluye, en proporciones iguales, a varones, mujeres activas y amas de casa. Esta última segmentación se debe a que numerosas investigaciones han corroborado que la práctica desarrollada por las mujeres en el mundo público modifica sustancialmente su posición respecto de las mujeres que permanecen constreñidas al ámbito de su hogar. Los hallazgos principales que se exponen están vinculados a la visión diferencial que los integrantes de las tres categorías expresan en relación al mundo público y al privado. Se discute sobre las causas de la participación en uno u otro, señalando que el cambio en la situación de la mujer implica también una modificación en la posición del varón y en la dinámica familiar y social. Se sostiene, en conclusión, que las trabas a la participación política femenina deben ser buscadas mas allá de su interés o vocación por la cosa pública, en las características propias de la práctica política y en la tensión entre los ámbitos público y privado, con la persistente responsabilidad de la mujer sobre este último.
La obra vincula las instituciones, el orden público y la construcción de una ciudadanía en la Pampa Central con la extensión de propiedades de construcción del Estado que el gobierno federal intentaba concretar en los territorios nacionales -fines del siglo XIX-. Se analizan las instituciones, su constitución, funcionamiento e inconvenientes. Se reconstruyen las relaciones de la incipiente sociedad civil que estaba adquiriendo rasgos de "ciudadanía", pese a la limitación del derecho a la soberanía y representación política, por cuya razón se abocó al reducido poder local, a la conversión del Territorio en provincia y a la presión sobre las instituciones del Estado. Ciertos sectores sociales -vecinos propietarios- participaron en el poder y pudieron incidir en la disposición de un determinado orden público. Se descubre este entramado a través de la cuestión política, la constitución de la esfera pública, el papel de la prensa, y el accionar de sectores gubernamentales y particulares, especialmente en los conflictos sociales. Estas cuestiones se analizan con mayor profundidad en el estudio particular de una institución: la justicia letrada nacional con marcado poder en el Territorio. Se demuestra que esta institución ejerció un papel importante en la extensión de las propiedades que caracterizaron la construcción y consolidación del Estado. El protagonismo judicial a nivel nacional tuvo su correlación en el poder de los jueces y de los juzgados letrados territoriales, basado en: el carácter nacional de estos tribunales, el perfil profesional de sus miembros, una red social y política de los magistrados a nivel nacional y, la debilidad de las demás instituciones del Territorio. Este poder era reconocido y consolidado por la prensa y los vecinos -propietarios, comerciantes y profesionales- interesados en jerarquizar el papel de la justicia.