951 resultados para Phenolic compound


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Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation (RAR) is relevant for treating patients affected by nervous system injuries (e.g., stroke and spinal cord injury) -- The accurate estimation of the joint angles of the patient limbs in RAR is critical to assess the patient improvement -- The economical prevalent method to estimate the patient posture in Exoskeleton-based RAR is to approximate the limb joint angles with the ones of the Exoskeleton -- This approximation is rough since their kinematic structures differ -- Motion capture systems (MOCAPs) can improve the estimations, at the expenses of a considerable overload of the therapy setup -- Alternatively, the Extended Inverse Kinematics Posture Estimation (EIKPE) computational method models the limb and Exoskeleton as differing parallel kinematic chains -- EIKPE has been tested with single DOFmovements of the wrist and elbow joints -- This paper presents the assessment of EIKPEwith elbow-shoulder compoundmovements (i.e., object prehension) -- Ground-truth for estimation assessment is obtained from an optical MOCAP (not intended for the treatment stage) -- The assessment shows EIKPE rendering a good numerical approximation of the actual posture during the compoundmovement execution, especially for the shoulder joint angles -- This work opens the horizon for clinical studies with patient groups, Exoskeleton models, and movements types --


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Stable isotope analyses were applied to explore the relative dietary nitrogen contributions from fish meal and pea meal (Pisum sativum) to muscle tissue of Pacific white shrimp postlarvae (141 ± 31 mg) fed low protein diets having different proportions of both ingredients as the sole dietary protein sources. A negative control diet was formulated to contain 100% pea meal and six more isoproteic diets to have decreasing levels of pea meal-derived nitrogen: 95%, 85%, 70%, 55%, 40% and 0% of the initial level. Growth rates were negatively correlated to dietary pea protein inclusion due to progressive essential amino acid deficiencies (sulphur amino acids, threonine, lysine, histidine). The nitrogen turnover rate significantly increased in muscle tissue of shrimps fed diets having high levels of pea meal; however, contrary to observations from a previous study using soy protein, the relative contributions of dietary nitrogen from pea meal to shrimp muscle tissue were equal or higher than expected contributions established by the dietary formulations. Results highlight the effectiveness of stable isotope analysis in assessing the nutritional contributions of alternative ingredients for aquaculture feeds and the potential suitability of pea as a source of protein (provided the diets are nutritionally balanced)


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Mestrado Vinifera Euromaster - Instituto Superior de Agronomia - UL


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Purpose: This study was aimed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of the methanol extract of Euphorbia spinidens (Euphorbiaceae) and its effect on Herpes simplex virus type-1 (HSV-1) replication. Methods: The methanol extract of aerial parts of E. spinidens collected from Khorasan State in North- Eastern part of Iran was used in this study. Total phenolic, flavonoid contents and the antioxidant activity were evaluated using Folin-Ciocalteu method, aluminum chloride colorimetric method and β- carotene-linoleate model system, respectively. Both the cytotoxic and antiviral effects of the crude extract on Vero cell line were determined by quantifying the viability of Vero cells using 3-(4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)2H-tetrazolium (MTS) assay. Results: Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of E.spinidens were 70 ± 1 mg of gallic acid equivalent/g of dry extract (mg GAE/g extract) and 49.66 ± 1.00 mg rutin equivalent/g of dry extract (mg RTN/g extract), respectively. Antioxidant activity was 44 ± 1 % compared with the standard, buthylated hydroxytuloene (BHT). The 50 % cytotoxic concentration (CC50) of the extract on Vero cells was 5.072 ± 0.063 mg/ml and its antiviral concentration of 50 % effectiveness (EC50) value was 0.34 ± 0.003 mg/ml. Conclusion: The findings of this study show that the methanol extract of E. spinidens has high content of phenolic and flavonoid compounds with good antioxidant activity. Furthermore, this extract has significant antiviral effect on HSV-1 probably due to the inhibition of viral replication.


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Detection canines represent the fastest and most versatile means of illicit material detection. This research endeavor in its most simplistic form is the improvement of detection canines through training, training aids, and calibration. This study focuses on developing a universal calibration compound for which all detection canines, regardless of detection substance, can be tested daily to ensure that they are working with acceptable parameters. Surrogate continuation aids (SCAs) were developed for peroxide based explosives along with the validation of the SCAs already developed within the International Forensic Research Institute (IFRI) prototype surrogate explosives kit. Storage parameters of the SCAs were evaluated to give recommendations to the detection canine community on the best possible training aid storage solution that minimizes the likelihood of contamination. Two commonly used and accepted detection canine imprinting methods were also evaluated for the speed in which the canine is trained and their reliability. As a result of the completion of this study, SCAs have been developed for explosive detection canine use covering: peroxide based explosives, TNT based explosives, nitroglycerin based explosives, tagged explosives, plasticized explosives, and smokeless powders. Through the use of these surrogate continuation aids a more uniform and reliable system of training can be implemented in the field than is currently used today. By examining the storage parameters of the SCAs, an ideal storage system has been developed using three levels of containment for the reduction of possible contamination. The developed calibration compound will ease the growing concerns over the legality and reliability of detection canine use by detailing the daily working parameters of the canine, allowing for Daubert rules of evidence admissibility to be applied. Through canine field testing, it has been shown that the IFRI SCAs outperform other commercially available training aids on the market. Additionally, of the imprinting methods tested, no difference was found in the speed in which the canines are trained or their reliability to detect illicit materials. Therefore, if the recommendations discovered in this study are followed, the detection canine community will greatly benefit through the use of scientifically validated training techniques and training aids.


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Strawberries are an important source of phytochemicals, namely vitamins and phenolic compounds such as anthocyanins and tannins with antioxidant properties [1]. The yield and phenolic content of natural extracts are dependent on the conditions used for extraction [2]. In the present work three different types of extracting solutions (methanol, ethanol:water and aceton:water), two times of extraction (15 and 60 min) and three ratios of solid/solvent (5/25, 5/50 and 5/100 g/mL) were tested in order to evaluate the efficiency of the extraction of phenolic compounds. Phenolic compounds were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu method [3]. Each assay was performed in triplicate. Regarding the extraction solution, it was possible to observe a slight tendency towards a higher efficiency of acetone:water (AcO:H2O, 60:40), but the differences mioght not be statistically significant. A longer time of contact, 60 min as opposed to 15 min, did not show advantages in the yield of extraction. Considering the factors under study, the results obtained showed that volume of extraction solution was the parameter that most influenced the values obtained. Using a higher volume lead to an increase in the amount of phenolic compounds extracted, in a more pronounced way for 15 min of extraction. For a volume of 25 mL the amount of phenolic compounds quantified ranged from 2.13-2.41 mg GAE/g, and increased 30-68% when it was used 50 mL of solution. Using 100 mL of solution, it was extracted twice as double of phenolic compounds. In case of 60 min, the amount of phenolic compounds quantified in samples obtained with 25 mL of solution ranged from 2.32-2.97 mg GAE/g, and increased for 2.43-4.27 mg GAE/g and 3.98-4.68 mg GAE/g when was used 50 and 100 mL, respectively.


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Currently, society faces a number of challenges related to the large amounts of organic wastes generated and accumulated by the increasing expansion of agroindustrial activities1. Most of these wastes are rich in lignocellulosic compounds, which represents a major fraction of all plant biomass (of above 90%), so, its degradation is crucial for global carbon cycle2. These organic wastes may be introduced directly on agriculture sector as soil organic amendment, however, these might contain phytochemicals, such as phenolic compounds which may introduce toxic effects to soil and to beneficial organisms. Transformation and degradation of these renewable organic wastes into composts (COMPOSTING) is a possible solution for these problems and an environmentally friendly processes that allows make use of natural resources efficiently3. The main potential handicap is generation and emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ) and nitrous oxide (N2O) and another ones which may led serious problems like nitric oxide (NO) and ammonia (NH3) 4. For this reason, quantification of GHG emissions from composting and finding possible relations with the chemical and structural composition of the wastes used is crucial to the development of technologies for mitigating emissions and should help to make decisions concerning waste management.


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The aim of present work was to investigate the phenolic and volatile composition of cherry, acacia, and oak (from different species) wood chips. By the use of HPLC-DAD 18 different phenolic compounds were detected and quantified while for volatile composition, 33 different compounds were detected by GC-MS. In general, wood samples from oak species showed the higher number of phenolic compounds detected, while cherry wood samples showed the lowest levels. In addition, some individual phenolic compounds were detected, specifically in some wood samples, such as robinetin in acacia woods and naringenin in cherry wood. For volatile composition, cherry wood chips samples showed the lowest volatile composition followed by increasing order by acacia, French, Portuguese and American wood chip samples. Oak wood chip samples from American species showed the highest volatile content, as a result of high levels of several specific compounds (furfural, 5-methyfurfural, β-methyl-γ-octalactones, guaiacol, vanillin and siringaldehyde).


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The effect of microwave pre-treatment on the levels of total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, proanthocyanidins and individual major compounds as well as the total antioxidant activity of the dried lemon pomace was investigated. The results showed that microwave pre-treatment significantly affected all the examined parameters. The total phenolic content, total flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, as well as the total antioxidant activity significantly increased as the microwave radiation time and power increased (e.g., 2.5 folds for phenolics, 1.4 folds for flavonoids and 5.5 folds for proanthocyanidins), however irradiation more than 480 W for 5 min resulted in the decrease of these parameters. These findings indicate that microwave irradiation time and power may enhance higher levels of the phenolic compounds as well as the antioxidant capacity of the dried lemon pomace powder. However, higher and longer irradiation may lead to a degradation of phenolic compounds and lower the antioxidant capacity of the dried lemon pomace.


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Ilex guayusa, a tree native from the Amazon Rainforest, represents an important part of the culinary traditions and folk medicine of the indigenous tribes. In fact, infusions of different parts of the tree have been used as natural remedies. Particularly, the infusion obtained by the dry leaves of guayusa is a source of phenolic compounds, which are considered as antioxidant substances and have been associated with numerous benefits for human health. Currently, the growing interest of consumers towards healthy food and drinks has led to the rapid spread of this drink. However, the scientific literature about the content of polar compounds in infusion of guayusa leaves is scarce. Therefore, the aims of the present work were to enhance the extraction conditions of phenolic compounds from guayusa leaves by infusion and to characterize them via HPLC-ESI-TOF-MS. To reach these objectives, a Box-Behnken design (BBD) was applied to test the effect of different extraction conditions (time 2, 8 and 14 min), temperature (25, 62.5 and 100 °C) and solid ratio (0.25, 0.375 and 0.50 g) on the sum of phenolic content. On the one hand, the optimal conditions were 1 min infusion, 100 °C and 0.370 g of dry leaves. On the other hand, the 99% of the nine phenolic compounds identified were phenolic acids derivatives from hydroxycinnamic acid and the 1% belonged to the flavonoid family. The major compound was dicaffeoylquinic acid (68%). The difference between the results obtained and those of other researches is probably due to the stochastic nature of the vegetable matrix samples, since their chemical composition is susceptible to multiple factors. To sum up, the use of experimental design provided greater quantity of phenolic compounds than other extraction techniques such as blanching, or only to the oxidation process. Besides, the high resolution of the TOF spectrometer allowed the characterization of new isomers of the compounds previously described.


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Il compound a matrice poliolefinica studiato è un materiale espandibile e reticolabile, usato per la produzione di manufatti espansi a celle chiuse mediante stampaggio ad iniezione. In questo progetto di tesi il compound viene studiato dal punto di vista reologico, per cercare di prevedere il grado di espansione del manufatto stampato. La correlazione tra l’analisi reometrica e il coefficiente di espansione del manufatto finale potrebbe essere sfruttata per un controllo di qualità del materiale, permettendo così di prevedere il comportamento e le dimensioni finali del manufatto prima dello stampaggio. Lo scopo dello studio è quello di prevedere le dimensioni del manufatto finale partendo da un campione derivante dai granuli del compound a matrice poliolefinica. La prima parte dello studio si concentra sull’analisi del materiale in condizioni ideali, cioè campioni che contengono solo agente reticolante e campioni che contengono esclusivamente agente espandente, valutando l’influenza di questi additivi singolarmente. La seconda parte si concentra sull’analisi del materiale in condizioni reali, co-presenza di reticolante ed espandente, e sulla ricerca di una correlazione tra le analisi reometriche e il coefficiente di espansione. L’ultima parte dello studio si focalizza sull’applicazione di un metodo di previsione lineare delle dimensioni di manufatti stampati, partendo da mescole incognite. Le tecniche di analisi impiegate spaziano da quelle termogravimetriche (TGA), calorimetriche (DSC) a quelle reometriche sui provini derivanti dai granuli, mentre sui campioni stampati sono state eseguite prove dimensionali, prove di densità, prove di durezza (SHORE A e Ascker C) e prove di abrasione.