922 resultados para Peritoneal Cavity


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We investigate the simple harmonic oscillator in a 1-d box, and the 2-d isotropic harmonic oscillator problem in a circular cavity with perfectly reflecting boundary conditions. The energy spectrum has been calculated as a function of the self-adjoint extension parameter. For sufficiently negative values of the self-adjoint extension parameter, there are bound states localized at the wall of the box or the cavity that resonate with the standard bound states of the simple harmonic oscillator or the isotropic oscillator. A free particle in a circular cavity has been studied for the sake of comparison. This work represents an application of the recent generalization of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation related to the theory of self-adjoint extensions in a finite volume.


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Abstract In our previous low-density-array gene-expression analysis we found an increased expression of biglycan gene in ovarian endometriosis patients. In the present study we evaluated biglycan expression at the protein level in tissue, serum and peritoneal fluid (PF) from ovarian endometriosis patients, patients with benign ovarian cysts and healthy women. Twenty samples of endometriomas and 27 of control tissues (benign ovarian cysts and eutopic endometrium of healthy women) were obtained laparoscopically or by curettage. Serum and PF samples were collected from 56 ovarian endometriosis patients and 40 controls (patients with benign cysts and healthy women). Tissue biglycan levels and serum and PF biglycan concentrations were determined by Western blotting and ELISA, respectively. Biglycan was detected in endometriomas and in benign cysts tissues but differed in glycosylation levels. The PF biglycan concentrations were significantly increased in ovarian endometriosis patients (mean ± SD = 220.3 ± 190.5 pg/mg protein) compared to the whole control group (101.9 ± 94.7 pg/mg protein, p < 0.001), while serum concentrations did not differ significantly. Biglycan appears to be involved in ovarian pathologies and probably has different roles in benign cysts as compared to ovarian endometriomas.


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Translational research has not yet elucidated whether alterations in central pain processes are related to peripheral inflammatory processes in chronic pain patients. We tested the hypothesis that the concentration of cytokines in the peritoneal fluid of endometriosis patients with chronic pain correlate with parameters of hyperexcitability of the nociceptive system. The concentrations of 15 peritoneal fluid cytokines were measured in 11 patients with chronic pelvic pain and a diagnosis of endometriosis. Six parameters assessing central pain processes were recorded. Positive correlations between concentration of some cytokines in the peritoneal fluid and amplification of central pain processing were found. The results suggest that inflammatory mechanisms may be important in the pathophysiology of altered central pain processes and that cytokines produced in the environment of endometriosis could act as mediators between the peripheral lesion and changes in central nociceptive processes.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate the long term oncological and functional outcomes after readaptation of the dorsolateral peritoneal layer following pelvic lymph node dissection (PLND) and cystectomy . PATIENTS AND METHODS A randomised, single-center, single-blinded, two-arm trial was conducted on 200 consecutive cystectomy patients who underwent PLND and cystectomy for bladder cancer (peritoneal layer (n=100; 73 male, 27 female; median age 68 yrs, range 35-86 yrs) and group B without readapation (n=100; 66 male, 34 female; median age 65 yrs, range 30-86 yrs). Regular postoperative follow-up was performed at our outpatient clinic. Median follow-up was 59 months (range 3-100 months), five patients were lost to follow-up in group A, seven in group B. Bowel function was evaluated using the validated Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index questionnaire and an institutional questionnaire regarding post-cystectomy outcome. Local recurrences and distal metastases were evaluated using computed tomography and bone scan at the regular follow-up visits. RESULTS There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of the rate of local (pelvic) recurrence (5/95 [5.3%] in group A; 7/93 [7.5%] in group B; p = 0.53), the rate of distant metastases (21/95 [22.1%] in group A; 23/93 [24.7%] in group B; p = 0.67), cancer-specific survival (p = 0.37), and overall survival (p = 0.59). Group A had significantly better bowel function at 3 (p < 0.001), 6 (p < 0.006), 12 (p <0.006) and 24 months (p = 0.04), and significantly less postoperative abdominal pain and bloating at 3 (p = 0.002) and 6 months (p = 0.01). CONCLUSION Readaptation of the dorsolateral peritoneal layer following PLND and cystectomy has a beneficial long-term impact on bowel function and postoperative pain without compromising oncological radicality. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Our previous gene expression analysis identified phospholipase A2 group IIA (PLA2G2A) as a potential biomarker of ovarian endometriosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate PLA2G2A mRNA and protein levels in tissue samples (endometriomas and normal endometrium) and in serum and peritoneal fluid of ovarian endometriosis patients and control women. One-hundred and sixteen women were included in this study: the case group included 70 ovarian endometriosis patients, and the control group included 38 healthy women and 8 patients with benign ovarian cysts. We observed 41.6-fold greater PLA2G2A mRNA levels in endometrioma tissue, compared to normal endometrium tissue. Using Western blotting, PLA2G2A was detected in all samples of endometriomas, but not in normal endometrium, and immunohistochemistry showed PLA2G2A-specific staining in epithelial cells of endometrioma paraffin sections. However, there were no significant differences in PLA2G2A levels between cases and controls according to ELISA of peritoneal fluid (6.0 ± 4.4 ng/ml, 6.6 ± 4.3 ng/ml; p = 0.5240) and serum (2.9 ± 2.1 ng/ml, 3.1 ± 2.2 ng/ml; p = 0.7989). Our data indicate that PLA2G2A is implicated in the pathophysiology of ovarian endometriosis, but that it cannot be used as a diagnostic biomarker.


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The non-relativistic hydrogen atom enjoys an accidental SO(4) symmetry, that enlarges the rotational SO(3) symmetry, by extending the angular momentum algebra with the Runge–Lenz vector. In the relativistic hydrogen atom the accidental symmetry is partially lifted. Due to the Johnson–Lippmann operator, which commutes with the Dirac Hamiltonian, some degeneracy remains. When the non-relativistic hydrogen atom is put in a spherical cavity of radius R with perfectly reflecting Robin boundary conditions, characterized by a self-adjoint extension parameter γ, in general the accidental SO(4) symmetry is lifted. However, for R=(l+1)(l+2)a (where a is the Bohr radius and l is the orbital angular momentum) some degeneracy remains when γ=∞ or γ = 2/R. In the relativistic case, we consider the most general spherically and parity invariant boundary condition, which is characterized by a self-adjoint extension parameter. In this case, the remnant accidental symmetry is always lifted in a finite volume. We also investigate the accidental symmetry in the context of the Pauli equation, which sheds light on the proper non-relativistic treatment including spin. In that case, again some degeneracy remains for specific values of R and γ.


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We investigate the plasma environment of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, the target of the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission. Rosetta will rendezvous with the comet in 2014 at almost 3.5 AU and follow it all the way to and past perihelion at 1.3 AU. During its journey towards the inner solar system the comet's environment will significantly change. The interaction of the solar wind with a well developed neutral coma leads to the formation of an upstream bow shock and, closer to the comet, the inner shock separating the solar wind, with cometary pick-up ions mass-loaded, from the inner cometary ions which are dragged outward through abundant collisions and charge exchange with the expanding neutral gas. As a consequence the interplanetary magnetic field is prevented from penetrating the innermost region of the comet, the so-called magnetic cavity. We use our magnetohydrodynamics model BATSRUS (Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme) to simulate the solar wind - comet interaction. The model includes photoionization, ion-electron recombination, and charge exchange. Under certain conditions our model predicts an unstable plasma flow at the inner shock. We show that the plasma shear flow around the magnetic cavity can lead to Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities. We investigate the onset of this phenomenon with change of heliocentric distance and furthermore show that a previously stable magnetic cavity boundary can become unstable when the neutral gas is predominately released from the dayside of the comet.


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OBJECTIVE The aim was to develop a delineation guideline for target definition for APBI or boost by consensus of the Breast Working Group of GEC-ESTRO. PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS Appropriate delineation of CTV (PTV) with low inter- and intra-observer variability in clinical practice is complex and needs various steps as: (1) Detailed knowledge of primary surgical procedure, of all details of pathology, as well as of preoperative imaging. (2) Definition of tumour localization before breast conserving surgery inside the breast and translation of this information in the postoperative CT imaging data set. (3) Calculation of the size of total safety margins. The size should be at least 2 cm. (4) Definition of the target. (5) Delineation of the target according to defined rules. CONCLUSION Providing guidelines based on the consensus of a group of experts should make it possible to achieve a reproducible and consistent definition of CTV (PTV) for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) or boost irradiation after breast conserving closed cavity surgery, and helps to define it after selected cases of oncoplastic surgery.


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PURPOSE To investigate interobserver variations of target volume delineations in accelerated partial breast irradiation with multicatheter brachytherapy (BT) and to assess the impact of guidelines on consistency of contouring. METHODS AND MATERIALS A contouring study with two phases in interstitial accelerated partial breast irradiation after open cavity surgery was conducted by the Groupe Européen de Curiethérapie-European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Breast Cancer Working Group. Contours of cavity and planning target volume (PTV) on preimplant and postimplant CT images were delineated. In Phase 1, nine radiation oncologists defined the target volumes of 5 patients, whereas in Phase 2, four observers draw the contours of 4 patients applying guidelines. In Phase 1, experience in breast BT after open cavity surgery was assessed. The delineations were compared between Phase 1 and Phase 2, the impact of guidelines was assessed, and cavity visualization score was related to consistency of delineations. RESULTS Significant interobserver variability in delineations of lumpectomy cavity and PTV was observed among the participants. Observers with BT experience after open cavity surgery outlined the cavity and PTV more consistently (conformity indexgen: 0.52 vs. 0.48 and 0.59 vs. 0.55 for preimplant and postimplant cavities). For all volumes, the mean Vmax/Vmin was 2.2 vs. 2.8. Having used guidelines all conformity indices increased significantly. For cavity, the increase was 14% and 11%, whereas for the PTV, 28% and 17% on the preimplant and postimplant CT images, respectively. A strong correlation was found between consistency of contours and cavity visualization score. CONCLUSIONS Simple guidelines on defining the lumpectomy cavity significantly increased the consistency of contouring. Reliable consistency of target volume definition can be expected only for good cavity visibility.


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Peritoneal transport characteristics and residual renal function require regular control and subsequent adjustment of the peritoneal dialysis (PD) prescription. Prescription models shall facilitate the prediction of the outcome of such adaptations for a given patient. In the present study, the prescription model implemented in the PatientOnLine software was validated in patients requiring a prescription change. This multicenter, international prospective cohort study with the aim to validate a PD prescription model included patients treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Patients were examined with the peritoneal function test (PFT) to determine the outcome of their current prescription and the necessity for a prescription change. For these patients, a new prescription was modeled using the PatientOnLine software (Fresenius Medical Care, Bad Homburg, Germany). Two to four weeks after implementation of the new PD regimen, a second PFT was performed. The validation of the prescription model included 54 patients. Predicted and measured peritoneal Kt/V were 1.52 ± 0.31 and 1.66 ± 0.35, and total (peritoneal + renal) Kt/V values were 1.96 ± 0.48 and 2.06 ± 0.44, respectively. Predicted and measured peritoneal creatinine clearances were 42.9 ± 8.6 and 43.0 ± 8.8 L/1.73 m2/week and total creatinine clearances were 65.3 ± 26.0 and 63.3 ± 21.8 L/1.73 m2/week, respectively. The analysis revealed a Pearson's correlation coefficient for peritoneal Kt/V of 0.911 and Lin's concordance coefficient of 0.829. The value of both coefficients was 0.853 for peritoneal creatinine clearance. Predicted and measured daily net ultrafiltration was 0.77 ± 0.49 and 1.16 ± 0.63 L/24 h, respectively. Pearson's correlation and Lin's concordance coefficient were 0.518 and 0.402, respectively. Predicted and measured peritoneal glucose absorption was 125.8 ± 38.8 and 79.9 ± 30.7 g/24 h, respectively, and Pearson's correlation and Lin's concordance coefficient were 0.914 and 0.477, respectively. With good predictability of peritoneal Kt/V and creatinine clearance, the present model provides support for individual dialysis prescription in clinical practice. Peritoneal glucose absorption and ultrafiltration are less predictable and are likely to be influenced by additional clinical factors to be taken into consideration.


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OBJECTIVE To evaluate differences in bacterial numbers, identity, and susceptibility in samples obtained from the tympanic cavity on entry (preflush) and after evacuation and lavage (postflush) and assess perioperative and empiric antimicrobial selection in dogs that underwent total ear canal ablation (TECA) with lateral bulla osteotomy (LBO) or reoperation LBO. DESIGN Prospective clinical study. ANIMALS 34 dogs. PROCEDURE TECA with LBO or reoperation LBO was performed on 47 ears. Pre- and postflush aerobic and anaerobic samples were obtained from the tympanic cavity. Isolates and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns were compared. RESULTS Different isolates (31/44 [70%] ears) and susceptibility patterns of isolate pairs (6/44 [14%] ears) were detected in pre- and postflush samples from 84% of ears. Evacuation and lavage of the tympanic cavity decreased the number of bacterial isolates by 33%. In 26% of ears, bacteria were isolated from post-flush samples but not preflush samples. Only 26% of isolates tested were susceptible to cefazolin. At least 1 isolate from 53% of dogs that received empirically chosen antimicrobials postoperatively was resistant to the selected drugs. Anaerobic bacteria were recovered from 6 ears. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Accurate microbiologic assessment of the tympanic cavity should be the basis for selection of antimicrobials in dogs undergoing TECA with LBO. Bacteria remain in the tympanic cavity after evacuation and lavage. Cefazolin was a poor choice for dogs that underwent TECA with LBO, as judged on the basis of culture and susceptibility testing results.