890 resultados para PERIAQUEDUCTAL GREY


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Janczyk-Kopikowa (1966): The series of the organic deposits, developed in the vicinity of Golkow near Warsaw as oil shales and peats, was laid down in a grough valley and now rests on the deposits of the Middle Polish Glaciation (Riss). The organic deposits are overlain by the fluviale deposits of the North Polish Glaciation (Würm). The locality Golkow occurs beyond the extent of the continental glacier of this glaciation. Polen analysis completed by microfloristic examinations allows to determine the age of the organic series that is thought to be Eemian. The pollen diagram from Golkow does not call in question the stratigraphical position of the deposits investigated mainly due to its characteristic features such as minimum content of coniferous trees in the climatic optimum - about 5%, high percentage of Corylus - 77.5% and well developed phase of hornbeam. It may be well compared with other Eemian diagrams from the area of Poland and reveals much similar features. The development of vegetation at Golkow has depended upon the prevailing climate. At first, the cool climate brings about the development of plants having small thermal requirements. Here belong thin, park-like forests with pine and birch (Pinus, Betula) accompanied by the heliophilic plants such as Hippohäe and Ephedra. Improvement of climate that becomes warm and humid provides for development of deciduous forests prevailing in the climatic optimum, of the interglacial. Decrease of temperature causes a repeated change in the type of forest. This latter changes into coniferous forest with prevailing spruce (Picea) and fir (Abies) at the beginning, and then with pine (Pinus) and birch (Betula). During the Eemian Interglacial, the development of plants at Golkow terminates with a new and long-lasting predominance of pine-birch forests. However, such a longevity may be apparent only. Apparent character of this phenomenon is proved by a fact that the pollen spectra of the warm climatic periods have found their reflex in the oil shale that increased considerably slower than the layers off feebly decomposed peat evidencing the existence of cool pine-birch forests from the decline of the Interglacial. The water basin, in which the polen grains were laid down from surrounding plants is characterized by a calm sedimentation as proved by the occurrence of the oil shale. An insignificant water flow left behind some thin sand laminae. The not too deep basin becomes shallower owing to the growing water vegetation, and marshy vegetation. The growing of the plants causes a complete shallowing of the basin and formation of peat bog in situ, as proved by the peat beds occurring in the section. ---- Gadomska (1966): In the vicinity of Golków a series of organic deposits occurs amounting to 6.5-9.3 m in thickness, and consisting of oil shales, lacustrine silts and sands, as well as peats and peaty silts. The organic deposits fill up an old, small, but fairly deep lake basin, probably of finger-lake origin. It may be seen to-day as a slight lowering of the relief, filled up with soaked ground, stretching from north to south. On the basis of palaeobotanical examinations the organic deposits considered are of Eemian Interglacial age (Z. Janczyk-Kopikowa, 1063). The lower part of the organic series consists of a compact oil shale horizon, the maximum thickness of which may attain up to 8 m. The oil shales contain particularly in their upper part, numerous intercalations of arenaceous silts, dark grey or black in colour, or of sands mainly of lacustrine provenance. At the top of the oil shales are found peats, up to 2.5 m in thickness, covered by black, humus silts with numerous plant remains. The Eemian Interglacial deposits are covered by a series of fluviatile sands belonging partly to the Baltic Glaciation (bottom part of the series), partly to the Holocene (top part of the series). The thickness of the sands is 0.5-3.7 m. Higher up, there are found the Holocene and present-day deposits developed as clayey alluvion, or arenaceous slide rocks, or arenaceous-silty soil.


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The distinctly cyclic sediments recovered during ODP Leg 154 played an important role in constructing the astronomical time scale and associated astro(bio)chronology for the Miocene, and in deciphering ocean-climate history. The accuracy of the timescale critically depends on the reliability of the shipboard splice used for the tuning and on the tuning itself. New high-resolution colour- and magnetic susceptibility core scanning data supplemented with limited XRF-data allow improvement of the stratigraphy. The revised composite record results in an improved astronomical age model for ODP Site 926 between 5 and 14.4 Ma. The new age model is confirmed by results of complex amplitude demodulation of the precession and obliquity related cycle patterns. Different values for tidal dissipation are applied to improve the fit between the sedimentary cycle patterns and the astronomical solution. Due to the improved stratigraphy and tuning, supported by the results of amplitude demodulation, the revised time scale yields more reliable age estimates for planktic foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil events. The results of this study highlight the importance of stratigraphy for timescale construction.


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El dispositivo clínico del psicoanálisis y el musical armador de escenarios que es el tango son dispositivos sociales, que en la Argentina tienen especial trascendencia. Ambos tienen su relación precisa con el amor, uno porque ha inventado una variante del lazo amoroso, la transferencia, y el otro porque ha localizando escenas a través de las cuales ha podido darle forma poética al desencuentro. El tango como dispositivo sitúa las fijezas del lado masculino de la sexuación y localiza a la mujer del otro lado. Las distintas especies tangueras, desde una posición fálica totalizante, rechazan la falta de complementariedad sexual, propia de las relaciones entre hombre y mujer, y ponen la causa de la falla del lado mujer. A partir de la particularización de sus letras, se pueden distinguir tres escenas: la melancólica del lamento, la esplendorosa del alarde y la gris de la resignación


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La gestión integrada de cuencas resulta ser una directriz de los organismos internacionales. Desde la gestión local se apela a la participación social, al tiempo que las redes de organizaciones socio-territoriales reclaman mayor injerencia en procesos de control para el saneamiento de las cuencas en Buenos Aires. En cualquier caso, sobrevuelan ideas tales como "integración" (de componentes) y "participación" (de grupos y sectores), que no necesariamente son concebidas unívocamente por todos los actores sociales en juego. Mientras tanto, el control de la contaminación del agua sigue siendo una zona gris en la gestión, a pesar de la creación de autoridades de cuenca. Desde un enfoque de redes, el presente trabajo rastrea en documentos de organismos internacionales, entrevistas a funcionarios locales y miembros de organizaciones territoriales, las acepciones sobre la "gestión integrada" y la "participación" en torno a cuencas metropolitanas degradadas


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El trabajo analiza la expansión del monocultivo extractivista en Costa Rica y la Argentina en detrimento del capital natural y las poblaciones campesinas. La metodología incluyó entrevistas realizadas a campo en ambos países y consultas a fuentes documentales, periodísticas y bibliográficas. Se concluye que los conflictos ecosociales son provocados por la ausencia de un ordenamiento territorial, la escasa fiscalización estatal en materia ambiental y la alianza de los gobiernos con el capital concentrado. En este contexto, también se evidencian estrategias de resistencia de los campesinos que luchan por la justicia ambiental y la concreción de una institucionalidad socioambiental acorde con sus intereses


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Understanding the evolutionary history of threatened populations can improve their conservation management. Re-establishment of past but recent gene flow could re-invigorate threatened populations and replenish genetic diversity, necessary for population persistence. One of the four nominal subspecies of the common yellow-tufted honeyeater, Lichenostomus melanops cassidix, is critically endangered despite substantial conservation efforts over 55 years. Using a combination of morphometric, genetic and modelling approaches we tested for its evolutionary distinctiveness and conservation merit. We confirmed that cassidix has at least one morphometric distinction. It also differs genetically from the other subspecies in allele frequencies but not phylogenetically, implying that its evolution was recent. Modelling historical distribution supported the lack of vicariance and suggested a possibility of gene flow among subspecies at least since the late Pleistocene. Multi-locus coalescent analyses indicated that cassidix diverged from its common ancestor with neighbouring subspecies gippslandicus sometime from the mid-Pleistocene to the Holocene, and that it has the smallest historical effective population size of all subspecies. It appears that cassidix diverged from its ancestor with gippslandicus through a combination of drift and local selection. From patterns of genetic subdivision on two spatial scales and morphological variation we concluded that cassidix, gippslandicus and (melanops + meltoni) are diagnosable as subspecies. Low genetic diversity and effective population size of cassidix may translate to low genetic fitness and evolutionary potential, thus managed gene flow from gippslandicus is recommended for its recovery.


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El dispositivo clínico del psicoanálisis y el musical armador de escenarios que es el tango son dispositivos sociales, que en la Argentina tienen especial trascendencia. Ambos tienen su relación precisa con el amor, uno porque ha inventado una variante del lazo amoroso, la transferencia, y el otro porque ha localizando escenas a través de las cuales ha podido darle forma poética al desencuentro. El tango como dispositivo sitúa las fijezas del lado masculino de la sexuación y localiza a la mujer del otro lado. Las distintas especies tangueras, desde una posición fálica totalizante, rechazan la falta de complementariedad sexual, propia de las relaciones entre hombre y mujer, y ponen la causa de la falla del lado mujer. A partir de la particularización de sus letras, se pueden distinguir tres escenas: la melancólica del lamento, la esplendorosa del alarde y la gris de la resignación


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El trabajo analiza la expansión del monocultivo extractivista en Costa Rica y la Argentina en detrimento del capital natural y las poblaciones campesinas. La metodología incluyó entrevistas realizadas a campo en ambos países y consultas a fuentes documentales, periodísticas y bibliográficas. Se concluye que los conflictos ecosociales son provocados por la ausencia de un ordenamiento territorial, la escasa fiscalización estatal en materia ambiental y la alianza de los gobiernos con el capital concentrado. En este contexto, también se evidencian estrategias de resistencia de los campesinos que luchan por la justicia ambiental y la concreción de una institucionalidad socioambiental acorde con sus intereses


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La gestión integrada de cuencas resulta ser una directriz de los organismos internacionales. Desde la gestión local se apela a la participación social, al tiempo que las redes de organizaciones socio-territoriales reclaman mayor injerencia en procesos de control para el saneamiento de las cuencas en Buenos Aires. En cualquier caso, sobrevuelan ideas tales como "integración" (de componentes) y "participación" (de grupos y sectores), que no necesariamente son concebidas unívocamente por todos los actores sociales en juego. Mientras tanto, el control de la contaminación del agua sigue siendo una zona gris en la gestión, a pesar de la creación de autoridades de cuenca. Desde un enfoque de redes, el presente trabajo rastrea en documentos de organismos internacionales, entrevistas a funcionarios locales y miembros de organizaciones territoriales, las acepciones sobre la "gestión integrada" y la "participación" en torno a cuencas metropolitanas degradadas


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An integrated framework of magnetostratigraphy, calcareous microfossil bio-events, cyclostratigraphy and d13C stratigraphy is established for the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian of ODP Hole 762C (Exmouth Plateau, Northwestern Australian margin). Bulk-carbonate d13C events and nannofossil bio-events have been recorded and plotted against magnetostratigraphy, and provided absolute ages using the results of the cyclostratigraphic study and the recent astronomical calibration of the Maastrichtian. Thirteen carbon-isotope events and 40 nannofossil bio-events are recognized and calibrated with cyclostratigraphy, as well as 14 previously published foraminifer events, thus constituting a solid basis for large-scale correlations. Results show that this site is characterized by a nearly continuous sedimentation from the upper Campanian to the K-Pg boundary, except for a 500 kyr gap in magnetochron C31n. Correlation of the age-calibrated d13C profile of ODP Hole 762C to the d13C profile of the Tercis les Bains section, Global Stratotype Section and Point of the Campanian-Maastrichtian boundary (CMB), allowed a precise recognition and dating of this stage boundary at 72.15 ± 0.05 Ma. This accounts for a total duration of 6.15 ± 0.05 Ma for the Maastrichtian stage. Correlation of the boundary level with northwest Germany shows that the CMB as defined at the GSSP is ~800 kyr younger than the CMB as defined by Belemnite zonation in the Boreal realm. ODP Hole 762C is the first section to bear at the same time an excellent recovery of sediments throughout the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian, a precise and well-defined magnetostratigraphy, a high-resolution record of carbon isotope events and calcareous plankton biostratigraphy, and a cyclostratigraphic study tied to the La2010a astronomical solution. This section is thus proposed as an excellent reference for the upper Campanian-Maastrichtian in the Indian Ocean.


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El dispositivo clínico del psicoanálisis y el musical armador de escenarios que es el tango son dispositivos sociales, que en la Argentina tienen especial trascendencia. Ambos tienen su relación precisa con el amor, uno porque ha inventado una variante del lazo amoroso, la transferencia, y el otro porque ha localizando escenas a través de las cuales ha podido darle forma poética al desencuentro. El tango como dispositivo sitúa las fijezas del lado masculino de la sexuación y localiza a la mujer del otro lado. Las distintas especies tangueras, desde una posición fálica totalizante, rechazan la falta de complementariedad sexual, propia de las relaciones entre hombre y mujer, y ponen la causa de la falla del lado mujer. A partir de la particularización de sus letras, se pueden distinguir tres escenas: la melancólica del lamento, la esplendorosa del alarde y la gris de la resignación


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La gestión integrada de cuencas resulta ser una directriz de los organismos internacionales. Desde la gestión local se apela a la participación social, al tiempo que las redes de organizaciones socio-territoriales reclaman mayor injerencia en procesos de control para el saneamiento de las cuencas en Buenos Aires. En cualquier caso, sobrevuelan ideas tales como "integración" (de componentes) y "participación" (de grupos y sectores), que no necesariamente son concebidas unívocamente por todos los actores sociales en juego. Mientras tanto, el control de la contaminación del agua sigue siendo una zona gris en la gestión, a pesar de la creación de autoridades de cuenca. Desde un enfoque de redes, el presente trabajo rastrea en documentos de organismos internacionales, entrevistas a funcionarios locales y miembros de organizaciones territoriales, las acepciones sobre la "gestión integrada" y la "participación" en torno a cuencas metropolitanas degradadas


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El trabajo analiza la expansión del monocultivo extractivista en Costa Rica y la Argentina en detrimento del capital natural y las poblaciones campesinas. La metodología incluyó entrevistas realizadas a campo en ambos países y consultas a fuentes documentales, periodísticas y bibliográficas. Se concluye que los conflictos ecosociales son provocados por la ausencia de un ordenamiento territorial, la escasa fiscalización estatal en materia ambiental y la alianza de los gobiernos con el capital concentrado. En este contexto, también se evidencian estrategias de resistencia de los campesinos que luchan por la justicia ambiental y la concreción de una institucionalidad socioambiental acorde con sus intereses


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In this study multibeam angular backscatter data acquired in the eastern slope of the Porcupine Seabight are analysed. Processing of the angular backscatter data using the 'NRGCOR' software was made for 29 locations comprising different geological provinces like: carbonate mounds, buried mounds, seafloor channels, and inter-channel areas. A detailed methodology is developed to produce a map of angle-invariant (normalized) backscatter data by correcting the local angular backscatter values. The present paper involves detailed processing steps and related technical aspects of the normalization approach. The presented angle-invariant backscatter map possesses 12 dB dynamic range in terms of grey scale. A clear distinction is seen between the mound dominated northern area (Belgica province) and the Gollum channel seafloor at the southern end of the site. Qualitative analyses of the calculated mean backscatter values i.e., grey scale levels, utilizing angle-invariant backscatter data generally indicate backscatter values are highest (lighter grey scale) in the mound areas followed by buried mounds. The backscatter values are lowest in the inter-channel areas (lowest grey scale level). Moderate backscatter values (medium grey level) are observed from the Gollum and Kings channel data, and significant variability within the channel seafloor provinces. The segmentation of the channel seafloor provinces are made based on the computed grey scale levels for further analyses based on the angular backscatter strength. Three major parameters are utilized to classify four different seafloor provinces of the Porcupine Seabight by employing a semi-empirical method to analyse multibeam angular backscatter data. The predicted backscatter response which has been computed at 20° is the highest for the mound areas. The coefficient of variation (CV) of the mean backscatter response is also the highest for the mound areas. Interestingly, the slope value of the buried mound areas are found to be the highest. However, the channel seafloor of moderate backscatter response presents the lowest slope and CV values. A critical examination of the inter-channel areas indicates less variability within the estimated three parameters.


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Basalts from DSDP Site 417 (109 Ma) exhibit the effects of several stages of alteration reflecting the evolution of seawater-derived solution compositions and control by the structure and permeability of the crust. Characteristic secondary mineral assemblages occur in often superimposed alteration zones within individual basalt fragments. By combining bulk rock and single phase chemical analyses with detailed mineralogic and petrographic studies, chemical changes have been determined for most of the alteration stages identified in the basalts. 1) Minor amounts of saponite, chlorite, and pyrite formed locally in coarse grained portions of massive units, possibly at high temperatures during initial cooling of the basalts. No chemical changes could be determined for this stage. 2) Possible mixing of cooled hydrothermal fluids with seawater resulted in the formation of celadonite-nontronite and Fe-hydroxide-rich black halos around cracks and pillow rims. Gains of K, Rb, H20, increase of Fe 3 +/FeT and possibly some losses of Ca and Mg occurred during this stage. 3a) Extensive circulation of oxygenated seawater resulted in the formation of various smectites, K-feldspar, and Fe-hydroxides in brown and light grey alteration zones around formerly exposed surfaces. K, Rb, H20, and occasionally P were added to the rocks, Fe3+/FeT increased, and Ca, Mg, Si and occasionally Al and Na were lost. 3 b) Anoxic alteration occurred during reaction of basalt with seawater at low water-rock ratios, or with seawater that had previously reacted with basalt. Saponite-rich dark grey alteration zones formed which exhibit very little chemical change: generally only slight increases in Fe 3 +/FeT and H20 occurred. 4) Zeolites and calcite formed from seawater-derived fluids modified by previous reactions with basalt. Chemical changes involved increases of Ca, Na, H20 , and CO2 in the rocks. 5) A late stage of anoxic conditions resulted in the formation of minor amounts of Mn-calcites and secondary sulfides in previously oxidized rocks. No chemical changes were determined for this stage. Recognition of such alteration sequences is important in understanding the evolution of submarine hydrothermal systems and in interpreting chemical exchange due to seawater-basalt reactions.