934 resultados para Microbial infections


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Five laboratory incubation experiments were carried out to assess the salinity-induced changes in the microbial use of sugarcane filter cake added to soil. The first laboratory experiment was carried out to prove the hypothesis that the lower content of fungal biomass in a saline soil reduces the decomposition of a complex organic substrate in comparison to a non-saline soil under acidic conditions. Three different rates (0.5, 1.0, and 2.0%) of sugarcane filter cake were added to both soils and incubated for 63 days at 30°C. In the saline control soil without amendment, cumulative CO2 production was 70% greater than in the corresponding non-saline control soil, but the formation of inorganic N did not differ between these two soils. However, nitrification was inhibited in the saline soil. The increase in cumulative CO2 production by adding filter cake was similar in both soils, corresponding to 29% of the filter cake C at all three addition rates. Also the increases in microbial biomass C and biomass N were linearly related to the amount of filter cake added, but this increase was slightly higher for both properties in the saline soil. In contrast to microbial biomass, the absolute increase in ergosterol content in the saline soil was on average only half that in the non-saline soil and it showed also strong temporal changes during the incubation: A strong initial increase after adding the filter cake was followed by a rapid decline. The addition of filter cake led to immobilisation of inorganic N in both soils. This immobilisation was not expected, because the total C-to-total N ratio of the filter cake was below 13 and the organic C-to-organic N ratio in the 0.5 M K2SO4 extract of this material was even lower at 9.2. The immobilisation was considerably higher in the saline soil than in the non-saline soil. The N immobilisation capacity of sugarcane filter cake should be considered when this material is applied to arable sites at high rations. The second incubation experiment was carried out to examine the N immobilizing effect of sugarcane filter cake (C/N ratio of 12.4) and to investigate whether mixing it with compost (C/N ratio of 10.5) has any synergistic effects on C and N mineralization after incorporation into the soil. Approximately 19% of the compost C added and 37% of the filter cake C were evolved as CO2, assuming that the amendments had no effects on the decomposition of soil organic C. However, only 28% of the added filter cake was lost according to the total C and d13C values. Filter cake and compost contained initially significant concentrations of inorganic N, which was nearly completely immobilized between day 7 and 14 of the incubation in most cases. After day 14, N re-mineralization occurred at an average rate of 0.73 µg N g-1 soil d-1 in most amendment treatments, paralleling the N mineralization rate of the non-amended control without significant difference. No significant net N mineralization from the amendment N occurred in any of the amendment treatments in comparison to the control. The addition of compost and filter cake resulted in a linear increase in microbial biomass C with increasing amounts of C added. This increase was not affected by differences in substrate quality, especially the three times larger content of K2SO4 extractable organic C in the sugarcane filter cake. In most amendment treatments, microbial biomass C and biomass N increased until the end of the incubation. No synergistic effects could be observed in the mixture treatments of compost and sugarcane filter cake. The third 42-day incubation experiment was conducted to answer the questions whether the decomposition of sugarcane filter cake also result in immobilization of nitrogen in a saline alkaline soil and whether the mixing of sugarcane filter cake with glucose (adjusted to a C/N ratio of 12.5 with (NH4)2SO4) change its decomposition. The relative percentage CO2 evolved increased from 35% of the added C in the pure 0.5% filter cake treatment to 41% in the 0.5% filter cake +0.25% glucose treatment to 48% in the 0.5% filter cake +0.5% glucose treatment. The three different amendment treatments led to immediate increases in microbial biomass C and biomass N within 6 h that persisted only in the pure filter cake treatment until the end of the incubation. The fungal cell-membrane component ergosterol showed initially an over-proportionate increase in relation to microbial biomass C that fully disappeared at the end of the incubation. The cellulase activity showed a 5-fold increase after filter cake addition, which was not further increased by the additional glucose amendment. The cellulase activity showed an exponential decline to values around 4% of the initial value in all treatments. The amount of inorganic N immobilized from day 0 to day 14 increased with increasing amount of C added in comparison to the control treatment. Since day 14, the immobilized N was re-mineralized at rates between 1.31 and 1.51 µg N g-1 soil d-1 in the amendment treatments and was thus more than doubled in comparison with the control treatment. This means that the re-mineralization rate is independent from the actual size of the microbial residues pool and also independent from the size of the soil microbial biomass. Other unknown soil properties seem to form a soil-specific gate for the release of inorganic N. The fourth incubation experiment was carried out with the objective of assessing the effects of salt additions containing different anions (Cl-, SO42-, HCO3-) on the microbial use of sugarcane filter cake and dhancha leaves amended to inoculated sterile quartz sand. In the subsequent fifth experiment, the objective was to assess the effects of inoculum and temperature on the decomposition of sugar cane filter cake. In the fourth experiment, sugarcane filter cake led to significantly lower respiration rates, lower contents of extractable C and N, and lower contents of microbial biomass C and N than dhancha leaves, but to a higher respiratory quotient RQ and to a higher content of the fungal biomarker ergosterol. The RQ was significantly increased after salt addition, when comparing the average of all salinity treatments with the control. Differences in anion composition had no clear effects on the RQ values. In experiment 2, the rise in temperature from 20 to 40°C increased the CO2 production rate by a factor of 1.6, the O2 consumption rate by a factor of 1.9 and the ergosterol content by 60%. In contrast, the contents of microbial biomass N decreased by 60% and the RQ by 13%. The effects of the inoculation with a saline soil were in most cases negative and did not indicate a better adaptation of these organisms to salinity. The general effects of anion composition on microbial biomass and activity indices were small and inconsistent. Only the fraction of 0.5 M K2SO4 extractable C and N in non-fumigated soil was consistently increased in the 1.2 M NaHCO3 treatment of both experiments. In contrast to the small salinity effects, the quality of the substrate has overwhelming effects on microbial biomass and activity indices, especially on the fungal part of the microbial community.


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Die Mikrobiota im Gastrointestinaltrakt (GIT) spielt eine bedeutende Rolle beim Fermentationsprozess im Bezug auf die Nährstoffversorgung sowie die Gesundheit des Darms und des gesamten Organismus. Inulin und resistente Stärke (RS) konnten als präbiotisch wirksame Substanzen identifiziert werden und sind jeweils auch in den Knollen der Topinamburpflanze (Helianthus tuberosus) und in Kartoffeln (Solanum tuberosum) enthalten. Da sie ebenfalls energiereiche Futtermittel für Schweine sind, war es das Ziel der ersten beiden Studien, die Auswirkungen der Aufnahme von Topinamburknollen und Kartoffeln auf die intestinale Mikrobiota und Parameter des Immunsystems bei Endmastschweinen zu bestimmen. In der dritten Studie wurde die mikrobielle Biomasse quantitativ mit einem Verfahren zur Isolation von Bakterien in einer Flüssigkeit durch Hochgeschwindigkeits-Zentrifugation erfasst und der bakteriell gebundene Stickstoff (MP-N) mit dem bakteriellen und endogenem Kotstickstoff (BEDN) verglichen. Im ersten Versuch wurden 72 Endmastschweine in einem Freilandhaltungssystem in eine Kontroll- (CT), die mit Kraftfutter entsprechend des Bedarfs der Tiere für ein Leistungsniveau von 700 g täglichem Lebendmassezuwachs versorgt wurde, und eine Versuchsvariante (ET) aufgeteilt. In der Versuchsvariante erhielten die Tiere nur 70% der Kraftfuttermenge der Kontrollvariante, hatten aber Zugang zu einer abgeteilten Fläche, auf der Topinamburknollen angebaut waren. Die freie Aufnahme von Topinamburknollen wurde auf 1•24 kg Trockenmasse (TM)/Tag bestimmt, entsprechend einer Inulinaufnahme von durchschnittlich 800 g/Tag. Während sich die Wachstumsleistung in der Kontrollvariante auf 0•642 ± 0•014 kg/Tag belief, war sie in der Versuchsvariante mit 0•765 ± 0•015 kg/Tag (P=0•000) höher. Die freie Verfügbarkeit von Inulin und Fructo-oligosacchariden (FOS) im GIT der Schweine erhöhte die Keimzahlen der anaeroben Bakterien (P=0•000), Laktobazillen (P=0•046) und Hefen (P=0•000) signifikant und verringerte das Vorkommen von Clostridium perfringens im Schweinekot erheblich von lg 5•24 ± 0•17 kolonie-bildende Einheiten pro g Frischmasse (KbE/ g FM) in der Kontrollvariante auf lg 0•96 ± 0•20 KbE/ g FM in der Versuchsvariante (P=0•000). C-reaktives Protein (CRP) und Antikörper gegen Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) von Escherichia coli J5 ließen keine Unterschiede zwischen den Fütterungsvarianten erkennen. In der zweiten Untersuchung wurden 58 Endmastschweine einer Kontrollvariante (CT), die bedarfsgerecht mit einer Kraftfuttermischung für ein Leistungsniveau von 700 g Tageszunahmen gefüttert wurde, und zwei Versuchsvarianten zugeteilt. Die Versuchsvarianten erhielten eine Menge von 1•2 kg TM gedämpften Kartoffeln (potato treatment, PT) oder gedämpften und einsilierten Kartoffeln (silage treatment, ST) pro Tag und nur 46% bzw. 43% der Menge des Kraftfutters der Kontrollvariante. Die Wachstumsleistung und Schlachtkörperzusammensetzung ließen keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Varianten erkennen. Im PT und ST waren gegenüber dem CT im Kot der pH-Wert sowie die Gehalte von TM, Neutral-Detergenz-Faser (NDF), unverdautem Futterstickstoff (UDN) und teilweise von Säure-Detergenz-Faser (ADF) signifikant niedriger (P=0•000) und die von Ammonium (NH4) und Ammoniumstickstoff (NH4-N) signifikant höher (P=0•000). Das hohe Angebot von hitzebehandelten Kartoffeln führte zu einer erheblichen Verringerung von E. coli (P=0•000), C. perfringens (P=0•000) und Immunoglobulin A gegen LPS von E. coli J5 (P=0•001). Darüber hinaus waren in der ersten Versuchsperiode im ST die aeroben und anaeroben Gesamtkeimzahlen sowie die Laktobazillen und Hefen gegenüber dem PT signifikant erhöht. Die Unterschiede in der Mikrobiota zwischen der Kontroll- und Versuchsvarianten weisen auf die positiven Auswirkungen von Topinamburknollen und hitzebehandelten Kartoffeln auf die Mikrobiota im hinteren Darmabschnitt hin. Das Ziel der dritten Untersuchung war die Modifizierung des Verfahrens zur Isolation von Bakterien in einer Flüssigkeit mittels verschiedener Zentrifugationsschritte, um ein mikrobielles Pellet (MP) zu erhalten, welches die quantitative Abtrennung und Erfassung der Bakterien in Schweinekot ermöglicht. Zusätzlich wurde der BEDN Anteil sowie die Gehalte der Aminozucker Galactosamin, Glucosamin, Mannosamin und Muraminsäure im Kot und im MP bestimmt. Die untersuchten Kotproben stammten von Schweinen eines Phosphor (P) Stoffwechselversuch. Zehn männlich-kastrierte Schweine mit einem durchschnittlichen Lebendgewicht von 51•1 ± 8•5 kg wurden einzeln in Stoffwechselkäfigen gehalten. Die Tiere wurden fünf Fütterungsvarianten zugeteilt, die dem Bedarf der Tiere für ein Leistungsniveau von 700 g Tageszunahmen entsprachen, in den Rationen 2 bis 5 jedoch eine P-Gehalt unter dem Tagesbedarf der Tiere aufwiesen und in den Rationen 3 bis 5 mit abgestuften Gehalten von 50, 100 sowie 200 mg/kg einer experimentellen Phytase ergänz waren. Die Absenkung des P Gehaltes im Futter verringerte den Asche- (P=0•024) und Trockenmassegehalt im Kot (P=0•017) sowie die P Konzentration im MP (P=0•000) signifikant. Die mikrobielle Biomasse im Kot wurde durch die Wiegung des MP auf durchschnittlich 467 g/kg TM bestimmt. Der Stickstoffgehalt im Kot betrug im Mittel 46•1 g/kg TM und der in die Bakterienmasse eingebaute Stickstoffanteil 27•1 g/kg TM bzw. 58% vom Gesamtstickstoffgehalt im Kot. Die BEDN Fraktion wurde auf 73% am Kotstickstoff bestimmt. Der P-Gehalt im Kot sowie der N Gehalt im MP mit durchschnittlichen 10•4 und 57•9 g/kg TM lagen im Bereich von Literaturangaben. Die P Gehalte im MP schwankten in Abhängigkeit von der Zugabe von Phytase signifikant (P=0•000) von 1•8 bis 4•8 g/kg TM. Die Aminozucker wiesen keine signifikanten unterschiede zwischen Fütterungsvarianten auf und lagen im Bereich von Werten von Rinderkot. Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die angewandte Methode zur direkten Quantifizierung der mikrobiellen Biomasse geeignet ist.


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Little is known about the heavy metal and microbial contamination of vegetables produced in Central Asian cities. We therefore measured the concentration of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and zinc (Zn) and of faecal pathogens (Coliform bacteria, Salmonella sp., Shigella sp., Ascaris lubricoides, Entamoeba sp. and pinworms [Oxyuris vermicularis syn. Enterobius vermicularis]) in soil, irrigation water, and marketed vegetables of Kabul City, Afghanistan. Leaf Pb and Zn concentrations of leafy vegetables were with 1–5 and 33–160 mg kg^{-1} dry weight (DW) several-fold above respective international thresholds of 0.3 mg Pb kg^{-1} and 50 mg Zn kg^{-1}. The tissue concentration of Cu was below threshold limits in all samples except for spinach in one farm. Above-threshold loads of microbes and parasites on vegetables were found in five out of six gardens with coliforms ranging from 0.5–2 × 10^7 cells 100g^{-1} fresh weight (FW), but no Salmonella and Shigella were found. Contamination with 0.2 × 10^7 eggs 100g^{-1} FW of Ascaris was detected on produce of three farms and critical concentrations of Entamoeba in a single case, while Oxyuris vermicularis, and Enterobius vermicularis were found on produce of three and four farms, respectively. Irrigation water had Ascaris, Coliforms, Salmonella, Shigella, Entamoeba, and Oxyuris vermicularis syn. Enterobius vermicularis ranging from 0.35 × 10^7 to 2 × 10^7 cells l^{-1}. The heavy metal and microbial loads on fresh UPA vegetables are likely the result of contamination from rising traffic, residues of the past decades of war and lacking treatment of sewage which needs urgent attention.


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Agricultural intensification has a strong impact on level of soil organic matter (SOM), microbial biomass stocks and microbial community structure in agro-ecosystems. The size of the microbial necromass C pool could be about 40 times that of the living microbial biomass C pool in soils. Due to the specificity, amino sugar analysis gives more important information on the relative contribution of fungal and bacterial residues to C sequestration potential of soils. Meanwhile, the relationship between microbial biomass and microbial necromass in soil and its ecological significance on SOM are not fully understood and likely to be very complex in grassland soils. This thesis focuses on the effects of tillage, grassland conversion intensities and fertilisation on microbial biomass, residues and community structure. The combined analyses of microbial biomass and residue formation of both fungi and bacteria provided a unique opportunity to study the effect of tillage, grassland conversion and fertilisation on soil microbial dynamics. In top soil at 0-30 cm layer, a reduction in tillage intensity by the GRT and NT treatments increased the accumulation of saprotrophic fungi in comparison with the MBT treatment. In contrast, the GRT and NT treatments promoted AMF at the expense of saprotrophic fungi in the bottom soil layer at 30-40 cm depth. The negative relationship between the ergosterol to microbial biomass C ratio and the fungal C to bacterial C ratio points to the importance of the relationship between saprotrophic fungi and biotrophic AMF for tillage-induced changes in microbial turnover of SOC. One-season cultivation of winter wheat with two tillage events led to a significant loss in SOC and microbial biomass C stocks at 0-40 cm depth in comparison with the permanent grassland, even 5 years after the tillage event. However, the tillage induced loss in microbial biomass C was roughly 40% less in the long-term than in the short-term of the current experiment, indicating a recovery process during grassland restoration. In general, mould board tillage and grassland conversion to maize monoculture promoted saprotrophic fungi at the expense of biotrophic AMF and bacteria compared to undisturbed grassland soils. Slurry application promoted bacterial residues as indicated by the decreases in both, the ergosterol to microbial biomass C ratio and the fungal C to bacterial C ratio. In addition, the lost microbial functional diversity due to tillage and maize monoculture was restored by slurry application both in arable and grassland soils. I conclude that the microbial biomass C/S ratio can be used as an additional indicator for a shift in microbial community. The strong relationships between microbial biomass and necromass indices points to the importance of saprotrophic fungi and biotrophic AMF for agricultural management induced effects on microbial turnover and ecosystem C storage. Quantitative information on exact biomass estimates of these two important fungal groups in soil is inevitably necessary to understand their different roles in SOM dynamics.


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Artisanal columbite-tantalite (coltan) mining has had negative effects on the rural economy in the great Lakes region of Africa through labor deficits, degradation and loss of farmland, food insecurity, high cost of living, and reduced traditional export crop production alongside secondary impacts that remotely affect the quality of air, water, soil, plants, animals, and human wellbeing. The situation is multifaceted and calls for a holistic approach for short and long-term mitigation of such negative effects. This study focuses on the effects of mine land restoration on soil microbiological quality in the Gatumba Mining District of western Rwanda. Some coltan mine wastelands were afforested with pine and eucalyptus trees while farmers directly cultivated others due to land scarcity. Farmyard manure (FYM) is the sole fertilizer applied on the wastelands although it is insufficient to achieve the desired crop yields. Despite this, several multi-purpose plants such as Tithonia diversifolia, Markhamia lutea, and Canavalia brasiliensis thrive in the area and could supplement FYM. The potential for these “new” amendments to improve soil microbial properties, particularly in the tantalite mine soils was investigated. The specific objectives of the study were to: (a) evaluate the effects of land use on soil microbial indices of the tantalite mine soils; (b) investigate the restorative effects of organic amendments on a Technosol; and (c) estimate the short-term N and P supply potential of the soil amendments in the soils. Fresh soils (0-20 cm) from an unmined native forest, two mine sites afforested with pine and eucalyptus forests (pine and eucalyptus Technosols), an arable land, and two cultivated Technosols (Kavumu and Kirengo Technosols) were analyzed for the physicochemical properties. Afterwards, a 28-day incubation (22oC) experiment was conducted followed by measurements of mineral N, soil microbial biomass C, N, P, and fungal ergosterol contents using standard methods. This was followed by a 12-week incubation study of the arable soil and the Kavumu Technosol amended with FYM, Canavalia and Tithonia biomass, and Markhamia leaf litter after which soil microbial properties were measured at 2, 8, and 12 weeks of incubation. Finally, two 4-week incubation experiments each were conducted in soils of the six sites to estimate (i) potential mineralizable N using a soil-sand mixture (1:1) amended with Canavalia and goat manure and (ii) P mineralization mixtures (1:1) of soil and anion exchange resins in bicarbonate form amended with Tithonia biomass and goat manure. In study one, afforestation increased soil organic carbon and total N contents in the pine and eucalyptus Technosols by 34-40% and 28-30%, respectively of that in the native forest soil. Consequently, the microbial biomass and activity followed a similar trend where the cultivated Technosols were inferior to the afforested ones. The microbial indices of the mine soils were constrained by soil acidity, dithionite-extractable Al, and low P availability. In study two, the amendments substantially increased C and N mineralization, microbial properties compared with non-amended soils. Canavalia biomass increased CO2 efflux by 340%, net N mineralization by 30-140%, and microbial biomass C and N by 240-600% and 240-380% (P < 0.01), respectively after four weeks of incubation compared with the non-amended soils. Tithonia biomass increased ergosterol content by roughly 240%. The Kavumu Technosol showed a high potential for quick restoration of its soil quality due to its major responses to the measured biological parameters. In study three, Canavalia biomass gave the highest mineralizable N (130 µg g-1 soil, P < 0.01) in the Kavumu Technosol and the lowest in the native forest soil (-20 µg g-1 soil). Conversely, the mineralizable N of goat manure was negative in all soils ranging from -2.5 µg N g-1 to -7.7 µg N g-1 soil except the native forest soil. However, the immobilization of goat manure N in the “cultivated soils” was 30-70% lower than in the “forest soils” signifying an imminent recovery of the amended soils from N immobilization. The mineralization of goat manure P was three-fold that of Tithonia, constituting 61-71% of total P applied. Phosphorus mineralization slightly decreased after four weeks of incubation due to sulfate competition as reflected in a negative correlation, which was steeper in the Tithonia treatment. In conclusion, each amendment used in this research played a unique role in C, N, and P mineralization and contributed substantially to microbial properties in the tantalite mine soils. Interestingly, the “N immobilizers” exhibited potentials for P release and soil organic carbon storage. Consequently, the combined use of the amendments in specific ratios, or co-composting prior to application is recommended to optimize nutrient release, microbial biomass dynamics and soil organic matter accrual. Transport of organic inputs seems more feasible for smallholder farmers who typically manage small field sizes. To reduce acidity in the soils, liming with wood ash was recommended to also improve P availability and enhance soil biological quality, even if it may only be possible on small areas. Further, afforestation with mixed-species of fast-growing eucalyptus and legume or indigenous tree species are suggested to restore tantalite mine wastelands. It is emphasized most of this research was conducted under controlled laboratory conditions, which exclude interaction with environmental variables. Also fine fractions of the amendments were used compared with the usual practice of applying a mixture of predominantly coarser fractions. Therefore, the biological dynamics reported in the studies here may not entirely reflect those of farmers’ field conditions.


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La EPOC es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo y su prevalencia en Bogotá alcanza hasta 8,5%. Las exacerbaciones están asociadas a deterioro funcional y de la calidad de vida por lo que se consideran un factor cardinal de la enfermedad. En la literatura se ha descrito que las infecciones por bacterias y/o virus son las responsables del 78% de las exacerbaciones. Estos datos han sido descritos en poblaciones diferentes y no hay datos en la literatura que muestren cual es la epidemiología local de las exacerbaciones de EPOC y menos aún de aquellas que se asocian a consolidaciones neumónicas. Objetivo: Comparar la microbiología de las exacerbaciones severas de la EPOC que requieren ingreso a UCI con y sin infiltrados alveolares. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en el que se estudiaron pacientes con EPOC que ingresaron a la UCI Médica de la FCI-IC por exacerbación severa, asociada o no a infiltrados alveolares. Se tomaron muestras de microbiología, serológicas y radiografía de tórax para evaluar la etiología de la exacerbación, si se asocia a coinfección viral y a consolidación neumónica o no. Resultados: No se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en la microbiología de los diferentes grupos evaluados. Se encontró un resistencia global del 24% y llama la atención que hay una alta prevalencia de Serratia Marcescens AMPc entre los 2 grupos, germen que no está descrito como patógeno común en la literatura. Se encontraron diferencias en cuanto a factores de riesgo para presentar neumonía asociada como lo son un mayor índice de paquetes/año (55.1.6 vs. 36.3 paq/año, sig.=0.021). Así mismo se demostró que los pacientes con neumonía asociada presentan mayor necesidad de IOT (48.9 vs. 23.9, sig.=0.013). No hay diferencia significativa en desenlaces como mortalidad (20.5 vs. 13.0, sig.=0.346). Conclusiones: A pesar de no haber diferencia microbiológica entre los 2 grupos se encontraron variables como factores de riesgo y variables clínicas que pueden ayudar a proponer planes de manejo en los dos escenarios. El hecho de encontrar un paciente con neumonía asociada al cuadro de exacerbación no debe afectar en la toma de decisiones en relación al tratamiento antibiótico.


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INTRODUCCIÓN. La mediastinitis posterior a cirugía de revascularización miocárdica es una infección infrecuente, pero potencialmente fatal. En la Fundación Cardioinfantil se ha observado una tendencia al incremento de la misma en los últimos años, obligando a un cambio en las medidas de profilaxis antimicrobiana, pasando de cefalosporinas a vancomicina – gentamicina, sin embargo no se conoce aún el impacto de estas medidas. OBJETIVO: Determinar si el cambio de la profilaxis antibiótica en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica influye en una disminución de la incidencia de mediastinitis durante los años 2012 – 2013. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de cohortes retrospectivo, evaluando la incidencia de mediastinitis post revascularización miocárdica, en pacientes expuestos a 2 diferentes tipos de profilaxis antimicrobiana (cefalosporinas vs vancomicina-gentamicina). Se describieron los patrones de susceptibilidad y resistencia de los patógenos encontrados en mediastinitis y la mortalidad de esta patología. RESULTADOS: Los patógenos más frecuentemente aislados en la mediastinitis fueron Staphylococcus aureus y Klebsiella pneumoniae, en la mayoría monomicrobiano. Se encontraron patógenos con perfiles de resistencia como betalactamasas de espectro extendido en Gram negativos y resistencia a la meticilina en cocos Gram positivos. El RR de mediastinitis del grupo expuesto a vancomicina-gentamicina respecto al grupo de cefalosporinas fue de 0,9 con IC 95% 0,28 – 3,28. CONCLUSIÓN: la epidemiologia microbiana de la mediastinitis no difiere de la reportada en otras series. La profilaxis antimicrobiana con vancomicina - gentamicina en pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica, no redujo la incidencia de mediastinitis. Se propone regresar a la terapia de profilaxis con cefalosporinas.


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ANTECEDENTES. La mortalidad neonatal se debe principalmente a procesos infecciosos y a prematurez. Se ha sugerido que el lavado corporal total con clorhexidina podría reducir la mortalidad neonatal relacionada con infección. No existen revisiones sistemáticas que exploren la eficacia de esta intervención. Objetivo. Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad de la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina en la prevención de las infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud en neonatos de alto riesgo hospitalizados en cuidado intensivo neonatal. Metodología. Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura. La búsqueda se hizo a través de las bases de datos Medline, Embase, LilaCS, Cochrane library y el registro de ensayos clínicos del Instituto Nacional de Salud de Estados Unidos. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos publicados en los últimos 15 años hasta el 30 de enero del 2015. Las variables cualitativas se estimaron mediante OR o RR con sus IC95%. Las variables cuantitativas mediante diferencias de promedios o diferencias estandarizadas de promedios con sus IC95%. Resultados: Se incluyeron 3 estudios en el análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo. No se encontró evidencia concluyente que permita recomendar el uso de la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina en los recién nacidos hospitalizados en cuidado intensivo neonatal. Conclusión: No existe evidencia que permita concluir que la limpieza corporal total con clorhexidina al 0.25% es mejor respecto a otras intervenciones en la prevención de sepsis neonatal asociada al cuidado de la salud . Es una intervención segura sin efectos adversos significativos.


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Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo; se usó la base de datos de los aislamientos microbiológicos documentados en las UCI de la Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá para el año 2014. La prevalencia de bacterias resistentes en los aislamientos de la FSFB no es baja, por lo que se requiere una terapia empírica acertada acorde con la flora local. Se requieren estudios analíticos para evaluar factores asociados al desarrollo de gérmenes multi resistentes y mortalidad por sepsis


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El principal objectiu d'aquest treball ha estat estudiar la producció de metabòlits amb activitat antibiòtica per soques de l'espècie Pseudomonas fluorescens de la col·lecció EPS, i també avaluar la seva potencialitat com a agents de biocontrol. Es va disposar també de diverses soques de P. fluorescens, cedides per altres investigadors, que van utilitzar-se com a referència perquè algunes són actives en control biològic i produeixen metabòlits secundaris d'interès en el biocontrol de malalties de plantes. La present memòria s'estructura en cinc capítols, que són, introducció al control biològic, descripció de l'etapa de selecció de soques i cerca dels metabòlits produïts, estudi de la producció d'HCN per la soca EPS288, estudi de la producció de l'antibiòtic 2,4-diacetilfloroglucinol (DAPG), i finalment, el darrer capítol, on s'ha estudiat la producció de DAPG sobre material vegetal i la capacitat de colonitzar arrels per diverses soques d'interès. En l'etapa de prospecció, va demostrar-se que un 37% del total de les soques de la col·lecció EPS produïen HCN, totes de l'espècie P. fluorescens, i un 90% d'aquestes provenien de les arrels de plantes. Es va confirmar la producció dels metabòlits secundaris 2,4-diacetilfloroglucinol, àcid fenazina-1-carboxílic, i pirrolnitrina, per diverses soques de la col·lecció EPS seleccionades mitjançant tècniques moleculars. Així, de la col·lecció EPS, les soques EPS317 i EPS808 produeixen DAPG, la EPS263 àcid fenazina-1-carboxílic i pirrolnitrina i, EPS894, EPS895, EPS945 produeixen àcid fenazina-1-carboxílic. La producció d'HCN es va estudiar més exhaustivament en la soca EPS288, seleccionada per la seva activitat antifúngica i candidata a agent de biocontrol contra Stemphylium vesicarium, causant de la estemfiliosi de la perera, i contra Penicillium expansum, causant de la podridura blava en conservació de fruita a postcollita. Per aquest estudi, es va dissenyar i validar un sistema per recollir l'HCN a partir de cultius en medi líquid. S'ha demostrat que la temperatura d'incubació, la concentració cel·lular de sembra i la composició del medi de cultiu afectaven a la producció d'HCN. Els medis complexos i la glicina n'afavorien la síntesi i la font de carboni no afectava. La soca EPS288 va produir més HCN que P. fluorescens CHA0, soca de referència productora d'HCN i descrita com a activa en processos de biocontrol de fongs fitopatògens. En l'estudi de la producció de DAPG, les soques de la col·lecció EPS i de referència, es van comparar en diversos medis de cultiu estudiant l'efecte de la complexitat i consistència del medi, i l'addició de ferro o de glucosa. Va demostrar-se que la producció de DAPG depèn principalment de la soca i de les característiques del medi de cultiu. La glucosa estimula la producció, mentre que el ferro pràcticament no afecta, i en general, el medi sòlid i complex estimula la producció de DAPG. Tanmateix, aquests efectes varien en alguna de les soques assajades donant lloc a comportaments singulars. En el seguiment del creixement amb un sistema automàtic es va comprovar que la velocitat específica de creixement i la concentració cel·lular assolida al final del cultiu, estaven condicionades per la composició del medi de cultiu. En les proves d'antagonisme vers fitopatògens que foren seleccionats com a indicadors, va observar-se que tant l'antagonisme in vitro com la inhibició d'infeccions sobre material vegetal estaven parcialment relacionades amb la producció dels metabòlits secundaris estudiats. La promoció del creixement de portaempelts per aquestes soques depenia de la soca i de l'hoste, però no es pogué establir una relació causa-efecte amb el metabòlits produïts. També es va comprovar que algunes de les soques podien sobreviure en ferides de pomes i de peres, on produïren DAPG. Mutants resistents a rifampicina de diverses soques de la col·lecció EPS i de referència es van inocular en llavors de pomera i de tomatera que es van sembrar i incubar en condicions controlades. Es va fer el seguiment de la població bacteriana total i resistent a rifampicina present a les arrels durant 72 dies. Totes les soques van colonitzar les arrels de les plantes, mantenint una elevada població durant 37 dies, cap d'elles va estimular el creixement ni mostrar efectes fitotòxics, no afectant tampoc signicativament a la població bacteriana espontània de les arrels. La soca EPS808, una de les seleccionades pel treball, va aconseguir uns nivells de producció de DAPG, una velocitat de creixement i una supervivència relativa a les arrels similar a altres soques de referència descrites com a bons agents de biocontrol. En conseqüència, se la considera una candidata a agent de biocontrol que hauria de ser objecte de futurs estudis d'eficàcia.


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As infeções do trato urinário (ITU’s) são doenças infeciosas frequentes na prática clínica veterinária, sendo fundamental uma correta antibioterapia, principalmente pelo crescente desenvolvimento de resistências bacterianas aos antibióticos. Realizou-se um estudo retrospetivo, englobando 86 animais admitidos no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, submetidos a urocultura, com o objetivo de caracterizar as ITU’s microbianas neste hospital, avaliando a sua epidemiologia e suscetibilidade antibiótica das bactérias isoladas. Da totalidade das uroculturas realizadas (n=86), 28 foram positivas, 18 em canídeos e 10 em felídeos, sem predisposição racial, mais em fêmeas nos canídeos e em machos nos felídeos. A idade média dos animais com ITU foi 8 anos nos canídeos e 10 anos nos felídeos. Todas as ITU´s foram monobacterianas, sendo o microorganismo mais frequentemente isolado a Escherichia coli. Verificou-se multirresistência em 10 das 28 bactérias isoladas. A gentamicina foi o antibiótico com melhor perfil de sensibilidade global e o que apresentou mais resistências foi a tetraciclina. O antibiótico mais prescrito de forma empírica foi a enrofloxacina. Este estudo,especialmente se realizado de forma periódica, poderá ser um contributo para a elaboração de guias institucionais de antibioterapia adequada e minimização do aparecimento de resistências bacterianas.


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A flora microbiana humana cujos elementos major são bactérias, tem sido caracterizada como uma componente essencial do corpo humano. A sua importância baseia-se no seu envolvimento benéfico numa variedade de funções metabólicas, imunitárias e antimicrobianas. Os resultados destas funções incluem a homeostasia do organismo humano. Contudo, a flora microbiana humana tem sido associada com o desenvolvimento de numerosas infecções denominadas por infecções endógenas tais como as infecções orais. Estas infecções são comuns nos hospedeiros comprometidos, o que contribui para o aumento do seu significado clínico. Nesta dissertação foi feita uma abordagem à patogénese bacteriana assim como aos passos do processos infecciosos e aos factores de virulência. Foi também feita a associação destes à susceptibilidade do hospedeiro com o propósito de compreender os seus contributos para o desenvolvimento das infecções endógenas. Por outro lado, foram exploradas algumas consequências sistémicas infecciosas (endocardite infecciosa) e não infecciosas (aterosclerose) de infecções orais causadas pela flora bacteriana oral.