933 resultados para Literary curiosa
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Literature is not generally considered as a coherent branch of the curriculum in relation to language development in either native or foreign language teaching. As teachers of English in multicultural Indian classrooms, we come across students with varying degrees of competence in English language learning. Although language learning is a natural process for natives, students of other languages put in colossal efforts to learn it. Despite their sincere efforts, they face challenges regarding pronunciation, spelling, and vocabulary. Indian classrooms are a microcosm of the larger society, so teaching English language in a manner that equips the students to face the cutthroat competition has become a necessity and a challenge for English language teachers. English today has become the key determinant for being successful in their careers. The hackneyed and stereotypical methods of teaching are not acceptable now. Teachers are no longer arbitrary dispensers of knowledge, but they are playing the role of a guide and facilitator for the students. Teachers of English are using innovative ideas to make English language teaching and learning interesting and simple. Teachers have started using literary texts and their analyses to explore and ignite the imagination and creative skills of the students. One needs to think and rethink the contribution of literature to intelligent thinking as well as its role in the process of teaching/learning. This article is, therefore, an attempt at exploring the nature of the literary experience in the present-day classrooms and the broader role of literature in life.
This paper will focus on the issue of training future literary reading mediators or promoters. It will propose a practical exercise on playing with intertextuality with the aid of two children literature classics and masterpieces—The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (1865) and The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (1969). This exercise is not designed to be a pedagogical or didactic tool used with children (that could alternatively be done with the same corpora), but it is designed to focus on issues of literary studies and contemporary culture. The aim of this practical exercise with future reading promoters is to enable graduate students or trainees to be able to recognize that literary reading can be a team game. However, before arriving at the agan stage, where the rules get simplified and attainable by young readers, hard and solitary work of the mediator is required. The rules of this solitary game of preparing the reading of classical texts are not always evident. On the other hand, the reason why literary reading could be (and perhaps should be) defined as a new team game in our contemporary and globalized world derives directly from the fact that we now live in a world where mass culture is definitely installed. We should be pragmatic on evaluating the conditions of communication between people (not only young adults or children) and we should look the way people read the signs on everyday life and consequently behave in contemporary society, and then apply the same rules or procedures to introduce old players such as the classical books in the game. We are talking about adult mediators and native digital readers. In the contemporary democratic social context, cultural producers and consumers are two very important elements (as the book itself) of the literary polissystem. So, teaching literature is more than ever to be aware that the literary reader meaning of a text does not reside only in the text and in its solitary relationship with the quiet and comfortably installed reader. Meaning is produced by the reader in relation both to the text in question and to the complex network of texts invoked in the reading process and plural connections provided by the world of a new media environment.
This thesis analyzes four works of fiction that portray a pedophilic relationship in order to establish whether we can identify what might be called a genre of pedophilia in literature. In the last decade, books about the topic have been published with great success, so it would seem that there is a need to classify and define the genre of pedophilia. To answer the question I started with the novel Lolita (1955), by Vladimir Nabokov, which is the most famous work of literary fiction on the topic of pedophilia. In my analysis of this text, I tried to show how this novel has laid the ground plan, as it were, for the genre. I then analyzed three contemporary novels: All the Ugly and Wonderful Things (2016) by Bryn Greenwood, My Absolute Darling (2017) by Gabriel Tallent and My Dark Vanessa (2020) by Kate Elizabeth Russell, and compared them with Lolita to find the essential elements that constitute the genre of pedophilia. The analysis showed that there were many elements, mostly themes, which the contemporary novels had in common with Lolita, which helped classify the genre of pedophilia as both transgressive and romantic fiction. But while the three contemporary novels share many aspects with Lolita, they also bring into play themes such as female desire, and a resistance to seeing the female as only victim, with little agency. While the most important aspect is that the work of fiction must show the evolution, from the beginning to the end, of a sentimental relationship and sexual acts between an adult and a child, the contemporary novels of this genre take this basic trait – particularly All the Ugly and Wonderful Things -- in surprisingly transgressive directions of their own.
Machado de Assis (1839-1908) is considered the most important Brazilian writer and a great universal literary figure. Little is know about his medical, personal and family history. He hid his «disease» as much as possible. Machado referred to «strange things» having happened to him in his childhood. He described seizures as «nervous phenomena», «absenses», «my illness». Laet observed a seizure and described it as: «... when Machado approached us and spoke to me in disconnected words. I looked at him in surprise and found his features altered. Knowing that from time to time he had nervous problems,... and only permitted Machado take the Laranjeiras Street car, when I saw that he was completely well». A photographically documented seizure is shown. Alencar wrote, «The preoccupation with health was frequent: either he was having the consequences of a fit or was foreboding one». It is clear that Machado presented localized symptomatic epilepsy with complex partial seizures secondarily generalized of unknown etiology. The seizures which began in infancy or childhood had remission in adolescence and then recurred in his thirties and became more frequent in his later years. His depression got markedly worse with age. In our opinion, the greatest consequence of Machado's epilepsy, was his psychological suffering due to the prejudice of the times. Despite this Machado showed all his genius, which is still actual and universal.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
A sociedade contemporânea ocidental estendeu o período da adolescência, que não é mais encarada apenas como uma preparação para a vida adulta, mas passou a adquirir sentido em si mesma, como um estágio do ciclo vital. O presente artigo procura descrever como os adolescentes eram vistos e tratados, desde a antiguidade até os dias de hoje, a partir de textos literários ou filosóficos e estudos científicos. O material bibliográfico a respeito da adolescência caracteriza-se por três etapas distintas: a descrição dos padrões de comportamento, ajustamento pessoal e relacionamento; a resolução de problemas reais por meio do conhecimento científico; e o desenvolvimento positivo do indivíduo, considerando os adolescentes como o futuro da humanidade.
A literatura francesa e mundial passaram por uma enorme transformação ao longo do século XIX. A primorosa escrita de Flaubert é, para além de sua importância estética, reveladora de um novo modo de se escrever, ler e representar o homem no mundo moderno. O cuidado na construção do texto, a utilização de imagens plásticas e figuras de linguagem, ao mesmo tempo em que o narrador torna-se invisível no emprego do discurso indireto livre são característicos da escrita flaubertiana. O autor apresenta-nos em "Um coração simples" um "retrato" de Félicité, mulher pobre do interior da França, modelo virtuoso de uma ética evanescente. Ao acompanhar, por meio do conto, os passos e desventuras de Felicité, sob as lentes deste novo narrador, buscamos evidenciar as condições que circundam o aparecimento de um olhar científico-objetivo para a subjetividade humana, logo transformada em objeto de uma nascente Psicologia.
Com o advento do segundo dualismo pulsional freudiano, surge uma série de mudanças no entendimento da sublimação. Essa passa a se apresentar como a causa por excelência da desfusão das pulsões, o que nos leva a um paradoxo: ao mesmo tempo em que a sublimação é a base da cultura, ela é também causa da destrutividade no seio dessa mesma cultura. A pulsão de morte resultante da desfusão das pulsões, por sua vez, teria consequências tanto em cada indivíduo quanto na cultura como um todo, tal como o que se observa em relação ao primado da imagem na sociedade contemporânea. Este artigo busca discutir alguns dos efeitos da pulsão de morte desfusionada, entendida como resultado da sublimação, principalmente no que tange à sublimação implicada na criação literária.
The present study aims to compare two modern authors - Luigi Pirandello and Fernando Pessoa - from different cultural environments - Italy / Brazil - pointing to a common theme: the various levels of the individual's expression. The arguments to support the proposed analysis are based on the shifting literary genres, specifically on the non-dramatic characters by Pirandello and on the drama in people by Pessoa.
This essay focuses on the translations of Catalan poetry by Joao Cabral, seen both from The viewpoint of his poetical trajectory and-from its publication in the Revista Brasileira de Poesia, in 1949.
This article aims at discussing the translation of the word grimoire, central in Mallarme's conception of language, in a poem called 'Prose' and its four translations into Portuguese. To do so, it will be necessary, in the first place, to have a closer look at this word and its meanings in Mallarme's work and discuss, in a following step, the choices in translation.