917 resultados para Lipschitz perturbation
In this paper, we analyze the action of the gravitational field on the dynamical Casimir effect. We consider a massless scalar field confined in a cuboid cavity placed in a gravitational field described by a static and diagonal metric. With one of the plane mirrors of the cavity allowed to move, we compute the average number of particles created inside the cavity by means of the Bogoliubov coefficients computed through perturbative expansions. We apply our result to the case of an oscillatory motion of the mirror, assuming a weak gravitational field described by the Schwarzschild metric. The regime of parametric amplification is analyzed in detail, demonstrating that our computed result for the mean number of particles created agrees with specific associated cases in the literature. Our results, obtained in the framework of the perturbation theory, are restricted, under resonant conditions, to a short-time limit.
Far-infrared transitions in polar semiconductors are known to be affected by the presence of shallow donor impurities, external magnetic fields and the electron-LO-phonon interaction. We calculate the magnetodonor states in indium phosphide by a diagonalization procedure, and introduce the electron-phonon interaction by the Frohlich term. The main effects of this perturbation are calculated by a multi-level version of the Wigner-Brillouin theory. We determine the transition energies, from the ground state to excited states, and find good qualitative agreement with recently reported absorption-spectroscopy measurements in the 100-800 cm(-1) range, with applied magnetic fields up to 30 T. Our calculations suggest that experimental peak splittings in the 400-450 cm(-1) range are due to the electron-phonon interaction.
Structural, spectroscopic and dielectric properties of thulium-doped laser-heated pedestal Ta(2)O(5) as-grown fibres were studied. Undoped samples grow preferentially with a single crystalline monoclinic structure. The fibre with the lowest thulium content (0.1 at%) also shows predominantly a monoclinic phase and no intra-4f(12) Tm(3+) recombination was observed. For sample with the highest thulium amount (1.0 at%), the appearance of a dominant triclinic phase as well as intraionic optical activation was observed. The dependence of photoluminescence on excitation energy allows identification of different site locations of Tm(3+) ions in the lattice. The absence of recombination between the first and the ground-state multiplets as well as the temperature dependence of the observed transitions was justified by an efficient energy transfer between the Tm(3+) ions. Microwave dielectric properties were investigated using the small perturbation theory. At a frequency of 5 GHz, the undoped material exhibits a dielectric permittivity of 21 and for thulium-doped Ta(2)O(5) samples it decreases to 18 for the highest doping concentration. Nevertheless, the dielectric losses maintain a very low value. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We use the deformed sine-Gordon models recently presented by Bazeia et al [1] to take the first steps towards defining the concept of quasi-integrability. We consider one such definition and use it to calculate an infinite number of quasi-conserved quantities through a modification of the usual techniques of integrable field theories. Performing an expansion around the sine-Gordon theory we are able to evaluate the charges and the anomalies of their conservation laws in a perturbative power series in a small parameter which describes the ""closeness"" to the integrable sine-Gordon model. We show that in the case of the two-soliton scattering the charges, up to first order of perturbation, are conserved asymptotically, i.e. their values are the same in the distant past and future, when the solitons are well separated. We indicate that this property may hold or not to higher orders depending on the behavior of the two-soliton solution under a special parity transformation. For closely bound systems, such as breather-like field configurations, the situation however is more complex and perhaps the anomalies have a different structure implying that the concept of quasi-integrability does not apply in the same way as in the scattering of solitons. We back up our results with the data of many numerical simulations which also demonstrate the existence of long lived breather-like and wobble-like states in these models.
In this paper we consider the case of a Bose gas in low dimension in order to illustrate the applicability of a method that allows us to construct analytical relations, valid for a broad range of coupling parameters, for a function which asymptotic expansions are known. The method is well suitable to investigate the problem of stability of a collection of Bose particles trapped in one- dimensional configuration for the case where the scattering length presents a negative value. The eigenvalues for this interacting quantum one-dimensional many particle system become negative when the interactions overcome the trapping energy and, in this case, the system becomes unstable. Here we calculate the critical coupling parameter and apply for the case of Lithium atoms obtaining the critical number of particles for the limit of stability.
In the quantum Hall regime, the longitudinal resistivity rho (xx) plotted as a density-magnetic-field (n (2D) -B) diagram displays ringlike structures due to the crossings of two sets of spin split Landau levels from different subbands [see, e.g., Zhang et al., in Phys. Rev. Lett. 95:216801, 2005. For tilted magnetic fields, some of these ringlike structures ""shrink"" as the tilt angle is increased and fully collapse at theta (c) a parts per thousand 6A degrees. Here we theoretically investigate the topology of these structures via a non-interacting model for the 2DEG. We account for the inter Landau-level coupling induced by the tilted magnetic field via perturbation theory. This coupling results in anticrossings of Landau levels with parallel spins. With the new energy spectrum, we calculate the corresponding n (2D) -B diagram of the density of states (DOS) near the Fermi level. We argue that the DOS displays the same topology as rho (xx) in the n (2D) -B diagram. For the ring with filling factor nu=4, we find that the anticrossings make it shrink for increasing tilt angles and collapse at a large enough angle. Using effective parameters to fit the theta=0A degrees data, we find a collapsing angle theta (c) a parts per thousand 3.6A degrees. Despite this factor-of-two discrepancy with the experimental data, our model captures the essential mechanism underlying the ring collapse.
Explicitly orbital-dependent approximations to the exchange-correlation energy functional of density functional theory typically not only depend on the single-particle Kohn-Sham orbitals but also on their occupation numbers in the ground-state Slater determinant. The variational calculation of the corresponding exchange-correlation potentials with the optimized effective potential (OEP) method therefore also requires a variation of the occupation numbers with respect to a variation in the effective single-particle potential, which is usually not taken into account. Here it is shown under which circumstances this procedure is justified.
Human transthyretin (TTR) is a homotetrameric protein involved in several amyloidoses. Zn(2+) enhances TTR aggregation in vitro, and is a component of ex vivo TTR amyloid fibrils. We report the first crystal structure of human TTR in complex with Zn(2+) at pH 4.6-7.5. All four structures reveal three tetra-coordinated Zn(2+)-binding sites (ZBS 1-3) per monomer, plus a fourth site (ZBS 4) involving amino acid residues from a symmetry-related tetramer that is not visible in solution by NMR.Zn(2+) binding perturbs loop E-alpha-helix-loop F, the region involved in holo-retinol-binding protein (holo-RBP) recognition, mainly at acidic pH; TTR affinity for holo-RBP decreases similar to 5-fold in the presence of Zn(2+). Interestingly, this same region is disrupted in the crystal structure of the amyloidogenic intermediate of TTR formed at acidic pH in the absence of Zn(2+). HNCO and HNCA experiments performed in solution at pH 7.5 revealed that upon Zn(2+) binding, although the alpha-helix persists, there are perturbations in the resonances of the residues that flank this region, suggesting an increase in structural flexibility. While stability of the monomer of TTR decreases in the presence of Zn(2+), which is consistent with the tertiary structural perturbation provoked by Zn(2+) binding, tetramer stability is only marginally affected by Zn(2+). These data highlight structural and functional roles of Zn(2+) in TTR-related amyloidoses, as well as in holo-RBP recognition and vitamin A homeostasis.
Human nerve growth factor-induced B (NGFI-B) is a member of the NR4A subfamily of orphan nuclear receptors (NRs). Lacking identified ligands, orphan NRs show particular co-regulator proteins binding properties, different from other NRs, and they might have a non-classical quaternary organization. A body of evidence suggests that NRs recognition of and binding to ligands, DNA, homo- and heterodimerization partners and co-regulator proteins involve significant conformational changes of the NR ligand-binding domains (LBDs). To shed light on largely unknown biophysical properties of NGFI-B, here we studied structural organization and unfolding properties of NGFI-B ligand (like)-binding domain induced by chemical perturbation. Our results show that NGFI-B LBD undergoes a two-state guanidine hydrochloride (GndHCl) induced denaturation, as judged by changes in the a-helical content of the protein monitored by circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD). In contrast, changes in the tertiary structure of NGFI-B LBD, reported by intrinsic fluorescence, reveal a clear intermediate state. Additionally, SAXS results demonstrate that the intermediate observed by intrinsic fluorescence is a partially folded homodimeric structure, which further unfolds without dissociation at higher GndHCl concentrations. This partially unfolded dimeric assembly of NGFI-B LBD might resemble an intermediate that this domain access momentarily in the native state upon interactions with functional partners. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this article, we discuss inferential aspects of the measurement error regression models with null intercepts when the unknown quantity x (latent variable) follows a skew normal distribution. We examine first the maximum-likelihood approach to estimation via the EM algorithm by exploring statistical properties of the model considered. Then, the marginal likelihood, the score function and the observed information matrix of the observed quantities are presented allowing direct inference implementation. In order to discuss some diagnostics techniques in this type of models, we derive the appropriate matrices to assessing the local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes. The results and methods developed in this paper are illustrated considering part of a real data set used by Hadgu and Koch [1999, Application of generalized estimating equations to a dental randomized clinical trial. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 9, 161-178].
In this paper we extend partial linear models with normal errors to Student-t errors Penalized likelihood equations are applied to derive the maximum likelihood estimates which appear to be robust against outlying observations in the sense of the Mahalanobis distance In order to study the sensitivity of the penalized estimates under some usual perturbation schemes in the model or data the local influence curvatures are derived and some diagnostic graphics are proposed A motivating example preliminary analyzed under normal errors is reanalyzed under Student-t errors The local influence approach is used to compare the sensitivity of the model estimates (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Calculations of local influence curvatures and leverage have been well developed when the parameters are unrestricted. In this article, we discuss the assessment of local influence and leverage under linear equality parameter constraints with extensions to inequality constraints. Using a penalized quadratic function we express the normal curvature of local influence for arbitrary perturbation schemes and the generalized leverage matrix in interpretable forms, which depend on restricted and unrestricted components. The results are quite general and can be applied in various statistical models. In particular, we derive the normal curvature under three useful perturbation schemes for generalized linear models. Four illustrative examples are analyzed by the methodology developed in the article.
We consider the issue of performing residual and local influence analyses in beta regression models with varying dispersion, which are useful for modelling random variables that assume values in the standard unit interval. In such models, both the mean and the dispersion depend upon independent variables. We derive the appropriate matrices for assessing local influence on the parameter estimates under different perturbation schemes. An application using real data is presented and discussed.
We study stochastic billiards on general tables: a particle moves according to its constant velocity inside some domain D R(d) until it hits the boundary and bounces randomly inside, according to some reflection law. We assume that the boundary of the domain is locally Lipschitz and almost everywhere continuously differentiable. The angle of the outgoing velocity with the inner normal vector has a specified, absolutely continuous density. We construct the discrete time and the continuous time processes recording the sequence of hitting points on the boundary and the pair location/velocity. We mainly focus on the case of bounded domains. Then, we prove exponential ergodicity of these two Markov processes, we study their invariant distribution and their normal (Gaussian) fluctuations. Of particular interest is the case of the cosine reflection law: the stationary distributions for the two processes are uniform in this case, the discrete time chain is reversible though the continuous time process is quasi-reversible. Also in this case, we give a natural construction of a chord ""picked at random"" in D, and we study the angle of intersection of the process with a (d - 1) -dimensional manifold contained in D.
The Grubbs` measurement model is frequently used to compare several measuring devices. It is common to assume that the random terms have a normal distribution. However, such assumption makes the inference vulnerable to outlying observations, whereas scale mixtures of normal distributions have been an interesting alternative to produce robust estimates, keeping the elegancy and simplicity of the maximum likelihood theory. The aim of this paper is to develop an EM-type algorithm for the parameter estimation, and to use the local influence method to assess the robustness aspects of these parameter estimates under some usual perturbation schemes, In order to identify outliers and to criticize the model building we use the local influence procedure in a Study to compare the precision of several thermocouples. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.