967 resultados para Lingua francesa


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False Anglicisms are words which technically are not part of the English language, but "seem" English, due to their shape or resemblance to English words. These are usually the result of new creations/coinages in other languages and/or semantic shifts. Due to the use of English as a Lingua Franca, it is becoming quite common to come across these words in English with the "re-imported" shape and meaning they bring from other languages.


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The goal of this study is to define the photographic dimension as a transversal notion that accompanies texts and carries out a function that is narrative, discursive and even poetic, and as an unambiguous analytical tool that allows an understanding of the function of the photographic image in contemporary fiction. How does the photographic dimension act within a text of fiction? How does it guide it, define it, and eventually, transform it? How is the space-time element of a text influenced when the photographic dimension affects the heart of the story? How does the status of the photographic image change when it is blended with the fictional text, and how is a text reorganized in light of the photographic dimension? What interpretations are made possible by the analysis of the photographic dimension? Is it possible to narrate and read a photograph without having to see it, or to what extent does a photograph in plain view determine the writing and reading of the story? In short: What writing and reading digressions are caused by the presence of photographs within a literary text; what is their role, for example, in the activation of memory, of a dream-like state or of identity, and what symbolic dimension is introduced?...


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Dissertação de mest., Unidade de Ciências Exactas e Humanas, Escola Superior de Educação, Univ. do Algarve, 1998


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No language has ever diversified as much as English has over the past 50 years. The driving force of this change is a shift in the sociolinguistic identity of its users. If one considers that English is predominately used now by ‘Non-Native Speakers’ (NNSs) to communicate with other NNS speech communities, a very different picture of the English language begins to immerge. This image has catalysed a paradigm shift away from theory cloaked in NS ideologies and questioned fundamental aspects of Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Framed by a theory of foreign speech adaptation, this paper looks at three factors that may contribute to the misunderstandings that occur in the English as Lingua Franca (ELF) interactions of an Australian tertiary setting. The three independent variables are intelligibility, accentedness, and the emotional attitudes one has towards language variation. The preliminary findings suggest that listeners with a shared first language (SFL) background or typologically similar first language (TSFL) background to a speaker do not experience improved intelligibility. Similarly, participants with a SFL or TSFL background do not give lower ratings of accentedness. Furthermore, ratings of accent strength were found to be strongly correlated with intelligibility scores. Lastly, ELF users tend to classify emotional attitudes towards language variation into discrete categories, and that these attitudes are influenced more so by the perceived identity of the speaker rather than their speech quality. In sum, we have only begun to scratch the surface when it comes to understanding the nature of ELF interactions.


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Venancio Fortunato es considerado tanto el último gran poeta romano como el primer poet a medieval durante el reino Franco merovingio. Su conocido himno, Pange, lingua, gloriosi, aún se utiliza como himno a la Santa Cruz en la liturgia occidental. Dicho himno presenta características que vale la pena considerar en relación a los epitafios en la antigüedad griega y romana. Venancio Fortunato parece ajustarse a varios modelos entre los que se podrían listar a Marco Valerio Marcial y Calímaco de Cirene, pero en un marco cristiano y con características específicas pertenecientes a su tiempo. La edad, la filiación del difunto y el encomio a la tierra se transforman en el texto de quien fuera el obispo de Poitiers en un relato de la misión de Cristo, su pasión y una sorpresiva interpelación a la cruz como receptor del discurso. La tradición antigua y pagana y la nueva cultura cristiana temprano-medieval se encuentran en sus versos


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Venancio Fortunato es considerado tanto el último gran poeta romano como el primer poet a medieval durante el reino Franco merovingio. Su conocido himno, Pange, lingua, gloriosi, aún se utiliza como himno a la Santa Cruz en la liturgia occidental. Dicho himno presenta características que vale la pena considerar en relación a los epitafios en la antigüedad griega y romana. Venancio Fortunato parece ajustarse a varios modelos entre los que se podrían listar a Marco Valerio Marcial y Calímaco de Cirene, pero en un marco cristiano y con características específicas pertenecientes a su tiempo. La edad, la filiación del difunto y el encomio a la tierra se transforman en el texto de quien fuera el obispo de Poitiers en un relato de la misión de Cristo, su pasión y una sorpresiva interpelación a la cruz como receptor del discurso. La tradición antigua y pagana y la nueva cultura cristiana temprano-medieval se encuentran en sus versos


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Las investigaciones en torno a las estructuras narrativas de las primeras obras literarias occidentales hacen constatar la ocurrente aparición de un motivo literario que se remonta a los orígenes de la épica, en la literatura clásica grecolatina. Sin embargo, este motivo no alcanza su pleno desarrollo y esplendor hasta la llegada de la literatura medieval francesa, notablemente con el roman y en los siglos XII y XIII puesto que la materia de Bretaña retoma temas y elementos que aparecen en la Odisea de Homero las Argonáuticas de Apolonio de Rodas, la Eneida de Virgilio y las Metamorfosis de Ovidio entre otras obras clásicas. Pero la Busca, no permanecerá en el medievo sino que continuará con la literatura renacentista, la barroca, la ilustración, el romanticismo, etc, hasta nuestros tiempos. Esta cuestión la pude constatar previamente con el trabajo de fin de máster en estudios literarios, mediante el estudio de la Busca en la novela western1, pude constatar la significativa pervivencia que ha tenido a lo largo de la narrativa occidental hasta nuestros días. Observando la estructura de algunas obras universales anteriores al medievo en las que el héroe debe encontrar a un Objeto para restablecer la armonía de su entorno, me he dado cuenta de que se hace imprescindible un análisis exhaustivo de este tipo de estructura que se reproduce sistemáticamente en todas las épocas de la literatura occidental. Entonces, busqué en ensayos y estudios sobre este tipo de estructura y me encontré todo tipo de investigaciones sobre el roman medieval, desde diferentes enfoques y también de los motivos más relevantes como el del arrepentimiento, el honor y la vergüenza, etc. Sin embargo, aunque sea indiscutible la amplia obra de análisis y estudio de la literatura medieval europea, principalmente de la que se compuso en Francia durante los siglos XII y XIII, dentro de este universo, el roman artúrico casi siempre ha encabezado el constante interés por el Graal, analizándolo especialmente como símbolo, tal y como lo muestra el reciente ensayo de Victoria Cirlot “Graal. Poética y mito (siglos XII-XV)”...


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Over the past decades, English language teachers have become familiar with several terms which attempt to describe the role of English as a language of international communication. Presently, the term English as a lingua franca (ELF) seems to be one of the most favoured and adopted to depict the global use of English in the 21st century. Basically, the concept of ELF im-plies cross-cultural, cross-linguistic interactions involving native and non-native speakers. Conse-quently, the ELF paradigm suggests some changes in the language classroom concerning teachers’ and students’ goals as far as native speaker norms and cultures are concerned. Based on Kachru’s (1992) fallacies, this article identifies thirteen misconceptions in ELT regarding learning and teach-ing English varieties and cultures, suggesting that an ethnocentred and linguacentred approach to English should be replaced by an ELF perspective which recognizes the diversity of communicative situations involving different native and non-native cultures and varieties of English


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O vocábulo pays vem sendo empregado na Europa há pelo menos 1500 anos, significando tanto um indivíduo relacionado com seu lugar de origem como uma porção do território numa circunscrição determinada. No século XVII o vocábulo em foco caracterizava subdivisões das villes francesas, ao mesmo tempo em que designava também, num sentido familiar, pessoas nascidas em um mesmo pays, em contexto rural. No XVIII, o vocábulo passa a integrar a terminologia científica do período. Assim, o termo passa a designar extensões territoriais antigas, formadas por elementos pedológicos distinguíveis, como pays à craie. Passada a revolução francesa, d’Omalius recomenda aos geógrafos que determinem as regiões naturais, fundadas sobre a natureza do solo, e que lhes devia atribuir os nomes antigos de pays correspondentes. Este mesmo sentido do termo será empregado por La Blache no final do XIX. Destarte, partindo da hipótese de Sapir (1911) no qual o léxico da língua é que mais nitidamente reflete o ambiente geográfico (Demangeon, 1942), perscrutaremos neste artigo o conceito de pays e sua discussão na formação da geografia francesa.


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So much has been made over the crisis in English literature as field, as corpus, and as canon in recent years, that some of it undoubtedly has spilled over into English education. This has been the case in predominantly English-speaking Anglo-American and Commonwealth nations, as well as in those postcolonial states where English remains the medium of instruction and lingua franca of economic and cultural elites. Yet to attribute the pressures for change in pedagogic practice to academic paradigm shift per se would prop up the shaky axiom that English education is forever caught in some kind of perverse evolutionary time-lag, parasitic of university literary studies. I, too, believe that English education has reached a crucial moment in its history, but that this moment is contingent upon the changing demographics, cultural knowledges, and practices of economic globalization.


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China’s increasing participation in world affairs and the growing popularity of English as a lingua franca have made significant impact on Chinese society, culture and education. As such, considerable research topics in relation to English require TEFL researchers’ attentions. Additionally, higher education reform in China has created higher demand on academics by stressing research as an important element in academics’ assessment. Recurrent rhetoric in the field of TEFL also calls on practitioners to theorise their practice. All these practical needs and theoretical arguments point to the necessity and significance of TEFL academics’ engagement in research. To find out whether Chinese TEFL academics’ research meet the new demand on them, a survey of TEFL academics at three Chinese higher institutions was conducted. One hundred eighty two of them provided valid responses which were analysed using SPSS. It was found that TEFL academics’ research productivity in each category of research products was quite low. Large percentages of them did not produce any item in the investigated categories of research. They were least productive in conference papers and research products at the national level. However for these least productive categories, there were highly-productive TEFL academics. The categories of research where the TEFL academics were found relatively productive were non-core journal articles and provincial projects. The findings suggest that it is necessary and urgent for Chinese TEFL academics to enhance their research productivity to be able to meet the demand that new era has rendered.