828 resultados para Journalism, Technical.


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During the first decade of the new millennium, fueled by the economic development in Spain, urban bus services were extended. Since the years 2008 and 2009, the root of the economic crisis, the improvement of these services is at risk due to economic problems. In this paper, the technical efficiency of the main urban bus companies in Spain during the 2004–2009 period are studied using SBM (slack-based measures) models and by establishing the slacks in the services' production inputs. The influence of a series of exogenous variables on the operation of the different services is also analyzed. It is concluded that only the 24% of the case studies are efficient, and some urban form variables can explain part of the inefficiency. The methodology used allows studying the inefficiency in a disaggregated way that other DEA (data envelopment analysis) models do not.


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Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are an essential component in image-guided interventions and offer new possibilities to improve and automate objective assessment methods of surgical skills. In this study we present our system design to apply a third generation optical pose tracker (Micron- Tracker®) to laparoscopic practice. A technical evaluation of this design is performed in order to analyze its accuracy in computing the laparoscopic instrument tip position. Results show a stable fluctuation error over the entire analyzed workspace. The relative position errors are 1.776±1.675 mm, 1.817±1.762 mm, 1.854±1.740 mm, 2.455±2.164 mm, 2.545±2.496 mm, 2.764±2.342 mm, 2.512±2.493 mm for distances of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, and 350 mm, respectively. The accumulated distance error increases with the measured distance. The instrument inclination covered by the system is high, from 90 to 7.5 degrees. The system reports a low positional accuracy for the instrument tip.


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In many university courses such as Building Engineering or Technical Architectural, the high density of the contents included in the curriculum, make the student, after graduation, unable to develop the skills already acquired and evaluated in the disciplines of the first courses. From the Group of Educational Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) "Teaching of Structural Concrete" (GIEHE) we have conducted a study in which are valued specific skills acquired by students after the first courses of career. We have worked with students from UPM fourth-year career and with Technical Architecture students who have completed their studies and also have completed the Adaptation Course of Technical Architecture to the Building Engineer. The work is part of the Educational Innovation Project funded by the UPM "Integration of training and assessment of generic and specific skills in structural concrete" We have evaluated specific skills learned in the areas of durability and control of structural concrete structures. The results show that overall, students are not able to fully develop the skills already acquired earlier, even being these essential to their professional development. Possibly, the large amount of content taught in these degrees together with a teaching and assessment of "flat profile", ie, which are presented and evaluated with the same intensity as the fundamental and the accessory, are causes enough to cause these results.


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We present and analyze the results of surveys conducted in recent years with students from two related subjects, but taught in different centers of the University of Madrid. These surveys are part of the objectives of various projects of educational innovation, and applied through the platform Moodle.


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In the last few years, technical debt has been used as a useful means for making the intrinsic cost of the internal software quality weaknesses visible. This visibility is made possible by quantifying this cost. Specifically, technical debt is expressed in terms of two main concepts: principal and interest. The principal is the cost of eliminating or reducing the impact of a, so called, technical debt item in a software system; whereas the interest is the recurring cost, over a time period, of not eliminating a technical debt item. Previous works about technical debt are mainly focused on estimating principal and interest, and on performing a cost-benefit analysis. This cost-benefit analysis allows one to determine if to remove technical debt is profitable and to prioritize which items incurring in technical debt should be fixed first. Nevertheless, for these previous works technical debt is flat along the time. However the introduction of new factors to estimate technical debt may produce non flat models that allow us to produce more accurate predictions. These factors should be used to estimate principal and interest, and to perform cost-benefit analysis related to technical debt. In this paper, we take a step forward introducing the uncertainty about the interest, and the time frame factors so that it becomes possible to depict a number of possible future scenarios. Estimations obtained without considering the possible evolution of the interest over time may be less accurate as they consider simplistic scenarios without changes.


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Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear (Jóvenes Nucleares, JJNN) is a non-profrt organization that depends on the Spanish Nuclear Society (Sociedad Nuclear Española, SNE).Since one of rts main goals is to spread the knowledge about nuclear power,severa! technical tours to facilities wrth an importan!role in the nuclear fuel cycle have been organized for the purpose ofleaming about the different stages of the Spanish tuel cycle. Spanish Young Generation in Nuclear had the opportunity to visit ENUSA Fuel Assembly Factory in Juzbado (Salamanca, Spain), Where it could be understood the front-end cycle which involves the uranium supply and storage, design and manufacturing of fuel bundles for European nuclear power plants. Alterwards, due to the tour of Almaraz NPP (PWR) and Santa María de Garoña NPP (BWR), rt could be comprehended how to obtain energy from this fuel in two different types of reactors.Furthermore,in these two plants, the facilities related to the back-end cycle could be toured. lt was possible to watch the Spent FuelPools, where the fuel bundles are stored under water until their activity is reduced enough to transport them to an Individual Temporary Storage Facility orto the Centralized Temporary Storage. Finally, a technical tour to ENSA Heavy Components Factory (ENSA) was accomplished, Where it could be experienced at first hand how different Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS) components and other nuclear elements, such as racks or shipping and storage casks for spent nuclear fuel, are manulactured. All these perlonned technical tours were a complete success thanks to a generous care and know-how of the wor1technicaltours.The unanimous opinion of the participants was that taking part in this kind of activities is a worthWhile expeñence which has exceeded their expectations.


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Minimally invasive surgery is a highly demanding surgical approach regarding technical requirements for the surgeon, who must be trained in order to perform a safe surgical intervention. Traditional surgical education in minimally invasive surgery is commonly based on subjective criteria to quantify and evaluate surgical abilities, which could be potentially unsafe for the patient. Authors, surgeons and associations are increasingly demanding the development of more objective assessment tools that can accredit surgeons as technically competent. This paper describes the state of the art in objective assessment methods of surgical skills. It gives an overview on assessment systems based on structured checklists and rating scales, surgical simulators, and instrument motion analysis. As a future work, an objective and automatic assessment method of surgical skills should be standardized as a means towards proficiency-based curricula for training in laparoscopic surgery and its certification.


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Laparoscopic instrument tracking systems are a key element in image-guided interventions, which requires high accuracy to be used in a real surgical scenario. In addition, these systems are a suitable option for objective assessment of laparoscopic technical skills based on instrument motion analysis. This study presents a new approach that improves the accuracy of a previously presented system, which applies an optical pose tracking system to laparoscopic practice. A design enhancement of the artificial markers placed on the laparoscopic instrument as well as an improvement of the calibration process are presented as a means to achieve more accurate results. A technical evaluation has been performed in order to compare the accuracy between the previous design and the new approach. Results show a remarkable improvement in the fluctuation error throughout the measurement platform. Moreover, the accumulated distance error and the inclination error have been improved. The tilt range covered by the system is the same for both approaches, from 90º to 7.5º. The relative position error is better for the new approach mainly at close distances to the camera system


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This paper explains a procedure for the choice of ballast modules used for the design of direct continuous foundation in karst terrain. The presence of dangerous cavities is introduced in this procedure thereby evaluating risk failure. It also provides pertinent guidelines to direct the geotechnical survey of the terrain.


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With the consolidation of the new solid state lighting LEOs devices, te5t1n9 the compliance 01 lamps based on this technology lor Solar Home Systems (SHS) have been analyzed. The definition of the laboratory procedures to be used with final products 15 a necessary step in arder to be able to assure the quality of the lamps prior to be installed [1]. As well as with CFL technology. particular attention has been given to simplicity and technical affordability in arder to facilitate the implementation of the test with basie and simple laboratory too15 even on the same SHS electrification program locations. The block of test procedures has been applied to a set of 14 low-cost lamps. They apply to lamp resistance, reliability and performance under normal, extreme and abnormal operating conditions as a simple but complete quality meter tool 01 any LEO bulb.


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This paper explains a procedure for the choice of ballast modules used for the design of direct continuous foundation in karst terrain. The presence of dangerous cavities is introduced in this procedure thereby evaluating risk failure. It also provides pertinent guidelines to direct the geotechnical survey of the terrain.


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In recent years, the continuous incorporation of new technologies in the learning process has been an important factor in the educational process [1]. The Technical University of Madrid (UPM) promotes educational innovation processes and develops projects related to the improvement of the education quality. The experience that we present fits into the Educational Innovation Project (EIP) of the E.U. of Agricultural Engineering of Madrid. One of the main objectives of the EIP is to "Take advantage of the new opportunities offered by the Learning and Knowledge Technologies in order to enrich the educational processes and teaching management" [2].


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The competence evaluation promoted by the European High Education Area entails a very important methodological change that requires guiding support to help lecturers carry out this new and complex task. In this regard, the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, by its Spanish acronym) has financed a series of coordinated projects with the objective of developing a model for teaching and evaluating core competences and providing support to lecturers. This paper deals with the problem-solving competence. The first step has been to elaborate a guide for teachers to provide a homogeneous way to asses this competence. This guide considers several levels of acquisition of the competence and provides the rubrics to be applied for each one. The guide has been subsequently validated with several pilot experiences. In this paper we will explain the problem-solving assessment guide for teachers and will show the pilot experiences that has been carried out. We will finally justify the validity of the method to assess the problem-solving competence.


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We present a novel analysis for relating the sizes of terms and subterms occurring at diferent argument positions in logic predicates. We extend and enrich the concept of sized type as a representation that incorporates structural (shape) information and allows expressing both lower and upper bounds on the size of a set of terms and their subterms at any position and depth. For example, expressing bounds on the length of lists of numbers, together with bounds on the values of all of their elements. The analysis is developed using abstract interpretation and the novel abstract operations are based on setting up and solving recurrence relations between sized types. It has been integrated, together with novel resource usage and cardinality analyses, in the abstract interpretation framework in the Ciao preprocessor, CiaoPP, in order to assess both the accuracy of the new size analysis and its usefulness in the resource usage estimation application. We show that the proposed sized types are a substantial improvement over the previous size analyses present in CiaoPP, and also benefit the resource analysis considerably, allowing the inference of equal or better bounds than comparable state of the art systems.


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It is known that cross-curricular competences are required for main companies all over the world to be part of our university graduates as technical knowledge does. That is the reason which has led the university structure to include these competences in the every degree curriculo validated since the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)was introduced in the Spanish university context. But the way used for incorporating them has been developed without the necessary guidelines to generate a qualified model.