961 resultados para Intention de rester,


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The Multifactor Leadership theory developed by Bass (1985) has become the new paradigm of leadership research. The empirical results of the effectiveness of transformational and transactional leadership in the literature, however, are not consentient. Researchers in China found the different structure of transformational leadership, but have not developed the transactional leadership. This study attempts to investigate three key questions in the unique Chinese socio-economic context: 1) what is the structure of transactional leadership in China? 2) What are the differences between western countries and China? And 3) what is the relationship between the transformational and transactional leadership mechanism? This study examines data collected from 3,500 participants, using Explored Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmed Factor Analysis (CFA), Hierarchical Regression Analyses, partial correlations and other statistics methods. The major finings are listed as follows: Firstly, inductive methods was used to explore the structure of transactional leadership and the result show that transactional leadership is a four dimensions structure which includes contingent reward, contingent punishment , process control and anticipated investment. Reliability analysis, item analysis, EFA and CFA show the reliability and validity of the transactional leadership questionnaire we designed is good enough, the design of the item is effectively and properly. Contrast to other researches, anticipated investment emphasis on the leader’s recessive investment for subordinate, and this kind of transaction is quite special under the Chinese culture. While the content of the contingent reward with the contingent punishment is wider than the contingent reward in the western country, and the process control is wider than the management by exception and including goal setting and the management during the process. Secondly, hierarchical regression analyses showed that transformational and transactional leadership were significant positively related with in-role performance, extra-role performance, satisfaction and leadership effectiveness while negatively related to intention to leave. The effects of transactional and transformational leadership are different. Transactional leadership could significantly predict intention to leave controlling for transformational leadership, while transformational leadership could significantly predict in-role performance, extra-role performance, satisfaction and leadership effectiveness controlling for transactional leadership. Thirdly, the income level and the rank of subordinates are the moderators between the transformational, transactional leadership and leadership effectiveness. The leadership effectiveness of transactional leadership would decrease as the rank of subordinates increased, while the leadership effectiveness of transformational leadership would increase as the rank of subordinates increased. Transactional leadership is positively related to the effectiveness when the level of the subordinate income is low, but negatively related to the effectiveness when the level of the subordinate income is high. However the income level of the subordinate could not influence the leadership effectiveness of transformational leadership.


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Although the research into coworker relationship quality has been recognized one of key factors related to organization performance, and has been thought a new trend in organization behavior research with the flatting of organization structure and complication of task assignment, there is relatively little empirical research on the mechanism between coworkers’ interaction, contraring to the fruitful results on member exchange research based on social network theory, say nothing of the influence of cultural differences such as GUANXI. This research developed the scale for the assessment of Coworker Relationship Quality by literature review, deep interview, and questionnaires, compared the predictable ability of Coworker Relationship Quality (CRQ) scale and Coworker Exchange (CWX) scale on employees’ work attitudes and behaviors. Finally, the mediating effect of Coworker Relationship Quality between employees’ similarities on personality and their work attitudes and behaviors was investigated. Following are main results. Firstly, we found that the interpersonal communication, trust, and mutual support are the key factors of coworker relationship quality, which is similar to the result getting from western samples. But Chinese people are more GUANXI ORIENTATION, means they want to build longtime relationship with others, not only when they are coworkers, but also when one of them left the organization. Secondly, though the core meaning of CRQ and CWX are same, their predictable ability on organization outcomes is different. CRQ is more powerful than CWX, especially on turnover intention. The result showed that after controlling the effect of demographic variables and CRQ, CWX cannot predict turnover intention significantly, but CRQ can still predict turnover intention significantly after controlling demographic variables and CWX. Thirdly, the partial mediating effect of CRQ between positive affectivity similarity and organizational citizenship behavior, coworker satisfaction, organizational commitment and turnover intention are validated, but we did not find the mediating effect of CRQ between demographic variable similarity and workers’ attitudes and behaviors. The Similarity Attraction Paradigm, Social Identity Theory, and Self Category Theory were supported.


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Ill-health prevails in the workplace. A key problem encountered in the area of stress management is a lack of research into the way job burnout turns into mental problems, especially depressive symptoms, the most prevalent and costly psychiatric condition in the workplace. This research belongs to a cross-discipline area of industrial psychiatry and organizational behavior, which has seldom been investigated before. This research will contribute to the theoretical development of organizational behavior, especially to stress management and industrial psychiatry. This study aims to explore etiological factors and mechanisms of depressive symptoms of workers in the financial industry. By using literature review, semi-structured interviews and surveys as the major research methods, this Ph.D. study systematically investigated the risk factors of workers’ depressive symptoms within and outside of the work area. These risk factors are worker-work environment fits, work family conflicts, and workers’ psychological vulnerabilities to depression. A thorough literature review and 20 semi-structured interviews of brokers in different kinds of financial markets show the feasibility and necessity of this Ph.D. study when it comes to the issue of financial workers’ depressive symptoms. Two surveys of workplace-etiological factors of depressive symptoms were conducted among 244 financial workers and 1024 financial workers. This cross-sample verification showed that worker-work environment fit was a good framework to study risk factors of workers’ depressive symptoms. Results revealed that job demands-abilities misfit could lead to job burnout which in turn contributed to worker’s depressive symptoms; besides this, work effort-reward imbalance could directly cause workers’ depressive symptoms. Emotional labor enhanced the positive effect of job burnout on workers’ depressive symptoms. In the third study, a prominent risk factor outside of the work area, namely work family conflict, and workers’ psychological vulnerabilities of depression were included with workplace etiological factors to investigate the overall predictive model of depressive symptoms of financial workers. The survey was conducted among the same 1024 financial workers. Results indicated that work effort-reward imbalance, job burnout and work interfering in family life were three external etiological factors of workers’ depressive symptoms. Neuroticism, autonomy and low emotional intelligence were three individual etiological factors which had a positive effect on workers’ depressive symptoms. Moreover, neuroticism enhanced the relationship between job burnout and depressive symptoms as well as between work interfering in family life and depressive symptoms. Autonomy aggravated the relationship between job burnout and depressive symptoms. However, emotional intelligence attenuated the relationship between job burnout and depressive symptoms as well as between work effort-reward imbalance and depressive symptoms. Besides, workers’ dysfunctional attitudes played a partial mediating role in the relationships between above etiological factors and depressive symptoms. In the same sample, research evidence of impairments of workers’ depressive symptoms to their work-life quality was also obtained. Specifically, depressive symptoms could predict workers’ presenteeism, absenteeism and turnover intention. Their subjective well-being was also lowered when suffering more severe depressive symptoms. This research provides a theoretical basis to management practices targeted to set up the Employee Assistance Program or even more specilised rehabilitation programs for workers with depressive symptoms so as to improve their work-life quality and and establish a harmonious enterprise.


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Work engagement (WE) has recently become a fashionable term among Human Resource practitioners and Organizational Behavior researchers. However, academic research that has theoretically examined WE at the psychological level is limited, as is research on its place among other job attitude constructs that are used to describe employees at work, and its antecedents and consequences. This dissertation addresses a number of issues with regard to the discriminant validity of WE, the influences of WE and the mediating role of affective commitment, and the interaction effects of different job demands, job resources and personal resources on WE. The major findings are listed as follows: Firstly, the concept of WE is different from JB and job involvement (JI), and is more positively related to quality of employees’ work and life than the other two concepts. Specifically, WE is more related to employees’ creative performance than JB does; compared with JI, WE can better predict task performance, creative performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and life satisfaction; although both WE and JB cause work to family conflict, WE improves employees’ life satisfaction, while JB is deleterious to life satisfaction. Secondly, WE influences employees’ work and life directly or through the mediation effect of affective commitment. Specifically, WE reduces employees’ turnover intention and increase their OCBs by the the mediation effect of effective commitment. Furthermore, WE is positively related to task performance, creative performance, and life satisfaction directly. Thirdly, challenge job demands influence WE by the mediation effect of intrinsic motivation, and the impact of challenge job demands on WE is moderated by perceived supervisor support and growth needs. Specifically speaking, challenge job demands enhance employees’ intrinsic motivation, therefore boost WE. Employees with higher growth needs are more likely to be motivated by challenge job demands. In other words, the moderation effect of growth need is mediated by intrinsic motivation. In addition, those who perceive more supervisor support have higher level of WE when challenge job demands are high.


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Social psychologists have long been interested in understanding the conditions under which attitudes influence behaviors, and they have formed two relatively independent theoretical perspectives in the attitude-behavior domain. One perspective, which we adopt in the present paper, focuses on investigating the effect of attitude strength on the attitude-behavior relationship. Specifically, the present research investigates the role of structural consistency, a dimension of attitude strength, on the attitude-behavior relationship. Structural consistency has typically been defined as the extent to which one aspect of individual’s attitude is consistent with either his or her overall attitude toward the object or the other aspect of the attitude, including affective-cognitive consistency (ACC), evaluative-cognitive consistency (ECC) and evaluative-affective consistency (EAC). The ECC and EAC can be integrated into the attitude base. Despite the evidence that structural consistency is associated with attitude-behavior relationship, there are some limitations in previous studies: (1) attitude base and ACC have been rarely studied together ;( 2) researchers often used the term behavior in a broad sense to encompass behavioral intentions as well as actual behaviors ;( 3) the effects were all investigated at individual level. The present research tried to explore the effects of ACC and attitude base on attitude-behavioral intention-actual behavior relationships at individual and group levels in different behavior areas including shopping, supportive behavior towards officials, and offensive behavior towards governors and central and local governments. The roles of affective and cognitive components of attitudes on general attitudes and following behaviors were also examined in this research. The results indicated that: A. At individual and group levels, the effect of structural consistency on attitudeintention relation is as the same as its effect on attitude-behavior relation, but it varies in different areas. On the other hand, the effect of structural consistency on explicit attitude-behavior relation is different from its effect on implicit attitude-behavior relation. B. The cognitive components of the individuals and groups’ implicit attitudes towards officials, the implicit and explicit attitudes towards governors, and the public’s attitudes towards central and local governments exert the stronger influence on general attitudes. Similarly, the cognitive components also exert the stronger influence on groups’ supportive behaviors towards officials and offensive behaviors towards governors and governments. C. Both group attitude and emotion can influence the group offensive behavior towards governors. The group attitude exerts its influence through the mediating effects of behavior intention and group emotion. The group emotion which is the core factor can exert the direct influence on group offensive behavior towards governors. D. At individual and group levels, the implicit and explicit measures should be used together to collect the attitude data, because the implicit and explicit attitudes can both predict behaviors under most conditions. It is the best implicit attitude measure to use the experts’ evaluations of listed words. And the emotion should be measured by the experts’ evaluations of listed words if the emotion data is used to predict the following behavior.


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With the emergence and development of positive psychology, happiness has been the focus of academia and business. However, there is no uniform measure of happiness, because of many different theories of happiness, which are not compatible with others. It bounds the further development of happiness theory. It is also the same with the research of work well-being, which refers to the emotional experience and quality of psychological functioning of employee in the workplace. Subjective well-being (SWB) and psychological well-being (PWB) are two major theories of happiness. Prior research has demonstrated the integration of these two theories theoretically, but still needs more empirical support. Besides, in line with the development of positive psychology, a body of knowledge about positive leadership is advocated. Transformational leadership is treated as one kind of positive leadership, since it emphasizes the leader’s motivational and elevating effect on followers. But the extent to which the transformational leadership can enhance work well-being, and what the mechanism is, these are the questions need to be explored. Based on the integration of SWB and PWB, this research tried to investigate the structure, measurement and mechanism of work well-being, and combining with the theory of transformational leadership, this study also tried to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and work well-being. The structure and measurement of work well-being, the relationships between work well-being and job characteristics (including job resources and job demands), the relationships among transformational leadership, job resources, work well-being and corresponding outcomes, the relationships among transformational leadership, job demands, work well-being and corresponding outcomes, and the relationships among transformational leadership, group job characteristics, group work well-being and corresponding group outcomes were explored by using content analysis, Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) discussion, and structural questionnaire surveys. More than 7000 subjects were surveyed, and Explore Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirm Factor Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) and other statistics methods were used. The following is the major conclusions. Firstly, work well-being is a two high-order factors structure, which includes affective well-being (AWB) and cognitive well-being (CWB). AWB is similar to SWB, and CWB is similar to PWB. Besides, the construct of AWB includes sub-dimensions of positive emotional experience and negative emotional experience. And the construct of CWB consists of work autonomy, personal growth, work competent, and work significance. Secondly, the relationships between job characteristics and AWB and CWB are different. On one hand job demands are directly related to AWB, and are indirectly related to CWB through the full mediation of AWB, on the other job resources are directly related to CWB, and are indirectly related to AWB through the full mediation of CWB, which means AWB and CWB reciprocally influences each other in the model of job demands-resources. These results were concluded as the process model of work well-being. Thirdly, AWB and CWB are positively related to many workplace outcomes, including job satisfaction, group satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention, job performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and general psychological health and general physiological health. Fourthly, transformational leadership is indirectly related to CWB through the full mediation of job resources, and is related to AWB through the partial mediation of job demands. Meanwhile, transformational leadership is related to many workplace outcomes through the mediation of job characteristics and work well-being. These results implied that transformational leadership is indeed one kind of positive leadership. Fifthly, in the group level, transformational leadership is indirectly related to group CWB through the full mediation of group job resources, and is related to group AWB through the full mediation of group job demands. Group AWB has positive influence on group CWB, but not vice versa. Group job characteristics and group work well-being fully mediate the relationships between transformational leadership and intragroup cooperation and group performance.


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Both perceived organizational support and job stresses have impact on employees’ work outcomes. Great progresses have been made in past researches. However, there are many disputes about the impact of perceived organizational support (POS) on job performance (especially, safety performance), the impact of job stresses on job performance (especially, safety performance) and job attitudes, as well as the interaction of subordinates’ POS and job stresses, and the impact of supervisor on subordinates’ POS et al.. Thus, the aim of the study is to explore the impact of supervisors’ POS, leader-member exchange(LMX) on subordinates’ POS, the direct impact of subordinates’ POS and job stressors from task and rewards on work attitudes(job satisfaction, turnover intention) and safety behaviors(safety compliance and safety participation), and the interaction of subordinates’ POS and job stresses. Analyses are based on the data from interviewing of 20 staff, posts of a Chinese civil aviation Bulletin Board System (BBS) and surveys of 216 subordinates and 42 supervisors from two Chinese civil aviation Air traffic control centers (ATC). The major findings are listed as follows: Firstly, the exchange relationship between supervisors and members has impact on subordinates’ POS by the fully mediating role of subordinates’ perceived supervisor support (PSS). But supervisors’ POS have no impact on subordinates’ POS. Secondly, subordinates’ POS has a direct and positive impact on their job satisfaction and safety behaviors, and a negative impact on turnover intention. Specifically, the higher the employees’ perceived organizational support, the higher job satisfaction and safety behaviors, as well as the lower turnover intention they have. Moreover, POS has stronger relationship with safety participation behaviors than that of safety compliance behaviors. Thirdly, task-related stressor has no significant impact on job satisfaction, turnover intention and safety behaviors. And compensation-related stressor has significant and positive impact on turnover intention and safety behaviors, which means that with the compensation-related stress increases, turnover intention increases, safety behaviors including safety compliance and safety participation also increases. Fourthly, POS and task-related stressor, POS and compensation-related stressor have significant interaction, respectively. Specifically, POS moderates the relationship between task-related stressor and job satisfaction, and between task-related stressor and turnover intention. Moreover, POS also moderates the relationship between compensation-related stressor and safety compliance behaviors.


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In recent years, global online shopping grows rapidly, China's growth rate is far greater than the average level of the world. Online shopping as a new type of shopping patterns gradually drew the researcher's attention. There were so many existing researches on the relationship between consumer characteristic and online shopping attitude and intention, but few togethered the different abstract levels of consumer characteristic in one research. In this study, 3M Model was introduced as theory guide of whole research work, the Chinese consumers who knew about the online shopping was the research object, questionnaire survey was used to collect the data, different abstract levels of consumer characteristic were togethered in a hierarchical model, tried to establish a model to explain the relationship between different abstract levels of consumer characteristic and online shopping attitude and intention. In addition, the study also compared the models posed by data from different consumer groups. The results showed that: First, consumers’ openness, need for arousal, assessment of online shopping experience, perceived risk of online shopping would affect their online shopping attitude and online shopping intention. Second, openness, need for arousal indirectly influenced the online shopping intention through the perceived risk of online shopping. Third, the perceived risk of online shopping indirectly influenced the online shopping intention through online shopping attitude. Fourth, assessment of online shopping experience indirectly influenced the online shopping intention through the perceived risk of online shopping and online shopping attitude. Fifth, only online shopping attitude would directly affect online shopping intention. It also worked as a mediator variable in the final model. Sixth, network age, risk propensity did not significantly affect the online shopping attitude and online shopping intention. Seventh, freight fluctuation can affect student more than in-service on online shopping intention.


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The study explored consumers' evaluation factor system and the zone of tolerance in the service quality, and the impact on consumer behavior in two branches of trade: the shopping center and the architectural material corporation, with the method of questionnaire survey. The main conclusions are as following: 1) The basic factors on service quality of shopping center are five, such as assurance、tangibles、the services of the post-selling、convenience and reliability. 2) There are also five factors on service quality of the architectural material corporation, such as the supplying of the products, the abilities of the salesmen, courtesy, package and the information. 3) The zones of tolerance of the factors in service quality are difference. In some way, they reflect the importance of the factors. 4) the service quality and its factors have positive impacts on the consumer behaviors. 5) In the branch of glass producing in our country, the service quality of a corporation is significant below the ideal level, even if it is a good one which the consumers expressed positive purchase intention on the corporate. The service quality of the coporate on which the consumers expressed uncertain purchase intention, is in nearby of the minimum acceptable level.


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This chapter examines the role of the advanced nurse practitioner (ANP) within the domains of practice identified by the Royal College of Nursing (2002) as the teaching and coaching function. (Note that this is referred to by the NMC as the education function. It approaches the analysis against the backdrop of three policy documents: The Expert Patient: a new approach to chronic disease management for the 21st century(DoH 2001), Choosing Health: making healthy choices easier (DoH 2004), Our health, our care, our say (DoH 2006). It draws into the frame the experiences of ANP students as they work with patients, clients and carers, with the intention of enabling health and managing illness. It uses examples from a range of everyday practice setting to illustrate the inherent challenges of the teaching and coaching function of the ANP, at the same time as recognising its significance if patients, clients and carers are to be enabled to make choices that might optimize their well-being. Before this, however, some statistics are presented to focus thinking on why education is an invaluable component of advanced nursing practice.


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Ioan Fazey, John A. Fazey, Joern Fischer, Kate Sherren, John Warren, Reed F. Noss, Stephen R. Dovers (2007) Adaptive capacity and learning to learn as leverage for social?ecological resilience. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5(7),375-380. RAE2008


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This paper analyzes different experiences of space by which memory of Holocaust could be passed on. The Memorial for the murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin gives visitors the feeling of insecurity and overwhelms them with monumentality. For that reason it is criticized as reflecting the other side of German memory: The Third Reich’s megalomania and dream about power. The Hamburger memorial against fascism designed in 1986 by conceptual artists Jochen and Esther Gerz offers quite an opposite experience of space. A twelve-meter-high pillar has been established for visitors to sign on it. Once the area was covered by signature it was lowered into the ground till it completely disappeared. The intention of the artists was to put memory not into the monument but into people. Pozdrowienia z Alej Jerozolimskich (Greetings from the Jerusalem Avenue, 2002) by Joanna Rajkowska – a fifteen-meter tall artificial palm tree installed in the centre of Warsaw – is an attempt to infuse with Israel's scenery a Warsaw's street whose name and history sends the observer to the history of the Jews in Poland. In another work called Dotleniacz (Oxygenator, 2007) Rajkowska created an artificial lake with oxygen concentrators, gold fish, flowers and banks. Again, the installation was placed in a very meaningful place – Grzybowski Square – which is strongly connected with Jewish life in Poland as well as Polish anti-Semitism. The synagogue in Poznan was transformed during the Nazi occupation into a swimming pool which it has remained until the present day. This fact ( just like the building) seems to be invisible for most citizens. In 2003 Rafał Jakubowicz changed the fact by projecting a Hebrew inscription הייחש-תכירב (swimming pool) on the façade of the former synagogue. In Berek (The Game of Tag, 1999) by Artur Żmijewski a group of naked men and women of various age play tag. The artist filmed them in two rooms: in a symbolically neutral space and in a gas chamber of a former Nazi death camp. The film is an attempt at breaking the spell of this horrifying and paralysing space.


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Wydział Historyczny: Instytut Historii Sztuki


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The identification of an original and idiosyncratic style in the work of the Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar provides the tone of the speech with a semantic function: linguistic variation and specific registers help to transmit the message and intention of the author. As a consequence of this, the possibilities for the translation being carried away in similar linguistic terms to those of the original text will be higher than in texts without linguistic peculiarities or stylistically unmarked. The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the influence exerted by the original author in the reception of his work abroad and, consequently, in its translation. In this sense, we will analyse the informative value of certain linguistic uses as well as the importance of enriching stylistically the subtitles in these connotative texts through the example of Almodóvar’s film "Volver" and its translation into Polish (2006).


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Celem artykułu jest przybliżenie kwestii dotyczących nowego zjawiska w literaturze, choć swymi korzeniami sięgającego czasów bardzo odległych, mianowicie liberatury. Przedstawiam nie tylko podstawowe tezy związane z liberaturą, np. postrzeganie utworu jako integralnej całości, w której następuje stopienie słowa i przestrzeni, ale także swoistą ewolucję form literackich, prowadzącą do narodzin nowego nurtu. Sednem tego procesu jest położenie nacisku na współistnienie formy i treści, obecne już w poezji wizualnej wywodzącej się ze starożytności i średniowiecza, a przybierające na sile w twórczości autorów związanych z XX-wiecznymi ruchami awangardowymi. „Totalne” myślenie o literaturze zyskało najciekawszy wyraz w twórczości autorów liberatów: Zenona Fajfera, Katarzyny Bazarnik i Radosława Nowakowskiego (zarówno praktyków, jak i teoretyków liberatury), których sylwetki oraz dzieła przedstawiam pokrótce w niniejszym artykule.