
Autoria(s): 林琳





Work engagement (WE) has recently become a fashionable term among Human Resource practitioners and Organizational Behavior researchers. However, academic research that has theoretically examined WE at the psychological level is limited, as is research on its place among other job attitude constructs that are used to describe employees at work, and its antecedents and consequences. This dissertation addresses a number of issues with regard to the discriminant validity of WE, the influences of WE and the mediating role of affective commitment, and the interaction effects of different job demands, job resources and personal resources on WE. The major findings are listed as follows: Firstly, the concept of WE is different from JB and job involvement (JI), and is more positively related to quality of employees’ work and life than the other two concepts. Specifically, WE is more related to employees’ creative performance than JB does; compared with JI, WE can better predict task performance, creative performance, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and life satisfaction; although both WE and JB cause work to family conflict, WE improves employees’ life satisfaction, while JB is deleterious to life satisfaction. Secondly, WE influences employees’ work and life directly or through the mediation effect of affective commitment. Specifically, WE reduces employees’ turnover intention and increase their OCBs by the the mediation effect of effective commitment. Furthermore, WE is positively related to task performance, creative performance, and life satisfaction directly. Thirdly, challenge job demands influence WE by the mediation effect of intrinsic motivation, and the impact of challenge job demands on WE is moderated by perceived supervisor support and growth needs. Specifically speaking, challenge job demands enhance employees’ intrinsic motivation, therefore boost WE. Employees with higher growth needs are more likely to be motivated by challenge job demands. In other words, the moderation effect of growth need is mediated by intrinsic motivation. In addition, those who perceive more supervisor support have higher level of WE when challenge job demands are high.

工作投入倡导的是一种高效快乐的工作理念。自该概念出现以来,它迅速成为学术研究和实践工作的新热点。尽管学术界在该领域的研究已取得一定进展,但关于工作投入是不是一个有意义的新概念、它如何影响员工的工作和生活、它的形成机制是什么等问题还存在很多争议。因此,本研究针对以上三个问题,借鉴工作压力、动机和情绪等领域的理论,通过三个研究,采用问卷调查法收集多来源数据,探讨组织情境中员工工作投入的概念体系、影响因素及其作用机制。得到研究结论如下: 第一,在概念辨析方面,工作投入是一个不同于工作倦怠和工作卷入的独立变量,它对员工的工作生活质量有较强的正向预测作用。具体而言,与倦怠相比,工作投入对员工的创新绩效有更强的预测作用;与卷入相比,工作投入对员工的任务绩效、创新绩效、组织公民行为和生活满意度有更强的预测作用。另外,尽管工作投入与倦怠都会造成员工的工作→家庭冲突,但工作投入却能提高员工的生活满意度,而工作倦怠则会降低员工的生活满意度。 第二,在作用机制方面,工作投入是直接或通过情感承诺的中介作用影响员工的工作和生活。具体而言,工作投入通过情感承诺的中介作用降低员工的离职意向,促进员工的组织公民行为;工作投入还对员工的任务绩效、创新绩效以及生活满意度有直接的正向影响。 第三,在影响因素方面,挑战性工作要求透过内在工作动机影响工作投入,主管支持感和成长需求调节挑战性工作要求的促进作用。具体而言,挑战性工作要求通过激发员工的内在工作动机,藉此促进员工投入工作。成长需求高的员工,其内在工作动机更容易被挑战性工作要求所激发,即成长需求的调节作用为内在工作动机所中介。此外,感觉到更多主管支持的员工更容易在挑战性工作要求下投入工作。 以上研究发现说明,工作投入是员工工作生活质量的有效预测变量,它受到工作要求、工作资源和个体资源交互作用的影响。该研究不仅扩展了工作投入的理论基础——工作要求-资源模型;而且还启发我们,未来进行员工压力管理、绩效管理时应充分考虑员工工作投入的影响。








Palavras-Chave #工作投入 #挑战性工作要求 #有中介的调节变量
